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Nakamura discusses growing up on a sugar planation in Ewa, Hawaii and what it was like attending Japanese language school, and working on the planation, as well as recalling stories regarding values he learned and the discipline he received. He then…

Nakamura discusses his experiences at Camp McCoy, including making a skating rink, and then describes going to basic training at Camp Shelby; and what the weather and scenery was like, as well as his relationships with commanding officers and the…

Nakamura discusses some of the officers he encountered during World War Two, including Colonel Farrant L. Turner and Major James Lowell; and talks about correspondence with his girlfriend during the war. He then describes his trench foot condition…

Nakamura talks about his children and grandchildren, including discussing his children's schooling and occupations. He then talks about how his efforts as part of the 100th Infantry Battalion have helped future generations of Japanese Americans, and…

Yoshio Nakamura begins the interview with his family's background, how the family adapted to life without a mother, and the family's farming business. Next, he describes his elementary and high school experiences and activities. Lastly, he recounts…

Yoshio Nakamura recounts the experiences of evacuation to the Tulare Temporary Detention Facility. Next, he describes the transfer from Tulare to the Gila River Concentration Camp. Lastly, he discusses his father's difficulty living in the camps,…

Yoshio Nakamura talks about his school experiences while at Gila River, and his involvement setting up student organizations. Next, he discusses getting his draft notice, traveling to Camp Blanding, and the training he did there. Lastly, he talks…

Yoshio Nakamura recounts a touching story about a Caucasian man buying his lunch, and then the process of going overseas to Europe, but his unit gets quarantined due to an outbreak of measles. Next, he discusses meeting up with his unit in southern…

Yoshio Nakamura discusses the end of the war in Europe, and getting the opportunity to study some university classes in Florence, Italy. Next, he talks about his journey back to the United States, and the process of being discharged from the army.…

Yoshio Nakamura talks about his career working with Rio Hondo College and being an art teacher. Next, he discusses his opportunities to speak out about the Japanese American experience in WWII. Lastly, he gives some advice to future generations about…

Nakao discusses growing up in Sacramento, California, where he attended Japanese language school, learned martial arts, and was a liquor salesman for Japanese liquor. He also talks about encountering racism during his time in the Quartermaster Corps…

Nakao discusses his family's forced removal to Tule Lake Incarceration Center, and what it was like visiting them at Tule Lake and at Heart Mountain Incarceration Camp, where they were later sent. He then talks about his time traveling throughout…

Nakao discusses his relationship with his assigned bodyguard, Harold Peterson. He also talks exploring underground caves while on Kiska Island, living in Alaska as a translator, and recalls how he met his wife and got married in Salt Lake City. …

Nakao discusses living in Minneapolis after receiving his discharge papers. He also talks about moving back to California and his experiences building a Japanese American community center in Pacoima, and his relationship with his children and…

Nakashima discusses his prefecture origin, childhood and upbringing. In Nakashima's education years, he did not attend Japanese School. He believes not learning Japanese creates a communication barrier with his Issei parents. He also shares his…

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Nakashima discusses basic training and the cultural difference between Mainlanders and Islanders. He shares stories about dominance of power and resentment of authority at Camp Shelby. Before going overseas, Nakashima sees his Mother and receives a…

Nakashima discusses the different battles he fights in. He shares his experience in Anzio, Italy and his first combat. One of his duties in Italy is being a first scout and then acting Sergeant. Nakashima never feels he is going to die even when he…

Nakashima discusses encountering a tank and seeing human flesh. Nakashima recalls the worst part of being a soldier is casualties of friends and enemies. Rather than remembering the negative, Nakashima prefers to think of the positive experiences.…

Nakashima discusses his childhood growing up in Hawaii including discussing his community and gardening hobby. He then talks about his parents; childhood discipline; siblings; values taught by his parents; and attending school and Japanese language…

Nakashima discusses the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attack including his experiences with restrictions, blackouts, and discrimination. He then talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor, volunteering for the Army, discusses his dual citizenship, and…

Nakashima discusses his experiences and training at Camp Shelby; discusses traveling overseas and his first impressions of Europe; and talks about his combat experiences in Italy after meeting up with the 100th Infantry Battalion. Next, Nakashima…

Nakashima discusses fighting against German soldiers; talks about German weapons and ammunition; and discusses a close call in which he was almost captured. He then talks about combat experiences; getting wounded; his hospital stay; and his family’s…

Nakashima discusses a [Hawaiian] dish and his cooking hobby; talks about post-war friendships; and discusses his experiences with discrimination while trying to get a job. Next, Nakashima discusses his relationship with his children; talks about…

Nakasone begins the interview talking about his family background and how his father came from Okinawa to Hawaii to work as a farmer. He talks about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii, including the food he would eat, and growing up during the…

Nakasone discusses attending Japanese language school and his involvement with Buddhism and judo. After this, he talks about the attacks on Pearl Harbor; living just three miles from Pearl Harbor, he would see firsthand the Japanese zero's flying…

Nakasone talks about the reactions to the Japanese attacking the Americans at Pearl Harbor and the effect that it had on his family. His parents understood that they would be seen as enemy aliens after the attacks but also understood that their…

Nakasone talks more about the occupation of Japan and the recreational activities such as dancing and the caucasian soldiers that were there. Next, he goes back and talks about his language courses at Fort Snelling, learning kanji and the root…

Nakasone discusses his marriage and how he met her at the University of Minnesota while he was a student and she was a librarian. He talks more about his family and names his grandchildren. Next, he talks about settling in Minnesota and his military…

Nakasone talks more about the movie "Pearl Harbor" and his disappointment in the accuracy of the film. After this, he talks about the military programs that he has been involved with, including one that helps the Navy establish educational programs.…


Nakasone discusses about his childhood experiences and his family. He details about Pearl Harbor and the aftermath from it. Nakasone also discusses about volunteering for the Army and his early experiences in the Army.

Nakasone discusses about being in the Cannon Company of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He details about his experiences in both Italy and France. Nakasone also discusses in me detail about the Champagne Campaign and the living conditions in the…

Nakasone discusses his squad mates in the Cannon Company and being busted down a rank. He details witnessing discrimination and experiences in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Nakasone also discusses about life after retirement, his family, and gives a…

Nakasone discusses about volunteering for the Army. He details about his friends. Nalasone also describes various photographs.

Nakauchi discusses his parents, siblings, and working on a plantation while growing up in Hawaii. He also talks about traveling to attend high school, going to Japanese language school, and having to work in sugar cane fields to earn his high school…

Nakauchi discusses what it was like meeting Mainland Nisei soldiers while at Camp Shelby, as well as what a typical day was like during basic training. He then talks about visiting Jerome Concentration Camp and describes the living conditions there.…

Nakauchi describes an accident that left casualties, and talks about his experiences in Bruyeres. He also talks about his duties in a machine gun squad, interactions with civilians while in Bruyeres, the Lost Battalion rescue, and getting wounded…

Nakauchi discusses German Prisoners of War, German weapons, the end of the war, combat experiences, and returning back to the United States. He then discusses telling his parents about enlisting, his brother’s duties as part of Military Intelligence…

Nakauchi discusses living as a civilian in Japan then moving back to Hawaii to help take care of his parents. He then talks about his children, and provides some advice for future generations. Nakauchi also talks about his platoon sergeant Iwamoto;…

Roy Nakawatase begins the interview by discussing the background of his father and mother, detailing his parents' travels to the US and working on the farm. He describes his childhood on the farm, the presence of the Japanese culture in his home, and…

In this segment of the interview, Nakawatase is asked about the types of social circles his family encountered in Stockton, California. He also talks about his time in primary school, as well as Saturday school. Other topics discussed in this segment…

In this segment of the interview Nakawatase is asked about the racial makeup of his neighborhood and different ethnic groups that lived amongst each other. He speaks about the beginning of the war and how it became a concern among the Japanese and…

In this segement, Nakawatase explains his feelings towards not being able to recall much of his time at camp due to being a young child. At the age of 16, Nakawatase was the head of the family upon leaving the camp. In high school, Nakawatase…

In this segment, Nakawatase talks about his responsibilities related to the transition to leaving camp prior to the war's end. After going back to Stockton, Nakawatase got work to care for the family by becoming a Farmer. After 3 weeks, the family…

In this segment, Nakawatase talks about his time training at the Military Intelligence Service Language school. He talks about negotiating his time of service as a recruiter for MIS. He also talks about the experts he met in language school and…

In this segment, Nawatase begins by talking about his last impressions of the captain he interrogated. He also recalls his leave from the army while still in Japan, which involved going to visit family in the country. He talks about how he got to the…

In this segment, Nawatase talks about his educational journey, what he studied, and the job positions he held. Education is very important to him, and he cannot stress that enough, especially with young minds. He also recalls how he met his wife and…

This interview was conducted in tandem with Chiye Watanabe and Henry Hayashi

This interview was conducted in tandem with Chiye Watanabe and Henry Hayashi.

This interview was conducted in tandem with Chiye Watanabe and Henry Hayashi.

This interview was conducted in tandem with Chiye Watanabe and Henry Hayashi.

This interview was conducted in tandem with Chiye Watanabe and Henry Hayashi.

Nakayama discusses his parents including his father's employment and hobbies, talks about his siblings, his sister's death from tuberculosis, and religion. He also describes Shinto, and talks about his childhood including discussing his neighborhood,…

Nakayama talks about school, discusses his favorite subjects, talks about life prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor, and the restrictions he encountered after the attack. He also talks about his family's experiences after Executive Order 9066…

Nakayama discusses basic training and the living conditions at Camp Blanding, traveling overseas to Marseille, and his assignment in B Company. He then talks about his experiences as a replacement soldier, his interactions with other soldiers, and…

Nakayama discusses combat experiences in Italy, and recalls stories regarding soldiers who were Killed in Action. He then talks about receiving a Bronze Star, going on patrol, and combat experiences in Po Valley and the Gothic Line. Next, Nakayama…

Nakayama discusses his first and second wives, communicating with his first wife while overseas, the legacy of the 100th and 442nd, provides a message to future generations, and discusses why a street was named after his brother. Lastly, Nakayama…

Namba discusses his siblings; and talks about his parents immigrating to the United States from Japan, his father's work as a farmer, and his mother's education in Japan. He then talks about traditional Japanese family values; his father's…

Namba discusses his childhood and post-war experiences with racism and discrimination. He then provides some thoughts about what the Pledge of Alligence and United States national anthem mean to him; discusses his childhood ambitions and heroes; and…

Namba talks about his family's forced removal including discussing the items he was allowed to take and what he had to leave behind. He then talks about some of his family's items that were lost after his father returned from incarceration camp; and…

Namba talks about leaving Minidoka to go to Fort Douglas for induction; describes barbed wire; and talks about basic training at Camp Blanding and Camp Shelby. He then talks about his brother's military service; traveling overseas on the Queen Mary;…

Namba discusses a Sergeant who was killed in action, as well as other soldiers who were wounded and killed in action when a mine was set off during a night patrol. He then discusses how war is portrayed in movies and television; provides some…

Namba discusses his post-war experiences with discrimination in Oregon and talks about a local pastor who showed kindness to Japanese Americans during that time. He then talks about his brother's military experiences including his involvement as part…

In this interview, Richard "Dick" Narasaki shares his childhood battle with tuberculosis and the loss of several members of his family to the disease, living with his grandparents in Santa Clara, and attending high school. He also recounts hearing…

Narasaki recalls his time at Tanforan Detention Center and tells us about his job washing dishes and the music and recreational activities. He recounts the journey to Topaz Internment Camp and the living conditions. He also describes the rift the…

Narasaki describes his embarkation and the journey across Europe to meet up with the 442nd Infantry Regiment. He recounts moments from combat including his first time using his rifle and the realization that German and US soldiers were similar.…

Narasaki continues his interview by sharing the first time he used his rifle in combat, and the conditions the soldiers endured. He also recounts hearing about the end of the war and earning enough points to return home. Finally, Narasaki tells us…

In the final part of his interview, Richard Narasaki shares his message to future generations on the importance of education and perseverance. He also implores youths to remember the impact that the 442 had and to take advantage of the opportunities…


Nelson, Secretary-Editor of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Football Rules Committee, writes to Kasukabe to thank him for previous correspondence. He states that a Mr. Furukawa is visiting him in New York City, states his feelings…

Ken Nihei was born in 1925 in Sacramento, CA. Ken grew up in Sacramento until he was seven years old and moved to Hayward (Bay Area) during the Great Depression.

Ken's father immigrated to the United States from Fukushima-ken, Japan, to help his…

Ken Nihei was a 16 years old high school student when he went to Topaz, Utah. The perimeter was open at camp, and there were no barb wires yet. Life was different at Topaz.

Ken received his draft letter to report to Fort Douglas when he was 18…

Overseas, every two months Ken's company moved to a different area.
Ken's first battle was on Mount Fogarito. In the Headquarters Platoon, Ken did various assignments. One job was to be a litter-bearer and carry the wounded soldiers off the…

Post-war, Ken Nihei and five other 442nd men escorted 400 German POWs to Rosenheim, Germany. Ken was in Italy for a year and eight months before going home.

In August 1946, Ken returned to the United States, and he took a short road trip to San…

Ken Nihei discussed the poem If by Rudyard Kipling and how it applies to life.

Ken recalls his wife Masuko and life with their children, Westley Paul and Judith Ann. Ken hopes his children to live a good life and enjoy every moment.
Scan 41.jpg

Soldier standing in front of truck, Truck license plate reads" ENGRS" for engineers.
Scan 42.jpg

Japanese American man wearing double-breasted suit in front of palm bushes and house.
Scan 43.jpg

Japanese American soldier standing with hands in pocket in front of Tower of Pisa.
Scan 44.jpg

Soldiers inspecting torpedo with wall in background.
Scan 45.jpg

Written on reverse of image, "George 'Mirror' Mukai (out front) Hakalau Hawaii, Harry Fujii and truck, and in background Kaz Tanaka, California.
Scan 46.jpg

On reverse of image written, "My truck and the gang- a load of wood for some kind of a job." Five Japanese American soldiers around the back of an Army Jeep with a large hill behind.
Scan 47.jpg

Harry Fujii on left, George Mukai on right, two soldiers embracing, city buildings in background.
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