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Murakami talks about his observations of Japanese nationals during his participation in Occupied Japan. He talks about cultural nuances in Japan and the politics of Niseis interactions with Japanese citizenry. He also discusses his work after his…

Murakami talks about his youth in Japan: living with relatives, attending school. He also discusses his experiences in MISLS training and his assignments as a Nisei soldier in ATIS; working as an interpreter for the Australian military officials.

Murakami discusses his grandchildren and the Japanese American Community. Murakami is on the board of the Japanese American Citizen League for a year and the Japanese American Veteran Association for six years. Currently Murakami is involve with…

Murakami discuesses being discharge and going to the University of Utah. First job as government agency and also helps his family restaurant. Later he goes to Japan and gets employment as a civil service employee. He recalls meeting his wife in Japan…

Murakami discusses basic training and Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS). He goes overseas and describes the environment and climate of Japan after the bombing. During occupation, Murakami's duties deal with translation,…

Murakami discusses going to Tanforan Temporary Detention Facility and the living conditions. He shares his thought on how the camp experience is different from Nisei to Issei. When Murakami goes to Rochester for seminary school, he contributes…

Murakami discusses his Father, Mother and siblings. Growing up Murakami does not have much communication from his Issei parents about their immigration to the United States. He contributes this upbringing to not facing discrimination or racism.…

Tanaka talks about his career as a fireman and his subsequent retirement. He also talks about his wife, children grandchildren, and siblings. He also explains the complicated nature of his U.S. Identity after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Tanaka explains the way that the Service Company is organized. He discusses his role in aiding the Lost Battalion. Tanaka also goes on to explain his post-war journeys to Los Angeles and New York City. He also talks about relationships with family…

Tanaka reminiscences about the journey to the mainland. He also discusses his role within the Service Company. Tanaka reflects on his visits to two American Concentration Camps and his encounters with discrimination while in the army. He reveals his…

Tanaka reveals what life was like while growing up in Honolulu. Tanaka also talks about his family and his experiences in school. He goes on to discuss the discrimination Japanese people faced after the Attack on Pearl Harbor. Tanaka explains his…

Tsuneishi discusses Bronze Star for Valor, good conduct medal and Japanese American organizations. Tsuneishi feels it is important to share the stories of Nisei who serves in the war. He reflects back on Japanese language school and how his career…

Tsuneishi discusses his sister Florence in Japan and his other sister Frances works for the Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS). Tsuneishi recalls the ranking of the Military Intelligence Service and his promotion. The emotional impact…

Tsuneishi discusses the Okinawa Campaign. When landing on the beach, he comes across his first casualty. His duty for this campaign is to translate and he recalls the documents capture. When the war ends, Tsuneishi goes to Korea for occupation and…

Tsuneishi discusses a diary he leaves behind in Hawaii before going overseas. Tsuneishi's first campaign is in the Philippines, he helps translate capture documents that the GI found on the front line. Another duty is translation and interrogating…

Tsuneishi discusses discrimination and civil rights. After high school he goes to University of California Los Angeles and major in Political Science and minor in English. Then he transfers University of Berkley for Asian Studies in 1941 when the…

Tsuneishi discusses his name, birth date, and birthplace. Tsuneishi grows up in Duarte, California and there is only another Japanese family in the area. He is more integrated with Caucasians. During the Great Depression, Tsuneishi's Father is a…

Tateishi finishes the interview talking about how he met his wife and his family. After this, he gives a message for future generations to study hard and to be proud to be American and proud of the 100th Infantry Battalion.

Tateishi discusses more about his war experiences, missing out on Cassino because of trench foot. He also talks about interacting with local Italian civilians, including delivering mail from Rome to Livorno for a family and eating rabbit. He would…

Tateishi continues to talk about his whereabouts during the attacks on Pearl Harbor, including the weather during that day. He also talks about his various experiences in the war, starting with Anzio and moving up through Rome, where they would…

Tateishi talks about his shipment from Hawaii to the mainland, where he would land in San Francisco and head to Wisconsin, and then Camp Shelby for his basic training. Next, he talks about his shipment to Oran in Africa, passing the time with fellow…

Tateishi talks more about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii, including playing marbles and working at a brewery. He also gives more background on his family, such as his six sisters and the family he had that was living in Hiroshima when the…

Tateishi begins the interview talking about how his family came from Hiroshima in Japan and settled in Hawaii. Growing up in Hawaii, he would attend McKinley High School and pick pineapples in his spare time, before joining the National Guard. He…

Masuda describes what is happening in a set of photographs. Masuda discusses his medals.

Masuda discusses more about his time on Tinian. He also discusses about his knowledge and thoughts about the atomic bombings. Masuda details about his life after leaving the army.

Masuda discusses part of his time in Tinian. He discusses he arrival in Japan. He also details what it was like being stationed in post war Japan.

Masuda discusses breaking the news to friends and family about volunteering for the army. He also talks about his furlough experience. Masuda discusses how he became a company clerk a pharmacist for the army.

Masuda discusses what it was like visiting his family in Tule Lake and Topaz. Masuda also details about the relationship he had with his parents. He also gives some insight of what it was like growing up a Japanese American.

Masuda discusses the history of his family. He also relates his military experiences before being sent to the Pacific Theater . Masuda details his experience on the boxing team.

Takekawa discusses his assignment in Okinawa training police officers in the Provost Marshal’s office; and talks about his wife, life in Okinawa, getting discharged, and returning to Hawaii. He then talks about working as a sales manager in…

Takekawa talks about Earl Finch, discusses his participation in the 171st Training Battalion, going to Officer Candidate School (OCS) at Fort Benning; and his assignment at a training regiment in Fort McClellan. Next, Takekawa went to Military…

Takekawa discusses getting kicked out of the Hawaii Territorial Guard and the formation of the Varsity Victory Volunteers. He then talks about incarceration camps in Hawaii, volunteering for the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and traveling to the…

Takekawa discusses memorable teachers from his school days, playing sports, and high school activities including becoming class president. He then talks about going to college and studying to become a physical education teacher and his experiences…

Takekawa talks about his father and his various occupations, and discusses his mother, siblings, and growing up in Hawaii. He also talks about some of the recreational activities and games he played as a child, friendships, and discusses attending…

Kiyabu discusses more about his experiences in Italy and the Rescue of the Lost Battalion. He details about his experiences with trench foot and R&R. Kiyabu also discusses about getting married, his family, and life after the service.

Kiyabu discusses about basic training, being assigned to the 100th Infantry Battalion, and his furlough experiences. He details about going overseas. Kiyabu also discusses about his combat experiences in Italy and France.

Kiyabu describes his early life in growing up in Hana (Maui), Hawaii. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Kiyabu also volunteering for the Army and traveling to the Mainland.

Ikari discusses the bonds of the Nisei veterans and how combat brought those bonds much closer. After this, he shows off some of his artifacts from the war, including an M1 rifle tool, a travel order and his discharge papers.

Before getting discharged from the Army, Ikari was asked to participate in an objective Army program, in which they wanted Nisei soldiers to dress in Japanese uniforms and act as one would in the Japanese Army in order to help train new recruits.…

Ikari talks more about being wounded during combat, getting shot in the legs and nearly losing consciousness before getting saved by the medics. He talks about his mentality when being shot in the line of fire and being taken to the aid station. Once…

Ikari continues talking about his basic training at Camp Shelby, joining E Company and preparing for their shipment overseas. They would ship out from Newport News aboard a liberty ship, gambling, playing cards and listening to music throughout the…

Ikari discusses where his family ended up after Executive Order 9066 was signed, sent to a mixture of Rohwer, Poston and Manzanar Concentration Camps. While visiting on leave, he would see the barbed wire in certain sections of the camp and the…

Ikari continues to talk about his work life before the war, getting his start in chick sexing and discussing the technique to learning whether a baby chick was a male or female at the hatchery. Next, he talks about being at Los Angeles City College…

Norman Ikari begins the interview talking about growing up in Seattle, Washington where he would fish often, and go to a baseball games with his father. Due to the Great Depression, his family would move down to Los Angeles, facing his first bout of…

Muramatsu discusses the Brother's in Valor monument. He details about coming home. Muramatsu also gives some closing remarks and a message to future generations.

Muramatsu discusses about his experiences on the Mainland, at Camp Shelby, and maneuvers. He details about the 100th Club, being assigned to and experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). Muramatsu also discusses about his post-war life.…

Muramatsu discusses his family and childhood. He details about being drafted, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. Muramatsu also discusses about going to the Mainland and experiences at Camp McCoy.

Toke Yonekawa holds no bitterness about his incarceration because he found his wife and made a life following the consequences of the incarceration. He describes the successes of his children and grandchildren. He also felt privileged to serve in the…

Toke Yonekawa works in the Dai-Ishi Building during the Allied Occupation of Japan with General Douglas MacArthur as a translator and interpreter. After his military service, he returns to his family in Minnesota and works as a chef.

Toke Yonekawa enjoys his marriage before going into the army having volunteered for the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He enjoys basic training, but the schooling is very difficult especially learning Japanese. Towards the end of the war he is…

After the announcement of Executive Order 9066, Toke Yonekawa is removed to the Tulare detention facility where he works in the hospital and camouflage factory. Following his move to the Gila River incarceration camp, he is allowed to seek employment…

Toke Yonekawa describes his work in a vegetable packing house after high school. During this time, the attack on Pearl Harbor occurs and he sees forced removal and arrests of Japanese Americans and experiences visits from the FBI.

Toke Yonekawa describes his childhood growing up with his mother, stepfather, and siblings in a multiracial neighborhood in Guadalupe, California. He talks about what it was like growing up in the Depression and how everyone he knew were in a similar…

Tamanaha briefly talks about being discharged. He discusses his wife and children. He describes his relationships with other veterans. He reflects on his military experiences. Tamanaha reveals how he talks to his family about his time in the service.…

Tamanaha talks about how he got updates on the status of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team while awaiting medical discharge. He describes his journey home. He discusses the discrimination he faced in Marysville. CA. Tamanaha talks about when he…

Tamanaha explains his relationships with Mainland soldiers. He talks about American Concentration Camps. He describes his journey to Europe. Tamanaha describes his first combat experiences. He discusses Hill 140/Operation Totalize and his injury.

Tamanaha continues to talk about the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. He discusses why he enlisted and his journey to the Mainland. He describes discrimination at Camp Shelby and Hattiesburg, including racial discrimination against African Americans.…

Tamanaha discusses his family and growing up on a pineapple plantation in Hawaii. He describes the community on the plantation and his school. He talks about the summers that he worked on the planation. Tamanaha discusses his family's property in…

Tanaka discusses his post-war employment. His work is mainly in corporate and property law. In 1982 , he is appointed to Intermediate Member of Court of Appeals. Tanaka recalls the highlight of his career is being appointed a judge,


Tanaka discusses taking a furlough to Sydney before going to the Philippines. Tanaka is diagnosis with tuberculosis. He then is sent back to the mainland to Denver for treatment and then back to Hawaii for discharge.

During Tanaka's time of…

Tanaka discusses learning about the American Concentration Camps on the Mainland. When he is at Camp Shelby, he visits Jerome Concentration Camp. Tanaka is shocked at the living conditions.

Going from Camp Shelby to Camp Savage, Tanaka recalls the…

Harry Tanaka discusses working in a Libby cannery during the summer time and at the University of Hawaii work for a professor. During High school, Tanaka thought he would pursue a career in engineering but he ends up receiving his degree in history…

Tanaka discusses his Nisei Father being born in Hawaii, His father is drafted in 1918 for World War One and when he finishes his basic training, the war has ended. Post-war, his Father works for Sunrise Soda company as a truck driver until his…

Harry Tanaka discusses being born in Honolulu, Hawaii and being the second son of four children. At a young age he learns how to care for himself since his Mother passes away when he is very young. As a child he would spend time at the pier or the…

Kanada talks about receiving the Purple Heart and a unit citation; returning home; marriage; teaching dance; and provides a message to future generations.

Kanada talks about his experiences during the Lost Battalion rescue, getting injured, and staying in a hospital. He then talks about getting reassigned, getting discharged, a friendship that started while he was in the hospital, and his Army uniform…

Kanada talks about traveling to the Mainland, his brothers' military service; and discusses experiences during basic training such as his daily routine, food, friendships, going into town, Earl Finch, and becoming a squad leader. He also discusses…

Kanada talks about his parents immigrating to Hawaii, childhood activities in Honolulu, values growing up, and attending English and Japanese language school. He then talks about recreational activities such as sports, swimming, and ballroom dancing;…

Suehiro discusses reasons for joining the Army and how he felt that it was the right thing to do when called for. He also talks about the legacy of the Nisei soldiers and how much of a brotherhood they became because of the hardships of war. He…

Suehiro discusses more of his war experiences, including receiving a wound on his leg from shrapnel. He would help get his friends that was also wounded, back to safety and would head to the Red Cross to take care of his own wound, taking many…

Suehiro discusses his mindset during the war, which was readied by a letter written from his mother to not bring shame to his father. This got him to rid himself of cowardice and continue to push on during combat. He would experience this bravery…

Suehiro continues talking about his experiences during the attacks on Pearl Harbor and afterwards, including facing discrimination and seeing the Varsity Victory Volunteers at the University of Hawaii. Hearing about the 100th/442nd forming, Suehiro…

Hiromi Suehiro begins the interview talking about his family and how they immigrated to Hawaii. His father, coming from Japan, ended up fighting in World War I for the United States, while his mother was born in Hawaii. While growing up, he would…

Sakamoto continues to talk about his family background, which now includes grandchildren. After this, he speaks about his career work in landscape architecture, with some of his favorite projects being California State University Northridge and…

After arriving in Germany, Sakamoto would begin his time with occupational forces, where he would end up going to clerical school, being a typist in Heidelberg. After this, he talks about meeting his wife, while working as a typist. They would court…

Following the end of the war, Sakamoto would get out of the camp and head back to Los Angeles, where he would get a place with his brother in Bunker Hill and start working at Columbia Records, manning the hydraulic press to make the plastic records.…

Sakamoto continues to talk about his time at Heart Mountain concentration camp in Wyoming. He would work there as a swamper, sneaking out of the camp sometimes to hike the nearby mountains or play in the ravines. He would later be presented with the…

Sakamoto continues talking about his time in High School, growing up with very few Japanese Americans and taking an interest in astronomy and gymnastics. Next, he talks about his whereabouts during the attacks on Pearl Harbor, not believing it at…

Sakamoto talks more about the holidays he grew up celebrating, including New Years, where he would enjoy mochi and specialty Japanese foods. He next remembers time that he spent with his mother and father, including seeing his mother's home in Japan…

Sakamoto begins the interview talking about his family coming from Japan and settling in Los Angeles, California. There, his father would begin a flower business and collect birds, even joining a club that would trade them. He also talks about his…

Tazoi discusses the medals and awards he received. He reflects on his wars experiences and the role the Nisei played. He also discusses about his wife and children and gives a message to future generations.

Tazoi continues about how he got wounded and the Lost Battalion. He details about his mindset towards combat and he experiences from The Vosages and Bruyeres. Tazoi also details about receiving the Distinguished Service Cross.

Tazoi discusses what basic training was like at Camp Shelby. He details about the relationship between Mainland soldiers and Hawaiian soldiers. Tazoi also discusses his experiences in combat and as a radioman.

Tazoi discusses growing up in Garland, Utah. He details about facing discrimination. Tazoi also discusses the aftermath from Pearl Harbor and joining the army.

James Iso recalls his duties in Vietnam during the Vietnam War, and about his experiences working for the government after completing his military career. At the end of the interview, Iso shares some memorabilia from his military service.

James Iso talks about his children, highlights about his military service during the occupation of Japan and the Korean War. He describes his role in "Project American" and about his time spent in Vietnam.

James Iso describes his experience being stationed in Occupied Japan, where he was assigned to ATIS (Allied Translator and Intelligence Service) and conducted work in the Washington Documents Center. He talks about his wife and about attending…

James Iso describes his journey to Santa Anita Temporary Detention Center and Heart Mountain Concentration Camp, the living conditions there, and the process in which community life was constructed within Heart Mountain. He talks about volunteering…

James Iso describes growing up as a Japanese American, and his experiences with racial discrimination. He recalls the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the effects it brought within his life and the community.

James Iso describes the values that he learned from his family, about the Japanese culture and traditions. He talks about the difference between Japanese American assimilation into American society compared to other Asian American cultures, and…

James Iso describes his family history, including where his parents immigrated from in Japan and their settlement in the United States. He talks about his siblings, about his childhood memories, and about attending Japanese language school.

Matsuda continues to talk about his relationships with Hawaiian soldiers. He also continues to discuss Bruyeres-Biffontaine. He talks about returning to the United States. He describes his experiences with discrimination after World War Two. He…

Matsuda describes his military duties. He talks about Bruyeres-Biffontaine. He discusses his military decorations. He talks about E company, 4th platoon. He reveals which family members served in the military. Matsuda talks about the end of World War…

Matsuda talks about a truce during World War Two. He describes the horrors of war. He talks about his units first tactical push. He discusses his hospital stay. He briefly talks about his stay in a replacement depot. He discusses finding his unit and…

Matsuda talks about his high school graduation. He talks about his life while living in Heart Mountain Concentration Camp. He discusses his voluntary enlistment. He describes his journey to Fort Logan. He talks about Fort Logan and Camp Shelby.…

Matsuda talks about the racial conflicts that he had with White Americans. He briefly talks about his experiences while in Japanese language school. He describes his home life. He discusses his religious background. He explains why he enlisted in the…

Matsuda talks about his childhood in East Los Angeles. He describes his parents backstories. He discusses Boyle Heights, Los Angeles. He describes what he did in his childhood leisure time. He talks about his experiences in high school. He briefly…

Sato talks about his career history, first getting his pilots license and getting a position at North American Aviation, working on various projects. After they closed down, he would then work for for the Navy, helping to assemble Neptune bombers…
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