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Mori discusses his home coming and finding a career. He details about his family. Mori gives a message to future generations and gives his closing remarks.

Mori discusses leaving camp to find work and his draft experience. His details about adapting to situations and other experiences while in Europe. Mori also discusses the awards he received and the end of the war.

Mori discusses his experiences living in California. He details about his life after Pearl Harbor. Mori also discusses his experiences in Italy.

Kosobayashi discusses his experiences in Tokyo and the role that the Military Intelligence Service played. He details about his experiences about working with the 8th Army JAG and the trials he assisted on. Kosobayashi discusses about his life…

Kosobayashi discusses about his family, schooling, and briefly moving to Japan as a child. Kosobayashi details about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and his experiences at Tule Lake Concentration Camp. He also discusses about his induction into the…

At 61st Btn [Batalion] hospital. Tom Kawabara and James Kawamoto, playing with a dog on the side of the road. On the reverse of image: "Leghorn, Italy. June '46. At 61st Btn. Hospital. Tom Kawabara and James Kawamoto."


T. Yoshihashi discusses his recollections event immediately before, and after, the attack on Pearl Harbor. He talks about the reactions of his parents and friends. He describes travels to, and experiences at, an assembly center and internment camp.…

T. Yoshihashi talks about his final military experiences and his discharge. He discusses his affairs when he returned to the United States. He also talks about his wife and children.

T. Yoshihashi discusses his military assignments in Italy. He describes several incidents enduring enemy fire and talks about guarding German POWs. In addition, he shares recollections of when he heard of VE Day and receiving advice from seasoned…

T. Yoshihashi discusses his participation and recollections of the European Theater in France. He talks about the battles he was in, and military assignments in between battles. He also shares anecdotes regarding: amenities at his command post; his…

T. Yoshihashi discusses his thoughts and experiences regarding the loyalty questionnaire. He also talks about getting drafted in the military. He shares anecdotes regarding: his father's death; "no-no boys"; and how brother's military service was…

T. Yoshihashi discusses the political climate before the outbreak of WW2. He also shares his recollections of the Pearl Harbor attack, and the aftermath events that affected him and his family. He shares anecdotes regarding: President Roosevelt's…

T. Yoshihashi talks about his youth growing up in Pasadena, CA. He talks about his childhood home life with his parents and siblings. He shares anecdotes regarding: growing up in the Great Depression, school days, and racial segregation in Pasadena…

T. Ono talks about his combat experiences: awards he received, and injuries he suffered. He also talks about his wife and children; and his personal values. In addition, he shares his thoughts about his military service and the legacy he, and his…

T. Ono discusses intricacies of the confidential assignment he, and other Nisei soldiers, participated in: the Camp Island project. He also discusses his journey overseas and early combat experiences. In addition, he talks about his older brother's…

T. Ono talks about the locals he, and other Nisei soldiers, befriended while stationed at Camp McCoy. He also discusses a confidential military project, Camp Island Project, that he and other Nisei soldiers participated in. In addition he shares…

T. Ono discusses reflections on the Pearl Harbor attack and how it affected morale of the Japanese community in Hawaii. He shares his thoughts on: patriotism; military duty; and camaraderie. He also talks about the U.S. motivation on forming the…

T. Ono discusses his schooling in Hawaii from elementary school through college. He talks about his first professional job, and getting drafted in peace time. He shares anecdotes regarding; school memories; the Pearl Harbor attack; and race relations…

T. Ono discusses growing up in Hawaii. He talks about his family, childhood, and describes his neighborhood. He also talks about his school experiences from elementary school into high school.

Toke Yonekawa holds no bitterness about his incarceration because he found his wife and made a life following the consequences of the incarceration. He describes the successes of his children and grandchildren. He also felt privileged to serve in the…

Toke Yonekawa works in the Dai-Ishi Building during the Allied Occupation of Japan with General Douglas MacArthur as a translator and interpreter. After his military service, he returns to his family in Minnesota and works as a chef.

Toke Yonekawa enjoys his marriage before going into the army having volunteered for the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He enjoys basic training, but the schooling is very difficult especially learning Japanese. Towards the end of the war he is…

After the announcement of Executive Order 9066, Toke Yonekawa is removed to the Tulare detention facility where he works in the hospital and camouflage factory. Following his move to the Gila River incarceration camp, he is allowed to seek employment…

Toke Yonekawa describes his work in a vegetable packing house after high school. During this time, the attack on Pearl Harbor occurs and he sees forced removal and arrests of Japanese Americans and experiences visits from the FBI.

Toke Yonekawa speaks about visiting his Japanese family while serving in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) during the occupation of Japan after World War II. He also talks about how his family and other Japanese citizens dealt with their lives…

Toke Yonekawa describes his childhood growing up with his mother, stepfather, and siblings in a multiracial neighborhood in Guadalupe, California. He talks about what it was like growing up in the Depression and how everyone he knew were in a similar…

Toke Yonekawa describes his experiences during the American occupation of Japan after the end of World War II. He works as a translator and interpreter in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) with General Douglas MacArthur in the Dai-Ichi…


Photo of a man, Togo-san

Color photo of George Fujimori in his military uniform

Portrait of George Fujimori

Henry Ikemoto sitting and reading a book

Photograph of three World War Two soldiers standing in front of a a Libreria Michelangelo storefront.

Three soldiers crouched while one writes on a piece of paper

Photo of three soldiers with their guns

Photo of three soldiers in uniform posing together

Photo of three soldiers standing among snow and trees

Photo of three soldiers leaning on a wall, the one on the left is labelled but the text is unreadable, the one in the middle is labelled as Takuta

Captioned "Smiling through. Taken at White Point." Three Nisei girls dressed in dresses and overcoats sitting on a rock.

Photo of three men, two in military uniforms, sitting on the railing at a beach

Photo of three kids standing in a line on the stairs

Thomas Ukichi Wozumi talks about his family's legacy of daughters and grandchildren. He also has great-grandchildren and a great-great-grandchild.

Thomas and his wife Frances recently went to Vegas, and sometimes he goes to the 100th Club. Thomas…

Thomas Ukichi Wozumi goes on leave to New York before going overseas. He shows an original menu he got from Miyako Restaurant in New York. Thomas departs on a cargo ship and lands in Iran and travels to Naples, France.

He recalls his first…

Thomas Ukichi Wozumi discusses basic training and going to the Mainland to McCoy and Camp Shelby. Thomas changes from the regular Army to the 100th Battalion. There are differences between the Mainland soldiers and the Hawaiian soldiers. However,…

Thomas Ukichi Wozumi is born July 24, 1918, in Honolulu, Hawaii. His father Utaro Wozumi, and mother, Otsuru Yamamoto Wozumi are Issei from Japan. He has two older siblings, Mildred and James.

Thomas and his family live at Castle Estate…

Tsubota discusses his best and worst experiences during the war. He also discusses his children and grandchildren. Tsubota gives some words of wisdom for future generations.

Tsubota discusses more about his time spent in Burma and being with the Merrill's Marauders. He also details about his life after the war. Tsubota discusses receiving the Bronze Star.

Tsubota discusses what his initial experiences were in India, including interacting with the people and jungle training. He also details about his time in Burma and being with the Merrill's Marauders. Tsubota discusses about being injured and…

Tsubota discusses his family and how he obtained his nickname. He also details his educational experiences in both The United States and Japan. Tsubota discusses what it was like being drafted in the Army and his early military experiences.

Tanaka talks about his career as a fireman and his subsequent retirement. He also talks about his wife, children grandchildren, and siblings. He also explains the complicated nature of his U.S. Identity after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Tanaka explains the way that the Service Company is organized. He discusses his role in aiding the Lost Battalion. Tanaka also goes on to explain his post-war journeys to Los Angeles and New York City. He also talks about relationships with family…

Tanaka reminiscences about the journey to the mainland. He also discusses his role within the Service Company. Tanaka reflects on his visits to two American Concentration Camps and his encounters with discrimination while in the army. He reveals his…

Tanaka reveals what life was like while growing up in Honolulu. Tanaka also talks about his family and his experiences in school. He goes on to discuss the discrimination Japanese people faced after the Attack on Pearl Harbor. Tanaka explains his…

After being discharged from the 1399 Engineer Construction Battalion, Thomas Takemoto was hired as an auditor for the Internal Revenue Service. He talks about his wife, children, and grandchildren. He believes that future generations should have…

Thomas Takemoto was part of the 1399 Engineer Construction Battalion. During World War II, the 1399 Engineer Construction Battalion's job was to construct facilities that were needed by the military -- i.e. water tanks, jungle training facilities.…

At the University of Hawaii, Thomas Takemoto learned to speak proper English, instead of Pidgin English. During his time in college, he became acquainted with Hung Wai Ching, who was responsible for the creation of the Varsity Victory Volunteers. On…

Thomas Takemoto describes the Big Five law firms' political control over Hawaii's economy. Before the war, it was difficult for the people of Hawaii to find jobs, especially if they were blackballed by the Big Five. His friend convinced him to attend…

In this video clip, Thomas Takemoto talks about his experience in Japanese language school -- he was placed in the highest class. After graduating from high school, he was very active in social clubs at the YMCA, and even helped create the Senior Y…

Thomas Takemoto was born in Waimea, Kauai, but moved to Honolulu, Hawaii at the age of 6. His parents were Japanese immigrants from Hiroshima, Japan, and became rice farmers on Kauai. When they moved to Honolulu, Thomas and his siblings helped their…

Takano discusses his college degrees and the G.I. Bill; discusses his dogs; talks about Nisei veterans; and discusses the death of a friend.

Takano discusses meeting his wife; talks about his overseas assignment in Korea; discusses the Korean Army; and talks about his assignments in New Mexico and Vietnam. He then talks about being a teacher at Fort Lee; returning to Hawaii; and discusses…

Takano discusses Germany's highway system; talks about traveling in Germany; and discusses the encounters he had with prisoners near Dacahu concentration camp. He then talks about the end of the war including his guard duty assignment while waiting…

Takano discusses Italian civilians; talks about getting a pass to visit Rome; discusses his experiences in Florence; and talks about the worst combat experiences. He then talks about combat experiences in France; discusses a soldier who stepped on a…

Takano discusses his experiences at Camp Shelby including basic training and his field artillery assignments such as driving a truck and laying down lines as part of a communications section. He then describes weapons he used in training; going to…

Takano talks about his parents reactions to the attack on Pearl Harbor; discusses his knowledge of pre-war tensions between the United States and Japan; and talks about his dual citizenship. He then talks about the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor…

Takano discusses his father's personality and physical traits; talks about his father's knowledge of the English language; and discusses values he learned form his parents. He then talks about fishing with his father; his favorite memories of his…

Takano discusses his birthday and birth certificate; talks about getting a driver's license; and discusses growing up on the Big Island of Hawaii. He then talks about his father including his employment at a service station and as a baker; and…

Thomas Sakamoto shares more personal photographs from his World War II military experience. The first two are from his time spent in Japan at the Lutheran Missionary School in Kyushu. He shares a photo album from the Military Intelligence Service…

Thomas Sakamoto talks about his experience witnessing the official surrender of Japan aboard the USS Missouri. He also talks about the time when he escorted the American press to the Hiroshima atomic bomb site. He believes that it is important to…

Thomas Sakamoto talks about his experience as a Military Intelligence Service linguist. His responsibilities were to translate captured Japanese documents and interrogated Japanese prisoners of war. He explains the conditions of jungle warfare in the…

In this video clip, Thomas Sakamoto talks about saying good-bye to his family before being shipped out for military service. He was shipped to Camp Savage in Minnesota to teach at the Military Intelligence Service Language School. He later decided to…

Thomas Sakamoto talks about the wartime atmosphere in Japan prior to the outbreak of World War II. He returned to the United States in the 1930's, where worked on a farm and started a Kendo school. He was drafted into the army in February 1941 and…
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