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Oda discusses his experiences in World War II with an emphasis on the many military camps he was stationed at, and his experience receiving a field commission. In addition he talks about what his life was like just prior to U.S. participation in the…

Oda discusses growing up in Portland, Oregon circa 1920-1940. He shares memories from youth and adolescence. Oda also talks about how his parents settled in Portland and his father's business dealings.

Oda talks reflects on the totality of her Japanese ancestry and the race discrimination she endured in her youth. She also talks politics regarding America and East Asia. In addition, she talks about the legacy of World War 2.

Oda describes the facilities and services of Manzanar. She talks about how she met her husband, and gives some background information about him. In addition, she talks about her experiences living in Japan during the occupation and her life after…

Oda discusses her experiences in Manzanar Concentration Camp. She describes the living conditions, the food, and the work she did. She also talks about how her college friends reacted to her incarceration. She shares anecdotes regarding: enrolling in…

M. Oda talks about racial tensions in California before and after the attack on Pearl Harbor. She also talks about her family members that died while in Manzanar Concentration Camp. In addition there are anecdotes regarding: how her father acquired…

Oda provides substantial information regarding her family of origin. She talks about her mother's higher education in Japan, and how her father settled in California; she also shares details of her siblings growing up. In addition, Oda provides…

Oda discusses his experience going back to Japan and seeing his brother for the first time since childhood, as well as his memories of post-war Japan. He also talks about his marriage and children, being a stay at home father, experiencing…

Oda discusses encounters with civilians while at Camp Savage, what a typical day was like as an instructor at Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS), student populations that included both Nisei and Caucasians, and grading papers. He…

Oda recalls an incident while at Manzanar Incarceration Camp involving a physical altercation with a man over an article written in the Manzanar Free Press. He then talks about meeting his wife, and going to Camp Savage where he was assigned to be an…

Oda talks about moving back to the United States, learning English again, and employment opportunities including working at a produce market and becoming an organizer for a union for markets. He also discusses his thoughts regarding the attack on…

Oda discusses growing up in Stockton, California on a farm before moving to Japan with his mother and brother at his mother's behest. While in Japan, Oda recalls experiences in grammar school with bullies for being American; and attending Koto Gakko…


Oda discusses learning about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the end of World War Two; and recalls President Roosevelt's speech after the attack on Pearl Harbor and his death. She then talks about the differences between Hawaiian and…

Oda discusses her experiences traveling to Hattiesburg and her experiences once there. She then talks about men at Minidoka Incarceration Camp volunteering for the Army, correspondence with her mother while she was incarcerated at Minidoka; and…

Oda discusses how she met her husband and her marriage plans. When trying to get married, the Oda’s initially experienced discrimination due to their race, but eventaully got married at a YMCA. She then talks about her whereabouts during the attack…

Oda talks about his career work after graduating from University of Hawaii with Pan-American Airlines. Next, he talks about the recreational activities he did as a child, including fishing and going to the movies. After getting married, he would…

Oda discusses his time in Europe and the experiences he had while there. He discusses the religions he grew up with and being a boy scout for a short time and how that taught him to give respect to elders. Next, he talks about the things that were…

Oda discusses his time in Mississippi, doing his basic training with the 442nd Regiment. There he would marvel at the amount of pine trees and the humidity of the South and would see the color segregation that was evident in the South. He would…

Oda continues his recollection of his time with the 3 Year Swimming Club, in which they would get to travel throughout Hawaii and the United States for tournaments, and would be known as some of the best swimmers. It was thanks to this, that he would…

Oda begins the interview talking about his childhood in Maui, as his father and mother would come from Kumamoto prefecture to work on the sugarcane fields. He would grow up on the plantation, playing with friends and attending regular and Japanese…

Oba discusses the importance of medals and the story behind some of the Medal of Honor recipients. He details about some of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team in the European Theatre. Oba also discusses the 100th Infantry Battalion, to first day of…

Oba discusses more about losing friends and dealing with it. He details about his life after the army and veteran organizations. Oba also discusses the importance of telling the story of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team.

Oba discusses acts of heroism and spiritual occurrences in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He details about the events that led to F Company's banzai charge. Oba also discusses dealing with the death and losing friends. He also discusses being in a…

Oba discusses his experiences as a Cook in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He details about the time he crossed a minefield to deliver food. He also discusses about some of his cooking in the 442nd post-war.

Oba discusses the relationship between Mainland and Hawaiian soldiers. He details about the voyage overseas and arriving in Italy. Oba also discusses the makeup of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and the Hawaiian values instilled in some it's…

Oba discusses his childhood and how he became a cook in the army. He details about what he remembers from Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. Oba also discusses how the 442nd Regimental Combat Team formed and why he joined. Oba also details about his…

Wallace Nunotani talks about his children and grandchildren. He also reflects on the meaning of his experiences.

Nunotani talks about the Champaign Campaign and the Gothic Line. He reflects on his experiences while in the 442nd. Nunotani describes the end of World War Two. He also discusses rations and his post-war activities. He talks about his military…

Nunotani describes Earl Finch. He talks about his trip to the Jerome Concentration Camp. He talks about his unit, cannon company, and their journey to Europe. Nunotani describes his combat experiences with the 442nd. He list the campaigns he…

Nunotani discusses the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. He goes on to explain how his college education was interrupted by the Attack on Pearl Harbor. Nunotani talks about how he decided to enlist despite discrimination against Japanese Americans. He…

Wallace Nunotani talks about his family and siblings. He discusses his childhood hobbies. Nunotani describes secondary school and Japanese language school. He talks about his time at University of Hawaii. He discusses his religious background and…

Nukuto discusses about his experiences in Japan. He details about meeting his wife and living in Chicago. Nukuto also gives a message to future to future generations.

Nukuto discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor, being drafted, and his experiences in Kansas. He details about his parents incarceration. Nukuto also discusses about his experiences at Camp Shelby, in Italy, and going to Japan.

Nukuto discusses about more growing up in Japan. He details about returning to the Untied States. Nukuto also discusses about his life once returning to the United States.

Nukuto discusses about his family. He details about moving to Japan and his experiences while there. Nukuto also discusses about his educational experiences.


In this video clip, Ray Nosaka recaps his combat experience in Salerno, Italy, and being sent to a segregated hospital after being injured. He goes on to talk about different memories of his experience overseas.

In this video clip, Ray Nosaka describes his job as a military dog trainer. He also talks about the different kinds of food that he and his training group ate, as well as his religious beliefs that helped him during combat. He goes on to talk about…

In this video clip, Ray Nosaka talks about going to Japanese language school and talking pidgin. He also describes what Hawai'i was like before the war, and how Japanese Americans were discriminated in the workforce, as well as the military. He goes…

In this video clip, Ray Nosaka talks about his family and growing up in Hawai'i. He recalls instances where he faced racial discrimination in the work force.

In this video clip, Shoso Nomura talks about the morals and values that he learned from his Issei parents, and delivers a message to future generations. He discusses the reunion trip that he took with his war buddies back to China -- where they…

In this video clip, Shoso Nomura talks about his experience working with the Chinese Communist leaders during his time in the China Theater. He discusses the end of the war and his homecoming.

In this video clip, Shosu Nomura describes his experience in the China Theater during the Dixie Mission. He explains the purpose of the Dixie Mission and about Communist China during that time.

In this video clip, Sho Nomura talks about his parents' reaction to him volunteering to serve in the United States Army. He describes his first experiences in military life during training at Camp Savage and Camp Shelby. He also describes his journey…

In this video clip, Sho Nomoru describes his experience hearing the news of the attack on Pearl Harbor. He talks about how his life changed once he and his family were relocated to an assembly center, and later, a concentration camp. He explains his…

In this video clip, Sho Nomura describes his childhood growing up in Sierra Madre. He talks about his Issei parents and about attending Japanese language school. He talks about his sister, who had been sent to Japan to live with their grandparents,…

Nomura discusses his experiences in the European Theater. He talks about combat experiences; illness he endured; and interactions with Italian citizens. He also discusses his life after military service: career, marriage, and family.

Nomura shares details about his experiences in internment camp and the European Theater. He talks about working a farm laborer in Montana; how he met his wife; and army enlistment. He also discusses his basic training and time in Italy.

Nomura talks about his youth in Washington through the attack on Pearl Harbor. He provides background on his parents' immigration to U.S.; explains how some of his siblings lived in Japan for a period; and life on the family farm in Washington. He…

Nohara was transferred to a hospital in Chicago and talks about his experiences there including discussing the relationship between Hawaiian and mainland soldiers; and the relationship between civilians, and Nisei and African American soldiers.…

Nohara talks about his post-war employment; marriage and children; and events, duties, and fundraisers of Club 100- a club formed for 100th Infantry Battalion veterans. Lastly, Nohara talks about a housing subdivision he lived in, and books that were…

Nohara talks about his friendships, tells a story regarding a soldier killed in action; and talks about receiving Purple Heart and Bronze Star medals. He then talks about getting wounded, returning to the United States, and his experiences during his…

Nohara discusses visiting Rohwer and Jerome incarceration camps, his assignment guarding German POWs who were in Georgia harvesting peanut crops, volunteering to travel overseas to Europe; and his thoughts and reactions to landing in Italy and…

Nohara talks about family friends, his thoughts about the war in Europe prior to the United States' involvement, his duties while employed as a warden; and volunteering for the Army and being sent to Camp Shelby. He then talks about volunteering for…

Nohara discusses growing up on a farm in Hawaii, his parents, siblings, and attending Japanese school. He then talks about religion, Japanese values, experiences with discrimination during his childhood; and attending high school and his…

Noguchi discusses the deaths of his parents and first wife; and talks about how he met his current wife. He then talks about his involvement with veteran organizations such as the American Legion Nisei Post and MIS club; and tells a story regarding…

Noguchi talks about traveling to the Philippines and his experiences there including living conditions, food, interactions with POWs, and duties interrogating POWs. He then talks about being sent to Japan after the end of the war and his assignment…

Noguchi discusses his parents and their immigration to the United States; his father’s employment and death; and his mother’s physical traits and personality. He then talks about attending school and Japanese language school; going to church;…

Nishioka talks about his personal history and his encouragement to other veterans to share their story if they can. Next, he talks about reunions, the monument in Los Angeles and the Medals of Honor that were given away fifty years after the fact.…

Nishioka discusses what it's like to get a shrapnel wound and what happened to him after being sent back to Hawaii. He would get a second opinion of a doctor in Hawaii but he ended up not having an operation again. He also talks about his limited…

Nishioka talks more about his combat experiences in Sassetta, where the regiment would be involved in heavy house-to-house combat. He explains the differences between artillery shells and mortar shells and how he was wounded in action by a mortar…

Nishioka discusses his situation before shipping out, getting upgraded from first scout to a non-commissioned officer but instead deciding to volunteer to be a replacement for the 100th Infantry Battalion. After this, he would get onto a liberty ship…

Nishioka first discusses the prejudice that he saw when he arrived in Mississippi and the segregation on the buses, which he found deeply unfair. He also talks about the different things he encountered while in basic training, such as snakes,…

Nishioka talks more about growing up in Hawaii and his whereabouts when he first heard about the attacks on Pearl Harbor. At the time, he would be part of both the 4F Club and the Young Buddhist Association (YBA), and would be forced to black out…

Tommy Nishioka begins the interview with an introduction of himself and his parents, who came from Japan and settled in Hilo, Hawaii. His father would work with sugarcane workers, growing trees for firewood, while the children attended school and…

Nishioka describes close calls during wartime and his worst memories of the war. He also talks about his hip injury. He talks about how his family expanded and sharing wartime experiences. He gives a message to his family. He talks about the future…

Nishioka describes the European countryside and Bruyères. He talks about the Champagne Campaign and European locals. He discusses the end of World War Two and his subsequent tour of Florence, Italy. He explains how he got back to Hawaii. Nishioka…

Nishioka describes one of his captains and Camp Shelby. He discusses discrimination against African Americans. in the south He talks about the American Concentration Camps for Japanese Americans. Nishioka explains his relationship with Mainland…

Nishioka talks about Japanese language school and primary school. He also discusses his experiences in high school. He briefly describes a carpentry apprenticeship he had as a youth. He explains the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. Nishioka…

Nishioka talks about his early life in Hilo. He describes the sugarcane work camps in the Hilo area. He discusses the items his family made and purchased from the store. He talks about the sports that he was involved in during childhood. Nishioka…

Nishio discusses his family and post-war life. He details about his thoughts on the atomic bombings. Nishio also discusses his community activities and then gives advice to future generations.

Nishio discusses his post-war life. He details about his career as an Optometrist. Nishio also discusses his family.

Nishio discusses his experiences during the Korean War. He details his college experiences, finding employment and opening a bar. Nishio also discusses being an Optometrist.

Nishio discusses about his experiences in post-war japan. He details about his life after occupation. Nishio also discusses about his experiences during the Korean War.

Nishio discusses his experiences in post-war Japan. He details his early experiences in the Counter Intelligence Corps. (CIC). Nishio also discusses about the current state of post-war Japan.

Nishio discusses a friend and his camp experiences. He details briefly about his post-war. Nishio also discusses joining the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) and his experiences at Fort Snelling.

Nishio discusses his experiences with forced removal and childhood. He details his experiences at a Temporary Detention Center and Jerome Concentration Camp. Nishio also discusses about the loyalty questionnaire, visiting Tule Lake Concentration…
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