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Uchima his family, childhood, and upbringing. He details about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and his experiences during the war. Uchima also discusses about volunteering for serv

Uchima discusses about his Counter Intelligence Corps. (CIC) experiences in post-war Japan. He details about his experiences during the Korean War. Uchima also discusses about post military life.

Uchima discusses photographs and tells a few jokes.

Shigeru Iba is born on April 1, 1917, in Los Angeles, CA. His parents are from Wakayama-ken, Japan, and he has two brothers. During Shigeru's childhood, he helps his father in the nursery business. Besides attending primary school, he goes to a…

After graduating from Manual Arts High School, Shigeru Iba helps with his Father's nursery business. In March of 1941, Shigeru is drafted into the Army. Springtime is the busiest time for the nursery business. Therefore, he requests a deferment for…

Shigeru Iba discusses Australia and POWS. In Australia, he is in the hospital for a year. During this time in the hospital, he hears about the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, and the war ends.

Shigeru's family is in Amache, CO, while he is in the Army.…

Post-war, Shigeru Iba he meets his wife, Toshi Beverly Iba. They have been married for 54 years and have three children, Gary, Glenn, and Alan. Glenn has two sons, and Alan has two sons.

In 1946, Shigeru and his brother buys a nursery together…

In 1948, Toshi Beverly Iba returns to the United States. She reunites with her older brother and helps him with his nursery business. Toshi also attends a Los Angeles Costume Design School and later graduates.

In November 1948, Toshi marries…

Sato discusses his parents and his father's reason for immigrating to the United States, as well as his father's employment in Japan. He then talks about his father's jobs in the United States which included truck farming and a flower shop business.…

Sato discusses attending UCLA including the housing situation, studying, his experiences with discrimination, and friendships. He then talks about how he met his wife, discusses the attack on Pearl Harbor and aftermath including his experiences with…

Sato discusses the latrines in incarceration camps; talks about his wife's childhood growing up in Hawaii; and discusses Gila River incarceration camp including the living conditions and his job. He then talks about leaving Gila River to go to school…

Sato discusses traveling overseas and spending time at a replacement depot before meeting up with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and getting assigned to the 100th Infantry Division. He then talks about his experiences during his overseas duty…

Sato discusses his medical practice; talks about his parents' flower shop; discusses his children; and talks about his wife's post-war employment. He then talks about his nickname; visiting Japan and seeing his relatives post-war; and provides a…

Maruyama discusses his early years from youth through his induction in the U.S. military. He talks about his family's migration to America, and how he moved to Japan with his grandparents. He shares anecdotes regarding: living in Japan as a youth;…

Maruyama discusses his work in occupied Japan as an interpreter for the war crime trials. His wife joins the interview and talks about her family background and her experience being a Nisei civilian working for the U.S. military in Japan. The couple…

This segment is a joint interview with K. Maruyama and his wife. They talk about their courtship and their lives after World War 2. Mrs. Maruyama also talks about her family background, and experiences living in Japan circa 1940s. The couple also…



















































Kawanishi begins the interview with an introduction and talking about his family that immigrated from Japan to Los Angeles. He would briefly go back to Japan and then return where he would fish with his father and get involved with various sports…

Kawanishi continues his recollection of his time at Camp Shelby in Mississippi as he began his basic training with the 442nd Regiment. He talks about the Hawaiian soldiers and segregation he saw in the South, as well as a few times he got in trouble…

Kawanishi discusses reactions to coming home from the war and beginning his career as a watch maker. After this he would work in grocery stores, where he would meet his second wife and start a family with. He then talks about his past interactions…



Tochihara begins the interview talking about his family and how they came from Kumamoto prefecture in Japan to Seattle, Washington. He would work as a school boy for a family near his school and would be sent to Japan for a short time to learn…

Tochihara discusses his whereabouts when first hearing of the attacks on Pearl Harbor. As he had dropped out of high school, he was working and he would continue working until the very last second when he would be forced to leave to Puyallup assembly…

Following the American concentration camps in Idaho, Tochihara would volunteer for the Army, wanting to fight for the country he was born and raised in. After a 30 day furlough, he would begin his basic training at Camp Shelby as a replacement for…

Tochihara discusses a couple of soldiers that he knew and talks about the various medals he received for his time overseas, including a Purple Heart. Next, he talks a little bit more about his war experiences, including going AWOL, but not getting…

Same as part 4

Tokushige discusses his parents; talks about a typical day growing up on a farm; discusses his siblings; talks about his home's outdoor bathing area; and talks about his relationship with the owner of the farm. He then continues to talks about his…

Tokushige tells a story regarding turtle soup he had in Minnesota; discusses his job with a printing company including talking about his co-workers; discuses trying to quit smoking; and talks about getting drafted. He then talks about going to…

Tokushige talks about his experiences after landing in Naples; discusses the Lost Battalion rescue; and talks about the meaning of “go for broke”. He then talks about German soldiers; getting wounded and his hospital stay; getting a cameo ring in…

Tokushige discuses the German POW camp at Fort Knox; his experiences while recuperating in Miami; and discusses his wife, children, and grandchildren. He then provides a message to future generations. Lastly, Tokushige shows and describes photographs…

Tadayoshi "Tad" Sugiyama is originally from San Francisco City, few blocks away from Japan Town. Tadayoshi's Issei parents come to the United States in the early 1900s and work at Tadayoshi's grandfather's restaurant in San Francisco, California.…

After Pearl Harbor, Tadayoshi Sugiyama remembers being cautious and hearing rumors about General Dwight Eisenhower and evacuation orders. In April 1942, the Sugiyama family evacuate to the Turlock Assembly Center in Tracy, California.

Each person…

Tadayoshi Sugiyama arrives in Manila, Philippines, and goes to the Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS). He is stationed in Manila for a month. In November, Tadayoshi arrives in Yokohama, Japan.

In Japan, Tadayoshi Sugiyama is part of…

Tadayoshi Sugiyama discusses the two forms of citizenship. One by birth and one by bloodline. Although Japanese Americans are born in the United States, their treatment after Pearl Harbor shows otherwise. Tadayoshi says the FBI has a lot of…

When the government changes the status from 4C to 1A and requests service for the Army, Tadayoshi Sugiyama decides to volunteer for Military Intelligence Service (MIS) at Camp Savage.

Tadayoshi talks about an array of topics from Fred Oshima…

Yoshida discusses his family and childhood. He details his life after high school graduation, Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Yoshida also discusses about his experiences at Santa Anita Temporary Detention Center and Amache Concentration Camp. He…

Yoshida discusses about his experiences at Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp. He details about his experiences at Camp Shelby and relationship with his squad-mates. Yoshida also discusses about his experiences as a cook while serving in Europe.

Yoshida discusses his family and the end of the war. He details about his discharge and post-war life. Lastly Yoshida discusses about the units Medal of Honor upgrades, the legacy of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and leaves a message to future…

Shimoyama discusses his father including talking about helping his father with his gardening business after school. He then talks about his mother and siblings; and recalls spending time on Hollywood Boulevard as a child and being neighbors with John…

Shimoyama talks about basic training at Fort Snelling for Military Intelligence Service (MIS), and his assignments in Seoul, Korea translating Korean newspaper articles. He then talks about the differences between Korean and Japanese language,…

Shimoyama discusses his time in Japan including talking about helping feed Japanese civilians; and visiting relatives and temples. He then talks about going to UCLA and working as a chemist after graduation. Shimoyama also talks about his wife and…

Lillian Matsudaira describes life before the war and remembers how her mother would make Udon. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, a curfew is in effect for Japanese Americans to return home early. Lillian also speaks about differentiating between…

Lillian Aiko Inouye Matsudaira is born June 8, 1925, in Seattle, Washington. Her parents are from Senkaku, Japan, and immigrated to the United States. Lillian's father goes to school to learn English and open a restaurant in 1925. The restaurant…

When Lillian Matsudaira moves to Philadelphia, she works at an insurance company as a clerk. Lillian stays in Philadelphia for nine months before going to Cleveland. In 1945 Seattle reopens, and Lillian goes back home at the end of July.…
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