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Don discusses his last duties towards the end of the war are marching and holding positions. Don mentions the dangers of minefields and German Schu-mines. Two weeks after the Gothic Line breaks, he recalls encountering friendly fire and witnessing…

After completing basic training at Camp Blanding and Camp Shelby, Don goes overseas on the Queen Mary. Don describes traveling in France to join the 100th and 442nd at the holding line.

Don is in holding a position in France for four months. This…

After Pearl Harbor, Executive Order 9066 is issued and calls for the evacuations of Japanese Americans. Don describes the preparation his family makes before going to Poston, Arizona. At Poston, Don outlines life at camp and the living conditions of…

Don Miyada is born on May 21, 1925, in Oceanside, California. Don's parents are Raiju Miyada and Masu Miyada, who both emigrated to the United States from Japan. Don shares his childhood memories working on the farm, school, holiday, and morals and…

Mukai discusses his life after leaving the service, detailing how he met his wife and his career. He details the organizations that he is a member of. He also discusses he love for golf and gives some words of wisdom for future generations.

Mukai discusses the incident in which he was wounded. He details the relationship he had between his mother and father. Mukai also discusses the rehabilitation process.

Mukai discusses the general duties for the 232nd Combat Engineer Company. He discusses the importance of teamwork and dealing with the rigors of war. He also details about the lighter side of war.

Mukai discusses traveling in Mississippi and witnessing discrimination first hand. He also details what is was like visiting Jerome Concentration Camp. He also discusses the voyage overseas and arriving in Italy.

Mukai discusses traveling to Camp Shelby and being assigned to the 232nd Combat Engineer Company. He details he experiences from basic training. Mukai also discusses about some of the fun the regiment had.

Mukai discusses what occurred after he volunteered. He details his experiences on Oahu. Mukai also discusses he trip to the mainland.

Mukai discusses his family and what it was like growing up in Hakalau. He also details about the food he ate and the values he was taught while growing up. Mukai discusses the impact that playing sports had on his life. He relates a story of his…

Mukai discusses what activities that served as childhood entertainment. Mukai details about fishing as a child. Mukai also discusses his experiences with education.

Kiyoji "Jonah" Morimoto discusses the difficulties to transition civilian life and takes two years to find himself on the mainland. Morimoto decides to return home when his financials are running low after traveling to various cities such as Chicago,…

Kiyoji "Jonah" Morimoto discusses he would not do anything different in his battle field experiences. He got along well with the other officers and his rank during the war is Tech Sargent. In his company, the Platoon Sargent gets injured and…

Kiyoji "Jonah" Morimoto discusses the lessons learned from the Luciano campaign. His company learns how to attack in combat and the amount of fire power to use against the enemies to scare them. He recalls the supply line being well supplied because…

Kiyoji "Jonah" Morimoto discusses rank as Private FIrst Class (PFC), First Platoon, and Third Squad. At basic training, Morimoto describes the relationship between the Mainland boys and the Hawaiian boys. He recalls the nickname that the Hawaiians…

Kiyoji "Jonah" Morimoto discusses working at a meet market after graduating high school until he volunteers for the service. Morimoto does not feel discrimination prewar. He says during that time each ethnic group lives in their own perspective camp.…

Kiyoji "Jonah" Morimoto discusses his home life and childhood in Hawaii. His family is Buddhist and goes to church on the weekends. Coming from a fisherman family, his meals at home consist of fish. At an early age, he learns not to eat fishes with…

Kiyoji Morimoto discusses his birth date, birthplace and familial description. Morimoto's father is from Japan and becomes a commercial fisherman in Hilo, Hawaii. Morimoto's Father is a happy go lucky guy. His occupation requires him to work on the…

Nakauchi discusses living as a civilian in Japan then moving back to Hawaii to help take care of his parents. He then talks about his children, and provides some advice for future generations. Nakauchi also talks about his platoon sergeant Iwamoto;…

Nakauchi discusses German Prisoners of War, German weapons, the end of the war, combat experiences, and returning back to the United States. He then discusses telling his parents about enlisting, his brother’s duties as part of Military Intelligence…

Nakauchi describes an accident that left casualties, and talks about his experiences in Bruyeres. He also talks about his duties in a machine gun squad, interactions with civilians while in Bruyeres, the Lost Battalion rescue, and getting wounded…

Nakauchi discusses what it was like meeting Mainland Nisei soldiers while at Camp Shelby, as well as what a typical day was like during basic training. He then talks about visiting Jerome Concentration Camp and describes the living conditions there.…

Nakauchi discusses his parents, siblings, and working on a plantation while growing up in Hawaii. He also talks about traveling to attend high school, going to Japanese language school, and having to work in sugar cane fields to earn his high school…

Kitagawa finishes the interview telling the story of how he received his Bronze Star, including the battle and the ceremony afterwards. Next, he talks about his first and second marriages and his family. He also gives a message to future generations…

Kitagawa discusses revisiting Bruyeres for the 50th anniversary, and seeing the monument there dedicated to the 442nd. After this, he talks about the end of the war in Europe and seeing the German prisoners of war. He would be able to take a short…

Kitagawa talks about getting rest and relaxation during the war and the activities that they would do, such as playing football. Next, he talks more about the Lost Battalion campaign, and moving onto Nice, where he would be able to get a hot meal and…

Kitagawa discusses his unit, the teamwork that made them bond and the toughness of losing a friend in the war. He talks a bit more about Camp Shelby, including the weather, before talking about his shipment to Italy. Once arrived, he would…

Kitagawa talks about his life after high school, graduating and then working on the farm. During this time, two of his brothers would be drafted into the Army, one being part of the 45th Infantry and the other in the 442nd Regiment. Next, he talks…

Kitagawa begins the interview with an introduction on growing up in Northern California. As his family was in the farming business, he would help there, and enjoy his off-time by playing baseball and picnicking. Next, he talks about his family, which…

Miya discusses discharge in 1946 in Chicago. In Chicago Miya is reunites with other Nisei soldiers who serve in the Military. He describes the contribution of the Nisei soldiers to World War Two.

Miya recalls the best part of his service is…

Miya discuses after the war staying with a provisional company until he gets assign to another company. Among his peers he is treated well by the original soldiers and did not feel any discrimination. Miya recalls his being a parameter guard at…

Miya discusses his experiences going overseas to Italy. Aboard the ship there 200 Japanese American soldiers out of 5,000 troops. Among his peers, Miya says the accomplishments of the 100th Infantry Battalion and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team…

Miya discusses hearing about Pearl Harbor on the radio on December 7, 1941. During this time, Miya is 18 years old attending Senior year of High School. He did not feel racism or prejudices from his classmates. However, he does experiences racism…

Miya discusses his prefecture origin and changing his last name from Miyagishima to Miya. He feels that Miya would be easier for his friends to pronounce. Growing up, his family are Christians. The Miya family does not tend church regularly due to…

Satow talks about his post-war life experiences: marriage, career, descendants.He shares recollections of visiting his parents and siblings after his military discharge. He also talks about his activities in the Veterans of Foreign War and other…

Satow talks about combat experiences in Italy and France. He explains how he ended up performing wire laying tasks during his whole service period, and how soldiers were sent back to the states after V-E Day. He also shares anecdotes regarding;…

Satow talks about his combat experiences in Italy and France. He describes his tasks as a wire layer and how he got wounded. In addition he shares anecdotes regarding: how he received a bronze medal, interactions with Italian civilians, food eaten on…

Satow talks about his combat experiences in Italy and Hill 140; and his job assignment in his company. He also talks about the voyage overseas and downtime on the front line of battle. He shares anecdotes regarding: a friend KIA, relations with…

Satow discusses curfew conditions in Sacramento in the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attack. He also talks about his experiences at Pinedale Temporary Detention Center before his family's relocation to the Poston Concentration Camp. He shares…

Satow discusses his childhood and adolescence in a small town outside Sacramento. He talks about farming in youth and having extended relatives living nearby. He also talks about the political climate pre and post Pearl Harbor attack.

Suehiro discusses about his family, childhood, and schooling. He details about Pearl Harbor, volunteering for the Army, and experiences at Camp Shelby. Suehiro also discusses about the Lost Battalion rescue, getting wounded and The Gothic Line.…

Kashiwagi shares his lasting impressions of World War Two. He describes his journey home and his return to civilian life. He talks about his engineering career after the war. He discusses his marriage and children. He talks about sharing his war…

Ichigi Robert Kashiwagi talks about what happened after the Bruyeres-Biffontaine campaign. He discusses the Lost Battalion. He talks about his injury and subsequent hospitalization. He describes his friendship with an Englishman. He describes his…

Kashiwagi talks about the USO shows that he attended. He briefly discusses Camp Kilmer. He describes his journey to Europe and landing in Italy. He describes his experiences in combat in Anzio and Rome. Kashiwagi talks about the people in his unit…

Kashiwagi describes his experiences while living in the Amache Concentration Camp. He talks about taking the loyalty questionnaire. He explains why he volunteered to serve in the military. He discusses his experiences with discrimination. Kashiwagi…

Kashiwagi talks about his life after high school including his farming work. He discusses what he did during his leisure time. He continues to talks about the draft. He describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. Kashiwagi discusses the…

Kashiwagi talks about his early life in Hayward, California. He describes his parents, siblings, and family farm. He discusses his community of Knights Landing, California. He talks about what he did in his childhood leisure time. Kashiwagi also…

Miyake discusses his life after his military service, and after his completion of Northwestern University. He worked in Law and Accounting, then held a political office. In addition, Miyake talks about Hawaii's transition from U.S. territory to U.S.…

Miyake talks about how the 100th met with the 442nd. He also discusses his life after the war; he declined participation in Occupied Japan in order to return to Hawaii. He shares his experiences attending college at Northwestern.

Miyake talks about his military job as Supply Sergeant at military camp and on during European Campaign. He shares stories about childhood friends who had served with him. He also discusses recollections of military tactics he observed from the…

Miyake describes his experiences in basic training at both Camp McCoy then Camp Shelby; he compares the differences between the two camps. He also discusses the cultural differences between the Hawaiian Niseis and Mainland Niseis. In addition Miyake…

Miyake discusses his youth and adolescence in Hawaii, and how his mother's widowhood impacted the family. He also describes living in Hawaii before it gained statehood. In addition he talks about getting drafted in the U.S. military.

Ida finishes the interview talking about how he met his wife and how they settled in Hawaii. After this he gives a message for future generations and some final notes.

Ida talks about his time after the war and returning to the United States from Italy. He would first go to New York before getting stranded in Marysville, waiting for a strike to end so he could boat back to Hawaii. He would get back to Hawaii on…

Ida continues to talk about the Champagne Campaign and the rest and relaxation they got, not needing to fight any real battles. He talks about going down to Leghorn and getting wounded a second time while in Carrara. He also talks about confiscating…

Ida talks more about his experiences at Camp Shelby, eating fried chicken and catfish at the local restaurants. Shortly after, they would be sent overseas in a convoy, first landing in Oran before arriving in Naples. They would head up to…

Ida talks more about volunteering for the Army, going into Schofield Barracks where he would be given the title acting sergeant. He would head to the mainland, landing first in San Francisco before taking the train down to Camp Shelby in Mississippi.…

Ida talks more about his high school education at Mid-Pacific Institute in Hawaii, where he would play tennis and baseball. After graduation, he would work for the St. Louis Club until the attacks on Pearl Harbor occurred. He talks about seeing…

Ida continues to talk about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii, including purchasing a home after high school. He also talks about living in a small town and knowing everybody, while he would attend both english and Japanese school. He talks about…

Ida begins the interview talking about his family background and his father and mother coming from Japan and settling in Hawaii. He would attend Mid-Pacific Institute while his father worked at the Japanese consulate and his mother did laundry. Next,…

Fukunaga discusses receiving the Bronze Star, his post-military employment working for the Department of Navy and State of Hawaii, and getting married and having children. He then talks about his involvement in the 442nd Go for Broke Foundation and…

Fukunaga discusses combat experiences after Bruyeres, going to the hospital for trench foot, and his experiences in France and Italy after rejoining the 442nd including exchanging enemy fire with German soldiers. He then talks about getting wounded,…

Fukunaga discusses traveling from Hawaii to the mainland to go to Camp Shelby for basic training. He then talks about some of his duties during basic training, and his interactions with other soldiers. Next, Fukunaga retells stories he heard…

Fukunaga discusses his parents, including their occupations and his father’s death when he was a child. He then talks about growing up on Oahu including discussing attending Japanese language school, religion, attending high school on a work…

Tojo discusses about his experience in Germany and other parts of Europe. He details about his son. Tojo also discusses about his life.

Tojo discusses about his non-combat experiences in Europe. He details about his experiences in Germany. Tojo also discusses about a letter and his personal philosophy.

Tojo discusses about code talking and the O'Connor Task Force. He details about an interaction with a German soldiers. Tojo also discusses about his experiences in France.

Tojo discusses about going overseas and arriving in Italy. He details about his experiences inItaly and in combat. Tojo also discusses about the realities of war.

Tojo discusses about his first day in the Army. He details traveling to the Mainland and Camp Shelby. Tojo also discusses about his experiences Camp Shelby and Fort Sill

Tojo discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. He details about a war experience. Tojo also discusses about volunteering for service.

Tojo discusses about Hawaii, childhood, and the term Go For Broke. He details about mindset during combat and the pre-war atmosphere. Tojo also Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

Tojo discusses about his family and values taught. He details about his schooling. Tojo also discusses about childhood.
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