Browse Items (886 total)

Yamane describe his journey to Europe. He lists the injuries and casualties in his unit. He talks about medals and awards. He discusses the recognition of Japanese American soldier's accomplishments. He describes his location in Europe and his…

Yamane continues to describe the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He talks about guarding Hawaii after the attack. He explains how the 100th Infantry Battalion was formed. He discusses his travels through Europe. He describe the journey to…

Yamane and the interviewers introduce themselves. Yamane describes his early life in Hawaii. He talks about his father's work on a sugar plantation. He discusses how his mother's sake was a separate source of income for his family. He lists his…

Miyamoto talks about the 442nd Regimental Combat Team 50th reunion G Company reception; and shares some thoughts regarding the 442nd. He then provides a message to future generations regarding education and ethics; and talks about childhood values he…

Miyamoto talks about earning a Bronze Star, Silver Star, and Combat Infantryman Badge. He then talks about his post-war experiences in Italy, traveling home to Hawaii, getting discharged, and bringing home wartime souvenirs. Lastly, Miyamoto talks…

Miyamoto describes the term, “million dollar wound”; talks about treating civilians in Bruyeres and treating wounded Germans; and his experiences in forests in France. He then provides some thoughts about the Lost Battalion rescue; discusses medical…

Miyamoto discusses interactions he had with wounded soldiers at Hill 140 while on medic duty; discusses transporting and treating wounded soldiers; and talks about combat experiences after Hill 140. He then talks about casualties; getting wounded and…

Miyamoto talks about his medics training, his experiences going to Hattiesburg, and his relationship with Mainland soldiers. He then talks about going to Missouri for training at a hospital; traveling overseas; describes what he carried as a medic;…

Miyamoto talks about his siblings, living in a boarding house after high school, and his job as a foreman at an experiment station. He then talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath including blackout restrictions, and his experiences…

Miyamoto discusses growing up in Hawaii; talks about his father and his occupation on a plantation; discusses his mother; and talks about attending Japanese language school. He then talks about attending high school and his participation in the…

Goro discusses his family and what it was like growing up in Holualoa, Hawaii. He details about the family's hotel volunteering for the Army. Goro also discusses about hos experiences at Camp Shelby and his experiences in Europe.

George Oiye concludes this interview by describing his love for photography, how he managed to bring his personal camera overseas with him, and the kind of pictures he took while in Europe. Next, he describes some of his personal pictures he took…

George Oiye begins this interview part by describing the similarity and differences between American and German concentration camps. Next, describes some photographs in his possession, his feelings about Dachau, and recollecting meeting German youth…

George Oiye describes a number of pictures in his possession, including units, military equipment, unit buddies, and photographs that document the 522nd's involvement with the liberation of the subcamp of Dachau Concentration Camp.

George Oiye discusses his unit's time in the Maritime Alps and the search for and eventual destruction of a railroad gun. Next, he describes how the 522nd was sent into Germany while the 442nd returned to Italy. Lastly, he describes the liberation of…

George Oiye talks about the reputation of the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion, experiences as a forward observer, and the units transfer to France. Next, he discusses the attacks on Bruyeres and Biffontaine. Lastly, he describes the Rescue of the…

George Oiye describes experiences of discrimination, lack of personal relationships, and going to college. Next, he talks about community reactions to Pearl Harbor and the feelings about the west coast evacuation of Japanese Americans. Lastly, he…

George Oiye begins the interview by describing his family and childhood experiences growing up in Montana. Next, he describes his parents' emphasis to Americanize, as well as discussing the small Japanese American population in Montana. Lastly, he…

Mukai discusses his life after leaving the service, detailing how he met his wife and his career. He details the organizations that he is a member of. He also discusses he love for golf and gives some words of wisdom for future generations.

Mukai discusses the incident in which he was wounded. He details the relationship he had between his mother and father. Mukai also discusses the rehabilitation process.

Mukai discusses the general duties for the 232nd Combat Engineer Company. He discusses the importance of teamwork and dealing with the rigors of war. He also details about the lighter side of war.

Mukai discusses traveling in Mississippi and witnessing discrimination first hand. He also details what is was like visiting Jerome Concentration Camp. He also discusses the voyage overseas and arriving in Italy.

Mukai discusses traveling to Camp Shelby and being assigned to the 232nd Combat Engineer Company. He details he experiences from basic training. Mukai also discusses about some of the fun the regiment had.

Mukai discusses what occurred after he volunteered. He details his experiences on Oahu. Mukai also discusses he trip to the mainland.

Mukai discusses his family and what it was like growing up in Hakalau. He also details about the food he ate and the values he was taught while growing up. Mukai discusses the impact that playing sports had on his life. He relates a story of his…

Mukai discusses what activities that served as childhood entertainment. Mukai details about fishing as a child. Mukai also discusses his experiences with education.

Kanatani discusses his post-war career and his family fared after leaving camp. He details about his wife, children, and grandchildren. Kanatani gives a message to future generations and showing photographs.

Kanatani discusses about his family, interactions with Hawaiian soldiers, combat experiences, and being wounded. He details about his religion, the Champagne Campaign, and the Lost Battalion. Kanatani also discusses about George T. "Joe" Sakato and…

Kanatani discusses his upbringing, remembering Pearl Harbor , and its aftermath. He details about his family's forced removal and visiting both Heart Mountain and Poston Concentration Camps. Kanatani also discusses basic training, being assigned to…

Kanatani discusses about growing up in California, family, and, his childhood home. He details working as a child, schooling, and a typical meal at home. Kantani also discusses childhood activities and segregation.

Ishihara discusses what it was like seeing Hitler's underground bunker and experiencing V-E Day while in Germany, volunteering for Military Intelligence Service (MIS), returning to the United States, and getting furlough. He then talks about his…

Ishihara discusses arriving in Italy and traveling to Naples, what it was like being a part of an artillery battery, his assignments picking up water and rations, and experiencing enemy fire while in a bivouac area. He then talks about his…

Ishihara discusses going to Fort Logan for orientation and then Camp Shelby for basic training and talks about the differences and tensions between the Hawaiian and mainland soldiers at Camp Shelby. He also talks about the weather and living…

Ishihara describes the living conditions and food at Minidoka Incarceration Camp, how he got his nickname of "gas house", and the rules and regulations at both Minidoka Incarceration Camp and Puyallup Detention Facility. He also talks about the…

Ishihara describes his experiences working in Alaska including discussing the process of trapping and canning fish. He then talks about the discipline he received growing up, what life was like after the attack on Pearl Harbor including his…

Ishihara discusses growing up in Enumclaw, Washington, including his experiences living near a lumber mill, his hobbies such as fishing and playing sports, the demographics and community within Enumclaw, and going to school. He also talks about going…

Mukai talks about his courtship and marriage to Eugenia Sumiye Okoshi. Eugenia Sumiye Okoshi joins the interview. She talks about her birthplace. She describes her father's early life. She describes her family's bicoastal life. She discusses her…

Mukai talks about the discussions between members of his unit before preparing to return to the United States. He explains why it was dangerous for Japanese American soldiers to fight in the Pacific. He describes his return to the United States. He…

Mukai describes climbing the Apennine Mountains during the Gothic Line campaign. He talks about the time he spent in Belvedere. He discusses his units travel through Italy. He talks about the end of World War two and his final duties. He describes…

Mukai describes his journey to Europe. He talks about landing in Glasgow, Scotland. He discusses traveling trough England. He talks about his arrival in LaHavre, France. He explains how he joined M Company. He describes the conversations that he had…

Mukai talks about the fear amongst Japanese Americans following the Pearl Harbor bombings. He talks about what happened to his family farm after his forced removal. He describes the induction process. He discusses his combat training at Camp Shelby.…

Mukai continues to talk about his relationships with his siblings. He describes three childhood near drowning incidents. He describes the demographics of Bostonia, California. He discusses his experiences in high school. He talks about a mentor that…

Mukai talks about Bostonia, California. He talks about his fathers birthplace and family. He discusses his fathers discrimination. He shares his fathers experiences with discrimination. He describes the ingenuity of Japanese American immigrants. He…

Yasukochi talks about the attacks on Pearl Harbor and the effects it had on his family. His father would be taken by the FBI along with his brother and put into prisons for a few days, while his mother and other siblings were taken to Poston…

Yasukochi continues talking about seeing Dachau Concentration Camp and what it was like to interact with the prisoners of the camp. Next, he briefly talks about his ship ride back to the United States, getting discharged out of Camp Chesterfield.…

Yasukochi talks about his involvement in the Lost Battalion campaign, saving the 36th Division, that had been stranded. He talks about stuffing shells full of supplies and shooting it over to them so that they had supplies as they awaited their…

Yasukochi talks about his time at UC Davis, studying botany as he educated himself for a future in plant breeding. After this, he talks about his shipment to Italy, taking 35 days as the convoy zig zagged across the ocean. Next, he talks about his…

Yasukochi talks about farming life while living in California, driving a truck up and down the coast to pick up fertilizer in San Pedro and back to Oceanside at the age of 11. Next, he talks more about what it was like to grow up in California,…

Yasukochi begins the interview talking about his family background, and his father coming from Japan and becoming a farmer in California despite alien land laws. They would become known for their chili peppers at the farm. Next, he talks about…

Matsumura discusses his wife and children, education at Northrop Aeronautical Institute and work at an airline. He also discusses recreational activities he has enjoyed throughout his life, storytelling with fellow servicemen at reunions, music and…

Matsumura discusses the friendships he made in the field during the War - one friend who was killed in action towards the end of the War, and another who he remained friends with for decades. He then lists the numerous decorations and medals he…

Matsumura recounts his harrowing experiences of close range combat on Italian soil with the 442nd Infantry Regiment. He was wounded several times in various campaigns and witnessed the injuries and death of much of his fellow servicemen. He details…

Matsumura discusses his family background in Hawaii and hearing about the attack of Pearl Harbor on the radio. He volunteered to defend water and power installations as a civilian in the aftermath of the attack, and later enlisted into the Army. He…

Kitada talks about getting discharged, his post-war employment as a gardener, and discusses his children and grandchildren. He then talks about the differences between pre-war and present day segregation, discusses his thoughts regarding the 442nd…

Kitada discusses a soldier who was killed in action, talks about his experiences in Pompeii, and discusses black market trading and selling. He then talks about German artillery, combat experiences in Italy, and recalls some good experiences during…

Kitada talks about his experiences with weapons training, provides some thoughts regarding going overseas, and discusses his experiences during his furlough including staying with a former neighbor and visiting his family at Manzanar Concentration…

Kitada discusses his infantry, rank, parents, growing up in the Los Angeles area, siblings, and working as a gardener. He then talks about school, the attack on Pearl Harbor, experiences with discrimination, and going to Manzanar Concentration Camp.…

Ida finishes the interview talking about how he met his wife and how they settled in Hawaii. After this he gives a message for future generations and some final notes.

Ida talks about his time after the war and returning to the United States from Italy. He would first go to New York before getting stranded in Marysville, waiting for a strike to end so he could boat back to Hawaii. He would get back to Hawaii on…

Ida continues to talk about the Champagne Campaign and the rest and relaxation they got, not needing to fight any real battles. He talks about going down to Leghorn and getting wounded a second time while in Carrara. He also talks about confiscating…

Ida talks more about his experiences at Camp Shelby, eating fried chicken and catfish at the local restaurants. Shortly after, they would be sent overseas in a convoy, first landing in Oran before arriving in Naples. They would head up to…

Ida talks more about volunteering for the Army, going into Schofield Barracks where he would be given the title acting sergeant. He would head to the mainland, landing first in San Francisco before taking the train down to Camp Shelby in Mississippi.…

Ida talks more about his high school education at Mid-Pacific Institute in Hawaii, where he would play tennis and baseball. After graduation, he would work for the St. Louis Club until the attacks on Pearl Harbor occurred. He talks about seeing…

Ida continues to talk about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii, including purchasing a home after high school. He also talks about living in a small town and knowing everybody, while he would attend both english and Japanese school. He talks about…

Ida begins the interview talking about his family background and his father and mother coming from Japan and settling in Hawaii. He would attend Mid-Pacific Institute while his father worked at the Japanese consulate and his mother did laundry. Next,…

Hariayama discusses about coming home and post-war life. He details about going to and his in Korea. Hirayama discusses about his employment and family.

Hirayama discusses his experiences with combat and the Lost Battalion. He details about the Champagne Campaign. Hirayama also discusses about his experiences in Germany and visiting Dachau.

Hariayama discusses about basic training. He details heading overseas, landing in Italy, and his experiences in Italy. Hariayama also discusses about his first combat experiences, his experiences in France, and his duties during combat.

Hiryama discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details about enlisting into service and leaving the island of Kauai. Hariyama also discusses about going to and his experiences at Camp Shelby.

Hirayama discusses about his childhood and schooling. He details about food, building a canoe, and growing in Hawaii. Hirayama also discusses about his career, being self-driven, and Sparky Matsunaga.

Hirayama discusses about his family. He details about childhood and the values he was taught. Hirayama also discusses about his schooling and growing up in Kauai (Maui), Hawaii.

Morimoto shows photographs from an album, which includes images from American Hot Rod Magazine and images taken at Muroc dry lake during a racing competition. Photographs in the album also include images taken at Cal-Aero Technical Institute; and…

Morimoto describes memories from World War Two, including recalling his brother-in-law's death in Bruyeres, and the harsh weather and combat conditions in Bruyeres. He then talks about not being able to attend his mother's funeral after she passed…

Morimoto describes the time that he tripped on a booby trap and was injured, and his comrades' experiences gambling in Monte Carlo. He also talks about going to the hospital due to his trench foot condition which caused him to get reclassified as…

Morimoto discusses his experiences participating in the liberation of Bruyeres, including what the terrain was like, and dealing with the constant threat of encountering German soldiers due to the dark and dense forest cover; and also due to the…

Morimoto discusses growing up in Monrovia, California and recalls working at his family's general store, playing football and participating in track and field, attending Japanese language school, and experiencing discrimination during his childhood.…

Yokoi discusses meeting wife. He details about post-war and the medals he received. Yokoi also gives a message to future generations and his opinion about the atomic bombing.

Yokoi discusses nicknames and his family. He details about his experiences in Mississippi and the events after The Gothic Line. Yokoi also discusses his life after discharge and returning home.

Yokoi discusses his family's incarceration. He details about being assigned to the medical battalion and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Yokoi also discusses about his European Theatre experiences.

Yokoi discusses his family and childhood. He details about being drafted and his life after high school. Yokoi also discusses about Pearl Harbor, his reaction, and the aftermath.

Suyama explains how he got his name. He talks about his father's early life. He describes his father's work on the railroad. He talks about his father's knowledge of languages. He talks about his father's educational background. He shares memories of…

Sasaki discusses about the relationship between Hawaiian and Mainland soldiers, being assigned to the Antitank Company, and going overseas. He details his combat experiences, the realities of war, and his experiences in France. Sasaki also discusses…
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