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Ikeguchi discusses his parents and their employment; and talks about growing up in a farming community in California. He then talks about his parents' physical traits and personalities; discusses values he learned from his parents; talks about family…

Ikeda discusses his journey back home. He details about his career after being discharged from the army. Ikeda also discusses about his life after retirement and the legacy of Nisei veterans.

Ikeda discusses his journey to Camp Shelby and his experiences while there. He details about the voyage overseas and about the short time he spent in Africa. Ikeda also discusses about his experiences in the European Theatre.

Ikeda discusses his family and his childhood in Hawaii. He details about Pearl Harbor and the aftermath from it. Ikeda also discusses about enlisting into the service.

Takeo Ikeda continues to talk about his first combat experience. He discusses a Medal of Honor recipient. He briefly talks about his rank. He describes his good luck charms. He explains how he got a concussion as a child. He talks about his religious…

Ikeda talks about his youth government job. He describes his life after high school including his carpentry work. He discusses the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He shares his experiences with discrimination. He talks about joining the…

Ikeda and the interviewers introduce themselves. He talks about his nickname. He describes his early life in Maui, Hawaii. He discusses his siblings. He talks about his childhood activities. He also talks about his parents immigration to the United…

Ikeda discusses meeting his wife, provides some marriage advice, and discusses his children. He then talks about purchasing and working on a farm, discusses the importance of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) to the war effort and MIS receiving…

Ikeda talks about his Military Intelligence Service (MIS) assignments in China translating captured documents, discusses the differences between interrogation, interpretation, and translation, and talks about kibei involvement in MIS. He then talks…

Ikeda discusses his family’s forced removal, the story behind how he was transferred to Military Intelligence Service (MIS), and talks about his MIS training and the classes he attended. He then talks about receiving a furlough to visit his family at…

Ikeda discusses how he got his nickname; and talks about his parents and growing up on a farm in Clovis, California. He then talks about playing softball, high school, attending Japanese language school, and religion. Lastly, Ikeda recalls being at…


Ikari discusses the bonds of the Nisei veterans and how combat brought those bonds much closer. After this, he shows off some of his artifacts from the war, including an M1 rifle tool, a travel order and his discharge papers.

Before getting discharged from the Army, Ikari was asked to participate in an objective Army program, in which they wanted Nisei soldiers to dress in Japanese uniforms and act as one would in the Japanese Army in order to help train new recruits.…

Ikari talks more about being wounded during combat, getting shot in the legs and nearly losing consciousness before getting saved by the medics. He talks about his mentality when being shot in the line of fire and being taken to the aid station. Once…

Ikari continues talking about his basic training at Camp Shelby, joining E Company and preparing for their shipment overseas. They would ship out from Newport News aboard a liberty ship, gambling, playing cards and listening to music throughout the…

Ikari discusses where his family ended up after Executive Order 9066 was signed, sent to a mixture of Rohwer, Poston and Manzanar Concentration Camps. While visiting on leave, he would see the barbed wire in certain sections of the camp and the…

Ikari continues to talk about his work life before the war, getting his start in chick sexing and discussing the technique to learning whether a baby chick was a male or female at the hatchery. Next, he talks about being at Los Angeles City College…

Norman Ikari begins the interview talking about growing up in Seattle, Washington where he would fish often, and go to a baseball games with his father. Due to the Great Depression, his family would move down to Los Angeles, facing his first bout of…

Charley discusses the opportunity to visits, Jerome and Rohwer. When traveling to New York after the war, he meets a mutual friend of Eva's who he corresponds with during wartime. During wartime, he describes how the soldiers' shower on the…

Charley learns about the different mines at Camp Shelby. He contributes the veteran outfits for helping his company with learning about other German mines. There are different German-made mines such as the bouncing betty, schu-mines, and teller…

Charles “Charley” Touoji Ijima goes to Schofield Barracks before going to the mainlands. He receives his basic training at Camp Shelby. He learns how to build different types of bridges and lay mines. At Camp Shelby, Charley describes his first time…

Charles "Charley" Toyoji Ijima is born on January 8, 1925, in Makaweli, Kauai, Hawaii. His family lives on a sugar cane plantation. His parents are from Niigata Prefecture of Japan. Charley's father, Shozo Ijima, comes to Hawaii by himself first.…

Iguchi discusses about life after the war. He details about his community involvement. Iguchi also gives a message to future generations.

Iguchi discusses about his experiences as a medic and being wounded. He details about the events after The Gothic Line. Iguchi also discusses about his best and worst experiences in the war and reflects on his military service.

Iguchi discusses about the journey overseas, training to be a medic, and arriving in France. He details about his experiences during the Champagne Campaign and life as a medic. Iguchi also discusses about The Gothic Line.

Iguchi discusses about his father sending Honeydew Mel ons and life after after high school graduation. He details about being drafted and receiving training to be a medic. Iguchi also discusses about Pearl Harbor, Its aftermath, and joining the…

Iguchi discusses about his family and growing San Fernando Valley. He details how he identified himself and home life. Iguchi also discusses about school activities and religion.

Ida finishes the interview talking about how he met his wife and how they settled in Hawaii. After this he gives a message for future generations and some final notes.

Ida talks about his time after the war and returning to the United States from Italy. He would first go to New York before getting stranded in Marysville, waiting for a strike to end so he could boat back to Hawaii. He would get back to Hawaii on…

Ida continues to talk about the Champagne Campaign and the rest and relaxation they got, not needing to fight any real battles. He talks about going down to Leghorn and getting wounded a second time while in Carrara. He also talks about confiscating…

Ida talks more about his experiences at Camp Shelby, eating fried chicken and catfish at the local restaurants. Shortly after, they would be sent overseas in a convoy, first landing in Oran before arriving in Naples. They would head up to…

Ida talks more about volunteering for the Army, going into Schofield Barracks where he would be given the title acting sergeant. He would head to the mainland, landing first in San Francisco before taking the train down to Camp Shelby in Mississippi.…

Ida talks more about his high school education at Mid-Pacific Institute in Hawaii, where he would play tennis and baseball. After graduation, he would work for the St. Louis Club until the attacks on Pearl Harbor occurred. He talks about seeing…

Ida continues to talk about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii, including purchasing a home after high school. He also talks about living in a small town and knowing everybody, while he would attend both english and Japanese school. He talks about…

Ida begins the interview talking about his family background and his father and mother coming from Japan and settling in Hawaii. He would attend Mid-Pacific Institute while his father worked at the Japanese consulate and his mother did laundry. Next,…


During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls attending The Medal of Honor ceremony, as well as being the chief researcher for the AJA Veteran's Council. In addition, he gives details in regard to his friend, Thomas Shiratsuki, and being…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls leaving Baltimore for Hawaii, living in a Jewish community, and the discrimination he faced while living there. In addition, Ichiyama discusses The Champagne Campaign, as well as significant…

This interview picks up mid-story with Edward Ichiyama discussing details about his friend, Tsaneshi Naruo, as well as the eulogy of his friend, [Shimizu]. Next, Ichiyama moves on to recall his first time entering Germany and chasing the German Army…

During this portion of the interview, Edward Ichiyama recalls his duties within his military unit. Specifically, he gives detail s on regards to being a fuseman and forward observer. In addition, Ichiyama recollects his experiences marching with the…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls volunteering for the 442nd, his military training, and the racial discrimination he witnessed during his time in Hattiesbug. This part of the interview concludes with Ichiyama discussing when…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls his time spent in the Army and his experiences during the war. He gives details in regards to witnessing the bombing of Pearl Harbor and his family's experience after the attack. This part of…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama discusses his family's emigration to the United States, as well as his familial makeup. He also recalls specific events during his adolescence, such as spending time in his father's barbershop,…

During the occupation of Japan, Paul Ichiuji worked for the CIC to gather information. Paul got information from the butokai and couriers. Although Paul’s Japanese was not that proficient, he knew important words to communicate with the butokai.…

Terumoto "Paul" Ichiuji was born in Pacific Grove. He was very active in high school with sports and the student body and had many friends.

Before December 7, 1941, Paul's brother, Joe, and cousin were drafted into service. Paul recalls hearing…

Ichiuji looks through pictures, describing the subjects of each and the background of them as well.

Ichiuji continues to talk about the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp and the inhumanity of it. Next, he talks about the end of the war and his trip back to the United States, celebrating when he saw the Statue of Liberty. He would be…

Ichiuji talks more about his combat experiences, going back to Naples to wait for replacements, before being sent back to France, liberating the town of Bruyeres and the rescue of the Lost Battalion. The 522nd would continue on through the French…

Ichiuji talks about being shipped overseas, first going to Newport News before going on a 28 day convoy to Italy. When arriving in Italy, he would immediately notice the destruction of Naples, and would then move up to Bagnoli, where they would be…

Ichiuji continues to talk about being in Poston concentration camp with his family, the living conditions being poor but they were able to set up a shoe repair shop. He would then volunteer to join the 442nd and talks about the loyalty questions they…

Ichiuji would be drafted into the Army, getting inducted in San Francisco and taking his basic training at Camp Roberts. There, he would learn to shoot the Howitzer gun and join in on maneuvers. However, once the attacks on Pearl Harbor occurred, he…

Joseph Ichiuji begins the interview talking about growing up in Pacific Grove, California, fishing and playing football with his siblings. He talks about facing discrimination in the job market and attending Japanese language school while also…

Ichikawa discusses the purpose of an Anti-Tank Company, and recalls stories of other soldiers having to dig foxholes during a battle in Vosges, as well as their experiences with glider invasions with airborne units. He then talks about his parents,…

Ichikawa discusses the different roles and weapons used within an Anti-Tank Company including the Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR); and also describes the sounds of the German soldiers’ guns, bazooka training, and keeping in contact with Anti-Tank…

Ichikawa talks about his time at Camp Shelby. He then talks about preparing to go overseas by learning about weapons and how to listen for artillery. Before heading overseas, Ichikawa received a furlough and spent time in New York and Baltimore,…

Ichikawa discusses his parents, childhood, and home life. He then talks about his feelings regarding Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor, and his thoughts about forced removal after Executive Order 9066. Ichikawa then describes his experiences at…

Ichikawa discusses his life once returning home and how he ended up on a television show. He details about his interactions with veteran organizations and also gives a message to Nisei veterans. Ichikawa also discusses acts of heroism, losing…

Ichikawa discusses a few comical stories, photography, and his worst war experience. He details about heading to France, back to Italy, and his experiences in Italy before and after the war. Ichikawa also discusses mail, awards, and returning home.

Ichikawa discusses more about his experiences at Camp Shelby and what it entailed to carry a Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR). He details about his combat experiences in Europe and being wounded. Ichikawa also discusses losing comrades and…

Ichikawa discusses his experiences at Santa Anita Temporary Dentition Center. He details about experiences at Granada Concentration Camp. Ichikawa also discusses why he volunteered for the service and his experiences at Camp Shelby for basic…

Ichikawa discusses his childhood, family, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. He details values, religion, and his neighborhood. Ichikawa also discusses his reaction to forced removal and experiences at Santa Anita Temporary Assembly Center.

Mach Shoji dressed in jacket, pants and boots. Shoji is standing in front of a US Army supply truck.

Mack Shoji lounging in a window sill. Shoji was in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, E Company.

Raymond Shigenaga and W.M Seiji standing outside of armory.

Tamai and Sam Sakai standing together next to a scrap pile and abandoned building. The hills and mountains are seen in the background behind Tamai and Sakai.

"Gerries" (Germans) in the hills and mountains. The hills and mountains are seen in the background behind Robert Ichikawa and Sam Sakai.

Head shot of Robert Ichikawa with Med Oura in the background. Ichikawa and Oura are in front of a stone wall.

Bob Kubota and Robert Ichikawa holding machine guns. Kubota and Ichikawa are standing in front of barrack E-3 at Camp Shelby, Mississippi.

Robert Ichikawa holding a belt of machine gun bullets around his neck. Ichikawa is standing in front of an army supply garage.

Robert Ichikawa of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, E Company standing next to a building holding combat rifle. Ichikawa is dressed in his military uniform.

Robert Ichikawa standing with two mules carrying supplies next to a building. Ichikawa is wearing his military uniform and helmet.

Raymond Shigenaga (left) and Robert Ichikawa (right) all smiles. Both are wearing their army helmets.

Robert Ichikawa (left) and Haru Kato (right) standing in front of military truck at the regiment supply area. Both Ichikawa and Kato are part of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, Company E.

Robert Ichikawa, of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, E Company, standing in front of an army truck in the regiment supply area. Photograph taken in Nice, France.


Grant Hayao Ichikawa discusses the language team and their assignments. He describes the difference between Kibei and Nisei and how their attributes working together up contribute to the rebuilding of Japan. Ichikawa also shares how he meets his wife…

Grant Hayao Ichikawa discusses his military duties during the occupation of Japan and the Nisei and Kibei contribution as translators. Ichikawa talks about General MacArthur's plan to rebuild Japan and keeping the Emperor of Japan safe. He feels the…

Ichikawa discusses his life following his second discharge from the Army, which included working in Sakhalin, living in Washington Heights in Tokyo and starting a family. Next, he decided to learn Indonesian and begin interpreting in Surabaya, then…

Following the Turlock, Ichikawa and his family were moved to the Gila River Concentration Camp, where he saw posters showing that the Army needed military volunteers who could speak Japanese and work as interpreters. Once approved, Ichikawa was…

Ichikawa begins the interview giving background details of his family and their farm in the Suisun Valley in California. Next, he discusses various parts of his childhood including values, Japanese language school and working for the Mayfield family,…

"The Gang." Gerries beyond the mountains. Group of Nisei soldiers leisurely sitting on the side of the road. Half of the men are using their helmets as stools to sit on. Hills are seen in the background.

In 1948, Toshi Beverly Iba returns to the United States. She reunites with her older brother and helps him with his nursery business. Toshi also attends a Los Angeles Costume Design School and later graduates.

In November 1948, Toshi marries…

Post-war, Shigeru Iba he meets his wife, Toshi Beverly Iba. They have been married for 54 years and have three children, Gary, Glenn, and Alan. Glenn has two sons, and Alan has two sons.

In 1946, Shigeru and his brother buys a nursery together…

Shigeru Iba discusses Australia and POWS. In Australia, he is in the hospital for a year. During this time in the hospital, he hears about the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, and the war ends.

Shigeru's family is in Amache, CO, while he is in the Army.…

After graduating from Manual Arts High School, Shigeru Iba helps with his Father's nursery business. In March of 1941, Shigeru is drafted into the Army. Springtime is the busiest time for the nursery business. Therefore, he requests a deferment for…

Shigeru Iba is born on April 1, 1917, in Los Angeles, CA. His parents are from Wakayama-ken, Japan, and he has two brothers. During Shigeru's childhood, he helps his father in the nursery business. Besides attending primary school, he goes to a…
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