Barney Hajiro was born on September 16, 1916. He was the second oldest of his siblings. He grew up on a plantation in Maui, Hawaii, during the Great Depression.
During Barney's school years, he attended first through eighth grade. He did not have…
Fukuhara discusses getting drafted and going to Camp Blanding for basic training; traveling overseas; weapons he carried; Army friendships; and his relationship with Hawaiian soldiers. He then talks about landing in France and traveling to…
Kawagoye talks about his assignment at Fort Riley working with a butcher; discusses rations; and talks about his brothers' military service. He then talks about reporting to Camp Shelby and the formation of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team; discusses…
Katagiri discusses the loyalty questionnaire he was given at Tule Lake Concentration Camps; and getting his draft notice and his parents' reaction. He then talks about basic training, weather, and friendships at Camp Blanding; preparing to ship out…
After the President of the United States signed Executive Order 9066, Enoch Kanaya and his family evacuated to the Portland Assembly Center. The Portland Assembly Center was a place where horses lived. Enoch describes the living conditions of the…
Yoshihara talks about his experiences at Camp Blanding including his first impressions, his platoon sergeant, and basic training. He then talks about preparing to go overseas, and visiting his parents at Minidoka incarceration camp and his…
Yoshitake talks about his life in Ohio, getting inducted, and the differences between Hawaiian and Mainland military service. He then talks about going to Camp Blanding for infantry training, seeing his parents prior to going overseas, and traveling…
Hitoshi G. Sameshima discusses his training to be an interrogator at Fort Snelling. After completing his training, he goes to Fort Spellman and goes overseas to the Philippines. Hitoshi stays in Manila and Luzon to interview the Prisoners of War for…
Kikuchi talks about getting drafted; his induction; and basic training at Camp Shelby. He then talks about his relationship with Hawaiian soldiers; discusses weapons he carried; and talks about traveling overseas. Next, Kikuchi discusses landing…
Nagano talks about his first day in Japan, his experiences in Tokyo, and traveling overseas. He then talks about some of his assignments in Japan including teaching English, being a chauffeur, and his duties as an interpreter. Lastly, Nagano talks…
Ken Nihei was a 16 years old high school student when he went to Topaz, Utah. The perimeter was open at camp, and there were no barb wires yet. Life was different at Topaz.
Ken received his draft letter to report to Fort Douglas when he was 18…
Sakai discusses the relationship between Mainland and Hawaiian soldiers; talks about the Hawaiian soldiers who visited incarceration camps in Arkansas; and describes the term, "katonk". Teruya then discusses a song sang by Hawaiian soldiers; talks…
Akiyama talks about his first days in the Army which involved basic training at Camp Blanding in Florida. He also talks about his experiences at Camp Blanding during a hurricane; talks about food at Camp Blanding as well as Army rations; and…
Ishida discusses traveling overseas to Europe and his first experiences there; meeting up with the 100th Infantry Battalion and 442nd Regimental Combat Team; and his first combat experiences. He then talks about his guard duty assignment during the…
At Camp Savage, Masato Eddy Kurushima learns Japanese to be am interpreter. He recalls studying late at night to learn the vocabulary and kanji characters.
Eddy also goes to basic training for eight weeks. His learns infantry training and…
Ikuta talks about some of his Army experiences including his serial number, money he made, encounters with Italian civilians, and his assignment delivering rations. He also talks about Army food, his knowledge of Italian phrases, discusses his T/4…
Iwamoto discusses his nickname, his parents and the reasons why his father immigrated to the United States; his parents' employment; his parent's personalities; and working at his father's cafe. He then talks about going to church, attending school,…
In New Guinea, Nobuo "Nob" Yamashita's assignment is to interrogate Prisoners of War (POWs). He says the POWs are happy someone can speak their native language and be treated decently. The goal of interrogating the POWs is to find out their mission…
Peterson discusses his experiences training new recruits and as a heavy weapons platoon leader; and describes the duties of H Company as well as the structure of the United States Army. He then talks about his participation in maneuvers; discusses…
Fujimoto talks about his experiences at Camp Shelby, how he got his nickname, and getting promoted while in combat. He then talks about his combat experiences, traveling overseas, landing in Italy, and his experiences at Hill 140. Lastly, Fujimoto…
At Camp Savage, Robert Sugimoto reports to the Headquarters Company. When Robert joined the Military Intelligence Language School, the classes have already started a few weeks earlier. The class focus on Japanese conversation skills. Robert recalls…
Nishijima discusses returning home after his overseas duty and going back to school. He also talks about his post-war employment in a produce market; meeting his wife; experiences with discrimination while trying to find an apartment; and discusses…
After graduating from Manual Arts High School, Shigeru Iba helps with his Father's nursery business. In March of 1941, Shigeru is drafted into the Army. Springtime is the busiest time for the nursery business. Therefore, he requests a deferment for…
Nohara discusses visiting Rohwer and Jerome incarceration camps, his assignment guarding German POWs who were in Georgia harvesting peanut crops, volunteering to travel overseas to Europe; and his thoughts and reactions to landing in Italy and…
Saito discusses his experiences at basic training at Camp Blanding; talks about preparing to go overseas; and discusses his experiences at Camp Blanding during a hurricane. Next, Saito talks about his experiences with discrimination; talks about his…
Saito discusses his experiences after induction including going to Fort Douglas and Fort Meade; discusses traveling overseas and his first experiences in Europe; and talks about his first assignment in Italy after joining up with the 442nd Regimental…
Yamanaka talks about traveling overseas, landing in Oran, Africa; and then going to Italy. Next, Yamanaka talks about his first days in battle, discusses his combat medic and litter bearer duties and experiences; and talks about getting injured in…
Izumigawa talks about playing sports; discusses his interest in watching and following sports; and talks about the aftermath of Pearl Harbor including experiences with blackouts. He then talks about his post high school employment; volunteering for…
After Pearl Harbor, Tadayoshi Sugiyama remembers being cautious and hearing rumors about General Dwight Eisenhower and evacuation orders. In April 1942, the Sugiyama family evacuate to the Turlock Assembly Center in Tracy, California.
Nakashima discusses his experiences and training at Camp Shelby; discusses traveling overseas and his first impressions of Europe; and talks about his combat experiences in Italy after meeting up with the 100th Infantry Battalion. Next, Nakashima…
Before going overseas, Tetsuo Asato went on furlough and visited his sister in California. Tetsuo departed on the Aquitania. Although the voyage was rough, Tetsuo did not get seasick. He landed in Glasgow, Scotland, and traveled to South Hampton to…
Yamate talks about some of his fellow officers; discusses his assignment typing up articles; and talks about his experiences at basic training at Camp Shelby. He then talks about his experiences getting a pass to travel to New Orleans and…
Takano talks about his parents reactions to the attack on Pearl Harbor; discusses his knowledge of pre-war tensions between the United States and Japan; and talks about his dual citizenship. He then talks about the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor…
Thomas Ukichi Wozumi goes on leave to New York before going overseas. He shows an original menu he got from Miyako Restaurant in New York. Thomas departs on a cargo ship and lands in Iran and travels to Naples, France.
T. Yoshihashi discusses his thoughts and experiences regarding the loyalty questionnaire. He also talks about getting drafted in the military. He shares anecdotes regarding: his father's death; "no-no boys"; and how brother's military service was…
Matsumoto discusses his experiences prior to shipping out to Europe; talks about traveling from Hawaii to the mainland, and from Virginia to Oran; and talks about his experiences at Camp Shelby including his assignment with the mortars. He then talks…
Omoto discusses working while in [Poston] incarceration camp; discusses the loyalty questionnaire he had to take; experiences with discrimination while traveling to his induction; and his father’s thoughts regarding pro-Japan interests. Next, Omoto…
William Yoshito Thompson discusses going to Schofield and going overseas to the Mainland to Camp Shelby. At Camp Shelby, William is assigned to the 2nd Battalion Head Quarters and later to the Antitank Company.
Yoroku's family has feelings of loyalty and patriotism to America. For the nation and the country, Yoroku volunteers for the Army. Yoroku is stationed at Schofield Barracks for a short time before leaving for the mainland for basic training at Camp…