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Sato, Wada, and Ito discuss part of their childhoods. They give details their parents, siblings, and attending Japanese language school. They compare then to now and their experiences with prejudices.

Sato, Wada, and Ito discuss their dreams before the war started. They detail about Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. The three also discuss Executive Order 9066 and how it affected them and other Japanese Americans.

Sato and Wada discuss their experiences surrounding the temporary detention centers. Sato, Wada, and Ito detail about their first day and other experiences in the American Concentration Camps. They also recollect their fondest memories from camp.

Sato, Wada, and Ito discuss about the social life and culture within the American Concentration Camps. They detail about the unpleasantries of camp life and how they heard about the 100th Infantry Battalion. The three also discuss their draft…

Sato, Wada, and Ito discuss their experiences during basic training. They discuss their experiences going into town and discrimination. Lastly, they reference the food they had in basic training and in the American Concentration Camps.

Sato, Wada, and Ito discuss preparing to ship off and the voyage on the Queen Mary. They detail about their experiences in France and the mindset of a replacement. The three also discuss their first experiences with combat.

Sato, Wada, and Ito discuss their interactions with the Italian people and give their impressions of the Hawaiian soldiers. They detail about heading to Italy, The Gothic Line, and encounters with the enemy. The three also discuss a patrol mission.

Sato, Wada, and Ito discuss their worst experiences during the war. They detail about the events after Po Valley, the end of the war, and their experiences in Europe after the war ended. The three also discuss their homecoming experiences.

Sato discusses his homecoming experiences and gives his closing remarks. Ito and Wada leave a message for future generations. The three all give their closing remarks. Photographs and artifacts are also shown.

Shigenaka discusses about his childhood. He details about his family. Shigenaka also discusses about his schooling.

Shigenaka discusses about about his childhood. He details about Jackie Robinson and geopolitics. Shigenaka also discusses about his family.

Shigenaka discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. He details about forced removal. Shigenaka also discusses about going to and his experiences in Gila River Concentration Camp.

Shigenaka discusses about his experiences in Tulare Temporary Detention Center and Gila River Concentration Camp. He details about his family, volunteering, and his thoughts on military service. Shigenaka also discusses about basic training,…

Shigenaka discusses about his experiences in Italy. He details about his journey back home and and his post-war. Shigenaka also discusses about meeting his wife and hope for future generations.

Shigenaka discusses about his post-war experiences and hobby of barbecuing. He discusses his family Shigenaka ends the interview by showing various photographs.

Kurahara and the interviewers introduce themselves. Kurahara talks about his family trips to Japan. He describes the demographics of his Seattle community, including that of his high school. He shares his experiences with discrimination. He discusses…

Kurahara continues to talk about his combat experiences while in the Apennine Mountains. He explains how he was injured while in this mountain range. He also explains how he reconnected with his unit after he was infirmed. He discusses other brief…

Sakaji discusses his parents including his mother's death, father's employment, and their reasons for immigrating to the United States. He then talks about his siblings; his childhood chores; discusses the differences between past and present day…

Sakaji talks about his childhood bicycles; discusses how he got his nickname; talks about his father's fish market business; discusses the aunt who raised him; and talks about his relationship with his cousin. He then talks about his grammar school…

Sakaji discusses his employment assisting his father and tells a story where he attempted to fix a tractor. He then talks about his post-war employment working for a mechanic; the attack on Pearl Harbor and aftermath; and discusses his forced removal…

Sakaji talks about his friendship with a sheriff prior to forced removal; discusses restrictions and the curfew that was enforced after the attack on Pearl Harbor; and discusses volunteering for the Army and his brother's military service. He then…

Sakaji discusses his experiences at the end of the war taking POWs from Wisconsin back to Japan. He then talks about his translation and interpreting assignment in Japan working for motor pool; discusses his relatives in Japan; and talks about his…

Sakaji discusses his wife including her personality, how they met, corresponding with her while he was in Japan, and his favorite memories of her. Lastly, Sakaji provides a message to future generations regarding values and education.

Morishima recounts his father and mother's emigration to the United States from the Shizuoka Prefecture on the Izu Pensinsula. His father landed first in Mexico, came across the border illegally, met his mother in the U.S., and then returned to…

Morishima reflects on the ethnic slurs directed towards him and those that he directed towards others. He explains that, as children, there was rarely always mal-intent behind the use of such terms. He then describes his passage to Japan for…

Morishima reflects on the pleasant experience of attending school in Japan as a Japanese American, even after the attack on Pearl Harbor. He then describes his mother and siblings being stranded in Japan due to illness while his father was held in…

At War's end, Morishima was a Japanese soldier and feeling a sense of defeat until he met some Hawaiian soldiers who helped him secure a job with the Civil Censorship Detachment (CCD) in Tokyo. He excels there and is well-liked, but he conceals his…

Morishima discusses his post-War occupations and the accomplishments of his children. He speaks passionately about the value of family and about the general goodness of both Japanese and American people. He is grateful for both experiences and…

The interview begins with Paul Yamashita talking about his life, growing up in Hakalau Hawaii on a sugarcane plantation. He would attend regular and Japanese school and enjoyed playing games with friends and pounding mochi on New Years. Next, he…

Yamashita talks more about his time at Camp Shelby in Mississippi. There, he see segregation of races for the first time and talks about some of the experiences he had there. He also talks about meeting Earl Finch and how generous he was towards the…

Yamashita discusses the fighting between the Hawaiian and mainland soldiers, until Earl Finch decided to take some of the Hawaiian soldiers to the American concentration camps to show them what the mainland soldiers were going through. After that,…

Yamashita talks more about his war experiences, including going through France, taking heavy casualties and complete darkness in the Vosges Mountains. There, he would see the power of the German snipers and the courage of the non-commissioned…

Yamashita talks about his whereabouts during the end of the war. At the time of the V-J day, he was guarding German prisoners of war in Italy but would get the chance to come home due to the points system. He would ship back to the Hawaii, but would…

Kubota discusses his Father immigration from Hiroshima, Japan. His Father is able to come to the United States in 1903 through sponsorship of his own Father. He works on the plantation before returning to Japan to marry his Mother. His parents…

Kubota discusses his decision to enlist. At the beginning of the war, non-citizens are barred from enlisting due to the enemy alien law. Kubota first learns about the Nisei Regiment Formation assembly from Japanese Community Leaders and decides to…

Kubota discusses meeting Sus Oshabata at basic training. The two becomes friends when Sus takes care of Kubota when he is sick. In mid-training Sus is selected as jeep driver and goes to a different company. After the war, they remain friends even…

Kubota discusses about digging a trenches for sleeping during wartime and how he suffers from a back injury. In the Vosges Mountain, soldiers are afraid of tree burst from shrapnel. So the trenches are covered to protect them from danger. In the…

Kubota discusses about that during the Lost Battalion Rescue mission, he is in hospital for his leg injury.

After the Lost Battalion rescue, Kubota rejoins I Company on November 3 when he hears the company is getting ready to head south for…

Kubota discuss sharing war experiences as a Scout Master at camp with children. He would tell the kids the funny experiences from the war.

Another way that Kubota shares his war experiences is in the I Company book. In 1943, Kubota goes to have…

Kubota discusses his war memorabilia: invasion money printed by US military; war patches; tissue from ration; infantry badges; and war photographs.

A. Takahashi discusses his youth growing up in the Central Valley of California. He talks about his parents' backgrounds, their immigration and characters. He also discusses his interest in aviation and how he enlisted in the military.

A. Takahashi discusses his military experience. He talks about training new recruits in rifle training; and how Nisei soldiers were sent to Camp Leonard to perform menial work. He also discusses getting assigned to the 100th Battalion and his first…

A. Takahashi discusses his experiences in the European Theater. He talks about the Champagne Campaign and other assignments. He shares anecdotes regarding: his brother's military service; cooking chicken and rabbitts; and close calls on the…

A. Takahashi discusses where he was when the war in Europe ended. He talks about his military discharge and his post-war life. He shares anecdotes regarding: his family; meeting his wife; and his career trajectory.

Inouye discusses his childhood and schooling. He details being a Christian. Inouye also discusses about the political scene of Hawaii and being drafted before Pearl Harbor.

Inouye discusses the events before and after Pearl Harbor. He details about The Battle of Midway. Inouye also discusses the journey to the Mainland and the differences between Mainland and Hawaiian soldiers. He details about the events before…

Inouye discusses receiving a promotion that he did not not want. He details about having an issue with a commanding officer. Inouye also discusses his combat experiences in Italy.

Inouye discusses learning the realities of war. He details about the landing of Salerno and he also reflects on combat decisions. Inouye also discusses how he got wounded.

Inouye discusses five days passes and details more about being wounded. He details about his stay in the hospital and trying to save a clubhouse. Inouye also discusses the recovery process after getting wounded.

Inouye discusses his post-war experiences and about his time spent at Fort Lawton. He details about an indecent during a Japanese orientation class and wanting to goto college. Inouye also discusses his experiences becoming and working as a Dental…
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