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George Suzuki was drafted and went to Military Intelligence Service Language School. The experience at Fort Snelling was easygoing because he already knew some of the Niseis. Also, his girlfriend lived in St. Paul.

When Japan surrendered, George…

George Suzuki was born on April 6, 1922, in Astoria, OR. He went to Fort Snelling for Military Intelligence Service Language School. n May 1945, he completed training and was assigned to the Philippines for guard duty. When Japan surrendered in…

During the occupation, George Mitsuru Matsunaga stayed with the CIC. He recalled a food shortage in Japan and saw the Japanese nationals trying to survive. During George's travel, he became friends with three Marines who fought in the Guadalcanal on…

George Mitsuru Matsunaga completed training at Camp Ritchie CIC School. In 1945, he went overseas for occupation and was part of the 187th paratroopers. Briefly, George had guard duty at Camp Kuwae. Later he went to Morioka and worked for the CIC.…

George Mitsuru Matsunaga was born on May 28, 1925, in Wailuku, Maui. George had many positive influences that shaped him during his informal educational years. At home, his parents taught him filial piety and to study hard. In English school and…

Kobayahsi discusses about joining the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) and about his post-war experiences in Japan. He details about his experiences with the war crimes tribunals. Kobayashi also discusses about the legacy of the Nisei and gives an…

Kobayashi discusses his family and upbringing. He details Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and his experiences with forced removal. Kobayashi also discusses about his experiences at Tanforan Temporary Detention Center and Topaz Concentration Camp. He…

Fujimori continues to talk about his experience as a carpenter. He discusses Go For Broke [National Education Center], and offers his thoughts about the events of September 11th (9/11). He ends with a message to future generations.

Fujimori talks about his homecoming from Japan. He goes on to talk about his work experience as a carpenter, including building furniture for Hugh Hefner and the Playboy Mansion.

Fujimori discusses his military experience in the Philippines. He describes what his job entailed as a Military Intelligence Service interrogator. At the end of this part he begins describing his participation in the occupation of Japan after the war…

Fujimori describes his experience of moving away from his home and into Manzanar Concentration Camp and his experiences living in the camp. He also describes volunteering for the army and his basic training at Fort Snelling.

Fujimori discusses meeting his wife. He talks more about practicing Judo, and what it meant to be Japanese American. At the end of this section, he talks of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Fujimori describes growing up in Boyle Heights, California. He also talks about playing sports, such as football and track, and his academic interests in high school. He recalls his siblings and childhood friends.

Fujimori talks more about the Yokota airbase. He discusses the Military Intelligence Service's contribution to the Occupation of Japan.

Fujimori discusses growing up in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles. He describes his father and his involvement in the Japanese American community.

Fujimori goes into depth about his participation in the occupation of Japan with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He talks specifically about his time in Yokohama and Tokyo.


Yamashita discusses his father's military service. He details about Hawaiian identity and The Torpedo Gang. Yamahita also discusses about what his father's service meant, how the sansei benefitted from the Nisei, and the meaning of citizenship.

Before deployment to Italy with the 100th Combat Battalion, Uchida was trained at Camp McCoy and recalls fondly the friendliness of the local residents. He then details about his experiences in Europe and his wounding by a German artillery shell. He…

Uchida describes walking to and from school through the mountainous terrain where he lived. An avid surfer, he describes building his own surfboard out of inferior materials for lack of balsa wood. Later, he describes his role in the popular…

Uchida recalls his childhood on Kawaii, first employments working in sugar cane fields, and eventual move to Honolulu at the age of 18 to live with his sister. There he found work at the Halekulani Hotel near Waikiki Beach where he remained an…

Uchida describes his return to work at the Halekulani Hotel after the War. He also describes his family including grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Uchida's daughter, Vicki Sakoda discusses on camera the importance of passing generational wisdom…



Tanakatsubo discusses his years following his Army service, finding work in Chicago at a machine shop, working hard and making his way up the ranks, eventually ending in quality control. At the same time, he decided to start volunteering with…

After spending time at the Military Intelligence Service Language School at Camp Savage, Tanakatsubo was sent overseas to begin interrogating in the Aleutian Islands where the Japanese were occupying some islands. It was there at the Battle of Attu…

Tanaktsubo continues his discussion on moving from the main basic training camp to a segregated unit made up of all Japanese American soldiers. The team is moved to Fort Lewis then Camp Crowder, and finally to Camp Savage, doing menial military work…

Tanakatsubo begins the interview talking about his family background and the origin of his name. Growing up in Sacramento, he was exposed to a very diverse population and made for a pretty happy childhood and schooling, including a well-known glee…

Murakami talks about his observations of Japanese nationals during his participation in Occupied Japan. He talks about cultural nuances in Japan and the politics of Niseis interactions with Japanese citizenry. He also discusses his work after his…

Murakami talks about his youth in Japan: living with relatives, attending school. He also discusses his experiences in MISLS training and his assignments as a Nisei soldier in ATIS; working as an interpreter for the Australian military officials.

Hariayama discusses about coming home and post-war life. He details about going to and his in Korea. Hirayama discusses about his employment and family.

Hirayama discusses his experiences with combat and the Lost Battalion. He details about the Champagne Campaign. Hirayama also discusses about his experiences in Germany and visiting Dachau.

Hariayama discusses about basic training. He details heading overseas, landing in Italy, and his experiences in Italy. Hariayama also discusses about his first combat experiences, his experiences in France, and his duties during combat.

Hiryama discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details about enlisting into service and leaving the island of Kauai. Hariyama also discusses about going to and his experiences at Camp Shelby.

Hirayama discusses about his childhood and schooling. He details about food, building a canoe, and growing in Hawaii. Hirayama also discusses about his career, being self-driven, and Sparky Matsunaga.

Hirayama discusses about his family. He details about childhood and the values he was taught. Hirayama also discusses about his schooling and growing up in Kauai (Maui), Hawaii.

Fujimoto looks through various pictures and narrates the subject matter. The pictures include General MacArthur's wife and son, Colonel Mark Logie, gymnastics sessions at Pasadena City College, various pictures throughout occupied Japan, and finishes…

Fujimoto talks about his family background and his childhood, growing up in southern California. Next, he speaks about his self identity and what it was like to grow up being a Japanese American, amongst a neighborhood of caucasians. Next, the…

Fujimoto continues his recollection of his time in occupied Japan, working as an interpreter. After coming back from his tour of Japan with the Colonel, he would work at the Dai-Ichi Hotel at the front desk, interpreting and watching for signs of…

Fujimoto begins the interview with the surrender of the Japanese Army and the end of the war. As he was already in the Philippines, they would begin the military occupation in Japan shortly after. He would get over to Tokyo by ship and begin his…

Tomita discusses post-war employment working for the State of California in auditing and accounting, meeting his wife, and his daughter's work with the Navy. He then talks about his hopes for the future in regards to his daughter and granddaughter,…

Tomita discusses his assignment translating captured documents in Australia, as well as his experiences in Australia and New Guinea including his living conditions, hospital stay after getting an infection, and what it was like working with an…

Tomita discusses his experiences after Pearl Harbor, talks about the formation of the 442nd, the decision to go to Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS), and life at Camp Savage. He also talks about his classes at MISLS, studying; and…

Tomita provides a definition of the term, "pro-Japan", and discusses his thoughts regarding being American. He then talks about recreational activities such as going to the beach and Kendo; and discusses childhood values his parents taught him. Next,…

Tomita talks about his parents, siblings, and moving from Washington to Alaska. He then talks about his experiences living in Japan including discussing school, playing sports, his uncle; and his thoughts regarding the Japanese invasion of Manchuria.…

F. Masuoka discusses his experiences working as a linguist for the U.S. military in Tokyo and Korea. He talks about details of his job and traveling he did in Japan. He also shares anecdotes about: cultural identity issues as a Nisei working with…

F. Masuoka discusses his experiences working with Japanese soldiers and civilians in Japan and Korea after Japan's surrender in World War 2. He talks about his role as a military linguist. He also discusses his how he volunteered for U.S. military…

Inami discusses about the effectiveness of Japanese Americans during the Occupation of Japan, loyalty, and visiting Japan post-occupation. He details about the Occupation of Japan. Inami also discusses about his family and the "Zebra platoon".

Inami discusses about his time living in Japan and childhood. He details cultural differences and Japan's surrender. Imani also discusses about his experiences at Fort Snelling, the Nisei mindset, Japanese culture, and Japanese Americans.

Sogi discusses his work post-World War II as a member of the Counterintelligence Corps. Afterwards, he talks about his life after finally leaving the active military and building a life for himself. Lastly, he speaks about the Nisei legacy and the…

Sogi discusses his training and experiences as an instructor at the MIS Language School and talks about the contributions the MIS made to the American war effort. He also briefly speaks about the importance of preserving oral histories in the…

Sogi discusses being a student at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu at the time of the Pearl Harbor attack and his reaction to the events that took place afterwards, including Executive Order 9066. Sogi also speaks about discrimination, the…

Ethel Uchida talks about the Japanese nationals she worked with, the recovery of Japan, and other stories about her time in Japan.

Ethel Uchida describes her living conditions in Japan and her work as a pictorial censor with Japanese nationals. She also describes getting married and starting a family while still in Japan.

Ethel Uchida describes her childhood and memories of her family including the values her father instilled in her. She also describes her childhood wish to study in Japan and her subsequent employment there during the occupation.


Nakamura continues his recollection of his time visiting Hiroshima and how the Japanese there were very welcoming to him. Next, he speaks about his discharge from the Army and staying in Tokyo to work as a civilian. He first joined the Civil…

Nakamura discusses arriving in Japan and exploring Tokyo before joining the 11th Airborne in Sendai. Once in Sendai, he was sent to Shiogama to join the 188th regiment where they would patrol around and investigate for weapons that could be used…

Nakamura begins the interview talking about being born in America and quickly being moved to Japan as a child, where he would spend the next 8 years of his childhood. It was there that he would learn the culture of Japan and begin his elementary…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls attending The Medal of Honor ceremony, as well as being the chief researcher for the AJA Veteran's Council. In addition, he gives details in regard to his friend, Thomas Shiratsuki, and being…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls leaving Baltimore for Hawaii, living in a Jewish community, and the discrimination he faced while living there. In addition, Ichiyama discusses The Champagne Campaign, as well as significant…

This interview picks up mid-story with Edward Ichiyama discussing details about his friend, Tsaneshi Naruo, as well as the eulogy of his friend, [Shimizu]. Next, Ichiyama moves on to recall his first time entering Germany and chasing the German Army…

During this portion of the interview, Edward Ichiyama recalls his duties within his military unit. Specifically, he gives detail s on regards to being a fuseman and forward observer. In addition, Ichiyama recollects his experiences marching with the…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls volunteering for the 442nd, his military training, and the racial discrimination he witnessed during his time in Hattiesbug. This part of the interview concludes with Ichiyama discussing when…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls his time spent in the Army and his experiences during the war. He gives details in regards to witnessing the bombing of Pearl Harbor and his family's experience after the attack. This part of…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama discusses his family's emigration to the United States, as well as his familial makeup. He also recalls specific events during his adolescence, such as spending time in his father's barbershop,…



In this short segment, Oka is asked to provide a few details about stories told earlier in the interview. He also recounts the death of his younger brother in an air raid on Christmas Eve, 1944. The final minutes of the interview ask Oka to speak…

In this interview, Oka describes begins by describing his experience as a school-aged Japanese-American boy growing up in Okayama Japan. When he was a teenager, he longed to return to the United States as his brothers had, and was opposed to the idea…

Hada discusses his relationship with Spark Matsunaga, receiving the Silver Star medal, and what it was like being out on the ridge alone during his forward observer assignment. He then talks about getting trench foot and being sent to a hospital in…

Hada discusses going to Camp Shelby, and not traveling into town because he felt there was discrimination against Japanese Americans. After Camp Shelby, Hada went to Louisiana Maneuvers, where he had an assignment making dog tags. Hada then talks…

Hada discusses getting drafted into the Army and basic training at Schofield barracks. Hada was at Schofield Barracks during the attack on Pearl Harbor and describes seeing airplanes flying overhead. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hada had…
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