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Tsukahara discusses his family and childhood. He delivers newspapers to help the family. In high school he is in Reserve Training Officer Corps. After high school graduation he attend junior college for 2 years before moving to Los…

Ted Wakai talks about meeting and marrying his wife, and discusses his children and their lives. Next he talks about the effects of his family's incarceration on his willingness to volunteer for the Military Intelligence Service. Lastly he gives some…

Yamate discusses his father including talking about his employment as a carpenter on a plantation on Kauai, and as the owner of a general store. He then talks about his own business which was a fishing and gardening store he opened post-war; and…

Yenari discusses his Issei Father immigrating to the United States and working in the saw mill. Yenari recalls his Father as a quiet man and enjoys raising flowers. Yenari' s Mother is religious and he would help her in the kitchen and with house…

Espineda talks about his marriage. He talks about his children and grandchildren. He describes the changes that he has seen in Stockton, California over time. He discusses the legacy of the Nisei. Espineda shares his advice for veterans considering…

Fujii talks about his birthplace in Troutdale, Oregon. He explains how he got his nickname. He discusses his hunting activities. He describes his father's appearance. He talks about his father's work. He shares his mother's role in his household. He…

Fujii talks about the military equipment he used during the Korean War. He describes about how old the C-rations were during the Korean War. He continues to discuss his journey back to the United States. He talks about being reassigned at Fort Lewis.…

During this portion of the interview, Thomas Haga gives his personal introduction, as well as information regarding his parent's background. In addition, we hear about Thomas' sibling's background and Thomas' early education and attending Japanese…

Kaihara discusses his parents origins. He talks about his community and primary school experiences. He also explains what he did with his leisure time as a child. Thomas Kaihara talks about his relationships with family members. He describes his…

Takano discusses his birthday and birth certificate; talks about getting a driver's license; and discusses growing up on the Big Island of Hawaii. He then talks about his father including his employment at a service station and as a baker; and…

Takano discusses meeting his wife; talks about his overseas assignment in Korea; discusses the Korean Army; and talks about his assignments in New Mexico and Vietnam. He then talks about being a teacher at Fort Lee; returning to Hawaii; and discusses…

Tanaka reveals what life was like while growing up in Honolulu. Tanaka also talks about his family and his experiences in school. He goes on to discuss the discrimination Japanese people faced after the Attack on Pearl Harbor. Tanaka explains his…

Tsubota discusses his best and worst experiences during the war. He also discusses his children and grandchildren. Tsubota gives some words of wisdom for future generations.

T. Ono discusses growing up in Hawaii. He talks about his family, childhood, and describes his neighborhood. He also talks about his school experiences from elementary school into high school.

T. Ono talks about the locals he, and other Nisei soldiers, befriended while stationed at Camp McCoy. He also discusses a confidential military project, Camp Island Project, that he and other Nisei soldiers participated in. In addition he shares…

T. Ono talks about his combat experiences: awards he received, and injuries he suffered. He also talks about his wife and children; and his personal values. In addition, he shares his thoughts about his military service and the legacy he, and his…

T. Yoshihashi talks about his youth growing up in Pasadena, CA. He talks about his childhood home life with his parents and siblings. He shares anecdotes regarding: growing up in the Great Depression, school days, and racial segregation in Pasadena…

T. Yoshihashi discusses the political climate before the outbreak of WW2. He also shares his recollections of the Pearl Harbor attack, and the aftermath events that affected him and his family. He shares anecdotes regarding: President Roosevelt's…

T. Yoshihashi talks about his final military experiences and his discharge. He discusses his affairs when he returned to the United States. He also talks about his wife and children.

Mori discusses his home coming and finding a career. He details about his family. Mori gives a message to future generations and gives his closing remarks.

Tom Tsuda reveals his parents backstories. He talks about his early life in Wyoming. He describes his relationships with his siblings. He discusses how he spent quality time with his family. Tsuda talks about Japanese language school and childhood…

Yamada discusses being born on August 21, 1940 in Hawaii. His parents
immigrated in 1910 from Japan for the opportunity to be a contract labor. In Japan, their families are farmers. Yamada admires his Father because he bought rental property,…

Mr. Tasaki's daughter, Susan, is present during the interview, and at times provides supplemental details to her father's answers. Mr. Tasaki discusses his experiences in the military working in the MIS. He describes his training at Camp Savage; and…

Mukai talks about his early life in Kingston, Washington. He talks about his mother, father, and siblings. He discusses his childhood friendships and his religious upbringing. He describes his family home and holidays. Mukai talks about his…

Mukai describes his furlough in Washington. He lists his military decorations. He talks about changes in his hometown. He discuses returning to active duty as a driver. He describes his final military post as a cook for the Presidio Monterey. He…

Nakayama discusses his parents including his father's employment and hobbies, talks about his siblings, his sister's death from tuberculosis, and religion. He also describes Shinto, and talks about his childhood including discussing his neighborhood,…

Nakayama discusses his first and second wives, communicating with his first wife while overseas, the legacy of the 100th and 442nd, provides a message to future generations, and discusses why a street was named after his brother. Lastly, Nakayama…

Sakaji discusses his parents including his mother's death, father's employment, and their reasons for immigrating to the United States. He then talks about his siblings; his childhood chores; discusses the differences between past and present day…

Sakaji talks about his childhood bicycles; discusses how he got his nickname; talks about his father's fish market business; discusses the aunt who raised him; and talks about his relationship with his cousin. He then talks about his grammar school…

Miyasako discusses about his family and growing up on a farm. He details about the community and the holidays celebrated. Miyasako also discusses about his experiences in high school.

Asahina discusses her father, his family, his immigration to the United States, his employment as a farmer, his physical traits, and his personality. She then talks about her mother's physical traits, employment, hobbies, and personality; and…

Asahina talks about her experiences at Tulare temporary detention facility including the living conditions; and describing the guards and guard towers. She then talks about her father's thoughts regarding the war; her experiences at Gila River…

Uesato begins the interview speaking about his family background, including his mother and father. Next, he talks about keeping up with the wars overseas and how unexpected the attacks on Pearl Harbor were. Living in Hawaii at the time, they were…

After moving to East Los Angeles, Toshiko Hattori took care of her mother-in-law, and later, her husband, who had developed lung cancer. Her husband passed away from his illness, leaving her a widow. She developed osteoarthritis which made it…

Kubota discusses his family and growing up in Kailua. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Kubota also discusses enlisting into the service and his experiences Camp Shelby. Kubota gives insight about being wounded.

Mano discusses his post-war life and working at the family's nursery.He details about meeting his wife and raising a family. At the nursery, Mano meets his wife, Tomi Yoshioka and they later have children . Yoshioka discusses her family origin and…

Mano discusses his prefecture of origin and familial description. He also recalls home life with his parents, school years leading up to forced removal. In Mano's adolescent years, his family visited relatives in Japan.

Nakahara discusses being discharged and his homecoming. He details about his career and family. Nakahara also gives a message to future generations.

Tokunaga begins the interview talking about his family background and his parents coming over from Japan and settling eventually in Washington. Growing up in Washington, he would enjoy playing sports with other kids, attend regular and Japanese…

Toshiyuki Uchida and Kiyoshi Kinoshita begin the interview with an introduction and background on their nicknames and families. Both were born in Washington and would attend school and Japanese language school, enjoying the outdoors. Next, they both…

Uchida and Kinoshita discuss their time in Japan and seeing the devastation of Hiroshima and the occupation of Japan. They talk about their experiences talking with civilians and seeing the black market. Next, they talk about their life after…

Murakami talks about his early life in rural Hamakua. He goes on to discuss his family and stepmother. Murakami reveals his experiences while in Japanese School. He ends this section of the interview by discussing what he did after high school.

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada introduces himself and begins talking about his early life in Santa Maria, California. He describes his family and his time spent working on the family, which he eventually was charged with managing. In addition…

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada describes much of his life prior to the war. He first describes his awareness of the tensions between countries that eventually boiled over into total war. Next, Harada recalls his family moving to Japan prior…

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada discusses some memories and highlights from his work as a part of the Allied occupation forces in Japan in addition to his career as a sports executive. Harada also shares a message meant for future generations…

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada displays some personal photographs from throughout his life and provides context and commentary on the photos.

In this segment, Takemoto describes his family background and life prior to the onset of the Second World War. His parents were Niseis who did not have a strong connection to Japan. While working for the Hilo Electric Light Company, Takemoto…

Nishibayashi begins the interview with an introduction of his family and how they came from Kumamoto to Hawaii. He would grow up in a plantation village, where he would attend Japanese language school as well as normal english school. He enjoyed…

Yukihiro discusses his prefecture origin, family, and social activities. .He details about the climate pre and post forced removal and the type of treatment he feels in the community and with friends. Yukihiro also discusses why he learns Japanese…

Yukihiro discusses working at Brother-in-Law's grocery store in Bellfower post-war. Shortly after he opens a produce market for 17 years in Norwalk and went wholesale after. From prewar and post-war, Yukihiro describes the changes of the city. He…

Okabayashi discusses about his family and growing up in Texas. He details about the farm life, selling crops and his childhood. Okabayashi also discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

Tokita and the interviewers introduce themselves. He describes his grandparents immigration. He shares his father's backstory. He talks about his early life on the Wilcox Estate. He discusses J.N. Wilcox. He describes his experiences in primary…

Izui speaks about growing up in Seattle, Washington and it's Japanese community. He discusses his education from elementary to high school, experiencing subtle discrimination. After this, he talks about what it was like leading up to the war and…

Nishijima describes his childhood and pre-war lifestyle.

Westdale discusses his family and upbringing. He details about joining the Army Air Corps and his experiences in the Corps. Westdale also discusses about December 7, 1941 and the sentiment towards the Japanese in America.

Kagawa talks about a Japanese American architect he worked with, and discusses his experiences as an architect in Detroit. He then talks about his involvement in veterans organizations including being president of an Anti-Tank Company chapter and…

Wallace Nagao talks about his family's history and his early life growing up on one of Hawaii's sugar plantations. Nagao goes through his educational history-- from elementary school through college and his experiences at Japanese language school. He…

Wallace Nunotani talks about his family and siblings. He discusses his childhood hobbies. Nunotani describes secondary school and Japanese language school. He talks about his time at University of Hawaii. He discusses his religious background and…

Wallace Nunotani talks about his children and grandchildren. He also reflects on the meaning of his experiences.

In this segment, Wally Yonamine introduces the audience to his family's background. He discusses remembering his roots and his modest upbringing when he was making a name for himself in Japan as a successful professional baseball player. He also…

In this segment, Wally Yonamine recalls many experiences from his lifetime, including his time playing sports at Schofield Barracks, his coaching career in Japan, and seeing his daughter battle and beat leukemia. He also discusses his foundation and…

Tanaka discusses about his family. He details his childhood. Tanaka also discusses about farming.

Tanaka discusses about joining the service and his early experiences in the military. He details about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. Tanaka also discusses about hid family.

Tanaka discusses about Hideki Tojo, He details about his experiences in post-war Japan. Tanka also discusses about his family.

Tamura discusses his parents' separate backgrounds coming from Hiroshima to the United States and the lives they established in Idaho. He and his older siblings assisted in the family's truck gardening business which was very demanding. Other topics…

Tamura describes post-War life in the United States, both moving to different military installations and his return to civilian life. He describes his attempt to revive the family truck farming business, but it proved unprofitable so he farmed…

Tsuneishi discusses his name, birth date, and birthplace. Tsuneishi grows up in Duarte, California and there is only another Japanese family in the area. He is more integrated with Caucasians. During the Great Depression, Tsuneishi's Father is a…

W. Kohashi discusses his youth in the Shinmachi neighborhood of Hilo. He talks about his family, early education, and his father's fishcake business. He also talks about Martial Law in Hawaii after the start of World War Two.

W. Kohashi discusses his life post-war in Hawaii. He talks about his employment history and family. He also talks about a 1946 tidal wave that demolished the Shinmachi neighborhood.

Misaka discusses Ogden, Utah, his Issei parents, and siblings. In elementary school, he was the only Japanese American in his class. Also Misaka attends Japanese Language School. In high school he plays sports. His parents are supportive of Misaka…

Koyano talks about his parent's immigration to the United States. He describes his early life in Northern California and the dynamics in his family. He also describes his parents personalities. He discusses a trip he made to Japan when he was child.…

Koyano talks about training soldiers in the 171st unit. He describes his wartime mementos and his attempts to readjust to his family life. He shares his feelings about being drafted. He discusses his marriage. He talks about moving to California and…

Kurasaki talks about his other names and his childhood. He talks about his parents and his family's income. He discusses primary school and Japanese language school. He describes his education and carpentry work. Kurasaki explains what life was like…

Matsumoto discusses his nickname; and talks about growing up on Maui which includes discussing his family, living on a plantation, friendships, discipline, and recreational activities. He then talks about attending school; discusses his siblings;…

Omoto discusses his childhood including talking about moving, his fishing hobby, childhood home, and friendships. He then talks about land ownership laws and race discrimination in regards to Japanese Americans prior to World War Two; talks about his…

Omoto discusses learning about the end of the war; talks about a soldier killed post-war; and discusses returning to the United States. He then talks about his post-war life including attending junior college and his employment as an accountant.…

W. Oshiro discusses his family life in Hawaii before World War Two. He describes his early education, parents, siblings; and moving from a plantation camp to Honolulu. He also talks about attending college, and joining the military before graduation.

W. Oshiro talks about his experiences at Camp Shelby. He describes his voyage to, and impressions of, the Mainland for the first time. He shares stories about the formation of L Company; how he felt when he heard his older brother was KIA; and his…

W. Oshiro talks about life after his military service. He discusses how losing his leg from a land mine impacted his life; his post-military education and career path; and participation in various veteran's organizations. He also talks about how he…

W. Oshiro discusses his post-military life reflecting on his military service; the 442nd legacy; and his family values. He talks about visiting Europe after the war He also talks about his professional career and family.

Sato discusses his parents and his father's reason for immigrating to the United States, as well as his father's employment in Japan. He then talks about his father's jobs in the United States which included truck farming and a flower shop business.…

Hamada discusses his grandfather's immigration to the United States and his work on the transcontinental railroad; discusses his grandmother; and talks about his parents. He then talks about both his maternal and paternal grandparents; discusses his…

Asai discusses about growing up on a farm. He details about his family and other aspects of his childhood. Asai also discusses about remembering December 7, 1941, volunteering for the service, his experiences with the 2nd Armored Division, and being…

Nagasaka begins the interview with an introduction and talks about what it was like to grow up on a hog ranch near Portland, Oregon. He talks about the various ways that they made money off of the hogs and where he was when he first head of the…

Nagasaka talks about the facial discrimination that he faced after the war, including ignored restaurant service and equipment sales. He also talks more about his career, which included tuna fishing, working as a houseboy in college and having a…

Teramura begins the interview talking about growing up in Lents, Oregon. His family would come over from Shiga prefecture in Japan and start a farm, where Yasu would work from the age of 7 on. During the Great Depression they had to move from Lents…

Termaura continues to talk about his marriage and the wedding that they had. Next, he lists out his children and grandchildren. After this, he talks about his farming career and how he's kept up with agriculture even after he's retired. He also talks…

Deguchi discusses growing Kealakekua, Hawaii and his family. He details values taught, childhood, the Japanese language. Deguchi also discusses about his high school graduation, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath.

Matsui discusses about growing up in Elko, Nevada and his family. He details about thew family business, neighborhood, and religion. Matsui also discusses about high school, friends, and holidays celebrated.

Otsuka discusses about his parents and meeting his wife. He details about his family's situation during World War Two. Otsuka also discusses about his post-war life and reflects on his military service

Ozaki discusses his travels and experiences in Europe immediately following the war. He talks about getting married and his children. Ozaki explains his career choices and how he tries to promote Japanese American history. He also discusses how he…

Yoshiaki Fujitani grew up in Maui, Hawaii on a plantation camp in a parsonage. His father was a missionary, so he and his seven siblings grew up in a Buddhist temple. His family took in three orphans and they became a part of their family. He…

Hiraoka discusses about his family and their history. He discusses about farming and his education. Hiraoka also discusses about different aspects of his childhood, including friends, playing sports, neighbors.

Aka discusses his family and growing up in Hawaii. He details about moving to Japan for four years and his experiences upon his return. Aka also discusses Pearl Harbor and the aftermath.

Kanegai discusses his family, being the eldest son, and going to Japanese language school. He details about visiting Japan and the death of his mother. Kanegai also discusses about his favorite memories growing up, values, and social activities.

Imoto talks about his early years growing up in Lindsay (CA) on a farm owned by his family; and shared with his uncle and his family. He discusses the community they lived in and his primary and secondary education. He also provides background…

Imoto shares details about his war injuries, how he got wounded and where his wounds are. He talks how he recuperated. He also discusses his life after the war ended.

Shibuya discusses his family, life on a plantation, and his education. He details about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, being drafted, and basic training. Shibuya also discusses about his experiences in Europe and his life after the service.

Shibuya discusses about Medal of Honor recipient Barney F. Hajiro. He also details more about his brother who went to Japan and got drafted into the Japanese Navy.

Yoshino begins the interview with his family background, being raised by his grandparents on Maui. Growing up on a plantation, he was quite the rascal, and would get into a lot of fights as a child, so he was taken in by the local boxing community…
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