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Tokita lists his medals and awards. He describes his experiences during the Champagne Campaign. He discusses leaving France. He talks about combat in Italy. He describes climbing a mountain and chasing German soldiers. He explains the circumstances…

Tokita explains how he met his wife. He talks about his marriage and children. He explains the extent to which he has shared his war stories with family. He shares his motivations for serving in the military. He leaves a message for future…

Rudy Tokiwa talks about growing up on a farm in Salinas, California. When he was in high school, he moved to Japan and traveled to Manchuria and Korea. He describes what it was like living in Japan and how his fellow Japanese students treated him --…

Rudy Tokiwa describes his trip to Manchuria, where he and his parents visited his pregnant sister. His brother-in-law took him sight seeing in Manchuria and Korea. During his time in Manchuria, he noticed that the Manchurians respected the Japanese…

In this video clip, Rudy Tokiwa talks about his many experiences with racial prejudice and discrimination against Japanese Americans. He talks about the time the FBI broke into their home the day after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and trashed his…

Rudy Tokiwa and his family were taken to the Salinas Assembly Center for four months.They were later relocated to the Poston War Relocation Center. From there, he and many others volunteered to join the United States Army. There were many discussions…

In this video clip, Rudy Tokiwa describes the activities he participated in at Poston War Relocation Center. He describes the social events that were held in camp, which is where he learned to dance. He also describes his decision to volunteer to…

Rudy Tokiwa was inducted into the military at Fort Douglass in Utah. He was then sent to report to Camp Shelby, Mississippi, but spent a layover in New Orleans for four days. His Japanese language skills were tested at Fort Snelling, but he pretended…

Rudy Tokiwa describes his experience overseas to fight in the European Theater. After 27 days aboard ship, he and the rest of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team landed in Italy, where they met up with the 100th Infantry Battalion in Rome. He describes…

In this video clip, Rudy Tokiwa describes the Rescue of the Lost Battalion and the Battle of Bruyeres. He talks about Colonel Pursall, who commanded the 442nd Regimental Combat Team during those two battles, and what he did for the 442nd Regimental…

In this video clip, Rudy Tokiwa talks about visiting his father's family in Japan. During his time in Japan, he also traveled to Manchuria and Korea because his brother-in-law worked for the Japanese railroad company. His father came to America…

Rudy Tokiwa talks about his father, who immigrated to America from Japan. He was highly educated for an immigrant, and was known to give advice to other Japanese immigrants in America. Rudy also talks about his mother, who was brought over to the…

In this video clip, Rudy Tokiwa talks about his experience in the European Theater. He took part in the beach landing in Anzio, Italy, and met up with the 100th Infantry Battalion in Rome. His first experience in combat was during the advance to…

While on the front lines, the Nisei soldiers made sure to watch out for minefields. Rudy taught the new recruits how to look for mines and told them not to yell "mines" -- or else the others would jump for cover and potentially set off more mines. He…

The 442nd Regimental Combat Team, K Company was ordered by General Dahlquist to rescue the 141st Texas Regiment, who had been surrounded by German forces in the Vosges Forest. They were led by Colonel Pursall. Rudy Tokiwa discusses his close…

The 442nd Regimental Combat Team was sent to the Gothic Line, which was the backbone of German defense during World War II. Rudy Tokiwa describes how the 442nd made the advance at night, and it took them two days to overtake it. He talks about his…

When Rudy Tokiwa came back to Salinas after the war, the Harrington family took him in. He had been good friends with Mrs. Harrington's son (all five sons were killed in action in the Philippines), and she saw him as her sixth son. Because of this,…


Yoshiro "Yosh" Tokiwa is born on April 29, 1925, in Pismo, California. Yoshiro's Issei parents are from Japan. In Salinas, CA, his father is an independent farmer. Yoshiro has four siblings, three brothers, and a sister.

Growing up in Salinas,…

When Pearl Harbor is bombed on December 7, 1941, the lives of the Tokiwa family change. Yoshiro Tokiwa discusses the aftermath of the attack.

Few days after the Pearl Harbor attack, the Japanese Americans' status changes to 4C, enemy aliens. In…

At Camp Shelby, Yoshiro Tokiwa describes the living conditions and meals. He leaves Camp Shelby to go to Fort Meade. Yoshiro receives orders to go overseas to join the 442nd.

He travels overseas on USS Washington. The voyage takes two weeks for…

Tokuda talks about his childhood in California's Imperial Valley. He describes his childhood home life balancing work and school. He also shares anecdotes regarding: his parents lives before his birth; race relations in his farming community; and…

"Tadd" Tokuda discusses events immediately before and after America's participation in World War Two. He talks about being drafted right before the bombing of Pearl Harbor. He shares anecdotes about: his family being evacuated from home; being…

Tokuda discusses his experiences in the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion. He talks about his duties a cook and his combat experiences. He shares anecdotes regarding: Hawaiian/Mainland soldier relations; getting injured; and how his service impacted…

Tokuda talks about his experiences in the European Theater of World War Two and his participation in veteran organizations. He describes Nisei soldier friends of his from his unit; and he describes some of the military tactics he had to carry out. He…

Tokuda discusses his life after World War Two. He talks about his marriage and children. He describes discriminatory events he endured while looking for work. Tokuda also reflects on his war experiences and the legacy of WW2 Nisei veterans.

Tokunaga begins the interview talking about his family background and his parents coming over from Japan and settling eventually in Washington. Growing up in Washington, he would enjoy playing sports with other kids, attend regular and Japanese…

After being forced removed and moved to Puyallup Temporary Detention Center, Tokunaga would head to Minidoka Concentration Camp early to help set up supplies. Soon after, he would be drafted into the Army and inducted at Fort Douglas to join the…

Tokunaga discusses the labor camps that he saw in Europe, taking souvenirs and the friendships he made through the Army. After V-E Day, he would remain in Frankfurt for another year and half until finally being discharged back in Fort Lewis,…

Tokushige discusses his parents; talks about a typical day growing up on a farm; discusses his siblings; talks about his home's outdoor bathing area; and talks about his relationship with the owner of the farm. He then continues to talks about his…

Tokushige tells a story regarding turtle soup he had in Minnesota; discusses his job with a printing company including talking about his co-workers; discuses trying to quit smoking; and talks about getting drafted. He then talks about going to…

Tokushige talks about his experiences after landing in Naples; discusses the Lost Battalion rescue; and talks about the meaning of “go for broke”. He then talks about German soldiers; getting wounded and his hospital stay; getting a cameo ring in…

Tokushige discuses the German POW camp at Fort Knox; his experiences while recuperating in Miami; and discusses his wife, children, and grandchildren. He then provides a message to future generations. Lastly, Tokushige shows and describes photographs…

Mitsuo Tominaga begins the interview by recounting his childhood experiences with family and school mates. Next he discusses his American identity growing up in a community that was mostly Caucasian. Lastly he talks about volunteering for the Army…

Mitsuo Tominaga talks about the duties performed while in an infantry regiment prior to WWII. Next he describes the Pearl Harbor attack and what it meant to his unit. Lastly he recounts patrols along the California coast looking for a potential…

Mitsuo Tominaga discusses his feeling about about being reassigned to an all Nisei unit, and their interactions with civilians while in Michigan. Next he describes his unit's time at Fort Shelby conducting weapons training, and the racial conditions…

Mitsuo Tominaga discusses arriving in Italy, and then his unit shipping out to France. Next he recounts his first combat experiences during the time of the Lost Battalion incident, and then suffering a serious noncombat foot injury. Lastly he…

Mitsuo Tominaga begins this interview segment by discussing his transfer to the ordnance unit, the end of the war, and working with German POWs. Next he talks about returning back to the US and his discharge from the Army. Lastly he discusses his…

Mitsuo Tominaga describes his personal feelings about WWII and serving during the war. Next he recounts some post war racial discrimination and meeting family in Japan. Lastly he discusses the immigrant experience in America and the importance of…

This interview segment records color photographs taken of Mitsuo Tominaga's squad during WWII in southern France, and a number of certificates that he possesses.

Tomita talks about his parents, siblings, and moving from Washington to Alaska. He then talks about his experiences living in Japan including discussing school, playing sports, his uncle; and his thoughts regarding the Japanese invasion of Manchuria.…

Tomita provides a definition of the term, "pro-Japan", and discusses his thoughts regarding being American. He then talks about recreational activities such as going to the beach and Kendo; and discusses childhood values his parents taught him. Next,…

Tomita discusses his experiences after Pearl Harbor, talks about the formation of the 442nd, the decision to go to Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS), and life at Camp Savage. He also talks about his classes at MISLS, studying; and…

Tomita discusses his assignment translating captured documents in Australia, as well as his experiences in Australia and New Guinea including his living conditions, hospital stay after getting an infection, and what it was like working with an…

Tomita discusses post-war employment working for the State of California in auditing and accounting, meeting his wife, and his daughter's work with the Navy. He then talks about his hopes for the future in regards to his daughter and granddaughter,…


Toyoda discusses his parents, educational experiences, and friends. He describes San Gabriel Valley and details about being an athlete. Toyoda also discusses about being a member the Scholarship Society, relation with his brother, religion, and the…

Toyoda discusses Executive Order 9066 and people who were nice to him, even though he was Japanese American. He details about discrimination that he witnessed. Toyoda briefly discusses attending the Military Intelligence Service Language School…

Toyoda discusses how he met his wife and getting married. He detail about how Nisei soldiers were treated and being assigned to New Caledonia. Toyoda also discusses about his experiences interrogating Japanese Prisoners of War (POW).

Toyoda discusses his experiences in Bougainville. He details about his arrival in the Philippines, interaction with American prisoners of war. Toyoda also discusses General Beightler and the 37th Division.

Toyoda discusses about receiving recognition and the Bronze Star. He details about being mistaken for an enemy soldier and what ensued afterwards. Toyoda also discusses his experiences on the USS John Pope, finally being sent to Japan, and his…

Toyoda discusses working for General Ridgway and General Clark in Occupied Japan. He details about going to work at the Pentagon and being promoted to Major. Toyoda also discusses his experiences working for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Toyoda discusses today's Japanese American community and the future of Japanese Americans. He gives a message to Nisei veterans. Toyoda also discusses the night of December 7, 1941.

Toyota discusses his parents immigration to the United States, his childhood and his military service. Toyota's Father is a trained as a carpenter in Japan and when he migrates to America, he becomes a barber and a farmer. During the Great…

Toyota discusses family religion, secondary school, and going overseas for the European Theater. In Japan Toyota's Issei parents are Buddhist. However, when migrating to the United States, Toyota's parents believe their children should follow the…

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Toyota discusses before going to Camp Shelby, the kibei are pulled out and sent to Cat Island as decoys.

Overseas at the European Theater, Toyota recalls being pulled off the line for ten days of rest. After Toyota showers, he receives the news…

Toyota discusses General Dahlquist's leadership and his Second Lieutenant getting killed during the rescue of the Lost Battalion. In the course of wartime, Toyota's regret is that he did not correspond with his family as much as he…
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Form letter from the president of the United States to World War II soldier, Osamu Nakagawa. Presidential seal at the top of the document.

Tso discusses his family, childhood, and growing up on a Navajo Reservation. He details about his educational experiences. Tso also discusses about being drafted and all his training experiences.

Tso discusses about his journey home during and after the war. He details more about his experiences during survival training. Tso also discusses about his experiences in Iwo Jima and gives his thoughts on the atomic bombings.

Tso discusses revisiting Iwo Jima several times years later. He details about his post-war life and employment. Tsi also discusses about post-war Japan and South Korea. Lastly, Tso ends the interview by giving a message to future generations.

Mr. Tsubota introduces himself and discusses his parents background and what brought them to settle in Kent, Washington. There was a strong Japanese community in Kent, and Mr. Tsubota talks about the various cultural activities his family took part…

Mr. Tsubota discusses attending Japanese school and the role of religion in his household growing up. Forced to work after high school to help support his family, Mr. Tsubota was forced to forgo college immediately after graduation, instead working…

Mr. Tsubota discusses his memories of the day of the Pearl Harbor attack and describes his subsequent assignments with 160th Infantry Division. He was eventually transferred to Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas and talks about his experience serving as an…

Mr. Tsubota discusses his role as a supply officer in the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion. Mr. Tsubota was shipped out after his training at Camp Shelby where he served in Italy helping to procure supplies for the infantry. Mr. Tsubota discusses his…

Mr. Tsubota discusses some of his memories from his time in the European Theater, including liberating the Dachau concentration camp and being bombarded by German shells. Mr. Tsubota describes some of his duties and assignments, including working as…

Mr. Tsubota talks about returning home from the war where he was able to meet his young daughter again and was reunited with his wife and mother. He later began a career working in the insurance business. Mr. Tsubota discusses how he met his wife and…

In this brief section, Mr. Tsubota discusses the importance of having alien land laws repealed and gives his thoughts on the "Americanization" of young generations of Japanese Americans. This section also highlights ephemera and photographs from Mr.…

Tsubota discusses his family background broadly in great detail, including his parents and all of his siblings. He later speaks about his education and the lessons that he took away from Japanese language school.

Tsubota discusses his experiences and responsibilities in ROTC as a student at the University of Hawaii. Later, he talks about being placed on active duty and going through basic training at the time of Pearl Harbor attack. Last, Tsubota discusses…

Tsubota discusses his childhood and childhood activities before moving on to his high school experiences and eventually enrolling at the University of Hawaii.

Tsubota discusses his time at the University of Hawaii as a member of the College of Agriculture and ROTC. Along with his experiences at college, Tsubota also talks about finishing college and deciding to become a teacher.

Tsubota discusses a wide variety of topics, mainly his experiences as a member of the military. He talks about his travels and the conditions at many of the places he was based. Lastly, he begins discussing his first combat experience during World…

Tsubota discusses his first days of combat during World War II. He proceeds to speak about a gruesome injury he suffered that ended up taking the life of a fellow officer. He then discusses his recovery and his role as a counterintelligence agent…

Tsubota mainly discusses topics and experiences as a member of the Counterintelligence Corps during the Korean War. He talks about conducting investigations with the office of Clandestine Operations in the Army. He also discusses a wide range of…

Tsubota discusses a wide variety of personal topics, including his Catholic faith, memories traveling through Europe with his children (and their background), and meeting his first wife and his second wife. Lastly, he reflects on his experiences in…

Tsubota discusses his family and how he obtained his nickname. He also details his educational experiences in both The United States and Japan. Tsubota discusses what it was like being drafted in the Army and his early military experiences.

Tsubota discusses what his initial experiences were in India, including interacting with the people and jungle training. He also details about his time in Burma and being with the Merrill's Marauders. Tsubota discusses about being injured and…

Tsubota discusses more about his time spent in Burma and being with the Merrill's Marauders. He also details about his life after the war. Tsubota discusses receiving the Bronze Star.

Tsubota discusses his best and worst experiences during the war. He also discusses his children and grandchildren. Tsubota gives some words of wisdom for future generations.

Tsuchimochi discusses his nickname; and talks about his childhood in Tacoma, Washington including discussing attending school, playing sports, and talking about the Japanese community and his involvement in community activities. He then talks about…
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