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Hariayama discusses about coming home and post-war life. He details about going to and his in Korea. Hirayama discusses about his employment and family.

Hirayama discusses his experiences with combat and the Lost Battalion. He details about the Champagne Campaign. Hirayama also discusses about his experiences in Germany and visiting Dachau.

Hariayama discusses about basic training. He details heading overseas, landing in Italy, and his experiences in Italy. Hariayama also discusses about his first combat experiences, his experiences in France, and his duties during combat.

Hiryama discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details about enlisting into service and leaving the island of Kauai. Hariyama also discusses about going to and his experiences at Camp Shelby.

Hirayama discusses about his childhood and schooling. He details about food, building a canoe, and growing in Hawaii. Hirayama also discusses about his career, being self-driven, and Sparky Matsunaga.

Hirayama discusses about his family. He details about childhood and the values he was taught. Hirayama also discusses about his schooling and growing up in Kauai (Maui), Hawaii.

Tsuji discusses traveling through Europe during the war with some guys in his company, taking a Jeep into Florence and noticing the cathedrals and buildings, which interested him. He would explore the area more and take pictures of various places,…

While recovering from his wound, Tsuji would be given a 45 day furlough, in which he originally wanted to go back home to Hawaii, however, after talking with officers, he decided upon traveling and seeing Chicago and New York and when he returned, he…

While in Bruyeres, Tsuji would be wounded in action and talks about the intricacies of that. He also talks about his time in Marseille and being able to take a pass to explore the local shops and find that the black market was alive and well. He…

Tsuji talks about his experiences in combat, including the differences between what was learned in basic training and how things are actually handled on the front lines. He also talks about the various differences between the German and American…

Tsuji begins the interview discussing a big fight that occurred between the caucasian and Nisei soldiers while at Newport News and how the military police had to get involved in order to break up the fighting. Next, he talks about spending a week in…

Tsuji goes through his collection of photographs, ranging from his childhood to right before being shipped to the mainland to Europe. He gives descriptions and anecdotes of the people and items in the pictures and even tells a touching story of two…

Tsuji continues his recollection of Camp Shelby and being shipped overseas to Oran in North Africa. Spending two weeks there, his regiment awaited their shipment to Naples in Italy where they would begin their first day. Tsuji talks about getting to…

A couple of years following Pearl Harbor, Tsuji decided to join the Army and was being shipped to the mainland in just 10 days later. He speaks on the transportation to San Francisco and then to Camp Shelby in Mississippi. During his time at Camp…

Tsuji begins by talking about the New Years traditional film he would watch portraying the 47 Ronin. Next, he begins an in depth recollection of Pearl Harbor, from listening in on the radio to seeing the fire ball and smoke from a distance. He…

Tsuji discusses about his childhood in Honolulu, recalling the New Years celebrations, the population of his schools and the friends that he had. Next, he looks back at the segregation that he saw both in Hawaii and later in Mississippi while…

Tsuji discusses his family and background. He gives in depth descriptions and memories of his mother, father and 8 siblings. Next, he speaks about attending Japanese language school and the end of his classes, punctuated by the Pearl Harbor…

Arthur Warren Cunningham continues to talks about having trench foot. He shares his best experiences during his military service. He talks about the capture of his Commander Marty Higgins. He explains how he reconnected with the 141st Infantry…

Cunningham explains how he got the German soldiers to come out of the underground fortress. He talks about having trench foot. He discusses Prisoners of War. He explains the extent to which he interacted with the 100th Infantry Battalion. He…

Cunningham and the interviewers introduce themselves. Cunningham talks about his parents. He describes his mother's physical appearance. He discusses his physical appearance. He talks about his mother and his siblings. He describes his relationship…

Yukino gives an overview of her life. She details about her experiences in Santa Anita Temporary Detention Center and Amache Concentration Camp. A messages to future is given and the interview ends with photographs and newspaper clippings being…

The Harada's discuss about Joe's experiences on Iwo Jima and during his time in Japan. They detail about their post-war life, how they met, and their son. Yukino also discusses about her family.

The Harada's discuss about Joe's family and childhood. They detail about how Joe was recruited to the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). The Harada's also detail about Joe's experiences on Iwo Jima.

Iwasaki talks about his children and their occupations; discusses his grandchildren; talks about the history of his last name; and discusses the contributions of Nisei soldiers in regards to the community. He then provides a message to his children…

Iwasaki talks about the end of the war and returning to the United States where he participated in a parade in New York. He then talks about corresponding with his wife while overseas, and discusses seeing his daughter prior to going overseas. Next,…

Iwataki talks about landing in Naples, discusses Italian civilians, and talks about a good luck charm called "the flying duck". He then talks about his experiences during the Lost Battalion rescue; the battle at Bruyeres; discusses his interactions…

Iwataki discusses discrimination in the Army as well as Kibei experiences in the military. He then talks about experiences with discrimination at Fort McClellan, describes the process of getting a field commission, and describes the term, cadre.…

Iwataki talks about his childhood including discussing his neighborhood, attending school, friendships, experiences with discrimination, playing sports, and influential teachers. He then continues to talk about his childhood and discusses his…

Iwataki discusses his nickname, parents, his father's business, and his family in Japan. He then talks about how his parents met, his mother, and discipline during his childhood. Next, Iwataki talks about his siblings; and discusses his childhood…

Tsuneishi speaks about the Christian church being an influence in his life and how the Evergreen Methodist church helped support him during his volunteering in Haiti. He also discusses a multitude of issues including anthrax in Haiti, terrorism, and…

After finishing his time in the Philippines, Tsuneishi arrived back in California until he was discharged at Camp Beale near Sacramento. Seeing that he already had over two years of college units, he decided to get his degree, attending UCLA with a…

Tsuneishi continues his recollection of his time working with the War Crimes Investigation Detachment in the Philippines. Next, he talks about members of the Army that ended up marrying local girls and trying to get leave to go to Japan to visit his…

When joining the US Army, Tsuneishi started with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), taking Japanese language classes and becoming an interpreter. Once the training was complete, he was shipped out to the Philippines on a long journey across the…

Tsuneishi discusses his short stints at Pomona Temporary Detention Center and Heart Mountain Concentration Camp. He briefly is released from camp to attend the University of Wyoming before being drafted into the Army and heading to Camp Savage.…

Tsuneishi discusses more of his childhood including nicknames, Christianity and Sunday school. Next, he talks about facing discrimination, giving an anecdote of going to a barber shop and being asked to leave. After that, he speaks about Pearl Harbor…

The conversation continues on what it was like to grow up on a farm with nine siblings. Tsuneishi talks about the sleeping arrangements, spare time and chores. Next, he talks about the Japanese language school he attended, as well as his high school…

Tsuneishi begins his interview going through his family background, speaking about his father and mother and their journeys to Monrovia. Next, he talks about his responsibilities growing up on a farm and the recreational activities. After that, he…

Inouye discusses General Ridgway; talks about his experiences an an interpreter; and discusses his desire to join the foreign service. He then talks about his post-war military service experiences; receiving the Legion of Merit; and discusses the…

Inouye discusses John Aiso; talks about his knowledge of the war in Europe while teaching at Military Intelligence Service (MIS); and discusses the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and 100th Infantry Battalion. He then talks about "no-no boys"; discusses…

Inouye discusses his experiences staying at a sanitarium while he had tuberculosis; describes the term "evacuation"; and defines "yellow peril" and "Shikata ga nai". He then talks about his experiences after forced removal; and discusses how he met…

Inouye discusses his experiences applying to graduate school; and talks about taking a French language course while at Meiji University, and taking summer courses at UC Berkeley. He then talks about his father's death; returning to the United States…

Inouye discusses the community he grew up in including attending events and church; and talks about his religion. He then talks about some of his childhood hopes and dreams for the future; learning about Japan from his parents; discusses some…

Inouye discusses his father including his immigration to the United States; employment; and characteristics. He then talks about his siblings; his favorite subjects in school; languages spoken at home; attending Japanese language school; and values…

Seichi Sakaida discusses his leaders and squad members. He is in basic training for almost a year before deployment overseas. He lands in Naples, Italy. Seichi is in K Company and the mortar pool unit. His duty is to support the infantrymen.…

Seichi Sakaida serves with the 442nd in K Company. He is born July 9, 1922, in Ookala, HI. At a young age, his family moves to Molokai, and he grows up on the plantations. Seichi's parents are from Yamaguchi Kan prefecture in Japan and his mother is…

At this point in the interview, Kubo is joined by his wife, Misao Kubo. They talk about their marriage and family background, Misao's career work as a designer and living in Boyle Heights. Next, they talk about the importance of passing on the…

Kubo narrates as the camera pans through all of his medals and awards that were received throughout his military life, including a Bronze Star and a combat infantryman badge. After this, he looks through various pictures, including one with his old…

Kubo continues talking about his experiences in the Pacific Theater, including making sukiyaki in Luzon using meat and K rations. Shortly after, the end of the war would occur and his team would be moved to Fukuoka in Japan. There, he would be able…

After his language training, Kubo would be shipped overseas, first going to Angel Island near San Francisco, where they would prepare for the long journey ahead. They would head out on a 50-day boat ride to Brisbane, Australia, getting sick and…

Kubo talks about his whereabouts during the attacks on Pearl Harbor, coming home from work and soon after, reporting to the draft board for induction. He would join the Army, and begin learning the general orders, heading to Camp Robinson in Arkansas…

Kubo begins the interview talking about his family background, starting with his grandparents and then talking about his parents who met in the United States as his mother was a picture bride. At the age of four, he would move to Japan, to go to…

Kubota discusses meeting his wife and being married for 45 years. Post-war, Kubota and his wife move to California where he finds a job at the VA Hospital in West Los Angeles. He works for teh VA Hospital for 25 years before retiring. Kubota and his…

Kubota discusses Major Stanley Uno and reuniting with his Brother. During the war, Kubota encounters a Chinese girl and shares his interactions of helping her. In 1946 Kubota is discharge and returns back to Hawaii. His family later finds out that he…

Kubota discusses going to Asia and wartime experiences in India, China, and Burma. In Burma he encounters funny situations with civilians. While in China, he gets word that Japan surrenders. Towards the end of the war, he is protected by Japanese…

Kubota discusses changing from 442nd Regimental Combat Team to Military Intelligence Service. Arriving at Camp Savage, the camp is surrounded by riflemen and explains the reason of racism. Kubota discusses language school, Language Officers and going…

Kubota discusses harvesting pineapples and working at a bakery after high school graduation. On December 7, 1941 Kubota is teaching Sunday School when Pearl Harbor is bombed. He recalls the black armbands and combat troop recruitment. Kubota passes…

Kubota discusses his prefecture origin and his Issei parents coming to Hawaii from Japan. Kubota's Father is contact to work in Hawaii for a few months but ends up staying longer to pay off his Brother's debt. Kubota recalls his childhood and his…

Takayama describes and shows various articles and photographs from his scrapbook.

Takayama shows and describes various articles and photographs from his scrapbook.

Takayama discusses about his experiences at Fort Beivoir, visiting the Hoover Dam, and the Golden Gate Bridge. He details about going overseas and arriving in France. Takayama discusses in Germany, coming home, and post-war life.

Takayama discusses about family, growing up in Pasadena, and plying baseball with Jackie Robinson. He details about being drafted, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. Takayama also discusses about being reassigned and helping others learning how to…

Fujimoto discusses about how he met his wife and his children. Fujimoto's daughter (Terrie) is interviewed about her father. Fujimoto also give a message to future generations.

Fujimoto discusses about what a medic carried and seeing a friend get shot. He details about why he received the Silver Star and his experiences during the Lost Battalion. Fujimoto discusses about going back to Italy, the war ending, and returning…

Fujimoto discusses about being drafted, Pearl Harbor, and the aftermath. He discusses about his military training and being transferred to the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Fujimoto also discusses about his experiences in Europe.

Fujimoto gives a brief overview of his life and discusses his family. He details about his life growing up in California. Fujimoto also discusses about his parents experiences with forced removal.

Matsumura discusses his wife and children, education at Northrop Aeronautical Institute and work at an airline. He also discusses recreational activities he has enjoyed throughout his life, storytelling with fellow servicemen at reunions, music and…

Matsumura discusses the friendships he made in the field during the War - one friend who was killed in action towards the end of the War, and another who he remained friends with for decades. He then lists the numerous decorations and medals he…

Matsumura recounts his harrowing experiences of close range combat on Italian soil with the 442nd Infantry Regiment. He was wounded several times in various campaigns and witnessed the injuries and death of much of his fellow servicemen. He details…

Matsumura discusses his family background in Hawaii and hearing about the attack of Pearl Harbor on the radio. He volunteered to defend water and power installations as a civilian in the aftermath of the attack, and later enlisted into the Army. He…

Inouye continues to talk about his experiences while on the front line. He reveals that he returned home on the Queen Mary. Inouye talks about having trench foot and his subsequent discharge. He briefly reflects on the atomic bomb and the end of…

Inouye talks about landing in Naples, Italy and his first combat experience. He describes what it was like to confront an enemy solider. He explains why some people get injured in war while others are not injured. Inouye discusses what life was like…

Inouye continues to talk about how his family was forced to move to Colorado after the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He talks about his plans after high school that were interrupted by the draft. Inouye discusses the discrimination Japanese Americans…

Inouye continues to describe what he did during his leisure time when he was a child. He talks about his childhood aspirations and his chores. Inouye discusses Japanese cultural values. and the lead up to World War Two. He describes the Attack on…

Inouye talks about his family's farming work and his parents personalities. He describes his family traditions and their financial struggles. He explains what he did during his leisure time when he was a child. He discusses his travel aspirations and…

Toyota discusses General Dahlquist's leadership and his Second Lieutenant getting killed during the rescue of the Lost Battalion. In the course of wartime, Toyota's regret is that he did not correspond with his family as much as he…

Toyota discusses before going to Camp Shelby, the kibei are pulled out and sent to Cat Island as decoys.

Overseas at the European Theater, Toyota recalls being pulled off the line for ten days of rest. After Toyota showers, he receives the news…

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Toyota discusses family religion, secondary school, and going overseas for the European Theater. In Japan Toyota's Issei parents are Buddhist. However, when migrating to the United States, Toyota's parents believe their children should follow the…

Toyota discusses his parents immigration to the United States, his childhood and his military service. Toyota's Father is a trained as a carpenter in Japan and when he migrates to America, he becomes a barber and a farmer. During the Great…

Mrs. Uyeoka discusses her early life and experiences in Poston Concentration Camp. She details about how she met her husband and their married life. Mrs. Uyeoka also gives a message to future generations.

Uyeoka discusses about his experiences in Germany. He details about his life after discharge, getting married, and his family. Uyeoka also discusses about his life after retirement.

Uyeoka discusses about his experiences in the 295th Field Artillery. He details about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor and joining the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion. Uyeoka also discusses about going overseas and his experiences in the war.

Uyeoka discusses about his family and moving to Japan. He details about his experiences in Japan before moving to and growing up in Korea, then moving back to Japan. Uyeoka also discusses about moving back the United States and being drafted.

The interview with Clarence Yayoi Tamayori is combined with Robert Tokuo Nagata.

Clarence and Robert discuss their duties during the Champagne Campaign. After the Champagne Campaign, Clarence is in Germany and works at a train station with the…

The interview with Clarence Yayoi Tamayori is combined with Robert Tokuo Nagata.

Clarence and Robert discuss being in basic training for almost a year before deployment overseas. Both men go to France and share their first time seeing action and…

The interview with Clarence Yayoi Tamayori is combined with Robert Tokuo Nagata.

Clarence and Robert discuss their experience leaving Hawaii and going to the Mainland. They arrive in Oakland, CA, and go to Mississippi. On the train ride to…

The interview with Clarence Yayoi Tamayori is combined with Robert Tokuo Nagata.

Clarence and Robert discuss their employment after graduating high school. Clarence works at a lumber mill and Robert is employed at the Hawaiian cannery. Later,…

The interview with Clarence Yayoi Tamayori is combined with Robert Tokuo Nagata.

Clarence Yayoi Tamayori is a Nisei veteran of K Company, 3rd Battalion 442nd, is born June 18, 1921, in Lahaina, Maui County, Hawaii. His parents are Matsuki…

The interview with Clarence Yayoi Tamayori is combined with Robert Tokuo Nagata.

Clarence and Robert discuss their duties during the Champagne Campaign. After the Champagne Campaign, Clarence is in Germany and works at a train station with the…

The interview with Clarence Yayoi Tamayori is combined with Robert Tokuo Nagata.

Clarence and Robert discuss being in basic training for almost a year before deployment overseas. Both men go to France and share their first time seeing action and…

The interview with Clarence Yayoi Tamayori is combined with Robert Tokuo Nagata.

Clarence and Robert discuss their experience leaving Hawaii and going to the Mainland. They arrive in Oakland, CA, and go to Mississippi.
On the train ride to…

The interview with Clarence Yayoi Tamayori is combined with Robert Tokuo Nagata.

Clarence and Robert discuss their employment after graduating high school. Clarence works at a lumber mill and Robert is employed at the Hawaiian cannery. Later,…

The interview with Clarence Yayoi Tamayori is combined with Robert Tokuo Nagata.

Clarence Yayoi Tamayori is a Nisei veteran of K Company, 3rd Battalion 442nd, is born June 18, 1921, in Lahaina, Maui County, Hawaii. His parents are Matsuki…

Ikeda discusses meeting his wife, provides some marriage advice, and discusses his children. He then talks about purchasing and working on a farm, discusses the importance of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) to the war effort and MIS receiving…

Ikeda talks about his Military Intelligence Service (MIS) assignments in China translating captured documents, discusses the differences between interrogation, interpretation, and translation, and talks about kibei involvement in MIS. He then talks…

Ikeda discusses his family’s forced removal, the story behind how he was transferred to Military Intelligence Service (MIS), and talks about his MIS training and the classes he attended. He then talks about receiving a furlough to visit his family at…

Ikeda discusses how he got his nickname; and talks about his parents and growing up on a farm in Clovis, California. He then talks about playing softball, high school, attending Japanese language school, and religion. Lastly, Ikeda recalls being at…

Omoto discusses learning about the end of the war; talks about a soldier killed post-war; and discusses returning to the United States. He then talks about his post-war life including attending junior college and his employment as an accountant.…

Omoto discusses meeting up with the 100th Infantry Battalion; discusses his impressions of Hawaiian soldiers; and talks about his experiences during the Champagne Campaign. He then talks about combat experiences in Italy; his experiences with enemy…

Omoto discusses working while in [Poston] incarceration camp; discusses the loyalty questionnaire he had to take; experiences with discrimination while traveling to his induction; and his father’s thoughts regarding pro-Japan interests. Next, Omoto…
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