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Sogi discusses being a student at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu at the time of the Pearl Harbor attack and his reaction to the events that took place afterwards, including Executive Order 9066. Sogi also speaks about discrimination, the…

Sogi discusses his training and experiences as an instructor at the MIS Language School and talks about the contributions the MIS made to the American war effort. He also briefly speaks about the importance of preserving oral histories in the…

Sogi discusses his work post-World War II as a member of the Counterintelligence Corps. Afterwards, he talks about his life after finally leaving the active military and building a life for himself. Lastly, he speaks about the Nisei legacy and the…

Endo discusses his family. He details about different aspects of his childhood.

Endo discusses his family's restaurant, living on Terminal Island, and his upbringing. He details about Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He details gymnastics and Executive Order 9066. Endo also discusses his experiences with forced removal and about…

Endo discusses his experiences at Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp. He details gymnastics, being drafted, and basic training. Endo also discusses his experiences at Fort Snelling and heading Japan.

Endo discusses his experiences with Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS)in post-war Japan. He details being apart of the war crime trials. Endo also discusses the work he performed in Japan after leaving the Army to work as a civilian.

Endo discusses more about his experiences in occupied Japan. He details about his involvement with gymnastics and his post-military business. Endo also discusses about his wife and how they got married.

Endo discusses getting married, honeymoon, and his post war life. He details more about some of his experiences in post-war Japan. Endo also discusses about the legacy of the Nisei generation and shows some photographs.


Frank Hiratsuka is born July 16, 1926, in Aliso, CA. In the late 1800's Frank's grandparents immigrate to the United States and have eight children.

Frank's grandfather is a farmer, and Frank's father briefly works on the farm until he gets…

Frank Hiratsuka is a junior in High School when Pearl Harbor is attacked on December 7. Frank and his parents move to Ridley, a safe zone termed by the government.

In Ridley, Frank and his parents work on a peach farm until they receive…

At Fort Snelling, Frank Hiratsuka works in the postal section processing incoming mail. On his weekends off, sometimes Frank flies home to visit his parents. Frank is later assigned to go to Schofield in Honolulu, HI.

Frank's new duties are in…

Inami discusses about his time living in Japan and childhood. He details cultural differences and Japan's surrender. Imani also discusses about his experiences at Fort Snelling, the Nisei mindset, Japanese culture, and Japanese Americans.

Inami discusses his parents immigrating from Japan to Madera, California, and talks about his father's work as a farmer. He then talks about his childhood and discusses his siblings, chores, helping out on the farm, going to school, and the values he…

Inami discusses about the effectiveness of Japanese Americans during the Occupation of Japan, loyalty, and visiting Japan post-occupation. He details about the Occupation of Japan. Inami also discusses about his family and the "Zebra platoon".

Inami talks about what he learned in Japanese language school including Japanese ethics (shushin) and values,. He then talks about school and the community he grew up in; childhood experiences with discrimination; and discusses the reasons why he…

Inami talks about his freshman orientation at UC Berkeley and his experiences with discrimination, and discusses how his military service as well as the existence of the 442nd helped him with his career. He then talks about his family's forced…

Inami talks about his reasons for volunteering for Military Intelligence Service (MIS), discusses joining ROTC in college, and talks about the reasons why he wanted to be in the military. He then talks about induction and basic trianing before going…

Inami talks about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, getting discharged, and going back to college post-war. He then talks about receiving a commission for signal corps and getting recalled into the Korean War, as well as his duties during the Korean…

Inami shows and describes photographs of his wedding, in uniform, and a picture taken while he was in Korea. He also discusses his rank in the military,

In this segment, Frank Kimura introduces himself and his hometown of Fresno. He also talks about his family and how his parents' had a difficult journey to the United States. As Kimura talks about his family and growing up on a farm, we learn he is…

In this segment, Frank Kimura recaps the celebrations and holidays his family would participate in. He also shared his feelings about living in America and the meaning of being an American. Being an American citizen, Kimura decided to join the…

In this segment, Kimura begins by talking about traveling to Naples, Italy. He talks about a typical day aboard the troop ship and the feeling and morale of the men. Upon arrival to Naples, they set up tents and awaited orders. He recalls hearing…

In this segment, Kimura talks about his time in Nice and how fast his company came to the rescue of the 92nd division. He also mentions his reaction to hearing the war had ended. Kimura also talks about his time as Sergeant and the special treatment…

In this segment, Kimura talks about the closeness of his family and how his daughter sacrificed for her sister to have a child. He states the importance of 442nd by describing the privileges the 442nd allowed future Japanese Americans and how rough…

Konno talks about growing up on a citrus ranch in San Dimas, California; and discusses his parents, childhood activities, friendships, and speaking Japanese at home. He also talks about attending high school and Japanese language school; playing…

Konno discusses his brother, talks about his experiences growing up on a ranch, and discusses going on vacation with his family. He then talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor and aftermath, including his family's forced removal first to Pomona…

Konno discusses the living conditions, food, and weather at Heart Mountain, as well as his daily activities and work. He then talks about volunteering for the Army and traveling from Heart Mountain to Mississippi. Lastly, Konno talks about basic…

Konno talks about combat experiences in France including his military assignment, digging foxholes, friendships with soldiers, and firing a rifle. He then talks about the differences between a machine gun and rifle; discusses German weapons; and…

Konno talks about his experiences in England; eating rice growing up and while overseas; and post-war employment. He also talks about meeting his wife while at Heart Mountain incarceration camp, discusses his children, and provides some thoughts…

F. Masuoka discusses his experiences working with Japanese soldiers and civilians in Japan and Korea after Japan's surrender in World War 2. He talks about his role as a military linguist. He also discusses his how he volunteered for U.S. military…

Masuoka talks about growing up in and around apple farms in Sebastopol, CA. He gives an overview of the time he spent at Amache Concentration Camp and the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He describes his mother and father's personalities. He…

F. Masuoka discusses his experiences working as a linguist for the U.S. military in Tokyo and Korea. He talks about details of his job and traveling he did in Japan. He also shares anecdotes about: cultural identity issues as a Nisei working with…

Masuoka describes his childhood role models and nicknames. He also briefly explains his religious background. He talks about the discrimination he faced at home and while in the military. He discusses the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath,…

Masuoka continues to talk about his experiences while in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), including interrogation techniques. He explains what it was like in Japan amid the surrender of Japan. Masuoka describes how he received a Silver Star…

Masuoka talks about the other military decorations that he received. He briefly reflects on the interview process. He describes his siblings experiences while in the military. He discusses his life after World War Two ended, and his return to…

Kawamoto talks about his early life in Winters, California. He shares his fathers backstory. He describes his childhood home. He talks about his first time living in Japan. He discusses the demographics of Winters, California. He briefly talks about…

Kawamoto talks about what life was like behind the military zone. He describes a visit with his family before he went to China. He talks about his basic training. He discusses the front lines in China. He describes the abuses of his superior…

Kawamoto talks about dropping off Korean soldiers at the front lines. He describes his first time in combat. He discusses a strategic meeting with top officials. He describes his platoon's travel through China using a map. He describes the Japanese…

Kawamoto talks about reporting to divisional headquarters. He talks about the Japanese officers fear that the Allies would castrate them. He explains how he prepared to meet the American forces. He discusses translating the book, The Ideal Marriage.…

Kawamoto talks about reporting on the Peace Conference in San Francisco. He briefly talks about returning to Japan. He describes an interview with a Japanese representative about the Treaty of San Francisco. He discusses his job as a Secretary to the…

Frank Mizufuka was born in Compton, California. His parents were from the Kumamoto prefecture on the island of Kyushu. They became sharecroppers and worked on a vegetable farm in Montebello, then moved to Whittier to become flower farmers. Frank…

Frank Mizufuka was a troublemaker in high school -- he dyed his hair red to fit in with his Caucasian classmates. He took judo lessons and wrestling, and also played football for Whittier High School. In high school, he was a part of student…

On the day of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Frank Mizufuka was on weekend furlough at his family's home. Once the news of the bombing was publicized, he had to report back to training camp. Instead of being sent overseas with the Caucasian units, he…

Frank Mizufuka describes his visit to the Amache concentration camp, where he visited his girlfriend at the time. He also visited his family at the Rohwer Relocation Center, and describes the living conditions there. He talks about Yuri Kochiyama,…

Frank Mizufuka was assigned to F Company within the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. F Company, along with L Company, were a part of the O'Connor Task Force, which carried out secret missions during the Battle of Bruyeres. He describes the journey…

Frank Mizufuka talks about his experience with the bazooka team in F Company for the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He also describes his encounters with German soldiers, and German prisoners of war. Frank was wounded on the front lines when a German…

In this video clip, Frank Mizufuka talks about life after being discharged from the Army. He relocated to Chicago, where he met and married his wife. They soon moved to Los Angeles to be closer to his family. He describes his participation in the Van…

Frank Mizufuka describes Colonel Young Oak Kim's escape from being captured by German soldiers. He also talks about his experience working at a retail business in San Francisco. After working there for some time, he left to start his own sandwich…

Morimoto discusses growing up in Monrovia, California and recalls working at his family's general store, playing football and participating in track and field, attending Japanese language school, and experiencing discrimination during his childhood.…

Morimoto discusses his experiences participating in the liberation of Bruyeres, including what the terrain was like, and dealing with the constant threat of encountering German soldiers due to the dark and dense forest cover; and also due to the…

Morimoto describes the time that he tripped on a booby trap and was injured, and his comrades' experiences gambling in Monte Carlo. He also talks about going to the hospital due to his trench foot condition which caused him to get reclassified as…

Morimoto describes memories from World War Two, including recalling his brother-in-law's death in Bruyeres, and the harsh weather and combat conditions in Bruyeres. He then talks about not being able to attend his mother's funeral after she passed…

Morimoto shows photographs from an album, which includes images from American Hot Rod Magazine and images taken at Muroc dry lake during a racing competition. Photographs in the album also include images taken at Cal-Aero Technical Institute; and…



Sato discusses his parents' immigration to the United States, their physical traits and personalities; and also discusses his father's employment. He then talks about his childhood and discusses religion, his childhood home, his family's Japanese…

Sato provides some thoughts regarding forced removal; and discusses his experiences at Puyallup temporary detention facility and Minidoka Concentration Camp including living conditions and the weather. He then discusses his brothers' military…

Sato discusses his Presidential appointments in the Department of Transportation and Department of Veterans Affairs under the Carter and Reagan administrations. He provides some thoughts regarding being one the first Japanese American Presidential…

Sato discusses a speech he gave during Memorial Day; talks about the generational differences between Issei, Nisei, Sansei, and Yonsei; and discusses participation in oral history interviews. He then shows and describes photographs taken with…

Mori begins the interview speaking of his parent's background, immigrating from Japan to Santa Barbara, California. While attending school, Mori took an interest in horticulture and would end up farming after his high school graduation and before the…

Mori continues his recollection of his basic training at Camp Shelby in Mississippi and the preparation for the war. After that, he was sent back to Fort Snelling before being shipped out, and at that time also got married. Next, he would be shipped…

Mori continues his discussion on cave experiences while serving overseas in Okinawa. Following Okinawa, he is moved back to the Philippines until the end of the war. After thinking they would be sent back home after the atomic bombs, they are instead…

Mori recalls a time when he was watching television with his children and saw himself on a Walter Cronkite special. Next, he gives a message for future generations, which includes enduring and persevering in everyday life. After this, he talks about…

Nomura talks about his youth in Washington through the attack on Pearl Harbor. He provides background on his parents' immigration to U.S.; explains how some of his siblings lived in Japan for a period; and life on the family farm in Washington. He…

Nomura shares details about his experiences in internment camp and the European Theater. He talks about working a farm laborer in Montana; how he met his wife; and army enlistment. He also discusses his basic training and time in Italy.

Nomura discusses his experiences in the European Theater. He talks about combat experiences; illness he endured; and interactions with Italian citizens. He also discusses his life after military service: career, marriage, and family.

Frank Tadao Matsuda is born on January 9, 1922, in Seattle, Washington. His father, Saiki Frank Matsuda, and mother, Masae Miyoshi, are from Japan. Frank has an older sister Aiko and a younger sister Kathryn Sumiko. Frank is closest to Aiko because…

Frank Matsuda hears the news the Army is accepting Japanese American volunteers. Frank signs up to volunteer and returns to camp to take his physical exam. He passes the physical exam and goes to Camp Shelby for basic training. Frank is a BAR man…

Frank Matsuda talks about the Nisei legacy and how their service opens the door for many Asians. The 442nd receives 20 to 21 medals, and K Company received two of the medals. Frank feels many other soldiers deserve recognition for their service,…

Takao discuss his prefecture origin and familial description. He shares childhood memory, favorite types of movies, and religion. Takao attends Japanese Language School growing up. He works at a cannery during the bombing of Pearl Harbor and…

Takao discusses volunteering for the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and going to the mainland for basic training. Takao and five friends volunteer and only himself and a friend is selected. Takao is assign to Company C, First Battalion, Fourth Platoon…

Takao discusses going to Camp Savage, Camp Anza, and going overseas to India. He shares the experience on the ship of 3,000 servicemen and entertaining the troops and ship crew. Takao experiences cultural shock when landing in India. At New Delhi, he…

Takao discusses the sentiment of Japanese soldiers from the eyes of a Burmese boy. During the Chinese Burma Theater, Takao translates the Japanese soldiers diary and there are numerous mention of comfort women. Takao participates in propaganda,…

Takao discusses returning home and faces prejudice when trying to apply for a job. Takao goes to the University of Hawaii and becomes active in politics. Daniel Inouye influences Takao and a few others to go to law school. Takao discusses his 26…

Frank S. Tanabe was born on August 10, 1919 as Shinichiro Okamoto. His parents immigrated to the United States from Japan and later divorced when Frank was a child. Frank's mother married Mr. Tanabe in 1924. Frank and his sister grew up in the Tanabe…

In May, Frank S. Tanabe and four other Nisei were the advance crew to set up Tule Lake. Before the war, Frank has writing experience. He continued his passion for writing at Tule Lake by starting Tulean Dispatch newspaper. In September, he went to…

In 1959, Frank S. Tanabe joined the United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands with Headquarters (USCAR). Frank was part of the Public Affairs department as an Information Supervisor/News Writer. Besides his work, Frank proactively…
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