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Ted Tsukiyama talks about his work in preserving to Nisei veteran story, through oral history programs and preserving the 442nd Regimental Combat Team Archives. He talks about how privileged future generations are because of the contributions made by…

Ted Tsukiyama talks about his experience during the China-Burma-India Campaign. Instead of continuing his military service in the Occupation of Japan, he decided to return home to Hawaii to continue his college education. He received a Bachelor's…

Ted Tsukiyama talks about his transition from the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion to the Military Intelligence Service. After graduating from the Military Intelligence Service Language School, he was assigned to a team that was sent to Florida for…

Tsukiyama was among the 2,500 recruits from Hawaii accepted into the 442nd Regimental Team and sent to Camp Shelby for basic training. He talks about how this experience, his first time away from Hawaii and describes interactions between Hawaiian…

Ted Tsukiyama talks about Questions 27 and 28 of the loyalty questionnaire that all Nisei, both in Hawaii and in the concentration camps on the Mainland, had to answer during the outbreak of war. He talks about the history of the Hawaii Territorial…

Tsukiyama describes his feelings toward Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor. He talks about his efforts to volunteer to join the US Army, starting with his participation in the Varsity Victory Volunteers (VVV) and describes the formation of the…

Ted Tsukiyama talks about his law career, starting from graduating from Yale Law school to starting his own private practice in arbitration. He also talks about Hawaii statehood, and it's impact on Hawaii's political and economic stature. He…

Tsukiyama was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. His parents were educated immigrants from Japan. He attend both Japanese language school and English Standard School. During the Pearl Harbor attack, he had been a part of the University of Hawaii…

Ted Tsukiyama talks about the effects of Martial Law in Hawaii during wartime, and how it affected the Japanese community. He describes how the war created more opportunities for Japanese Americans, especially in the workforce -- before the war, jobs…


Sato discusses his worst memories at Camp Shelby, and tells a story regarding witnessing an act of heroism in which a sergeant sacrificed himself. He then talks about the achievements of the 100th and 442nd; discusses commanding officers; and talks…

Sato discusses attending USO shows and seeing Frank Sinatra perform; talks about his experiences at the Gothic Line and seeing his first casualties; and describes shoe-mines. He also talks about getting wounded and receiving a Purple Heart; discusses…

Sato discusses his attempt to volunteer for the Air Force, but getting enlisted in the Army instead. He then talks about reporting to Fort Douglas, traveling to Camp Shelby, and his experiences witnessing segregation in Mississippi. Next, Sato talks…

Sato discusses religion, school, and recreational activities growing up such as swimming and skiing. He then talks about a close friend; chores on the farm; holidays; and his experiences after he quit high school and worked at a labor camp in…

Sato discusses how he got his name, his parents immigrating from Japan, and his first memories growing up in Idaho. He then talks about his childhood home, moving to Utah, and his childhood chores on a farm. Next, Sato discusses more of his childhood…

Ono discusses about being assigned to the Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC), CIC training, and gives a brief overview and timeline of his military service. He details about his duties during the Allied Occupation of Japan, interaction with civilians,…

Ohira discusses his current service to the Japanese American community. He describes the importance of sharing his story to future generations.

Ohira describes different German artillery shells he avoided in combat. He also recalls being discharged after the war and moving to Los Angeles.

Ohira discusses his experiences both in the Army Band as well as a heavy artilleryman in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team H Company. He also describes the Battle of Banzai Hill.

Ohira describes his first battle experience overseas. He talks about the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star. He recounts his experience singing in the army band.

Ohira talks about the tense relationship between the mainland and Hawaii soldiers during basic training. He talks about his experience visiting the incarceration camps. He goes on to talk about his experiences in battle.

Ohira discusses growing up in Kaua'i. He recalls the bombing of Pearl Harbor and his decision to volunteer for the Japanese American military unit. He describes his experience in basic training

Kurahara continues to talk about his combat experiences while in the Apennine Mountains. He explains how he was injured while in this mountain range. He also explains how he reconnected with his unit after he was infirmed. He discusses other brief…

Kurahara and the interviewers introduce themselves. Kurahara talks about his family trips to Japan. He describes the demographics of his Seattle community, including that of his high school. He shares his experiences with discrimination. He discusses…

Fujimoto discusses about his experiences in Switzerland and coming home. He details about his experiences in the Army and his family. Fujimoto also discusses about his post-war life, receiving the Bronze Star, and the values he were taught.

Fujimoto discusses about his experiences in Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp and leaving camp. He details about getting drafted and training. Fujimoto also discusses about his experiences as a replacement in Italy.

Fujimoto discusses about his family and early life. He details about his life after high school, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. Fujimoto also discusses about forced removal and his experiences at Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp.

Mr. Fujimoto discusses about his family message to future generations, and photographs. Mrs. discusses about about her family. She also details about going to Japan and her experiences there.

Arakaki gives a little more background on his career work after his service with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He would work as a carpenter before working for the a university as a custodian. Next, he talks about his family, including his…

Arakaki talks a bit more about his childhood in Okinawa. As he grew up in the village of Gushiken, he would learn folk songs, and play with his siblings. He would also take an interest in karate and learn bo. Next, he talks about the home he grew up…

Arakaki continues his discussion on his time interpreting in the Philippines and the other places that he served during the war. He would also have the chance to visit Okinawa and see his family that was living there. He also talks about the time…

Arakaki begins the interview with an introduction and talking about how his parents came to Hawaii. At the age of two, he and his family would move back Japan and Taro would live there until the age of 16, when he would make the move back to Hawaii.…

Tamaru discusses and describes photographs.

Tamaru discusses about Los Angeles post-World War Two and his family. He details about politics, technology, and compares the Nisei and Issei to other generations. Tamaru also discusses about his life after retirement.

Tamaru discusses about his interactions with Japanese prisoners. He details about his experiences in Japan, and the war crime trials. Tamaru also discusses about working as Military Police, the progress of Japan, and life after the Army.

Tamaru discusses about experiences at Poston Concentration Camp. He details about working outside of camp, being drafted, and basic training. Tamaru also discusses about joining the Military Police (MP), experiences occupied Japan, and working Sugamo…

Tamaru discusses about Pearl Harbor, Its aftermath, and experiences forced removal. He details about high school. Tamaru also discusses about his experiences at Poston Concentration Camp.

Tamaru discusses about a Military Police (MP) Officer and his assignments in Japan. He details about his family. Tamaru also discusses about growing Brawley, California.

Shintaku discusses about his experiences at Fort Snelling. He details about being chef in camp. Shintaku also discusses about his post-war life and family.

Shintaku discusses his children, racism, and how time has change with the notion of Japanese culture and products. Shintaku witnesses racism in Denver and goes to Philadelphia. Shintaku's status of 4C is now change to 1A to join the army. He is in…

Shintaku discusses basic training in Texas as a machine gunner. Shintaku recalls how he is in forced removed to the assembly centers and interment camp due to being classification of 4C, enemy alien. Shintaku is at Salinas before going to Arizona…

Shintaku discusses his Father, Mother, and siblings. His Father is a share cropper for a Danish Family. Due to the Alien Land Law, his father is unable to purchase his own land. Shintaku faces discrimination at school and when he gets older, he takes…

Teshima discusses his military experiences and duties. During occupation in Japan, General Douglas MacArthur enforces censorship and Teshima talks about Civil Censorship Detachment (CCD). Teshima also recalls post-war and describes photographs from…

Teshima discusses his prefecture origin and familial description. He shares his childhood memories and visiting Japan prewar. Teshima is drafted and goes to Camp McCoy and Camp Shelby. He goes overseas to Europe with the 100th Infantry Battalion.

Shindo discusses his favorite projects and his trip to Japan. He details about becoming a professor, how education played a part in his education, and gives a message to future generations. Shibdo also discusses albums and photographs.

Shindo discusses his mindset while composing music. He details about how his background played a role in his career and the Nikkei social scene. Shindo also discusses about his family Sammy Davis Jr., and gives advice to those wanting to be in…

Shindo discusses about taking the opportunity to earn more about music and visiting his family in Manzanar. He details about his life after being discharged, forming his first band, and pursing a career in music. Shindo also discusses about his…

Shindo discusses his experiences in Manzanar. He details about being drafted, joining the Military Intelligence Service, and becoming instructor. Shindo also discusses his interactions with German prisoners, favorite music, and his feelings towards…

Shindo discusses attending college for engineering and how his interest switched to music. He details about December 7, 1941 and his experiences with discrimination. Shindo also discusses about volunteering for relocation to Manzanar Concentration…

Shindo discusses growing up in Los Angeles, family, and Japanese language school. He details about his love for music came to be and his experiences as a musician. Shindo also discusses about high school.

Kudo discusses about his experiences in the European Theater and how he received the Bronze Star. He details about his life after discharge and his family. Kudo also gives a message to future generation and discusses about his political career.

Kudo discusses about his family and growing up in Hawaii. He details about Pearl Harbor and volunteering for the Army. Kudo also discusses about his experiences at Camp Shelby, heading overseas, and arriving in Italy.

Kawakami continues talking about his experiences overseas during World War II. He was wounded during combat in France, and was in the hospital for about a month, but prior to that he was involved in many big battles including the Lost Battalion and…

Kawakami begins the interview speaking about how he got the nickname "Joe" and his family background as his father was from Kumamoto and his mother was born in Hilo. He would attend school and grow up playing a lot of sports until the Pearl Harbor…

Ota discusses lessons he learned from his family and values to pass on to future generations, and talks about the Japanese American community past vs. present. Lastly, Ota describes and shows pictures taken at Fort Snelling, the NYK Building in…

Ota discusses visiting Hawaii both during his childhood and while in the service, talks about his hobbies, and traveling to the Philippines. After his assignment in the Philippines, Ota went to Japan to be an interpreter for Allied Translator and…

Ota discusses his family’s work on Driscoll Farms, life after Executive Order 9066, and his family’s forced removal to Salinas temporary detention facility. He then talks about life at Poston incarceration camp, discusses getting drafted and going to…

Ota discusses his father and grandparents, including talking about his grandfather working on a citrus farm. He then talks about religion and going to temple, and attending Obon Festivals. When Ota was a child, his family moved to Japan and he talks…

Nakashima discusses a [Hawaiian] dish and his cooking hobby; talks about post-war friendships; and discusses his experiences with discrimination while trying to get a job. Next, Nakashima discusses his relationship with his children; talks about…

Nakashima discusses fighting against German soldiers; talks about German weapons and ammunition; and discusses a close call in which he was almost captured. He then talks about combat experiences; getting wounded; his hospital stay; and his family’s…

Nakashima discusses his experiences and training at Camp Shelby; discusses traveling overseas and his first impressions of Europe; and talks about his combat experiences in Italy after meeting up with the 100th Infantry Battalion. Next, Nakashima…

Nakashima discusses the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attack including his experiences with restrictions, blackouts, and discrimination. He then talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor, volunteering for the Army, discusses his dual citizenship, and…

Nakashima discusses his childhood growing up in Hawaii including discussing his community and gardening hobby. He then talks about his parents; childhood discipline; siblings; values taught by his parents; and attending school and Japanese language…

Takeo Ikeda continues to talk about his first combat experience. He discusses a Medal of Honor recipient. He briefly talks about his rank. He describes his good luck charms. He explains how he got a concussion as a child. He talks about his religious…

Ikeda talks about his youth government job. He describes his life after high school including his carpentry work. He discusses the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He shares his experiences with discrimination. He talks about joining the…

Ikeda and the interviewers introduce themselves. He talks about his nickname. He describes his early life in Maui, Hawaii. He discusses his siblings. He talks about his childhood activities. He also talks about his parents immigration to the United…

Higa recalls returning to Hawaii after being discharged from service. He returned home to finish high school, then became a butcher. He then returned to school to earn his accounting degree, after marrying his wife and having two sons. He presents a…

Higa describes his experiences interrogating Okinawans during the Okinawa Invasion. During his service in Okinawa, he was able to visit his relatives. When the war ended, he did not have enough points to be sent home, so he was sent to Korea to…

Higa discusses his duties providing intelligence about Okinawa for his commanding officers, as they prepared for a beachfront invasion. He describes the feelings that he had upon his return to Okinawa, and his experience cave flushing, which helped…

Takejiro Higa describes his experience on the day of the Pearl Harbor attack. He talks about how reluctant and hesitant he was to volunteer for military service when the 442nd Regimental Combat Team was recruiting Nisei in Hawaii. His brother finally…

Takejiro Higa was born in Hawaii, but spent most of his childhood in Okinawa. When his parents died, he lived with his uncle in Okinawa until the age of sixteen, where he moved to Hawaii to live with his sister. Living in Hawaii was very different…

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