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Ida begins the interview talking about his family background and his father and mother coming from Japan and settling in Hawaii. He would attend Mid-Pacific Institute while his father worked at the Japanese consulate and his mother did laundry. Next,…

Ida continues to talk about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii, including purchasing a home after high school. He also talks about living in a small town and knowing everybody, while he would attend both english and Japanese school. He talks about…

Ida talks more about his high school education at Mid-Pacific Institute in Hawaii, where he would play tennis and baseball. After graduation, he would work for the St. Louis Club until the attacks on Pearl Harbor occurred. He talks about seeing…

Ida talks more about volunteering for the Army, going into Schofield Barracks where he would be given the title acting sergeant. He would head to the mainland, landing first in San Francisco before taking the train down to Camp Shelby in Mississippi.…

Ida talks more about his experiences at Camp Shelby, eating fried chicken and catfish at the local restaurants. Shortly after, they would be sent overseas in a convoy, first landing in Oran before arriving in Naples. They would head up to…

Ida continues to talk about the Champagne Campaign and the rest and relaxation they got, not needing to fight any real battles. He talks about going down to Leghorn and getting wounded a second time while in Carrara. He also talks about confiscating…

Ida talks about his time after the war and returning to the United States from Italy. He would first go to New York before getting stranded in Marysville, waiting for a strike to end so he could boat back to Hawaii. He would get back to Hawaii on…

Ida finishes the interview talking about how he met his wife and how they settled in Hawaii. After this he gives a message for future generations and some final notes.

Miyake discusses his youth and adolescence in Hawaii, and how his mother's widowhood impacted the family. He also describes living in Hawaii before it gained statehood. In addition he talks about getting drafted in the U.S. military.

Miyake describes his experiences in basic training at both Camp McCoy then Camp Shelby; he compares the differences between the two camps. He also discusses the cultural differences between the Hawaiian Niseis and Mainland Niseis. In addition Miyake…

Miyake talks about his military job as Supply Sergeant at military camp and on during European Campaign. He shares stories about childhood friends who had served with him. He also discusses recollections of military tactics he observed from the…

Miyake talks about how the 100th met with the 442nd. He also discusses his life after the war; he declined participation in Occupied Japan in order to return to Hawaii. He shares his experiences attending college at Northwestern.

Miyake discusses his life after his military service, and after his completion of Northwestern University. He worked in Law and Accounting, then held a political office. In addition, Miyake talks about Hawaii's transition from U.S. territory to U.S.…

Taketa discusses about his family and growing up on Kailua-Kona. He details about his schooling and childhood. Taketa also discusses about religion and vales taught.

Taketa discusses about life after high school and living in Hilo, Hawaii. He details Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Taketa also discusses about his ship getting hit by a torpedo.

Taketa discusses about becoming a medic and his experiences as a medic. He details about his experiences at Camp Shelby and Camp McCoy. Taketa also discusses about Hawaii, family, and the treatment of Japanese Americans.

Taketa discusses about being a medic and the meals they ate. He details about getting wounded and recovery process. Taketa also discusses playing golf and his post-war life.

Taketa discusses about the wars end, veterans, and reunions. He details about his family and living in Hilo, Hawaii. Taketa reflects on his military service and gives a message to future generations.

Kaihara discusses his parents origins. He talks about his community and primary school experiences. He also explains what he did with his leisure time as a child. Thomas Kaihara talks about his relationships with family members. He describes his…

Kaihara continues to talk about his high school experiences. He also describes his high school graduation. He discusses his work as a cadre in Hawaii. Kaihara describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He reveals that his father passed away at Tule Lake.

Kaihara describes Tule Lake and how his father died. He discusses the senninbari that he received from his mother. Kaihara reveals what he thinks about the No-no boys. He goes on to talk about the formation of the 100th. He describes Camp McCoy and…

Thomas Kaihara recounts his first combat experiences. He describes the horrors of war. He talks about the Battle of Monte Cassino. Kaihara describes his injuries and he gives his reflections on the 100th. He also reflects on what it means to be an…

Kaihara compares the 100th to the 442nd. He tells some stories about his time in the 100th. He describes his marriage and family. Kaihara talks about his post-war life. He discusses his civic engagements and he gives his final thoughts

Serikaku begins by discussing his early life living in Libertyville, Hawaii in Oahu (present day Kahaluu). He speaks about his parents background and their thoughts on American loyalty even before Pearl Harbor. Next, he talks about his experiences…

Stanley goes in depth on the training that was received prior to going to Europe. The training began in Mississippi, where Hawaiians and mainland soldiers were first introduced to one another, resulting in slight attitude from both sides. Serikaku…

Serikaku gives his first-hand fighting experience throughout Europe. To begin, he speaks briefly of the differences between "buddha heads" and "kotonks". Following that, he discusses first arriving in Europe, training and guarding items on ships…

Serikaku finishes up recollection of the Rome-Arno campaign and speaks about various other aspects of the war including what it's like to be shot, german guns, and uphill battles. He also talks about his feelings towards his men and keeping tabs on…

Serikaku touches on a multitude of topics, including his rehabilitation, remembrance through the years and the various commemorations throughout Europe. For Stanley, it's important to keep the legacy of the 442nd alive and continue documenting and…

Hagiwara begins the interview talking about how his parents came from Nagano and Shiga in Japan and both settled down individually in Ketchikan, Alaska. He talks more about his family, such as his family learning how to cook and becoming a baker and…

Hagiwara continues talking about his time growing up in Ketchikan, Alaska. He would take an interest in basketball, and even be able to travel to different areas for competitions. Next, he talks about the population of his neighborhood and the…

Hagiwara continues talking about his experience in the National Guard and the times leading up to Pearl Harbor, as they worried more about Russia invading than Japan. Next, he talks about his whereabouts during the attacks on Pearl Harbor, hearing…

Hagiwara talks more about seeing his parents and gives background on how he met his future wife. While at Fort Sheridan, he would often visit his wife but would get word that he would get transferred. After moving around to a couple of places, he…

Hagiwara discusses his shipment overseas, taking a U-boat through the Strait of Gibraltar and ending in Oran. There, they would train some more and prepare to join the rest of the men in Italy. He also talks a bit about various members of his unit…

Hagiwara talks more about his war experiences, starting with the Bruyeres-Biffontaine area, which included the Lost Battalion campaign. He also talks about the dense forest of the Vosges Mountains and getting into fights when other soldiers used…

Hagiwara discusses his whereabouts during the end of the war, and his route to get back home. He would get on a plane and take a long trip home, stopping along the way in Puerto Rico, then Miami, before taking a train to Chicago where his wife and…

Tochihara begins the interview talking about his family and how they came from Kumamoto prefecture in Japan to Seattle, Washington. He would work as a school boy for a family near his school and would be sent to Japan for a short time to learn…

Tochihara discusses his whereabouts when first hearing of the attacks on Pearl Harbor. As he had dropped out of high school, he was working and he would continue working until the very last second when he would be forced to leave to Puyallup assembly…

Following the American concentration camps in Idaho, Tochihara would volunteer for the Army, wanting to fight for the country he was born and raised in. After a 30 day furlough, he would begin his basic training at Camp Shelby as a replacement for…

Tochihara discusses a couple of soldiers that he knew and talks about the various medals he received for his time overseas, including a Purple Heart. Next, he talks a little bit more about his war experiences, including going AWOL, but not getting…

Same as part 4

Tsuji discusses his family and background. He gives in depth descriptions and memories of his mother, father and 8 siblings. Next, he speaks about attending Japanese language school and the end of his classes, punctuated by the Pearl Harbor…

Tsuji discusses about his childhood in Honolulu, recalling the New Years celebrations, the population of his schools and the friends that he had. Next, he looks back at the segregation that he saw both in Hawaii and later in Mississippi while…

Tsuji begins by talking about the New Years traditional film he would watch portraying the 47 Ronin. Next, he begins an in depth recollection of Pearl Harbor, from listening in on the radio to seeing the fire ball and smoke from a distance. He…

A couple of years following Pearl Harbor, Tsuji decided to join the Army and was being shipped to the mainland in just 10 days later. He speaks on the transportation to San Francisco and then to Camp Shelby in Mississippi. During his time at Camp…

Tsuji continues his recollection of Camp Shelby and being shipped overseas to Oran in North Africa. Spending two weeks there, his regiment awaited their shipment to Naples in Italy where they would begin their first day. Tsuji talks about getting to…

Tsuji goes through his collection of photographs, ranging from his childhood to right before being shipped to the mainland to Europe. He gives descriptions and anecdotes of the people and items in the pictures and even tells a touching story of two…

Tsuji begins the interview discussing a big fight that occurred between the caucasian and Nisei soldiers while at Newport News and how the military police had to get involved in order to break up the fighting. Next, he talks about spending a week in…

Tsuji talks about his experiences in combat, including the differences between what was learned in basic training and how things are actually handled on the front lines. He also talks about the various differences between the German and American…

While in Bruyeres, Tsuji would be wounded in action and talks about the intricacies of that. He also talks about his time in Marseille and being able to take a pass to explore the local shops and find that the black market was alive and well. He…

While recovering from his wound, Tsuji would be given a 45 day furlough, in which he originally wanted to go back home to Hawaii, however, after talking with officers, he decided upon traveling and seeing Chicago and New York and when he returned, he…

Tsuji discusses traveling through Europe during the war with some guys in his company, taking a Jeep into Florence and noticing the cathedrals and buildings, which interested him. He would explore the area more and take pictures of various places,…

Katayama discusses his youth in Hawaii. He talks about his parents backgrounds; Nisei mother, Issei father. He talks about his childhood with extended relatives after his mother died. He also discusses some of social aspects of his youth in Hawaii:…

Katayama talks about his recollections of the Pearl Harbor attack and the aftermath. He talks about how, and why, he volunteered for military service. He also shares anecdotes regarding: getting assigned to write a diary while at Schofield; how…

Katayama discusses his military experiences. He talks about basic training at Camp Shelby, and provides a summary of experiences in the European Theater. He shares anecdotes regarding: segregation in the South; Hawaiian and Mainland soldier…

Katayama discusses his military combat experiences in Europe. He talks about his experience at Hill 140. He also discusses what job assignments he had. In addition he relays anecdotes regarding: face to face combat, "good times" in reserves, and Earl…

Katayama talks about the end of World War 2 and his recollections of participating on the Gothic Line. He talks about his military career and participation in the Korean and Vietnam wars. He provides anecdotes regarding: guarding German POWs;…

R. Katayama discusses his legal career in and outside the U.S. military. He talks about completing higher education and discusses his family. In addition he provides anecdotes regarding: the 1967 Detroit Riots, working at a prestigious law firm, and…

Uchida recalls his childhood on Kawaii, first employments working in sugar cane fields, and eventual move to Honolulu at the age of 18 to live with his sister. There he found work at the Halekulani Hotel near Waikiki Beach where he remained an…

Uchida describes walking to and from school through the mountainous terrain where he lived. An avid surfer, he describes building his own surfboard out of inferior materials for lack of balsa wood. Later, he describes his role in the popular…

Before deployment to Italy with the 100th Combat Battalion, Uchida was trained at Camp McCoy and recalls fondly the friendliness of the local residents. He then details about his experiences in Europe and his wounding by a German artillery shell. He…

Uchida describes his return to work at the Halekulani Hotel after the War. He also describes his family including grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Uchida's daughter, Vicki Sakoda discusses on camera the importance of passing generational wisdom…

Takehara begins the interview speaking about his family background and growing up in Maui. During his childhood, he would attend school and Japanese language school, where he would learn kendo and judo. He would attend high school in Maui and then…

Takehara discusses his responsibilities and experiences as a medic during combat. He would end up treating a lot of soldiers' wounds and seeing a lot of casualties as he would run around through combat to those in need. Along with that, he also…

Kenneth is joined by his wife for the last part of the interview. They discuss their family, which even includes a great grandchild. They also talk about the Amache concentration camp in Colorado and knowledge of the 442nd Regiment within the camps.…

Mr. Kobashigawa introduces himself and talks about his family and childhood. He grew up on the Big Island of Hawaii, his father worked as a truck farmer, and Mr. Kobashigawa played baseball throughout his youth. Forced to drop out of school at a…

Mr. Kobashigawa describes his arrival in Italy and talks about the action he saw throughout the Anzio Campaign. Mr. Kobashigawa was wounded in battle several times and discusses how military hospitals functioned at the time. Near the end of the…

Mr. Kobashigawa describes a few battles he took part in including those in Belevedere and Cittavecchia. Throughout the video, Mr. Kobashigawa also mentions a few of the fellow soldiers he knew that were killed during battle. Other topics discussed…

In this brief concluding interview, Mr. Kobashigawa focuses on the actions that eventually led to him receiving the Medal of Honor and also gives his thoughts on his upgrade from the Distinguished Service Cross. He briefly discusses his family life…

Nishihara discusses what it was like growing up in Maui. He details about joining the Hawaiian National Guard and his experiences while in the National Guard. Nishihara also discusses the journey to becoming the 100th Infantry Battalion.

Nishihara discusses about his experiences at Camp McCoy and Camp Shelby. He details about furlough and leisure experiences. Nishihara also discusses his voyage overseas and his experiences in Italy.

Nishihara discusses more about his time in Italy. He gives his opinions about the Rescue of the Lost Battalion. He also details about the end of the war and his life after the war. Nishihara talks about the legacy of 100th Infantry Battalion.

Ikeda discusses his family and his childhood in Hawaii. He details about Pearl Harbor and the aftermath from it. Ikeda also discusses about enlisting into the service.

Ikeda discusses his journey to Camp Shelby and his experiences while there. He details about the voyage overseas and about the short time he spent in Africa. Ikeda also discusses about his experiences in the European Theatre.

Ikeda discusses his journey back home. He details about his career after being discharged from the army. Ikeda also discusses about his life after retirement and the legacy of Nisei veterans.

Kim discusses growing up in California. He details about his experiences when joining the 100th Infantry Battalion. Kim also discusses the training he implemented with 100th Infantry Battalion.

Kim discusses having doubts. He details about his first combat experiences. Kim also discusses about the time his was wounded.

Kim discusses the recovery process and the time he spent in the hospital. He details about returning to the 100th Infantry Battalion. Kim also discusses the events before the Battle of Cassino.

Kim discusses his experiences with winter and combat in Italy. He details about the structure of Headquarters Company. Kim also discusses the Battle of Cassino.

Kim discusses the end of Cassino and receiving replacements. He details about his experiences at Anzio. Kim also discusses the events that led to him receiving the Distinguished Service Cross.

Kim finishes discussing the events that led to receiving the Distinguished Service Cross. He details about capturing the Lanuvio Pass. Kim also discusses the events after Rome.

Kim discusses gaining recognition and being placed on Honor Guard Duty. He details about his experiences in Leghorn (Livorno). Kim also discusses about his experiences in Vada, Italy.
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