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Imoto talks about his early years growing up in Lindsay (CA) on a farm owned by his family; and shared with his uncle and his family. He discusses the community they lived in and his primary and secondary education. He also provides background…

Imoto discusses his adolescence in his rural hometown of Lindsay (CA). He talks about the local ethnic communities and his experiences in high school. He also discusses how he got drafted in the army and began artillery training.

Imoto talks about his military service. He discusses the various military bases he was stationed at during basic training, and his experiences in combat in Europe. He also talks about his father's experience in custody with the FBI.

Imoto shares details about his war injuries, how he got wounded and where his wounds are. He talks how he recuperated. He also discusses his life after the war ended.

Taketomo gives an overview of his early life in Hollywood, his family and his school years. He also speaks about his relationship with Japan, his army service, and the discrimination against Japanese Americans. Later on, he describes the city of…

Taketomo reveals how the California Alien Land Law of 1913 affected the family business. He talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He explains how his family ended up in the Manzanar Concentration Camp. Taketomo discusses his…

Taketomo discusses landing in Italy. He explains why it was difficult to disembark ships while in Europe. He talks about his journeys through Europe. Taketomo describes meeting up with the 100th Regimental Combat Team. He talks about his first combat…

Shuji Taketomo continues to explain communication during wartime. He goes into further detail about the Lost Battalion. He discusses his last campaigns and going on leave. Taketomo talks about the replacement of troops. He describes segregated…

Taketomo talks about mementos and an assault on the Italian coast. He describes the Italian city of Carrara and the horrors of war. Taketomo explains how he got injured. He also discusses his time in recovery. He talks about the difficulties he and…

Taketomo talks about his wartime experiences. He reflects on how his children opinions differ from those of his generation. He gives his final thoughts and he describes photographs that are captured on video.

Nakabayashi discusses growing up in Riverside, his brothers, parents, going to Poston incarceration camp, high school, his stamp collecting hobby, and fishing. He then talks about getting drafted into the Army and his assignment, describes Riverside,…

Nakabayashi discusses his brother, grandfather, fishing, golfing, and what it was like growing up as a Japanese American in Riverside. He then talks about Japanese American community events, attending school in Poston and his job in Poston drafting…

Nakabayashi discusses a good luck charm he received from his parents, a close call in combat, an artist he knew of in Poston, and family friends in Riverside. He also talks about marching for President Truman after the war, post-war experiences such…

Nakabayashi shows and describes documents and images from a scrapbook including newspaper articles, photographs, and drawings. Images featured include Frank Sinatra, President Truman, and a welcome home parade. Lastly, Nakabayashi shows his Army…

Oura discusses about his family, childhood, and growing up in Hawaii. He details about the coffee farm and his schooling. Oura also discusses about Pearl Harbor, Its aftermath, and his experiences in the National Guard. Oura discusses about his…

Oura discusses about his experiences in In Italy and France. He details about his family and post-war life. Oura also discusses about his hobbies and gives his closing remarks.

Deguchi discusses growing Kealakekua, Hawaii and his family. He details values taught, childhood, the Japanese language. Deguchi also discusses about his high school graduation, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath.

Deguchi discusses about volunteering for the Army and his early experiences in the Army. He details about the journey to Mainland and experiences at Camp Shelby. Deguchi also discusses about going to Italy, first combat experiences, and getting…

Deguchi discusses about his experiences in France and Italy. He details about joining becoming an officer and joining the reserves. Deguchi also discusses about his family and his career.

Goro discusses his family and what it was like growing up in Holualoa, Hawaii. He details about the family's hotel volunteering for the Army. Goro also discusses about hos experiences at Camp Shelby and his experiences in Europe.

Goro discusses about the end of the war and coming home. He details how business and the community has changed overtime. Goro also discusses about his family, future plans for The Kono Hotel, and gives a message for future generations. Goro's wife is…

Akira Ishikawa discusses his prefecture origin and his nickname "Jockey". His nickname comes from the love of horses and horse racing. Ishikawa recalls the Pearl Harbor attack, being drafted, and going overseas. He also shares his wartime experience…

Akira Ishikawa discusses wartime experiences such as using mules to carry military equipment in Italy, Mainland soldiers and being injured in battle. When Ishikawa is discharge, he learns of Germany's surrender. Post-war he gets married and has…

Ishikawa discusses being a horse jockey and working on a plantation. He also recalls the best and worst parts of war. Ishikawa receives medals and badges for his service in war.

Hamasaki begins by giving a background of his family, as well as a sense of what it was like growing up in Maui. Next, he talks about the Pearl Harbor attacks and the effects that it had on the community, the ministers and the Japanese language…

Hamasaki discusses his time overseas fighting in the war. To begin, he talks about his combat experience at Hill 140, Bruyeres, and the Vosges Mountains. Next, he talks about the Champagne campaign in France, which would be his final campaign before…

Nishihara discusses about his family and growing on Hawaii. He details about his childhood , joining the Hawaiian National Guard, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. Nishiara also discusses about traveling to the Mainland, his experiences on the…

Nishihara discusses about his experiences during the Lost Battalion and his other war experiences. He details about coming home and his pos-war experiences. Nishihara discusses about various photographs.

Matsumoto discusses his nickname; and talks about growing up on Maui which includes discussing his family, living on a plantation, friendships, discipline, and recreational activities. He then talks about attending school; discusses his siblings;…

Matsumoto discusses his experiences prior to shipping out to Europe; talks about traveling from Hawaii to the mainland, and from Virginia to Oran; and talks about his experiences at Camp Shelby including his assignment with the mortars. He then talks…

Matsumoto talks about meeting his wife, his marriage, and his children. He then talks about his post-war employment working at the post office, a plantation, and with the Boy Scouts. Next, Matsumoto talks about being a part of the Boy Scouts as a…

Tagawa talks about his birthplace. He shares his parents backstories. He talks about his father's business. He describes his mothers family. He explains how his father immigrated to the United States. He describes his Japanese identity. He describes…

Tagawa describes the discrimination he witnessed while living in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. He talks about his basic training. He discusses military food and relaxation time. He describes his military training. He talks about G Company. He discusses…

Tagawa continues to talk about an encounter with a sniper. He also continues to talk about the Bruyeres-Biffontaine and the Hill 140 campaigns. He describes his brothers military service. He discusses his return to the United States and his…

Kurihara discusses growing up in Visalia, California, family, and his high school experiences. He details about Pearl Harbor and the aftermath from it. Kurihara also discusses about his family experiences with forced removal and their experiences…

Kurihara discusses leaving Poston Concentration Camp and about his experiences at Camp Shelby. He details about heading overseas and landing in Naples. Kurihara discusses about his first combat experiences in Italy, becoming a runner for the 442nd…

Kurihara discusses about his experiences during the Lost Battalion and Champagne Campaign. He details about a mine accident, The Gothic Line, and his post-war military service. Kurihara also discusses about his best and worst experiences during the…

Kurihara discusses about traveling to back to California upon returning to the United States and his reunion with his family. He details about how he met his and their children. Kurihara also discusses about the legacy of Nisei veterans and gives a…

Sasaki discusses about his family, home life, schooling, and childhood. He details about college and his experiences with discrimination. Sasaki also discusses about Pearl Harbor, the aftermath, his experiences Puyallup Temporary Detention Center and…

Sasaki discusses about the relationship between Hawaiian and Mainland soldiers, being assigned to the Antitank Company, and going overseas. He details his combat experiences, the realities of war, and his experiences in France. Sasaki also discusses…

Shintani begins the interview giving an in depth description of his family background. As his father passed away when he was only 1, most of his childhood was impacted by his mother and siblings. Moving from Seattle to Chicago, his mother worked at a…

After graduating from high school, Shintani joined the Army, going to basic training at Camp Shelby in Mississippi. It was here that he saw firsthand, the segregation throughout the South. At the same time, he would see fighting between Hawaiian and…

Shintani speaks about the various weapons that the German soldiers used and more of his combat duties, including the Gothic Line push. Next, he talks about his various combat duties in France, including the rescue of the Lost Battalion. Once the war…

Iwasaki begins the interview talking about his family, as his parents came from Shiga prefecture in Japan and settling first in British Columbia, Canada followed by Hillsboro, Oregon. His family would own a 50-acre farm in Oregon, harvesting…

Iwasaki talks about his whereabouts during the attacks on Pearl Harbor. As he had been deferring his induction, he would have no choice this time around, and would be inducted at Fort Lewis in Washington. He would be assigned first to the armored…

Before Iwasaki would be shipped overseas, he would be able to get a furlough to head back home to Oregon, where he would have a very emotional time with his family. After that, he talks about his first experiences while overseas, going first to…

Iwasaki talks about his involvement with the Lost Battalion campaign. There, he would endure cold weather, including snow, and shooting mortars through heavy forested areas. Following this, they would head to the French Riviera, where they would…

Iwasaki talks about his return to Hillsboro, going back to the farm and meeting his future wife. He would get married and have children, continuing on with his career in farming, growing vegetables and flowers and even experimenting with wasabi later…

Tokuda talks about his childhood in California's Imperial Valley. He describes his childhood home life balancing work and school. He also shares anecdotes regarding: his parents lives before his birth; race relations in his farming community; and…

"Tadd" Tokuda discusses events immediately before and after America's participation in World War Two. He talks about being drafted right before the bombing of Pearl Harbor. He shares anecdotes about: his family being evacuated from home; being…

Tokuda discusses his experiences in the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion. He talks about his duties a cook and his combat experiences. He shares anecdotes regarding: Hawaiian/Mainland soldier relations; getting injured; and how his service impacted…

Tokuda talks about his experiences in the European Theater of World War Two and his participation in veteran organizations. He describes Nisei soldier friends of his from his unit; and he describes some of the military tactics he had to carry out. He…

Tokuda discusses his life after World War Two. He talks about his marriage and children. He describes discriminatory events he endured while looking for work. Tokuda also reflects on his war experiences and the legacy of WW2 Nisei veterans.

Fukasawa discusses his Father immigrating to the United States in 1905 and his Mother immigration in 1909. Fukasawa has two sisters and two brothers, The Fukasawa family lives in Fillmore, California on a ranch until a flod washes away their home.…

Peter Fukasawa discusses on the day of Peal Harbor's attack. He learns about the news when he returns back from fishing . After Pearl Harbor, Executive Order 9066 is announced for the evacuation of Japanese Americans. Fukasawa's parents are…

Peter Fukasawa discusses his happiest moment at Camp Shelby. On September 3, 1943 gets married. Fukasawa previously knows his wife due to their parents' friendship.

On the ship going overseas, Fukasawa has KP duty. He recalls the soldiers are…

Fukasawa discusses living off the land and surviving off the rations. In the rations there are meat, eggs, can vegetates, rice and bread. The Caucasian soldiers did not want the rice, therefore he is able to have a good amount of rice to eat. In…

Fukasawa discusses moving to to Oelwein, Iowa because his wife has a teaching job there. He gets a job at John Deere and saves enough money to buy a house. Later he joins the National Guard in 1947 until 1952.

Fukasawa is sent to Korea and says…

Yasukochi begins the interview talking about his family background, and his father coming from Japan and becoming a farmer in California despite alien land laws. They would become known for their chili peppers at the farm. Next, he talks about…

Yasukochi talks about farming life while living in California, driving a truck up and down the coast to pick up fertilizer in San Pedro and back to Oceanside at the age of 11. Next, he talks more about what it was like to grow up in California,…

Yasukochi talks about his time at UC Davis, studying botany as he educated himself for a future in plant breeding. After this, he talks about his shipment to Italy, taking 35 days as the convoy zig zagged across the ocean. Next, he talks about his…

Yasukochi talks about his involvement in the Lost Battalion campaign, saving the 36th Division, that had been stranded. He talks about stuffing shells full of supplies and shooting it over to them so that they had supplies as they awaited their…

Yasukochi continues talking about seeing Dachau Concentration Camp and what it was like to interact with the prisoners of the camp. Next, he briefly talks about his ship ride back to the United States, getting discharged out of Camp Chesterfield.…

Yasukochi talks about the attacks on Pearl Harbor and the effects it had on his family. His father would be taken by the FBI along with his brother and put into prisons for a few days, while his mother and other siblings were taken to Poston…

Suzuki and the interviewers introduce themselves. He explains how he got his nickname. He shares his childhood memories. He describes his Seattle community. He talks about his father's hotel. Suzuki discusses his parent's origins. He describes his…

Suzuki talks about his experiences in primary school and high school. He describes a work stint in Salt Lake City, Utah. He discusses a military leave before going to Camp Shelby. He shares his impressions of Camp Shelby. He explains his relationship…

He shares a disclaimer about how he remembers events. He talks about nerves before going into combat. He describes his first time under enemy fire. He discusses German weaponry and his first encounter with a German soldier. He talks about his…

Suzuki talks about a rest period. He explains a tragedy at an explosives demonstration. He describes his travels through France. He describes the Vosges Mountains. He explains how his unit captured Bruyères, France. He talks about the Lost Battalion.…

Suzuki describes a visit with Pete's family to explain how Pete died. He talks about his college studies and his employment ventures after college. He explains how he met his wife. He discusses his children and grandchildren. He describes his first…

W. Oshiro discusses his family life in Hawaii before World War Two. He describes his early education, parents, siblings; and moving from a plantation camp to Honolulu. He also talks about attending college, and joining the military before graduation.

W. Oshiro talks about his experiences at Camp Shelby. He describes his voyage to, and impressions of, the Mainland for the first time. He shares stories about the formation of L Company; how he felt when he heard his older brother was KIA; and his…

W. Oshiro talks about his travel to, and arrival at, Italy. He discusses aspects of Hawaiian/Mainland Nisei relations; his religious practices in the military; and early combat experiences. He also talks about enduring casualty loss in his platoon…

W. Oshiro talks about his experiences in France. He discusses battle experiences in Bruyeres and the Lost Battalion rescue. He also shares anecdotes regarding his brother's death performing military service; the dedication of the squad he lead; and…

W. Oshiro talks about life after his military service. He discusses how losing his leg from a land mine impacted his life; his post-military education and career path; and participation in various veteran's organizations. He also talks about how he…

W. Oshiro discusses his post-military life reflecting on his military service; the 442nd legacy; and his family values. He talks about visiting Europe after the war He also talks about his professional career and family.

Higa discusses about his family, childhood, and taking aver his father's business. He details Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and his reason for the army. Higa also discusses going to the Mainland and his initial experiences at Camp Shelby.

Higa discusses more about his experiences at Camp Shelby and the 100th Infantry Division. He details about heading overseas and his experiences in Italy. Higa also discusses about his experiences in France.

Higa discusses the Lost Battalion and getting wounded. He details about his recovery and coming home. Higa also discusses his life after returning to Hawaii.

Higa discusses more bout his work and retirement. He details a reunion in Europe. Higa also gives a message to future generations.

Tsukayama talks about his life from birth to early adulthood. He discusses his youth in Kailua; military enlistment; and training as a medic. He shares recollections of the Pearl Attack, growing up in Hawaii, and carrying out medic duties in combat.

Tsukayama discusses being a medic and his post-war life. He talks about medic training and experiences he had on the battlefield; he also reflects on his feelings about having been a medic. In addition he shares experiences as an interpreter in…

Tsukayama discusses training and experiences as a medic during World War 2. He also talks about his family and participation in veteran organizations. He shares anecdotes regarding: treating soldiers on the battlefield; military food; working in…

Miyake talks about his childhood in Venice, California. He shares his memories of World War One. He explains how he got his nickname. He describes his father, mother, and siblings. He talks about his father's profession. Miyake discusses high school.…

Miyake talks about his wife. He describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He briefly talks about his military service. He discusses the forced removal of Japanese Americans. Miyake explains how he corresponded with his family while he…

Miyake describes his journey to Europe and landing in Naples, Italy. He talks about joining the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He discusses marching through Europe. He talks about military conflicts in Bruyeres, France. Miyake discusses members of…

Miyake continues to talk about the Champagne Campaign. He discusses Bansai Hill and his second battle. He describes his role in a special task force. Miyake talks about the end of World War Two. He describes his siblings experiences during the war.…

Miyake continues to discuss military reunions. He talks about his friends that died during combat. He continues to discuss his wife and their return to California. He describes his life in Denver, Colorado and how he adjusted to civilian life.…

Ocean Miyake describes various documents and photographs shown on camera.

Miyake discusses the meaning behind medals. He details about a few Medal of Honor recipients. Miyake also discusses about a few of his experiences in the military.

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