Card with an image of a woman on a ladder shelving books with her dress caught on a rung and her stockings shown, text on the bottom reads, "One for the books." Letter from Sybil. She identifies as a librarian in Long Beach; possibly a romantic…
Top two photographs of Mary Yamamoto Shimizu with her friend, Pauline, atop stacks of hay. Bottom two photographs of Mary Yamamoto Shimizu with friends in camp (Heart Mountain, American Concentration Camp).
Two photographs of Japanese American soldiers visiting Loyola University in New Orleans. Two photographs of Japanese American soldiers visiting Tulane University in New Orleans and attending the Sugar Bowl.
Five photographs of individual Japanese American soldiers traveling. "Herbie in City Park," "A Wolf on the Loose," "Shiro n' 'Stonewall'," "Sus on Caval St.," and "Kato at the Art Museum," written in blue ink.
Part 2 of Mr. Saiki's interview primarily focuses on his life after his military service and reflections on past accomplishments. Mr. Saiki discusses an incident where he represented a delegation from Okinawa who testified in front of a Congressional…
Mr. Saiki continues on from an earlier interview, describing his military service in occupied Japan with the Counter Intelligence Corps. Mr. Saiki describes postwar Japan which was stricken with poverty and food shortage conditions, also talking…
Victor Abe describes his induction experiences at Fort MacArthur and then his basic training at Camp Robinson. After basic training he is assigned to Fort Warren before being accepted into the Military Intelligence Service at Camp Savage. Lastly,…
Seiki Tamae gives a broad introduction from being drafted in 1945, the Occupation of Japan and time in South Korea, to his post war life to retirement. Seiki then discusses his family and time in Hawaii, their decision to return to Okinawa in 1940,…
Muranaka goes through his work in the Army after the end of World War Two, where he served in the Korean War. Next, he discusses the importance of Nisei soldiers during the occupation of Japan, and how big of an impact communication is in order to…
Kawakami discusses his post-war life. He talks about Tokyo Rose. Kawakami also discusses a friend who fought in the rescue of the Lost Battalion and gives a message to future generations.
Top row, left: Ken Sumita; top row, middle: Clarice Matsuda, handwritten on image, "To Gilbert, Sincerely yours, Clarice" top row, right: Nobuko Kobayashi standing next to a sundial. handwritten on photo: "Nobuko Yamasake Kobayashi."
Top row, left: Oscar [Tanji] eating a snack in the kitchen; top row, second left: Oscar and May [Tanji] sitting on a small rock; top row, second right: Oscar [Tanji] sitting on a wooden post; top row, right: Gilbert Tanji in uniform.
Top row, left: James Tanji on the Rockefeller Center Roof Studio in New York. Written on photo: "Gil & Mary"; top row, right: "Base Headquarters, Bolling Field, D.C."
Bottom row, left: [Frudin] and Robert holding newborn baby. 1947; bottom row,…
Images of Harry Fukayama, and "Miwako", Gilbert Tanji and Mary Tanji. Images are casual, in a park setting. Not all images have been captured on the same day.
Shima continues his recollection of joining the 442nd Regiment in Europe after V-E day. He would become involved with the public relations team and be chosen for temporary duty. He would head to New York to hand out public relations papers to…
Tokunaga discusses the labor camps that he saw in Europe, taking souvenirs and the friendships he made through the Army. After V-E Day, he would remain in Frankfurt for another year and half until finally being discharged back in Fort Lewis,…
Kaneshiro discusses the reforms that occurred throughout the occupation of Japan and the reconstruction was done throughout the country. Next, he talks about the value of the Nisei linguist throughout the occupation and how it was much easier to do…
F. Masuoka discusses his experiences working as a linguist for the U.S. military in Tokyo and Korea. He talks about details of his job and traveling he did in Japan. He also shares anecdotes about: cultural identity issues as a Nisei working with…
F. Masuoka discusses his experiences working with Japanese soldiers and civilians in Japan and Korea after Japan's surrender in World War 2. He talks about his role as a military linguist. He also discusses his how he volunteered for U.S. military…
Kunihiro discusses his early years growing up in southern California: Imperial Valley and Sierra Madre. He also talks about his father's immigration to the U.S. and how he became established in farming. Kunihiro shares anecdotes regarding: childhood…
Moto discusses about his father [Karou Moto] being upgraded to the Medal of Honor posthumously and the ceremonies surrounding it. He details about the Nisei. Moto also discusses about Japanese Americans and reads his father's Medal of Honor citation.
After making his way to Japan with the Army, Uyeda would begin his assignments, working for the Civil Intelligence Service (CIS). With this team, he would go throughout Japan, interrogating prisoners of war, researching the population, and reporting…
Ishimoto continues his discussion on the importance of Nisei linguists during the military occupation of Japan. He talks about the various campaigns and things that the MIS had to deal with, that were much more than just interpreting and translating.…
Miyake describes his experiences in basic training at both Camp McCoy then Camp Shelby; he compares the differences between the two camps. He also discusses the cultural differences between the Hawaiian Niseis and Mainland Niseis. In addition Miyake…
Anzai talks about assisting Hawaiian soldiers with writing letters to their families back home while in battle at Anzio, and also talks about his duties during battle which involved being a rifleman. He then discusses about some of the medals he…
Fujimoto discusses his experiences growing up in rural Colorado as a youth. He talks about how his father immigrated to Mexico before settling in the U.S. He talks about how his mother arrived in the U.S. too. He shares anecdotes regarding: his…
Oshiro continues to talk about his veteran reunion trip to Europe. He talks about the horrors of war and his friends who were killed in action. He discusses his military decorations. He describes his return to the United States. Oshiro describes the…
J. Owada discusses his military experience. He talks about his service enlistment and carrying out service in Post-War Japan. He also talks about his life after serving in the military, and his experience as an honor guard.
J. Owada talks his early childhood living in the Pacific Northwest during the Great Depression. He provides some background on his parents, and talks about living on Puget Sound. He also talks about his parents separated when he was a toddler, and…
Goto discusses getting injured in Carrara, Italy and talks about his friendships with other soldiers, including those that were killed in action, and what it was like seeing his war buddies postwar. He then talks about going back to Hawaii at the end…
Goto describes growing up on a planation in Ewa, Hawaii and taking the train into Honolulu to go to school. After graduating from high school, Goto worked at a 7UP bottling company as a soda salesman and delivery man. He also talks about being a…
Mitsunaga discusses some of his combat experiences: Salerno Beach and Cassino. He also talks about being in a racially segregated military unit; and his impression of Colonel Turner. He also discusses Nisei veterans he knew who got into politics in…
R. Honbo discusses his feelings and thoughts regarding Japan's involvement in World War Two; and what it was like being a Japanese American in the United States military. In addition, he shares his observations and experiences regarding race…
Okada discusses his experiences living at Father Flanagan's Boys Town. He also talks about how and why he enlisted in the U.S. military; and his participation in Occupied Japan. He shares anecdotes regarding: social activist Lily Okura, post-war…
Sasano discusses growing up in Honolulu, Hawaii including his experiences in high school and what his neighborhood was like. He then goes on to talk about moving to Los Angeles and becoming a produce clerk, and his photography hobby. Sasano also…
Kawaguchi discusses his duties running a military training school, writing to his family while he was living in Japan, and recalls stories regarding resettlement after World War Two. He then goes on to talk about returning to the United States and…
Oda discusses encounters with civilians while at Camp Savage, what a typical day was like as an instructor at Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS), student populations that included both Nisei and Caucasians, and grading papers. He…
Umeda finishes the interview talking about passing on his personal history to future generations. Next, he talks about the legacy of the Nisei and what they've done. After this, he discusses his thoughts of what freedom is, and what makes freedom of…
Steidl discusses his ideas of the negativity of Fascism and the challenges of preventing Fascist regimes from gaining power. He also discusses the atrocities of war and gives some specific examples from WWII through the Iraq war. He discusses his…
Kodama continues talking about the end of the war, helping with the interrogation process of German prisoners of war. He would miss the first pool of soldiers to head home on the points system but be granted a 30-day leave, in which he would travel…
Murakami talks about his observations of Japanese nationals during his participation in Occupied Japan. He talks about cultural nuances in Japan and the politics of Niseis interactions with Japanese citizenry. He also discusses his work after his…
Suehiro discusses reasons for joining the Army and how he felt that it was the right thing to do when called for. He also talks about the legacy of the Nisei soldiers and how much of a brotherhood they became because of the hardships of war. He…
Keegan discusses the special bond he formed with all members of the 442nd. He describes how the bonds became developed from training through the end of the war and beyond. He also talks about his participation in Japanese American community…
Tahara talks about the end of the war, as they were marching through Europe, a plane flew overhead and threw leaflets out to them. He would return to Hawaii, seeing his mother and hearing about the death of his father. He also talks about seeing his…
Brian Imada (son) discusses about the Nisei and they where. He details about about his father's history. Imada also reflects on his father's service and gives a message to future generations.
Ogawa discusses about his post-war life and gives a message to future generations. Yuri discusses about she and James met. She also discusses about the importance of Nisei, Manzanar Concentration Camp, and reflects on life experiences.
Hirasaki discusses his life after World War 2. He talks about how he reunited with family of origin and eventually created a family of his own. Hirasaki talks about his career in the farming industry, how he tried different aspects of farming. In…
Arakaki's time in Europe would come to an end after the surrender of both the German and Japanese Armies, he would be in Marseille at the time. From there, he would return to Hawaii, and marry a french woman once returned. He would work in a security…
Asai discusses his post-war life. He gives a message to future generations and details the importance of the Niseis. Asai also discusses being apart of the advanced party for Turlock.
Mukai talks about the discussions between members of his unit before preparing to return to the United States. He explains why it was dangerous for Japanese American soldiers to fight in the Pacific. He describes his return to the United States. He…
Kazuo Yamaguchi describes his job working at GHQ (General MacArthur Headquarters) in Tokyo. While on one of his errands at the Tsukiji Fish Market, he helped resolve a miscommunication between an American GI and a Japanese laborer. The Japanese…
After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Genro Kashiwa's father was interned, due to his stature in the Japanese community (as a Buddhist Priest and Japanese language school teacher), and taken to the Mainland. Genro describes his experience during basic…
Thomas Sakamoto describes the implications of the Occupation of Japan. He talks about his role as an interpreter and translator during the occupation. The involvement of the Nisei and Kibei in Occupied Japan was an important component to the success…
In this segment, Sadami "James" Okada discusses a variety of topics. Initially, he talks about the latter portion of his military service and reflects upon some of the locals that he met during his time in the Pacific Islands. Okada moves on to…
In this segment, Sadami "James" Okada describes his experiences as a member of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) serving in the Pacific Theater. Specifically, Okada served in New Guinea and the Philippines. Okada also talks about meeting his…
In this segment, Sadami "James" Okada describes his training to become a linguist with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). First, Okada attended MIS Language School at Camp Savage in Minnesota before receiving a two-week furlough. During that…
In this segment, Katsumi "Kats" Hikido shares many personal memories involving his fallen comrades and their families. Hikido becomes emotional at recalling how the family of a fallen Nisei soldier, a friend in his squad, was forced to hold the…
In this segment, Katsumi "Kats" Hikido talks about his time serving in the military, starting with details from his experiences in basic training at Camp Shelby in Mississippi. He also takes a moment to reflect and speak about the loyalty…
Yukio Kawamoto talks about his military experience during the American occupation of Japan, where he worked as an investigator/translator for the War Crime Trials. He discusses the importance of Nisei soldiers in Occupied Japan. He also talks about…
Rudy Tokiwa and his family were taken to the Salinas Assembly Center for four months.They were later relocated to the Poston War Relocation Center. From there, he and many others volunteered to join the United States Army. There were many discussions…
In this segment, Matsuji "Mut" Sakumoto discusses a variety of topics, including the Japanese language and culture, sports, his family religion, and taking up smoking cigarettes. Throughout the storytelling, Sakumoto also discusses his parents in…
In this video clip, Victor Nishijima talks about his experience with racial discrimination. He also shares a message to future generations about his story and the importance of the stories of other Nisei veterans.
Harry Akune talks about his friendship with a solider of the Philippine Army. He describes his military service during the Occupation of Japan. During this time, he was reunited with his father and brothers. He was also promoted to a Second…