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Kozono talks about his deployment to the Philippines after the war ended as part of the "Luzon POW Processing Team". As a staff sergeant, and due to his limited ability to speak Japanese, he often had his team conduct interviews while managed the…

Kozono mostly talks about his life after he was discharged from the army and returned home to his parents in Sacramento area. Later he married and established his own family. However, he also discusses the different kinds of POWs he encountered and…

Uchimiya beings the interview with a brief introduction of his family and how they came to El Centro, California. There, he would begin his schooling, while working on the farm. His family would enjoy camping and taking month-long trips to San Diego.…

Uchimiya continues his recollection of his war time overseas, beginning with the Lost Battalion campaign. He talks about the process that they took to save the 36th Division and General Dahlquists reaction afterwards. He would also receive a wound…

Hara discusses about his childhood, household, and growing up during the Great Depression. He details about his family, schooling, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. Hara also discusses about volunteering for the Army, joining the Military Intelligence…

Hara discusses about his family and their history. He details about his experiences in Hiroshima and Japanese women. Hara also discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan.

Hara discusses about geopolitics and post-war Japan. He details about rocket programs, prisoners, and the end of his military service. Hara also discusses about his post military life, family, and gives advice to future generations.

Sugamura provides some thoughts regarding the treatment of Japanese Americans; discussing her parents and her father’s employment as a doctor; and talks about speaking Japanese at home. She then talks about attending Japanese language school and…

Sugamura talks about moving to Japan pre-war with her family and her experiences there such as traveling by ship to get there, speaking Japanese, culture, her experiences in Tokyo, and discussing Japanese people. She then continues to talk about her…

Sugamura provides some thoughts regarding the war; discusses the Kempeitai (Japanese military); tells a story regarding a friend who was being watched by the Kempeitai; and talks about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. She then talks about her father…

Sugamura talks about her experiences while working for the Civil Censorship Detachment (CCD); discusses Nisei linguists at CCD; provides some thoughts regarding the United States occupation of Japan; and discusses recreational activities while…

Watanabe discusses his father's immigration from Japan to the United States and his work at a plantation in Hawaii. He then talks about his mother; discusses attending Japanese language school; discusses Japanese dialects; talks about attending…

Watanabe discusses his experiences as a Nisei linguist and his CIA assignment in Korea; provides some thoughts regarding military occupation in Japan; and discusses his experiences traveling to visit relatives in Japan. Next, Watanabe describes…

Doi discusses about his early life experiences and gives some detail about his family background. He details about how he ended up in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). Doi also discusses about his experiences in the Philippines and in occupied…

Doi discusses corresponding with his wife while he was in Japan; talks about his first impressions of Japan; and discusses some of his experiences with Japanese citizens. He then talks about his involvement with the Civil Information and Education…

Doi discusses his wife; talks about education reform and equality in Japan; discusses Monbusho (Ministry of Education); and talks about private universities in Japan. Next, Doi discusses why he almost attended Todai (University of Tokyo); discusses…

Kvamme discusses about his childhood and growing up. He details about Pearl Harbor, being drafted, and studying language. Kvamme also discusses about being sent to Tokyo and his experiences and duties while there.

To begin the interview, Uyeda speaks about how he learned the Japanese language, while living in a small town in Washington. The conversation jumps to the United States occupation in Japan following the war and first impressions of a Japan that had…

After making his way to Japan with the Army, Uyeda would begin his assignments, working for the Civil Intelligence Service (CIS). With this team, he would go throughout Japan, interrogating prisoners of war, researching the population, and reporting…

Following his time in occupied Japan, Uyeda was discharged from the Army and from there, he began schooling at MIT. Uyeda discusses the reform of Japan and the implementation of democracy by the United States. Next, he speaks about the discrimination…

Shimizu discusses his father's immigration to the United States and his personality. He then talks about his childhood experiences in Japan; his mother's physical traits and personality; returning to the United States at the age of 14; his…

Shimizu discusses the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Japan's surrender; getting discharged; and meeting his wife. He then talks about his post-war employment working at a ranch and grocery store; moving to Gardena, California; and…

Fukushima discusses his birth and foster parents; talks about the reasons why he was adopted; discussing his brothers; and talks about his foster father's employment. He then talks about his step-siblings; his foster parents' personalities; attending…

Fukushima discusses his experiences working on a farm; talks about his gymnastics hobby; discusses his childhood friendships; and talks about some of his childhood recreational activities such as his participation in Young Buddhist Association (YBA),…

Fukushima discusses his relationship with a sergeant; talks about Nisei soldiers who were transferred to I Company and sent to Chicago; and discusses his thoughts regarding Japan after Pearl Harbor. He then discusses his family's forced removal to…

Fukushima discusses his participation in Military Intelligence Service Language School (MIS) at Camp Savage; discusses the differences between interpreting and translating assignments; and talks about the tensions between Caucasian and Nisei…

Fukushima discusses tactics that were used when interrogating POWs; talks about his duties as a replacement soldier; and discusses his experiences in Leyte. Fukushima also talks about his experiences in Luzon; the surrender of Japan; duties in Kyoto…

Fukushima provides some thoughts regarding Military Intelligence Service (MIS) soldiers; discusses his sister who was living in Japan during World War Two; and talks about getting discharged and seeing his family again. Next, Fukushima talks about…

Fukushima discusses V-J Day; talks about his worst war experiences; and discusses the lessons he learned from World War Two. He then talks about the importance of Nisei soldiers; provides a message to future generations; and discusses the importance…

Fukushima talks about his experiences as a youth briefly living in Japan circa 1930; he had lived, and traveled, between Wakayama, Osaka, and Tokyo. He describes cultural differences and similarities between the Japanese and Japanese Americans. He…

Fukushima discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan. He details his interactions with the Japanese civilians. Fukushima also discusses about the importance of Nisei linguist

Moriyama and the interviewers introduce themselves. Moriyama talks about the surrender of Japan. He describes his experience in Military Intelligence Service Language School and Japanese language school. He discusses the languages that were spoken in…

Moriyama describes his military duties during occupation. He explains the attitudes of civilians during the occupation. He describes what he did during his leisure time. He discusses his friendship with a Japanese family. He shares his other…

Aki begins the interview talking about his family, both of his parents were Nisei and had decided to settle in Kauai, his father being a politician, while his mother was a schoolteacher. As a child, he would grow up liking geography, while his…

Aki talks about getting to Wake Island, going on a boat and arriving to a small island, where there was nothing but Marines, some Navy and Pan-American Airlines. He would end up working in the mess hall, while the construction workers would help to…

Aki continues to talk about his experience as a prisoner of war on Wake Island. There, he would be treated pretty normally, although there were some casualties and they were guarded by the Japanese Army. He also talks about one incident that was…

Aki continues to talk about his experiences as a prisoner of war while in Japan. Towards the end of the war, he noticed that a lot of weird things were happening with the Japanese Army guards and that the POWs were taken out of work. He overheard…

After joining the Air Force, Aki would ask to be sent to occupied Japan, instead of having to serve in the Korean War. He talks about coming into Japan for the first time since his time as a prisoner of war, and comparing the destruction he saw when…

Moto discusses about his neighborhood and the values he was taught. He details about his childhood, schooling, and growing up. Moto also discusses about his father and college.

Moto discusses about his father [Karou Moto] being upgraded to the Medal of Honor posthumously and the ceremonies surrounding it. He details about the Nisei. Moto also discusses about Japanese Americans and reads his father's Medal of Honor citation.

Moto discusses about her life growing. She details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Moto discusses about her name, meeting her husband, and her husband being upgrading to the Medal of Honor.

Yamada discusses about his family, briefly living in Japan, and growing up in Kahului, Hawaii. He details about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and being drafted. Yamada also discusses about joining the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), his…

Yamada discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan. He details about his post-war life. Yamada also discusses about his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS).

Okumura begins the interview talking about his whereabouts when the war ended and Japan surrendered and his thoughts on the atomic bomb. At the time, he was already in the Army and had gone through his training, so he was sent overseas to begin his…

Okumura talks about his marriage that began before the war, and some of his experiences while in Okinawa. Next, he talks more about reconstruction of Japan, including improving housing systems. He discusses being sansei and how he considers himself…

Ishizaki begins the interview with his outlook on the surrender of Japan. As he had previously volunteered for the Army, he was already in Manila, awaiting his shipment to Japan. Once arrived at Atsugi Air Base, he immediately noticed the flat…

Ishizaki continues his recollection of his time in occupied Japan, including discussion on the black market and women's rights. After his time in Japan, he was moved to Australia to begin work with the Allied Translator and Interpreter Section,…

Ishizaki discusses about her family and education. She details about experiences during the war and her decision to go to occupied Japan. Ishizaki also discusses about her experiences in post-war Japan.

Ishizaki discusses about her family. She details about her experiences in post-war Japan. Ishizaki also discusses about her work duties and her life after returning from Japan.

Yamasaki discusses what it was like growing up. He details how he joined the Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC). Yamasaki discusses about the brief period of time he stayed in Japan as a child.

Yamasaki discusses the work he did during the occupation of Japan. He details about the interactions he had with Japanese citizens. Yamasaki discusses about he time spent in camp Gila River.

Yamasaki discusses more about what CIC did during his time in Japan. He details what he noticed about Japanese culture. Yamasaki also discusses personal experiences before and during the occupation of Japan.

Yamasaki discusses the adversity he faced during the time after he left the army. He reflects and the mark he left of Japan and vise versa. Yamasaki also discusses explaining democracy in Japan.

R. Tanaka discusses his experiences in Occupied Japan. He talks about interpreting assignments he had and interactions with Japanese citizens. He also talks about visits with relatives in Fukuoka both as a child and during his furlough in Occupied…

Tanaka discusses his military experiences in Occupied Japan. He talks about cave flushing, working in Saipan, and sightseeing in Japan during his off time. He also talks about his return to Hawaii and his military discharge.

Hattori discusses about his parents, family dynamic, and religion. He details about identifying as American, growing up in Monterey, California, and different aspects of his childhood. Hattori also discusses about hard-hat diving.

Hattori discusses more about har-hat diving and his finances. He details about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and what barbed wire is. Hattori also gives more details about his experiences with forced removal. Hattori briefly discusses his experiences…

Hattori discusses about abalone, his wife, and joining the Army. He details about being blacklisted, the loyalty questionnaire, and joining the Military Intelligence Service. He details about his time in Minnesota and his experiences in post-war…

Hattori discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He details about the living conditions post-war, his interactions with Japanese citizens, and Japanese culture. Hattori also evaluates the Nisei's…

Norman Kikuta begins by describing his childhood growing up on the pineapple plantations of Hawaii and his educational experiences from primary school through university. He recalls the Pearl Harbor attack and subsequently volunteering for the Hawaii…

Terumoto "Paul" Ichiuji was born in Pacific Grove. He was very active in high school with sports and the student body and had many friends.

Before December 7, 1941, Paul's brother, Joe, and cousin were drafted into service. Paul recalls hearing…

During the occupation of Japan, Paul Ichiuji worked for the CIC to gather information. Paul got information from the butokai and couriers. Although Paul’s Japanese was not that proficient, he knew important words to communicate with the butokai.…

Maya Miyamoto was born on January 28, 1922, in Carmel Valley, CA. His father and mother were from Kumamoto, Japan. Maya's father taught him respect, how to get along with others, honesty, and do not shame the family. Maya said his parents wished him…

During the occupation of Japan, Maya Miyamoto worked in Tokyo. He had a driver's license and could drive jeeps, tanks, and other vehicles. Therefore, a Lieutenant asked him to stay in Tokyo.

Maya's assignment was to drive the gas truck and…

Maya Miyamoto narrates photographs from the occupation of Japan. The pictures range from baseball games, family, relatives, friends, Japanese nationalist's daily life, and pets.

Maya also shares how he met his wife at Poston. His grandson,…

Mr. Inashima discusses his early life growing up in Seattle, Washington, describing the Japanese neighborhood he grew up in and the culture he was surrounded with. During childhood, Mr. Inashima attended Japanese language school and following his…

Mr. Inashima describes his arrival in the Philippines with the MIS and later his assignment to Japan with an industrial survey team. Mr. Inashima describes his typical day in the MIS and talks about the Japanese culture, food, and entertainment he…

Masato Yamashita's interview is with Lloyd Fujitani.

Masato Mauch Yamashita is born on December 27, 1924, in Lodi, CA. Lloyd Katsuto Fujitani is born January 1, 1917, in Lodi, CA. Both Masato and Lloyd are with 442nd Company I. Masato, and Lloyd's…

Masato Yamashita's interview is with Lloyd Fujitani.

Masato Yamashita and Lloyd Fujitani recall hearing the news about Pearl Harbor on the radio. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, anyone who is a leader of a Japanese Organization is taken away by…

Masato Yamashita's interview is with Lloyd Fujitani.

When the news of the war is over, Masato Yamashita hears that they might go to the Pacific, and soldiers from I Company sign up for the Military Intelligence Service (MIS).

At the end of the…

Hamada discusses his grandfather's immigration to the United States and his work on the transcontinental railroad; discusses his grandmother; and talks about his parents. He then talks about both his maternal and paternal grandparents; discusses his…

Hamada talks about his experiences as part of ROTC; discusses his thoughts regarding citizenship; and talks about how his grandparents moved back to Japan while he was still in high school. He then talks about his knowledge of pre-war tensions…

Hamada discusses taking a loyalty questionnaire and the aftermath which included getting sent to a segregation camp and expatriation to Japan. He then talks about his experiences in Japan including traveling, discussing food, visiting relatives, and…

Tommy Masakazu Mayekawa is born on April 22, 1921, in Hawthorne, CA. Tommy's parents are from Mie-ken, Japan. When Tommy's father immigrates to the United States, he works on the railroads and truck farming.

Tommy is the oldest of the children. He…

Tommy Mayekawa and his family evacuate to Santa Anita Assembly Center after receiving the evacuation orders. He describes the living conditions and life in the camp. Tommy and his family live in a horse stable, and his parents accepted the situation…

During the Military occupation in Japan, Tommy Mayekawa works for the Third Military Railway Service Headquarters as an interpreter. He guards the trains to make sure they are not pilferage.

Living in Yokohama, Japan, Tommy does not encounter…

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