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Tojo discusses about his family and values taught. He details about his schooling. Tojo also discusses about childhood.

Yokoyama discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan. He details about meeting his wife.

Yokoyama discusses about his military training. He details the wars end and going overseas . Yokoyama also discusses about his experiences in the Philippines and post-war Japan.

Yokoyama discusses about his childhood and the events prior to Pearl Harbor. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

Yokoyama discusses about his family and childhood. He details about his schooling. Yokoyama also discusses about the values taught to him and living in his hometown.

Harry Uchida speaks about serving as bodyguard to Faubion Bowers and being reassigned to the Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) working as a translator. He also visits his sister in Japan at this time and talks about his impressions of Douglas…

Harry Uchida grows up on the island of Maui in Hawaii attending Japanese language school and gets drafted into the army. He serves in the Military Intelligence service during the occupation of Japan.

Kawagoye discusses the experiences of the Japanese Americans throughout the war and how their legacy would be instrumental for future generations. He finishes with a message for future generations.

Florence Kawagoye, wife of Mitsunori Kawagoye…

Kawagoye begins the interview talking about his family and how they immigrated from Kagoshima to Los Angeles. It was in Santa Monica that his father would first open a restaurant, followed by becoming a gardener in the West LA area. Mitsunori would…

Miho discusses about his experiences in the Hawaiian Territorial Guard. He details about the Victory Varsity Volunteers (VVV) and the formation of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Miho also gives a message to future generations.

Miho discusses his experiences in Germany and Dachau Concentration Camp. He details about what he believes is the difference between American Concentration Camps and European Concentration Camps. Miho also discusses about his post-war life.

Miho discusses about his experiences during Rescue of the Lost Battalion. He details about his experiences in Italy. Miho also discusses about his Experiences in Germany.

Miho discusses about artillery training and his hearing. He details about arriving in and his experiences. Miho also discusses about his first combat experiences.

Miho discusses about Camp Shelby, Mississippi. He details about the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Miho also discusses about visiting American Concentration Camps, friends, and being assigned 522nd Field Artillery Battalion.

Miho discusses the pre-war political climate. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Miho also discusses his experiences at Camp Shelby, Mississippi.

Miho discusses about the hotel business and working during high school. He details about customs, working after high school, and going to college. Miho also discusses about his family and political climate in 1941.

Miho discusses about his family. He details about his childhood. Miho also discusses about his high school experiences and loyalty.

Hada discusses his relationship with Spark Matsunaga, receiving the Silver Star medal, and what it was like being out on the ridge alone during his forward observer assignment. He then talks about getting trench foot and being sent to a hospital in…

Hada discusses going to Camp Shelby, and not traveling into town because he felt there was discrimination against Japanese Americans. After Camp Shelby, Hada went to Louisiana Maneuvers, where he had an assignment making dog tags. Hada then talks…

Hada discusses getting drafted into the Army and basic training at Schofield barracks. Hada was at Schofield Barracks during the attack on Pearl Harbor and describes seeing airplanes flying overhead. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hada had…

Hada discusses growing up in Hawaii, living on a sugar plantation, and his hobbies. He also talks about his parents, and discusses having to take care of his siblings and help out with household chores after his mother passed away. After high school,…

Akita describes his worst experiences during World War Two. He shares his knowledge of American Concentration Camps. He talks about his photography work. He describes photographs that are shown on camera.

Akita continues to describe what everyday life was like for a prisoner of war. He also describes how prisoners of war escaped from his prisoner of war camp. He talks about political prisoners in his camp. He discusses the end of World War Two,…

Akita talks about his involvement in the Bruyeres-Biffontaine campaign. He describes his interactions with locals. He explains how he went from transporting prisoners of war to becoming a prisoner of war. He briefly talks about how prepared he felt…

Akita describes his basic training experiences and joining the 100th Infantry Battalion. He talks about his basic training photograph. He discusses his journey to North Africa and landing in Casablanca. Akita explains how people responded to Japanese…

Akita continues to explain what life was like on a sugar plantation. He talks about his plans after high school. He describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He shares his experiences with discrimination after the attack. Akita…

Akita talks about his early life in Hawaii. He describes his mother, father, and grandparents. He discusses what life was like on a sugar plantation. He talks about the Japanese language and Japanese language school. He briefly discusses his siblings…

Tagami discusses his nickname and his squad mates. He details his post-war experiences. Tagami also discusses his family and give a message to future generations.

Tagami discusses his experiences in Italy. He details his experiences in post-war Japan. Tagami also discusses his post military life and reflects on his military experiences.

Tagami discusses his journey overseas, arriving in France, and joining his unit. He details his experiences in France. Tagami also discusses his experiences in Italy.

Tagami discusses the anti-air cannon that was behind his house, his experiences at Jerome Concentration Camp, and being drafted. He details Japanese units and his military experiences. Tagami also discusses basic training, his experiences in Italy,…

Tagami discusses his childhood. He details the forced removal and his experiences in Fresno, California. Tagami also discusses his in the Fresno Temporary Detention Facility and Jerome Concentration Camp.

Tagami discusses about his family. He details about his childhood. Tagami also discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

Mori continues to talk about Dachau Concentration Camp. He describes how he reunited with a man he meet near Dachau. He discusses the Lost Battalion. Mori talks about marching into Germany towards the end of World War Two. He explains how he was…

Mori describes his second round of basic training and maneuvers. He talks about his first combat experience. He explains how he got supplies while overseas. He discusses his relationship with other soldiers. Mori talks about the Dachau Concentration…

Mori talks about how the Attack on Pearl Harbor affected his status as a soldiers. He discusses his father's imprisonment after Pearl Harbor. He briefly talks about the forced removal of Japanese Americans and remedial jobs he performed while in the…

Mori continues to talk about Japanese language school. He discusses citizenship and sumo wrestling. He describes being drafted and inducted into the Army. Mori discusses basic training. He talks about the Attack on Pearl Harbor and how it caused…

Mori explains how his parents immigrated to America. He describes his earliest memories. He talks about his family's farming background and his primary school experiences. Mori discusses his families frequent moves. He explains childhood conceptions…

Namba discusses his post-war experiences with discrimination in Oregon and talks about a local pastor who showed kindness to Japanese Americans during that time. He then talks about his brother's military experiences including his involvement as part…

Namba discusses a Sergeant who was killed in action, as well as other soldiers who were wounded and killed in action when a mine was set off during a night patrol. He then discusses how war is portrayed in movies and television; provides some…

Namba talks about leaving Minidoka to go to Fort Douglas for induction; describes barbed wire; and talks about basic training at Camp Blanding and Camp Shelby. He then talks about his brother's military service; traveling overseas on the Queen Mary;…

Namba talks about his family's forced removal including discussing the items he was allowed to take and what he had to leave behind. He then talks about some of his family's items that were lost after his father returned from incarceration camp; and…

Namba discusses his childhood and post-war experiences with racism and discrimination. He then provides some thoughts about what the Pledge of Alligence and United States national anthem mean to him; discusses his childhood ambitions and heroes; and…

Namba discusses his siblings; and talks about his parents immigrating to the United States from Japan, his father's work as a farmer, and his mother's education in Japan. He then talks about traditional Japanese family values; his father's…

Yoshino continues his recollection of his time overseas in Japan during the occupation. First, he speaks about the different assignments that he had, working as an overseer for reporting and as an interpreter for officers. Next, he speaks about the…

Yoshino begins the interview speaking about the surrender of Japan and a little about his childhood, growing up as a Japanese American. Next, he talks about spending a small amount of time at Tule Lake Concentration Camp and working at farms and on…

Tanaka discusses his family. He gives a message to future generations. Tanaka also describes various photographs.

Tanaka discusses about Hideki Tojo, He details about his experiences in post-war Japan. Tanka also discusses about his family.

Tanaka discusses about Hideki Tojo. He details about his role as an interpreter and Japanese politics. Tanaka also discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan.

Tanaka discusses about his interactions with Japanese soldiers and interrogations. He tells a story a about friend. Tanaka also about the contribution of Nisei linguist.

Tanaka discusses about joining the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He details about his early experiences in the Military Intelligence Service at Camp Savage. Tanaka also discusses about his journey overseas and interrogations.

Tanaka discusses his childhood. He details about his schooling. Tanaka also discusses about his experiences with discrimination and the aftermath from Pearl Harbor.

Tanaka discusses about joining the service and his early experiences in the military. He details about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. Tanaka also discusses about hid family.

Tanaka discusses about his family. He details his childhood. Tanaka also discusses about farming.

Ito discusses his experiences interacting with his extended family members while in Japan during the occupation. He also reflects on the legacy of the participation of Nisei soldiers in World War 2 and how Japanese nationals reacted to U.S.…

Ito briefly talks about his family history and childhood, then he talks about how he got drafted while at an internment camp. Ito recounts the assignments he carried out during the post-war U.S. occupation of Japan. He discusses some specifics of his…

Inoshita talks about his return to the United States. He describes what his family did after leaving Gila River. He discusses his return to farming. He explains how he dealt with aging. He explains how he met his wife. Inoshita talks about his wife,…

Inoshita talks about several objects that are shown on camera. He talks about some letters that he found with a Prisoner of War. He explains how he communicated with his family while overseas. He discusses the conflict between the Communist party and…

Masaji Inoshita explains the possible economic motivations of the forced removal of Japanese Americans. He talks about Fort Snelling. He discusses his time in Military Intelligence Service Language School. He describes his journey to the Pacific,…

Inoshita talks about his Caucasian friends who offered support during the forced removal process. He describes the living conditions at Tulare Temporary Detention Center. He describes the propaganda surrounding the forced removal of Japanese…

Masaji Inoshita describes his Japanese identity. He shares his experiences with discrimination while in high school. He explains how the concept of Shikata ga nai helped him deal with discrimination. He talks about his acting experience in more…

Inoshita explains how his parents immigrated. He talks about his grandfather. He describes his fathers personality and skill sets. He shares his fathers experiences with discrimination. He explains how moving to the coast of California affected his…

Nakamura continues his recollection of his time visiting Hiroshima and how the Japanese there were very welcoming to him. Next, he speaks about his discharge from the Army and staying in Tokyo to work as a civilian. He first joined the Civil…

Nakamura discusses arriving in Japan and exploring Tokyo before joining the 11th Airborne in Sendai. Once in Sendai, he was sent to Shiogama to join the 188th regiment where they would patrol around and investigate for weapons that could be used…

Nakamura begins the interview talking about being born in America and quickly being moved to Japan as a child, where he would spend the next 8 years of his childhood. It was there that he would learn the culture of Japan and begin his elementary…

Tomita discusses post-war employment working for the State of California in auditing and accounting, meeting his wife, and his daughter's work with the Navy. He then talks about his hopes for the future in regards to his daughter and granddaughter,…

Tomita discusses his assignment translating captured documents in Australia, as well as his experiences in Australia and New Guinea including his living conditions, hospital stay after getting an infection, and what it was like working with an…

Tomita discusses his experiences after Pearl Harbor, talks about the formation of the 442nd, the decision to go to Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS), and life at Camp Savage. He also talks about his classes at MISLS, studying; and…

Tomita provides a definition of the term, "pro-Japan", and discusses his thoughts regarding being American. He then talks about recreational activities such as going to the beach and Kendo; and discusses childhood values his parents taught him. Next,…

Tomita talks about his parents, siblings, and moving from Washington to Alaska. He then talks about his experiences living in Japan including discussing school, playing sports, his uncle; and his thoughts regarding the Japanese invasion of Manchuria.…

After being discharged from the Army, Takusagawa moves to Los Angeles and begins a family, which now includes grandchildren. After that, he began getting involved with various nonprofit organizations to help spread the word of what the Nisei did.…

Takusagawa and his family ended up at the Gila River Concentration Camp after a stint at the Tulare Temporary Detention Center. There, he saw a sign to recruit men into the 442nd Regiment, so he joined right away. Takusagawa was sent to Camp Shelby…

Takusagawa continues his discussion on growing up in Santa Barbara, including the impactful people that he grew up with, helping him to become a more rounded person. Eventually, this guided him to joining the school band, playing the snare drum,…

Takusagawa begins the interview discussing his family background, starting with his father, then mother and their values and business. Growing up in Santa Barbara, he was raised to be an American outside of the house and only speak Japanese inside…

Fujimoto talks about his combat experiences, discusses the end of the war, and tells a story regarding going to hospital for food poisoning. He then talks about receiving a Bronze Star, provides his thoughts regarding military service and the 442nd;…

Fujimoto discusses going to Camp Kilmer, traveling overseas; and going to the hospital for measles after landing in France. He then talks about being assigned to G Company and describes the terrain traveling to meet up with them with his squad. Next,…

Fujimoto discusses life experiences and luck, meeting his wife, working while at Rohwer Concentration Camp; and going to the hospital for pleurisy. He then discusses taking an Army questionnaire, getting his draft notice, and basic training at Camp…

Fujimoto tells a story regarding a whiskey distillery and Al Capone, discusses his father getting arrested by the FBI, and talks about his family and friends’ forced removal experiences. He then talks about his life and the living conditions at Santa…

Fujimoto discusses how he got his nickname; and talks about growing up in Bell, California including talking about his family, his father’s occupation on a farm, and his own duties helping out on the farm. He then continues to talk about his…

Oshiro continues to talk about his veteran reunion trip to Europe. He talks about the horrors of war and his friends who were killed in action. He discusses his military decorations. He describes his return to the United States. Oshiro describes the…

Oshiro continues to discuss his work with gliders. He explains how he was injured. He talks about rejoining his unit after he recovered from his injury. He explains how he communicated with his family while he was overseas. Oshiro briefly talks about…

Oshiro talks about landing in Naples, Italy and his journey through Italy. He explains his interactions with the 100th Infantry Battalion. He describes his first combat experience. He discusses his military assignments. He talks about his role in the…

Oshiro continues to discuss volunteering for the military. He describes his journey to Camp Shelby. He talks about being assigned to a unit. He briefly talks about his basic training. He describes the relationship between the Hawaiian soldiers and…

Oshiro continues to talks about Japanese language school. He discuses his religious upbringing. He talks about his experiences while in high school and post-high school. He describes Pearl Harbor before World War Two. Oshiro discusses his carpentry…

Oshiro shares his parents immigration story. He talks about his siblings. He discusses his birthplace and his childhood community. He shares his earliest memories. He talks about his family's farm work on a plantation. Oshiro describes what he did in…

Mrs. Kusunoki discusses about her family. She details her post-war life and what can be learned from the Japanese American story. Mrs. Kusunoki also gives a message to future generations.

Mrs. Kusunoki discusses about her experiences at Tanforan Temporary Detention Facility and Topaz Concentration Camp. She details about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and leaving camp. Mrs. Kusunoki also discusses about her post-war life.

Kusunoki discusses about his post-war life and career. Mrs. Kusunoki discusses about growing up in San Fransisco, her family and schooling. She also discusses teaching Japanese to soldiers at the University of Minnesota.

Kusunoki discusses about his experiences at Topaz Concentration Camp and getting drafted. He details about his experiences in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team assigned to the medical detachment. Kusunoki also discusses about his post-war life.
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