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Gustafson discusses Anzio Beach, first combat and casualties. He also recalls the Gothic Line, Bruyeres, and the Lost Battalion. Gustafson also discusses about getting injured and trench feet.

Gustafson discusses military school and graduating from Reserve Officer Training Corps and going to Camp Shelby to be with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He details about discrimination in the military by sharing Lieutenant Yanamura's experiences…

Gustafson discusses growing in Illinois in a farming community. His father is well known surgeon. Gustafson shares who are his favorite teachers in school and playing golf. He continues his education after high school by joining the Reserve Officer…

Endo shows and describes photographs in a scrapbook during his time in Europe as a medic. Photographs depict fellow soldiers, a first aid station, medical supply truck, the 232nd Combat Engineer Company, experiences during the Gothic Line, and other…

Endo discusses his experiences while applying to work at UCLA; talks about visiting California prior to moving back there and seeing his mentors again; and talks about working at UCLA and getting transferred to work at University of California,…

Endo discusses his experiences at University of Florence learning about Italian culture; talks about returning to the United States; and discusses marching in a parade in Washington D.C. He then talks about getting discharged and going back to…

Endo discusses his thoughts about serving in the Army and with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team; and talks about being stationed with the 92nd Infantry Division. He then discusses a fellow medic; talks about his relationship with fellow soldiers; and…

Endo discusses his truck driving assignment in basic training; shows and describes photographs of his family; and discusses his experiences at Camp Blanding during basic training. He then talks about reporting to Camp Shelby and his duties there as…

Endo discusses working for a family in Philadelphia; talks about a scholarship he received to attend a Quaker high school; discusses the childhood car accident he was in; and talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor and aftermath which included…

Endo discusses the reasons why he changed his last name to his mother's maiden name; and talks about his parents and grandparents including disucssing his grandparents immigration and his parents employment. He then talks about a fatal car accident…

Oda talks about his career work after graduating from University of Hawaii with Pan-American Airlines. Next, he talks about the recreational activities he did as a child, including fishing and going to the movies. After getting married, he would…

Oda discusses his time in Europe and the experiences he had while there. He discusses the religions he grew up with and being a boy scout for a short time and how that taught him to give respect to elders. Next, he talks about the things that were…

Oda discusses his time in Mississippi, doing his basic training with the 442nd Regiment. There he would marvel at the amount of pine trees and the humidity of the South and would see the color segregation that was evident in the South. He would…

Oda continues his recollection of his time with the 3 Year Swimming Club, in which they would get to travel throughout Hawaii and the United States for tournaments, and would be known as some of the best swimmers. It was thanks to this, that he would…

Oda begins the interview talking about his childhood in Maui, as his father and mother would come from Kumamoto prefecture to work on the sugarcane fields. He would grow up on the plantation, playing with friends and attending regular and Japanese…

Sugihara discusses the projects he works on for the Department of Agriculture. One of his successful project is the improvement of dry eggs. Sugihara meets his wife in college and they get married after she graduates. They have one daughter and their…

Sugihara discusses most memorable moments during the war, Prisoners of War, and the war ending in the European Theater. Before going home to the United States, Sugihara receives an opportunity to attend the University of Florence. He recalls an…

Sugihara discusses his experiences in France. He details about the trip overseas. Sugihara also discusses about his experiences in Italy.

Sugihara discusses his ties with Japan and relatives. . Sugihara discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. He details about basic training at Camp Shelby and the difference between Mainland and Hawaiian soldiers.

Sugihara discusses growing up during the Depression Era. He details about his family and their background. Sugihara also discusses about his education and social activities.

After his time overseas, Tsuda would head back to the United States and get his discharge from the Army. He would attend school with the GI Bill and learn about horticulture. He would become a landscape contractor and would marry and have children.…

Tsuda continues his recollection of his experiences overseas including getting trench foot and dealing with cold weather. He next talks about the various campaigns he was involved with including Bruyeres and the experience of liberating that area.…

Tsuda talks about facing discrimination after the war and not being served at a gas station. He would go on to volunteer with the Army, get inducted at Fort Douglas and began basic training at Camp Shelby. There, he would join up with E company and…

Tsuda discusses playing football in high school and being named the team captain. Next, he talks about where he was when he first heard on the radio that the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor. Due to the executive order 9066, he and his family would…

Masuo Tsuda talks about his family coming from the Ehime prefecture in Japan, and settling in the Watsonville area of California, starting a farm. Masuo would grow up on that farm, learning how to farm while attending both english and Japanese…

Yoshimura discusses starting a gardening and landscaping business with his brother-in-law, being a part of the Norwalk Japanese Community Center, and talks about some of his hobbies. He then talks about values and lessons he learned from his Issei…

Yoshimura discusses his assignments protecting tunnels during the Lost Battalion rescue and while in Sospel, as well as his experiences during the Champagne Campaign. He also talks about communicating with his family during the war, earning a Bronze…

Yoshimura talks about getting drafted, and getting sent to Camp Shelby for basic training. Yoshimura discusses his duties at Camp Shelby laying and clearing mines as part of an anti-tank company, his interaction with Hawaiian soldiers; and the types…

Yoshimura discusses growing up in Wyoming on a farm, and going to school. He details about his family moving to Japan where he lived until he was fifteen. He then discusses moving to California by himself where he lived in a boarding house, and…

Ikemoto discusses the military service of a Japanese colonel; talks about his interrogations and discussions with Japanese officers; and tells a story regarding a Japanese officer who visited the United States. He then talks about his interactions…

Ikemoto discusses his whereabouts during the end of the war; talks about volunteering to go to Japan post V-J Day; and discusses his experiences at Military Intelligence Language School (MISLS). He then talks about traveling to Japan via a troop…

Kashiki discusses his friendships with Hawaiian soldiers, and the relationship between Mainland and Hawaiian soldiers. He also talks about visiting friends in Hawaii; returning to the United States and seeing family again; and seeing his daughter for…

Kashiki discusses a friendship, provides an explanation of a proximity fuze and other explosive devices, discusses traveling with the unit at night; and talks about German weapons and equipment. Kashiki also talks about combat experiences and terrain…

Kashiki discusses his reasons for volunteering, talks about the leadership in his unit including discussing Colonel Pence and Lieutenant Earp; and discusses the formation of the Cannon Company. He also talks about his duties and training in the…

Kashiki discusses high school, what his hometown community was like, provides his thoughts on prejudice; and discusses advice for his grandchildren regarding work and education. He then talks about his children, his experience when trying to…

Kashiki discusses growing up in Southern California, his family's farming business, going to school, his parents, and father's various jobs. He then talks about childhood activities such as fishing with his father, walking to school; and playing…

Ichikawa discusses his life once returning home and how he ended up on a television show. He details about his interactions with veteran organizations and also gives a message to Nisei veterans. Ichikawa also discusses acts of heroism, losing…

Ichikawa discusses a few comical stories, photography, and his worst war experience. He details about heading to France, back to Italy, and his experiences in Italy before and after the war. Ichikawa also discusses mail, awards, and returning home.

Ichikawa discusses more about his experiences at Camp Shelby and what it entailed to carry a Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR). He details about his combat experiences in Europe and being wounded. Ichikawa also discusses losing comrades and…

Ichikawa discusses his experiences at Santa Anita Temporary Dentition Center. He details about experiences at Granada Concentration Camp. Ichikawa also discusses why he volunteered for the service and his experiences at Camp Shelby for basic…

Ichikawa discusses his childhood, family, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. He details values, religion, and his neighborhood. Ichikawa also discusses his reaction to forced removal and experiences at Santa Anita Temporary Assembly Center.

Iguchi discusses about life after the war. He details about his community involvement. Iguchi also gives a message to future generations.

Iguchi discusses about his experiences as a medic and being wounded. He details about the events after The Gothic Line. Iguchi also discusses about his best and worst experiences in the war and reflects on his military service.

Iguchi discusses about the journey overseas, training to be a medic, and arriving in France. He details about his experiences during the Champagne Campaign and life as a medic. Iguchi also discusses about The Gothic Line.

Iguchi discusses about his father sending Honeydew Mel ons and life after after high school graduation. He details about being drafted and receiving training to be a medic. Iguchi also discusses about Pearl Harbor, Its aftermath, and joining the…

Iguchi discusses about his family and growing San Fernando Valley. He details how he identified himself and home life. Iguchi also discusses about school activities and religion.

W. Kohashi discusses his life post-war in Hawaii. He talks about his employment history and family. He also talks about a 1946 tidal wave that demolished the Shinmachi neighborhood.

W. Kohashi talks about his last days in the European Theater and his return to Hawaii after the end of the war. He also discusses his brothers' military services. He shares anecdotes regarding: fellow soldiers he knew; travels in Europe; and spending…

W. Kohashi discusses his combat experiences in the European Theater. He talks injuries he, and fellow soldiers, sustained. He shares anecdotes regarding: battles; a trip to Paris; and recollections of slain friends.

W. Kohashi discusses his recollections of the Pearl Harbor attack aftermath and volunteering in the military. He talks about experiences and basic training at Camp Shelby; and shipping out overseas. He also discusses his early combat experience and…

W. Kohashi discusses his youth in the Shinmachi neighborhood of Hilo. He talks about his family, early education, and his father's fishcake business. He also talks about Martial Law in Hawaii after the start of World War Two.

Nishioka describes close calls during wartime and his worst memories of the war. He also talks about his hip injury. He talks about how his family expanded and sharing wartime experiences. He gives a message to his family. He talks about the future…

Nishioka describes the European countryside and Bruyères. He talks about the Champagne Campaign and European locals. He discusses the end of World War Two and his subsequent tour of Florence, Italy. He explains how he got back to Hawaii. Nishioka…

Nishioka describes one of his captains and Camp Shelby. He discusses discrimination against African Americans. in the south He talks about the American Concentration Camps for Japanese Americans. Nishioka explains his relationship with Mainland…

Nishioka talks about Japanese language school and primary school. He also discusses his experiences in high school. He briefly describes a carpentry apprenticeship he had as a youth. He explains the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. Nishioka…

Nishioka talks about his early life in Hilo. He describes the sugarcane work camps in the Hilo area. He discusses the items his family made and purchased from the store. He talks about the sports that he was involved in during childhood. Nishioka…

Ushijima explains how he got into politics. He talks about being a senator for Hawaii. He explains his popularity as a senator. He discusses governor John Anthony Burns. He shares his biggest achievements as a senator. He describes his leadership…

Ushijima describes an encounter with friendly fire. He talks about the Gothic Line. He shares his knowledge of other languages. He discusses the end of World War Two. He talks about being recruited for the Pacific Theater. He describes his stay in…

Ushijima explains how he made money overseas. He describes how his unit captured a payroll truck. He discusses his first encounter with the enemy. He explains how a lieutenant's driver was killed. He also explains his role as a sergeant. He talks…

Ushijima talks about a social dance that he attended while on base. He discusses his basic training. He describes a visits he made to Rohwer Concentration Camp. He talks about a USO performer named Yuri Kochiyama. He discusses Hattiesburg,…

Ushijima continues to discusses his work on a plantation. He also continues to talk about working for American Factors. He describes volunteering for the military. He talks about patriotism. He discusses the influence of military chaplains. He…

Ushijima talks about his education and his mentors. He describes racial tensions in Hawaii. He discusses the values that he got from his parents. He talks about his experiences in Japanese language school. He discusses his involvement in kendo. He…

Ushijima and the interviewers introduce themselves. Ushijima describes his early life in Hilo, Hawaii. He talks about his mother's cooking. He discusses his father's war service record and how he immigrated to America. He shares his mother's…

Fukuzawa discusses about Ms. Moss who had an impact on his life. He reads a letter out loud. Fukuzawa also shows and describes some photographs.

Saiki answers some final questions about where his family went after the war had completed and some of the war experiences that he had overseas. After this, he gives a message for future generations and some final notes. Finally, he narrates various…

Saiki discusses the senninbari belt that his mother made for him as he was being inducted into the Army. He also talks about his time before the war, including Camp Shelby and meeting Earl Finch. Next, he talks about the values that he learned as a…

Saiki continues his conversation about being in Camp Shelby and they would be given the chance to take a furlough to the American concentration camps where he had cousins living. After that, he would be shipped out to Europe, joining up with the…

Saiki discusses more about his childhood years, including festivals where the local children would be able to try sumo wrestling and win prizes. He would attend Kauai High School and talks about his whereabouts during the Pearl Harbor attacks. His…

Saiki begins the interview with an introduction and talking about how his family came from Yamaguchi prefecture to Kauai, Hawaii. After this, he speaks about growing up on a rice farm in Hawaii and all the intricacies of how to plant the seedlings…

Fukuzawa discusses about his experiences with the Memorial Foundation. He details about the term Go For Broke and lessons learned from service. Fukuzawa ends the interview by giving some closing remarks and discussing a few photographs.

Fukuzawa discusses about his fondest memory and the people he looked up to. He details about the Gothic Line, the end of the war, and his homecoming. Fukuzawa also discusses about his post-war life, going to college and becoming a teacher.

Fukuzawa discusses about his experiences in Italy both during and post-war. He details about his experiences in France, including the Champagne Campaign and his interactions with French citizens. Fukuzawa also discusses about the casualties of war.

Fukuzawa discusses about a friend and his experiences at Camp Blanding. He details about his family affection and his voyage overseas. Fukuzawa discusses about traveling to and experiences in France.

Fukuzawa discusses about life outside of camp including working and college. He details more about forced removal and being drafted. Fukuzawa also discusses about his send off, induction, and experiences at Camp Blanding.

Fukuzawa discusses about his childhood and parents. He details about Pearl Harbor and it aftermath. Fukuzawa also discusses about his families personal experiences with forced removal.

Yamate describes some methods for catching squid; shows and describes documents such as an Army morning report, news articles, and newspaper cartoon; and shows a portrait of himself in uniform.

Yamate discusses his overseas assignment writing reports; talks about his experiences at Bruyeres; and discusses soldiers who were killed in action. He then describes a few close calls he had in Italy; talks about civilians he met in Nice; and…

Yamate talks about some of his fellow officers; discusses his assignment typing up articles; and talks about his experiences at basic training at Camp Shelby. He then talks about his experiences getting a pass to travel to New Orleans and…

Yamate discusses joining ROTC while at the University of Hawaii; talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor; and discusses the formation of the Varsity Victory Volunteers (VVV). He then talks about his work as a carpenter and chauffeur for the Department…

Yamate discusses his father including talking about his employment as a carpenter on a plantation on Kauai, and as the owner of a general store. He then talks about his own business which was a fishing and gardening store he opened post-war; and…

Miyashiro explains his reaction to a soldier who died because of friendly fire. He talks about the end of World War Two. He describes what happened when he tried to get military passes for his squad. He discusses a high ranking officer. He describes…

Miyashiro talks about the food that he found in a German soldiers foxhole. He describes how his unit liberated Bruyères, France. He discusses no man's land. He explains how he volunteered for the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He talks about the…

Miyashiro explains his family's means of transportation in Hawaii. He talks about his arrival in Europe. He describes what he did with his military pass. He discusses preparing for combat and his first time in combat. He explains how his unit…

Miyashiro talks about his interest in opera. He describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He explains how he volunteered for the military. He discusses the induction process. He recites his serial number. He talks about his interactions…

Miyashiro and the interviewers introduce themselves. Miyashiro explains how he got his name. He describes what it was like to grow up on a homestead in Hawaii. He talks about his experiences in primary school. He discusses his father's personality.…

H. Shibata discusses his combat experiences in the European Theater of World War 2. He relays anecdotes regarding: Ted Tanouye; getting injured; the Gothic Line; and action that resulted in an award for him. He also displays photographs of himself,…

H. Shibata talks his military experiences regarding training and combat. He shares anecdotes regarding: interactions with Hawaiian soldiers; leadership of K Company; and shipping out overseas. He also talks about being a replacement unit for the…

H. Shibata talks about his enlistment in the 442nd RCT and his basic training. He gives details of the organization of K Company. He also shares anecdotes regarding: friends Ted Tanouye and Rudy Tokiwa; some of the Loyalty Questionnaire resistance he…

H. Shibata discusses race relations in California's Coachella Valley circa 1930s-1940s. He talks about his school experiences in public school and Japanese school. He also talks about how the outbreak of World War 2 affected his family.

H. Shibata talks about his siblings and paternal uncle. He also discusses his schooling and living conditions in Coachella Valley. In addition he talks about childhood summers spent in Terminal Island circa 1930s.

H. Shibata talks about his parents, how they arrived in the U.S. and their families in Japan. He further discusses his early years growing up in California's Coachella Valley circa 1930s-1940s. He also talks about a childhood visit to Japan to spend…

Kawagoye discusses his grandsons; talks about his friendships with veterans; and discusses his involvement in community groups and the 100th/442nd Veterans Association. He then talks about the Go for Broke monument; provides some thoughts regarding…

Kawagoye discusses corresponding with his family while overseas; talks about his assignment processing German POWs post-war; and discusses the Army point system. Next, Kawagoye talks about traveling back to the United States and his stopover in…

Kawagoye discusses getting wounded in France; talks about being awarded a Purple Heart; and discusses his combat experiences in Bruyeres. He then talks about the rescue of the Lost Battalion; discusses the different types of mines German soldiers…
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