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Muramaru talks about his friends he met during the war; and discusses his wife, children and grandchildren. He then talks about his wife’s experiences with work and discrimination, getting remarried, and his cooking hobby. Lastly, Muramaru provides…

Saiki and the interviewers introduce themselves. Saiki describes his parents immigration to America. He talks about farming. He lists his siblings. He discusses what he did in his childhood leisure time. He describes family meals. He explains how his…

Teraoka talks about his mother and her cooking; and his family’s tradition making mochi around New Year’s. He then talks about being raised buddhist, going to Japanese school and attending a New Year’s celebration; and describes growing up on a…

Teraoka discusses his parents and siblings including talking about how his parents and two older siblings returned to Japan before he was born and the meaning of the term "kibei". He then talks about his relationship with his father, tells a story…

Ozaki discusses his travels and experiences in Europe immediately following the war. He talks about getting married and his children. Ozaki explains his career choices and how he tries to promote Japanese American history. He also discusses how he…

Takano discusses meeting his wife; talks about his overseas assignment in Korea; discusses the Korean Army; and talks about his assignments in New Mexico and Vietnam. He then talks about being a teacher at Fort Lee; returning to Hawaii; and discusses…

Takano discusses his birthday and birth certificate; talks about getting a driver's license; and discusses growing up on the Big Island of Hawaii. He then talks about his father including his employment at a service station and as a baker; and…

Tsukazaki talks about his parents and siblings including discussing their education and employment. He then talks about his childhood and discusses playing baseball and fishing; and talks about his father’s writing hobby and learning Kendo. Next,…

Kurahara discusses his Mother Kisa being born in Hawaii and works in the sugar mill and as a maid. His Father Mitsuo is born in Japan and immigrates to the United States. Kurahara's Father works as a truck driver and cement worker.

Kurahara has…

Izui speaks about growing up in Seattle, Washington and it's Japanese community. He discusses his education from elementary to high school, experiencing subtle discrimination. After this, he talks about what it was like leading up to the war and…

S. Takahashi discusses his participation in the rescue of the Lost Battalion; he also reflects on his experiences. He talks about his opinion of the commanding officers, and what the morale of his unit was in the face of all the losses they endured…

Izumigawa discusses his parents including talking about his relationship with them and their personalities and physical traits; and discusses prejudice against people from Okinawa in regards to the Japanese community. He then talks about his…

Clarence Matsumoto discusses his birth date and birth place, He recalls his childhood in Paia on plantation camp and used by products of sugar cane to build his house. Matsumoto is given the nickname Matt.

Matsumoto's Father is born 1898 in…

Yamada discusses being born on August 21, 1940 in Hawaii. His parents
immigrated in 1910 from Japan for the opportunity to be a contract labor. In Japan, their families are farmers. Yamada admires his Father because he bought rental property,…

Aka discusses his family and growing up in Hawaii. He details about moving to Japan for four years and his experiences upon his return. Aka also discusses Pearl Harbor and the aftermath.

Yamate explains how he returned to civilian life. He talks about making a home in Chula Vista, California. He continues to discuss his wife. He talks about the Nisei Memorial and citizenship rights for Japanese Americans. Yamate explains how he met…

Yamate talks about the Battle of Bulge. He discusses 552nd Field Artillery Battalion and the 100th Infantry Battalion. He talks about his unit, 44th division. He describes the Bruyeres-Biffontaine campaign. He talks about the end of World War Two and…

Yamate talks about his parent's early lives. He describes his family farm in Modesto, California. He discusses the dynamics in his family's home. He talks about his childhood visit to Japan. He describes the farm work that his family performed.…

Noguchi discusses the deaths of his parents and first wife; and talks about how he met his current wife. He then talks about his involvement with veteran organizations such as the American Legion Nisei Post and MIS club; and tells a story regarding…

Noguchi discusses his parents and their immigration to the United States; his father’s employment and death; and his mother’s physical traits and personality. He then talks about attending school and Japanese language school; going to church;…

Wada talks about volunteering for the Army, getting married before getting his notice to report to basic training. He would be inducted at Salt Lake City, feeling proud and more American in the process. He would head to Camp Shelby in Mississippi,…

Samuel Yamaguchi talks about his family moving in the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attack. He discusses moving to central California to join his uncle. He also describes moving to the Poston camp after Executive Order 9066.

Samuel Yamaguchi discusses growing up San Diego. He talks about his high school experiences and home life. He talks about his reaction to the Pearl Harbor attack and gives a summary of his military service.

Asahina discusses his parents background and his home life while growing up. He details about his early educational experiences. Asahina also discusses about high school and going to college.

Ogata discusses about his family. He details about his childhood. Ogata also discusses about enlisting and an overview of his military service.

Hanamura recites a poem he learned in school, discusses how he would like to be remembered, talks about his friendships with other veterans, and discusses meeting his wife. Lastly, Hanamura talks about his children, discusses the differences between…

Hanamura discussing growing up in Alameda California; discusses his father, mother, and their marriage; and talks about his father's involvement with church. He then talks about his siblings including discussing his brother getting drafted, his other…

Moteki discusses about his siblings and neighborhood. He details about his childhood. Moteki also discusses about the pre-war political situation, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath.

Moteki discusses his family and their history. He details about visiting Japan post-World War Two.

Oka discusses what it was like growing up in Watsonville, California. He details about moving to Japan and his experiences while living there. Oka also discusses what it was like upon returning to the United States.

Shimomura discusses his father including the origin of his name, his fishing hobby, and his immigration from Japan. He then talks about his parents' education and employment in Japan, as well as their disposition and his mother's love for baking.…

Guy begins the interview talking about his family background, and his father coming from Liverpool and settling on the east coast. He would grow up in uptown New York, playing a lot of football and basketball and attending a variety of different…

Takimoto discusses about his family and childhood. He details bout Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Takimto also discusses about his experiences at Manzanar Concentration Camp.

Fujimoto discusses about her experiences pre and during World War Two. She details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Fujimoto also discusses about meeting her husband and reflects on her life experiences.

Mr. Fujimoto discusses about his family message to future generations, and photographs. Mrs. discusses about about her family. She also details about going to Japan and her experiences there.

Fujimoto discusses about his experiences in Switzerland and coming home. He details about his experiences in the Army and his family. Fujimoto also discusses about his post-war life, receiving the Bronze Star, and the values he were taught.

Fujimoto discusses about his family and early life. He details about his life after high school, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. Fujimoto also discusses about forced removal and his experiences at Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp.

Suzuki discusses parents and their background. He details about his sister. Suzuki discusses about his educational experiences. Suzuki also details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

Otsuka discusses about his parents and meeting his wife. He details about his family's situation during World War Two. Otsuka also discusses about his post-war life and reflects on his military service

Teshima discusses about his life after discharge. He details about Gallup, New Mexico. Teshima also discusses about his family, hobbies, and gives a message to future generation

Teshima discusses his family and Gallup New Mexico. He details about his childhood, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. Teshima also discusses about volunteering and basic training.

Ito continues his reactions to the atomic bomb and the devastation of Japan during the war. Next, he speaks more on the war crimes trials that he was involved with, including cases that dealt with vivisection. While in occupied Japan, he was able to…

Ito begins the interview speaking about his family background, including descriptions of his mother, father and the values they taught him growing up. Next, he speaks about school and what it was like to grow up in Hawaii. During this time, Ito…

Tanaka discusses about his family and childhood. He details his boxing experiences. Tanaka also discusses his experiences working onboard a ship and the Mainland.

Uchida and Kinoshita discuss their time in Japan and seeing the devastation of Hiroshima and the occupation of Japan. They talk about their experiences talking with civilians and seeing the black market. Next, they talk about their life after…

Toshiyuki Uchida and Kiyoshi Kinoshita begin the interview with an introduction and background on their nicknames and families. Both were born in Washington and would attend school and Japanese language school, enjoying the outdoors. Next, they both…

Minata continues to talk about his leave in Europe. He talks about the 442nd Regimental Combat team's sports league. He describes the end of World War Two and his journey home. He discusses his return to college and subsequent career as a…

Minata talks about his parent's backgrounds. He also talks about his siblings. He describes his community and what he did during his leisure time as a child. He discusses his high school experiences. Minata talks about the Attack on Pearl Harbor and…

Mukai describes his furlough in Washington. He lists his military decorations. He talks about changes in his hometown. He discuses returning to active duty as a driver. He describes his final military post as a cook for the Presidio Monterey. He…

Mukai talks about his early life in Kingston, Washington. He talks about his mother, father, and siblings. He discusses his childhood friendships and his religious upbringing. He describes his family home and holidays. Mukai talks about his…

Shinbo discusses about his family and discusses how he got a job. He details about his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) and reflects on his military service. Shinbo also discusses about his life after discharge.

Shindo discusses his childhood and family. He details about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor and volunteering for the Army. Shindo also discusses about basic training, experiences at Camp Savage, and in Australia.

Yamada talks about his father’s job as a railway laborer, discusses his birth story, and talks about living and working in a hotel during his childhood. He also talks about his experiences growing up in Spokane, Washington and talks about…

Hashimoto explains how his parents immigrated to the United States. He talks about his parents marriage. He describes his father and mother. He discusses his father's accident and the way it changed his mother's role in his family. He talks about his…

Shiosaki discusses his wife including talking about how they met, her employment, and her personality. He then talks about trying to find a job; talks about his most interesting job; and discusses his children. Next, Shiosaki talks about the legacy…

Shiosaki discusses the [Saito] brothers' military service; talks about a Staff Sergeant; and discusses the end of the war including assisting with processing POWs. He then discusses the Army point system; discusses learning about President Franklin…

Shiosaki discusses his father's immigration from Japan and his various jobs including his work building a railroad and a family laundry business. He then talks about his parents marriage; his childhood home; discusses Alien land laws and citizenship;…

Kitada discusses his infantry, rank, parents, growing up in the Los Angeles area, siblings, and working as a gardener. He then talks about school, the attack on Pearl Harbor, experiences with discrimination, and going to Manzanar Concentration Camp.…

Kanda discusses his [father in-law] who was an instructor at Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS). He then talks about what life was like pre-war vs. after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Next, Kanda tells a story regarding his former…

Kanda discusses his father including talking about his employment in railway systems both in Japan and the United States, as well as his father's automobile garage. He then talks about his mother; his childhood home; neighborhood growing up;…

Toyoda discusses his parents, educational experiences, and friends. He describes San Gabriel Valley and details about being an athlete. Toyoda also discusses about being a member the Scholarship Society, relation with his brother, religion, and the…

Konno discusses his brother, talks about his experiences growing up on a ranch, and discusses going on vacation with his family. He then talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor and aftermath, including his family's forced removal first to Pomona…

Umeda talks a little bit more about his time in Seoul, translating newspapers during the occupation. He would return to Japan, where they gave him the option of staying in the military or heading home and a friend convinced him to go home and…

Umeda gives more background on his siblings, and what it was like to grow up on a farm, picking grapes and saving money to go to junior college. He talks about the other recreational activities he did with his siblings, including skating and swimming…

Ben Umeda begins the interview talking about his family, his father and mother being from Hiroshima and their journey to get to Selma in California. Next, he talks about growing up in California, picking grapes to make raisins for work and doing…

Nakao discusses his relationship with his assigned bodyguard, Harold Peterson. He also talks exploring underground caves while on Kiska Island, living in Alaska as a translator, and recalls how he met his wife and got married in Salt Lake City. …

Aizawa discusses in the Korea. He details about his experiences in the military. Aizawa also discusses about his family.

Aizawa discusses about his family and the community he grew up in. He details about his childhood and home life. Aizawa also discusses about being American, schooling, and the Great Depression.

Sakamoto describes his early life and memories on Vashon Island, Washington. He talks about fishing on the island. He describes his mother and father. He discusses his father's agricultural career and his family home. Sakamoto continues to describe…

Yokoyama discusses about living in Japan, schooling, and the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details about his home life and experiences at Camp Shelby. Yokoyama also discusses about his experiences in the military, at camp Savage, and his family.

Yokoyama discusses about his family. He details about his childhood. Yokoyama also discusses about Japanese language school.

Yokoyama discusses his family and home life. He details about volunteering for the Army and his farewell parade. Yokoyama also discusses about traveling, music, and his assignment in the military.

Nishimura describes F Company reunions. He briefly talks about the F Company motto. He discusses his friendships. Nishimura tells a joke. He explains how he met his wife. He describes what it is like to live with his adult children. He talks about…

Nishimura and the interviewers introduce themselves. He describes his early life in Hawaii. He talks about his parents and siblings. He describes his involvement in sports. He describes his religious background. He talks about the social activities…

Kodama continues talking about the end of the war, helping with the interrogation process of German prisoners of war. He would miss the first pool of soldiers to head home on the points system but be granted a 30-day leave, in which he would travel…

Kodama begins the interview talking about his parents and how they came from Japan and settled down in Mountain View, California. They would become farmers, specializing in fruit, and help to run an on-sen as well. He also talks about his sisters and…

Kishaba discusses growing up on a farm in Hawaii and learning how to cut hair. He also discusses his family and childhood. Kishaba discusses embracing his Japanese identity and values.

Sumida discusses his parents including how they met; their immigration from Japan; and his mother's schooling. He then talks about his childhood growing up in the Boyle Heights area of Los Angeles; discusses his father's immigration and employment;…

Watada discusses his prefecture origin and familial description. Watada is born on December 21, 1923 in Los Angeles, CA. Watada's Father, Jay Watada is from Japan and immigrates to the United States with his Father. They both come in hopes to make…

Kojimoto and the interviewers introduce themselves. Kojimoto talks about his parents marriage. He explains the origin of his name. He discusses his father's backstory. He shares his father's employment ventures. He describes his father's name. He…

Sakaji discusses growing up in California in a farming community; and talks about his father’s personality, physical traits, and employment. He then talks about his childhood home, siblings, religion, and discusses his mother. Next, Sakaji talks…

Hashisaka discusses his family background, including his children and grandchildren and their involvement in the oral history program and continuing the history of the Japanese Americans. Next, he discusses telling his own personal story to his…

Hashisaka begins the interview talking about his life, growing up on Kauai and moving to Honolulu and attending McKinley High School. He then talks about his family background, his parents came from Yamaguchi prefecture in Japan and would settle in…

Nakabe discusses his parents including his father's immigration, employment, physical traits, demeanor; and talks about his mother's physical traits and demeanor. He then talks about lessons he learned from his father, the community he grew up in,…

Yikimura discusses his family and his childhood. He details about religion and his schooling. Yikimura also discusses about his life after high school and recalling December 7, 1941.

Isonaga discusses his wife and children; provides a message to future generations; and talks about values he learned from his parents.

Kono discusses his parents immigration from Japan; talks about growing up in a village where sugar cane is produced; and talks about attending school and Japanese language school. He then discusses the reasons why he was sent to Japanese language…

Takao discuss his prefecture origin and familial description. He shares childhood memory, favorite types of movies, and religion. Takao attends Japanese Language School growing up. He works at a cannery during the bombing of Pearl Harbor and…

Yamanaka discusses meeting his wife; his children; his involvement with veterans associations and reunion with E Company members of 442nd; and his wife's employment. Lastly, Yamanaka provides a message to future generations, and discusses some of…

Yamanaka discusses his parents, his siblings, and his father's various occupations. He then talks about growing up in Colorado, going to church, moving as a child to Los Angeles and Japan, and then returning back to the United States. He also talks…

Morisawa discusses his prefecture origin, family, and living in a Japanese Community called "pocket patch" in Hawaii. Morisawa details about does not experience prejudice until the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) discharges all Japanese…

Murakami discusses his grandchildren and the Japanese American Community. Murakami is on the board of the Japanese American Citizen League for a year and the Japanese American Veteran Association for six years. Currently Murakami is involve with…

Murakami discusses his Father, Mother and siblings. Growing up Murakami does not have much communication from his Issei parents about their immigration to the United States. He contributes this upbringing to not facing discrimination or racism.…

Tanaka reveals what life was like while growing up in Honolulu. Tanaka also talks about his family and his experiences in school. He goes on to discuss the discrimination Japanese people faced after the Attack on Pearl Harbor. Tanaka explains his…

Tsuneishi discusses his name, birth date, and birthplace. Tsuneishi grows up in Duarte, California and there is only another Japanese family in the area. He is more integrated with Caucasians. During the Great Depression, Tsuneishi's Father is a…

Tateishi finishes the interview talking about how he met his wife and his family. After this, he gives a message for future generations to study hard and to be proud to be American and proud of the 100th Infantry Battalion.

Tateishi talks more about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii, including playing marbles and working at a brewery. He also gives more background on his family, such as his six sisters and the family he had that was living in Hiroshima when the…

Masuda discusses what it was like visiting his family in Tule Lake and Topaz. Masuda also details about the relationship he had with his parents. He also gives some insight of what it was like growing up a Japanese American.

Masuda discusses the history of his family. He also relates his military experiences before being sent to the Pacific Theater . Masuda details his experience on the boxing team.

Takekawa discusses his assignment in Okinawa training police officers in the Provost Marshal’s office; and talks about his wife, life in Okinawa, getting discharged, and returning to Hawaii. He then talks about working as a sales manager in…
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