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Hinatsu discusses what it was like growing up in Portland, Oregon. He details about his experiences Minidoka Concentration Camp. Hinatsu also discusses his experiences during basic training. He also details about the mindset during combat

Hinatsu discusses the Champagne Campaign and the Gothic Line. He details about about the end of the war in Europe. Hinatsu also discusses coming home and starting a career.

Hinatsu discusses the role he played in the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion as a Forward Observer for rifle companies . He details about his experiences at Bruyeres. Hinatsu also discusses the Champagne Campaign and the Rescue of the Lost Battalion.

Kikuyama discusses about his experiences at Camp Shelby. He details about his combat experiences. Kikuyama also discusses about his best and worst experiences during Word War Two.

Oshiro continues to discuss his work with gliders. He explains how he was injured. He talks about rejoining his unit after he recovered from his injury. He explains how he communicated with his family while he was overseas. Oshiro briefly talks about…

Oshiro talks about landing in Naples, Italy and his journey through Italy. He explains his interactions with the 100th Infantry Battalion. He describes his first combat experience. He discusses his military assignments. He talks about his role in the…

Oshiro continues to discuss volunteering for the military. He describes his journey to Camp Shelby. He talks about being assigned to a unit. He briefly talks about his basic training. He describes the relationship between the Hawaiian soldiers and…

2 page spread of Satoru Nakamura's 1943 442nd Album with a written caption pointing to a photograph of Satoru

Photograph of Santa Maria Del Fiore Cathedral in Florence, Italy.

Kimoto details his experience from the Battle of Hill 140. He also discusses his combat experience while in France. Kimoto describes the nuisance of German artillery.

Kimoto discusses the relationship among the Hawaiians and the Mainlanders, as well as the relationship with the officers. Kimoto also details about arriving in Italy and his early combat experiences in Italy. He discusses the realities of war.

Kimoto details the process of volunteering for The 442nd. Kimoto discusses his journey from Hawaii to San Fransisco and from San Fransisco to Mississippi. He also discusses about his time at Camp Shelby and in Mississippi.

Samuel Yamaguchi discusses his experiences in the military. He talks about enlisting, and waiting in Utah to get inducted. He also discusses visiting his family in Poston before shipping out for basic training.

Sasai talks about his experiences as an anti-tank gunner including describing what it was like to fire weapons and fire against German tanks. He then talks about his experiences while on patrol duty in Bruyeres, his litter bearer duties in France,…

Sasai discusses about visiting Rohwer and Jerome Concentration Camps. He details about the relationship between Hawaiian and Mainland soldiers. Sasai also going overseas and first combat experiences.

Sam Sakamoto describes his journey to Europe and landing in Naples, Italy. He talks about the 442nd Combat Regimental Team. He explains his relationship with Hawaiian soldiers. Sakamoto discusses the end of the World War Two and his journey back to…

Matsuura shows and describes photographs of the ceremony where he received his Purple Heart; and Senator Inouye and his family. He then discusses the legacy of the 442nd; and provides some thoughts regarding his military service and being a veteran.

Matsuura discusses the reasons why he volunteered for the Army; talks about going to Bruyeres and his assignment as a messenger; and describes his trench foot condition. Next, Matsuura talks about Senator Daniel Inouye who was his platoon leader and…

Kubota discusses about that during the Lost Battalion Rescue mission, he is in hospital for his leg injury.

After the Lost Battalion rescue, Kubota rejoins I Company on November 3 when he hears the company is getting ready to head south for…

Kubota discusses about digging a trenches for sleeping during wartime and how he suffers from a back injury. In the Vosges Mountain, soldiers are afraid of tree burst from shrapnel. So the trenches are covered to protect them from danger. In the…

Kubota discusses meeting Sus Oshabata at basic training. The two becomes friends when Sus takes care of Kubota when he is sick. In mid-training Sus is selected as jeep driver and goes to a different company. After the war, they remain friends even…

Kubota discusses his decision to enlist. At the beginning of the war, non-citizens are barred from enlisting due to the enemy alien law. Kubota first learns about the Nisei Regiment Formation assembly from Japanese Community Leaders and decides to…

Rudy Tokiwa was inducted into the military at Fort Douglass in Utah. He was then sent to report to Camp Shelby, Mississippi, but spent a layover in New Orleans for four days. His Japanese language skills were tested at Fort Snelling, but he pretended…

The 442nd Regimental Combat Team was sent to the Gothic Line, which was the backbone of German defense during World War II. Rudy Tokiwa describes how the 442nd made the advance at night, and it took them two days to overtake it. He talks about his…

The 442nd Regimental Combat Team, K Company was ordered by General Dahlquist to rescue the 141st Texas Regiment, who had been surrounded by German forces in the Vosges Forest. They were led by Colonel Pursall. Rudy Tokiwa discusses his close…

Roy Yokote reflects on the German POWs he guarded towards the end of the war and the difference between German and American weaponry. He also describes his experiences working as an x-ray technician both in Naples and in the US after his return.…

Tsuya describes what winter was like on the front lines. He briefly talks about the Lost Battalion. He discusses the Champaign Campaign. He explains how he was injured. He describes his return to the United States. He talks about his time in business…

Tsuya describes the discrimination he witnessed and experienced. He talks about rations. He explains how he communicated with his family while he was overseas. He discusses his military wages. He explains how he prepared to go overseas. He talks…

Tsuya talks about his friend's war record. He discusses his time at Schofield Barracks. He describes Iolani Palace. He talks about his journey to the Mainland. He discusses his time at Camp Shelby. He describes being assigned to E Company. He talks…

Fujiwara talks about his journey to Europe. He describes landing in Glasgow, Scotland. He discusses traveling through Europe, so he could join the 422nd Regimental Combat Team. He talks about his combat experiences during the Gothic Line. He talks…

Fujiwara talks about his interview with the V.A. Hospital. He describes his first car. He describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He discusses his fathers life in Japan. He explains why the FBI arrested certain members of the Japanese…

Photograph of a room interior with cots.

Photograph of a room interior with books and papers.

Oba discusses acts of heroism and spiritual occurrences in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He details about the events that led to F Company's banzai charge. Oba also discusses dealing with the death and losing friends. He also discusses being in a…

Oba discusses his experiences as a Cook in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He details about the time he crossed a minefield to deliver food. He also discusses about some of his cooking in the 442nd post-war.

Oba discusses the relationship between Mainland and Hawaiian soldiers. He details about the voyage overseas and arriving in Italy. Oba also discusses the makeup of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and the Hawaiian values instilled in some it's…

Oba discusses his childhood and how he became a cook in the army. He details about what he remembers from Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. Oba also discusses how the 442nd Regimental Combat Team formed and why he joined. Oba also details about his…

Oba discusses the importance of medals and the story behind some of the Medal of Honor recipients. He details about some of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team in the European Theatre. Oba also discusses the 100th Infantry Battalion, to first day of…

Miyamoto continues his recollection of growing up on Hilo, where his pidgin English was heavy and his normal English was inconsistent. After graduation from high school, he and his family would move to Kalihi on Oahu. It was there that he would see…

Miyamoto continues speaking about his various experiences overseas, including interactions with German prisoners-of-war. He also talks about Ted Tanouye and the difference between American and German weapons. Next, he would be discharged from the…

Shiosaki discusses wartime stories and experiences. Post-war, Shiosaki gets married and moves to Los Angeles, California. He talks about the difference between living in Hawaii and Los Angeles. Shiosaki also shares advice to his grandchildren for the…

Shiosaki discusses familial description and home life. He recalls life in Hawaii during his adolescent years and discrimination. Shiosaki signs up for the military and completes basic training at Camp Shelby. After graduating from basic training,…

Yano continues to talk about his basic training at Camp Shelby, seeing some friction between the Hawaiian and mainland soldiers. He also talks about seeing one soldier die during basic training in an accident. Joining E Company, he would be shipped…

Katayama discusses his military combat experiences in Europe. He talks about his experience at Hill 140. He also discusses what job assignments he had. In addition he relays anecdotes regarding: face to face combat, "good times" in reserves, and Earl…

Katayama discusses his military experiences. He talks about basic training at Camp Shelby, and provides a summary of experiences in the European Theater. He shares anecdotes regarding: segregation in the South; Hawaiian and Mainland soldier…

Iso tells about his most memorable or rewarding experience in combat and other combat experiences. He discusses briefly his impressions of the relationships and tensions between Hawaiian and Mainland soldiers of Japanese ancestry. He ends his…

Ichikawa discusses a few comical stories, photography, and his worst war experience. He details about heading to France, back to Italy, and his experiences in Italy before and after the war. Ichikawa also discusses mail, awards, and returning home.

Ichikawa discusses more about his experiences at Camp Shelby and what it entailed to carry a Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR). He details about his combat experiences in Europe and being wounded. Ichikawa also discusses losing comrades and…

Ichikawa discusses his experiences at Santa Anita Temporary Dentition Center. He details about experiences at Granada Concentration Camp. Ichikawa also discusses why he volunteered for the service and his experiences at Camp Shelby for basic…

Robert Ichikawa of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, E Company standing next to a building holding combat rifle. Ichikawa is dressed in his military uniform.

Robert Ichikawa, of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, E Company, standing in front of an army truck in the regiment supply area. Photograph taken in Nice, France.

Robert Ichikawa (left) and Haru Kato (right) standing in front of military truck at the regiment supply area. Both Ichikawa and Kato are part of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, Company E.

Foote discusses about his interactions with the soldiers and being wounded. He details about arriving and experiences in France. Foote also discusses about the recovery process, rejoining the unit, The Gothic Line, and his career.

Foote discusses about Pearl Harbor and his early military experiences. He details about going overseas, being assigned to the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and his experiences in them. Foote also discusses about the realities of war, communication,…

Foote starts the discussion recounting two Nisei Veteran reunions honoring Yuri Kochiyama and Ted Tanouye. Later he gives some details about his experiences on The Gothic Line: what German tactics were used, help from Partisans, and American tactics.…

Endo shows and describes photographs in a scrapbook during his time in Europe as a medic. Photographs depict fellow soldiers, a first aid station, medical supply truck, the 232nd Combat Engineer Company, experiences during the Gothic Line, and other…

Endo discusses his truck driving assignment in basic training; shows and describes photographs of his family; and discusses his experiences at Camp Blanding during basic training. He then talks about reporting to Camp Shelby and his duties there as…

Tanna discusses about the lighter sides of war and the Lost Battalion. He details about the Champagne Campaign. Tanna also discusses about his experiences with an Italian family, his squad mates, brother, and returning home.

Tanna discusses about his experiences in Naples and Europe. He details about the relationship between soldiers and role as a machine gunner.

Tanna discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details joining the Army and experiences in Mississippi. Tanna also discusses about basic training, the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and his journey to Europe.

Photograph of a river and a bridge.

Watada discusses how the aerial tactics is helpful in clearing the grounds for the United States soldiers to advance forward in combat. Whereas the German soldiers did not have planes to assist them.

Watada notice progress is happening on the…

Watada discusses events after basic training, he gets to go on furlough before going overseas. He returns to Granada (Amache) to see his family.

Watada goes overseas on the Queen Mary and lands in France. After the rescue of the Los Battalion,…

Watada discusses life at camp consist of working during the day, meals in the mess hall, and socializing in the recreation hall. Watada works in the warehouse and working in the silk screen shop printing silk screen posters with slogans. Watada's…

Following the American concentration camps in Idaho, Tochihara would volunteer for the Army, wanting to fight for the country he was born and raised in. After a 30 day furlough, he would begin his basic training at Camp Shelby as a replacement for…

In the final part of his interview, Richard Narasaki shares his message to future generations on the importance of education and perseverance. He also implores youths to remember the impact that the 442 had and to take advantage of the opportunities…

Narasaki describes his embarkation and the journey across Europe to meet up with the 442nd Infantry Regiment. He recounts moments from combat including his first time using his rifle and the realization that German and US soldiers were similar.…

Naito shares his experience of being denied membership in the VFW organization due to his Japanese descent. He also discusses the benefits of being in a segregated unit. He further shares recollections of his travels to Asia post-war and how Asian…

Naito shares recollections of cultural tensions between Hawaiian and mainland soldiers during basic training; and overall race relations during the era. He also discusses his battle experience and what it was like to get wounded in combat. He also…

Photograph of a religious sculpture.

Peterson discusses his experiences during the Champagne Campaign; talks about the reputation of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and 100th Infantry Division; and discusses returning to the United States because of his parents' car accident. He then…

Peterson discusses his experiences training new recruits and as a heavy weapons platoon leader; and describes the duties of H Company as well as the structure of the United States Army. He then talks about his participation in maneuvers; discusses…

Peterson discusses his father and his immigration to the United States from Sweden; talks about his mother; discusses speaking Swedish at home; and discusses his childhood including talking about religion, his community, classmates, and his…

Photograph of a priest posing in front of buildings.

Portrait photograph of Paul William Nishimuta.

Photograph of a piazza and church.

Photograph of people outside near cars and a carriage.

Photograph of people by a body of water

Photograph of people and boats at the beach.

Yamashita talks about his whereabouts during the end of the war. At the time of the V-J day, he was guarding German prisoners of war in Italy but would get the chance to come home due to the points system. He would ship back to the Hawaii, but would…

Yamashita talks more about his war experiences, including going through France, taking heavy casualties and complete darkness in the Vosges Mountains. There, he would see the power of the German snipers and the courage of the non-commissioned…

Yamashita discusses the fighting between the Hawaiian and mainland soldiers, until Earl Finch decided to take some of the Hawaiian soldiers to the American concentration camps to show them what the mainland soldiers were going through. After that,…

Yamashita talks more about his time at Camp Shelby in Mississippi. There, he see segregation of races for the first time and talks about some of the experiences he had there. He also talks about meeting Earl Finch and how generous he was towards the…

The interview begins with Paul Yamashita talking about his life, growing up in Hakalau Hawaii on a sugarcane plantation. He would attend regular and Japanese school and enjoyed playing games with friends and pounding mochi on New Years. Next, he…

Photograph of Paul William Nishimuta, a World War Two soldier, and two women posing outside.

Photograph of Paul William Nishimuta skiing.

Photograph of Paul William Nishimuta sitting on a cot.

Photograph of Paul William Nishimuta posing with children outside.

Photograph of Paul William Nishimuta posing with a bicycle at Piazzale Michelangelo in Florence, Italy.

Photograph of Paul William Nishimuta posing outside by water.

Photograph of Paul William Nishimuta posing outside.

Photograph of Paul William Nishimuta posing outside.

Photograph of Paul William Nishimuta posing outside.

Photograph of Paul William Nishimuta posing on a statue.

Photograph of Paul William Nishimuta posing in front of stairs.

Photograph of Paul William Nishimuta posing in front of a tent with a sign for the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, 100th Infantry Battalion, Baker Company.

Photograph of Paul William Nishimuta posing by water.

Photograph of Paul William Nishimuta posing by a stadium bench.

Photograph of Paul William Nishimuta posing at the beach.

Photograph of Paul William Nishimuta lying down in bed.
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