Browse Items (430 total)

Hiroki remembers the recording he made for his wife. He talks about recruiting for Camp Savage. He gives an overview of the work he did in the South Pacific. He describes an interview he did with a Japanese admiral. Hiroki talks about being…

Hiroki talks about the Attack on Pearl Harbor and his voyage to the mainland. He describes landing in the mainland and what Camp McCoy was like. He revisits basic training. Hiroki talks about Camp Savage. He describes military language and Japanese…

Howard Hiroki continues to talk about his high school experiences. He describes his time in Japanese language school. He discusses his studies at the University of Hawaii. He reflects on courting his wife. Hiroki explains how he paid for college. He…

Hiroki talks about his early life in Kauai. He discusses his family's move to Honolulu. He describes his mother. He talks about his childhood leisure time and being drafted. Hiroki talks about family finances and his high school experiences. He…



Furuya continues to talks about the Army Reserves and retirement. He talks about his insurance career. He discusses his wife and children. He reveals that he had a high school football career. Furuya revisits the story behind his military…

Furuya continues to talk about his interpretation work during the Korean War. He talks about the 24th division. He explains how he met up with professional baseball players, he played with in the junior league, while stationed in Japan. Furuya…

Furuya continues to talk about his experiences in high school. He explains how he quit his job after enlisting. He talks about his work for the MIS during the Korean War. Furuya discusses being a second lieutenant in the 3rd division. He explains his…

Furuya reveals that some members of his junior league went on to play professional baseball. He talks about Japanese language school and high school. Furuya describes his experiences with Kendo. He talks about his first job. He discusses what he did…

Furuya talks about his early life in Honolulu. He describes the baseball junior league that he was a part of as a child. He briefly discusses the Great Depression. Furuya describes his father and mother's personalities He talks about his siblings. He…

Harry Uchida speaks about serving as bodyguard to Faubion Bowers and being reassigned to the Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) working as a translator. He also visits his sister in Japan at this time and talks about his impressions of Douglas…

Harry Uchida grows up on the island of Maui in Hawaii attending Japanese language school and gets drafted into the army. He serves in the Military Intelligence service during the occupation of Japan.

Kiyabu discusses more about his experiences in Italy and the Rescue of the Lost Battalion. He details about his experiences with trench foot and R&R. Kiyabu also discusses about getting married, his family, and life after the service.

Kiyabu discusses about basic training, being assigned to the 100th Infantry Battalion, and his furlough experiences. He details about going overseas. Kiyabu also discusses about his combat experiences in Italy and France.

Kiyabu describes his early life in growing up in Hana (Maui), Hawaii. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Kiyabu also volunteering for the Army and traveling to the Mainland.

Tokashiki plays several songs on his harmonica. He describes a trip to Europe that he took with a veterans club. He talks about deaths in his family. He discusses friendships with his squad members. Tokashiki shares his advice for future…

Tokashiki talks about the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He discusses his employment opportunities after World War Two. He talks about his final working years and his retirement. He reveals he participates in a veterans club. He describes the values his…

Tokashiki explains how his unit rescued the Lost Battalion. He describes how he guarded a hillside. He talks about his journey to Italy from France. He discusses the Gothic Line and Po Valley. He talks about the end of World War Two and his final…

Tokashiki describes one of his military furloughs. He describes his Anti-Tank unit and his commanding officers. He talks about the Concentration Camps that Japanese Americans were forced to move into. He discusses his journey to Camp Shelby. He goes…

Tokashiki talks about his parents immigration to America. He discusses his parents launch into farming. He explains why his family moved to Honolulu. He describes his father's other careers. He briefly talks about high school and his involvement in…

Nakasone discusses about volunteering for the Army. He details about his friends. Nalasone also describes various photographs.

Nakasone discusses his squad mates in the Cannon Company and being busted down a rank. He details witnessing discrimination and experiences in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Nakasone also discusses about life after retirement, his family, and gives a…

Nakasone discusses about being in the Cannon Company of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He details about his experiences in both Italy and France. Nakasone also discusses in me detail about the Champagne Campaign and the living conditions in the…

Nakasone discusses about his childhood experiences and his family. He details about Pearl Harbor and the aftermath from it. Nakasone also discusses about volunteering for the Army and his early experiences in the Army.

Oishi continues his recollection of his time arriving in Japan during the military occupation. He would arrive in Yokosuka and head to Camp Zama, where he would see the devastation of Tokyo and the conditions for the Japanese civilians. Next, he…

Oishi begins the interview with his family background and moving to Hawaii from Hiroshima. He would grow up in Kona, Hawaii working at the family farm and then for his aunt at her grocery store, all while attending school and Japanese language…


Three facsimile photographs of George T. Ito in 1944, 1945 and 2003.

Muramaru talks about his friends he met during the war; and discusses his wife, children and grandchildren. He then talks about his wife’s experiences with work and discrimination, getting remarried, and his cooking hobby. Lastly, Muramaru provides…

Muramaru discusses some of his brother’s brushes with death, Army food; and experiences during European campaigns, such as the rescue of the Lost Battalion and encounters with a Brazilian combat team. He then talks about the end of the war, the Army…

Muramaru discusses his training and experiences as a telephone wireman, traveling overseas to Italy, and the relationship between Mainland and Hawaiian soldiers. He then talks about corresponding with his family while overseas, discusses going to…

Muramaru describes a rice soup dish called “chagai”; and discusses playing football and his family’s store growing up. He then talks about his uncle in Japan, his whereabouts during the attack on Pearl Harbor, neighbors who were sent to Honoluliuli…

Muramaru discusses his parents and their occupations; and what it was like growing up in Hawaii and living on a coffee plantation. He then talks about his siblings, childhood activities, what his house was like growing up; and discusses elementary…

Before deployment to Italy with the 100th Combat Battalion, Uchida was trained at Camp McCoy and recalls fondly the friendliness of the local residents. He then details about his experiences in Europe and his wounding by a German artillery shell. He…

Uchida describes walking to and from school through the mountainous terrain where he lived. An avid surfer, he describes building his own surfboard out of inferior materials for lack of balsa wood. Later, he describes his role in the popular…

Uchida recalls his childhood on Kawaii, first employments working in sugar cane fields, and eventual move to Honolulu at the age of 18 to live with his sister. There he found work at the Halekulani Hotel near Waikiki Beach where he remained an…

Uchida describes his return to work at the Halekulani Hotel after the War. He also describes his family including grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Uchida's daughter, Vicki Sakoda discusses on camera the importance of passing generational wisdom…

Ida finishes the interview talking about how he met his wife and how they settled in Hawaii. After this he gives a message for future generations and some final notes.

Ida talks about his time after the war and returning to the United States from Italy. He would first go to New York before getting stranded in Marysville, waiting for a strike to end so he could boat back to Hawaii. He would get back to Hawaii on…

Ida continues to talk about the Champagne Campaign and the rest and relaxation they got, not needing to fight any real battles. He talks about going down to Leghorn and getting wounded a second time while in Carrara. He also talks about confiscating…

Ida talks more about his experiences at Camp Shelby, eating fried chicken and catfish at the local restaurants. Shortly after, they would be sent overseas in a convoy, first landing in Oran before arriving in Naples. They would head up to…

Ida talks more about volunteering for the Army, going into Schofield Barracks where he would be given the title acting sergeant. He would head to the mainland, landing first in San Francisco before taking the train down to Camp Shelby in Mississippi.…

Ida talks more about his high school education at Mid-Pacific Institute in Hawaii, where he would play tennis and baseball. After graduation, he would work for the St. Louis Club until the attacks on Pearl Harbor occurred. He talks about seeing…

Ida continues to talk about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii, including purchasing a home after high school. He also talks about living in a small town and knowing everybody, while he would attend both english and Japanese school. He talks about…

Ida begins the interview talking about his family background and his father and mother coming from Japan and settling in Hawaii. He would attend Mid-Pacific Institute while his father worked at the Japanese consulate and his mother did laundry. Next,…

Hariayama discusses about coming home and post-war life. He details about going to and his in Korea. Hirayama discusses about his employment and family.

Hirayama discusses his experiences with combat and the Lost Battalion. He details about the Champagne Campaign. Hirayama also discusses about his experiences in Germany and visiting Dachau.

Hariayama discusses about basic training. He details heading overseas, landing in Italy, and his experiences in Italy. Hariayama also discusses about his first combat experiences, his experiences in France, and his duties during combat.

Hiryama discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details about enlisting into service and leaving the island of Kauai. Hariyama also discusses about going to and his experiences at Camp Shelby.

Hirayama discusses about his childhood and schooling. He details about food, building a canoe, and growing in Hawaii. Hirayama also discusses about his career, being self-driven, and Sparky Matsunaga.

Hirayama discusses about his family. He details about childhood and the values he was taught. Hirayama also discusses about his schooling and growing up in Kauai (Maui), Hawaii.


Ethel Uchida talks about the Japanese nationals she worked with, the recovery of Japan, and other stories about her time in Japan.

Ethel Uchida describes her living conditions in Japan and her work as a pictorial censor with Japanese nationals. She also describes getting married and starting a family while still in Japan.

Ethel Uchida describes her childhood and memories of her family including the values her father instilled in her. She also describes her childhood wish to study in Japan and her subsequent employment there during the occupation.

Scan 6.jpg

Military discharge record including thumb print. Includes service outside United States. Hisao served in the Asiatic Pacific Theater and EAME, European African Middle Eastern Theatre.

Edwin Kawahara recounts his life growing up in Hawaii and the the importance of good education throughout his life. He talks about discriminatory hiring practices and finally finding a good job in the insurance industry. He also shares his…

Tamanaha briefly talks about being discharged. He discusses his wife and children. He describes his relationships with other veterans. He reflects on his military experiences. Tamanaha reveals how he talks to his family about his time in the service.…

Tamanaha talks about how he got updates on the status of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team while awaiting medical discharge. He describes his journey home. He discusses the discrimination he faced in Marysville. CA. Tamanaha talks about when he…

Tamanaha explains his relationships with Mainland soldiers. He talks about American Concentration Camps. He describes his journey to Europe. Tamanaha describes his first combat experiences. He discusses Hill 140/Operation Totalize and his injury.

Tamanaha continues to talk about the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. He discusses why he enlisted and his journey to the Mainland. He describes discrimination at Camp Shelby and Hattiesburg, including racial discrimination against African Americans.…

Tamanaha discusses his family and growing up on a pineapple plantation in Hawaii. He describes the community on the plantation and his school. He talks about the summers that he worked on the planation. Tamanaha discusses his family's property in…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls attending The Medal of Honor ceremony, as well as being the chief researcher for the AJA Veteran's Council. In addition, he gives details in regard to his friend, Thomas Shiratsuki, and being…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls leaving Baltimore for Hawaii, living in a Jewish community, and the discrimination he faced while living there. In addition, Ichiyama discusses The Champagne Campaign, as well as significant…

This interview picks up mid-story with Edward Ichiyama discussing details about his friend, Tsaneshi Naruo, as well as the eulogy of his friend, [Shimizu]. Next, Ichiyama moves on to recall his first time entering Germany and chasing the German Army…

During this portion of the interview, Edward Ichiyama recalls his duties within his military unit. Specifically, he gives detail s on regards to being a fuseman and forward observer. In addition, Ichiyama recollects his experiences marching with the…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls volunteering for the 442nd, his military training, and the racial discrimination he witnessed during his time in Hattiesbug. This part of the interview concludes with Ichiyama discussing when…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls his time spent in the Army and his experiences during the war. He gives details in regards to witnessing the bombing of Pearl Harbor and his family's experience after the attack. This part of…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama discusses his family's emigration to the United States, as well as his familial makeup. He also recalls specific events during his adolescence, such as spending time in his father's barbershop,…

Okubo discusses the orders of secrecy during World War Two. After 30 years of the war, Okubo is allowed to talk about the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He believes the Military Intelligence Service interpreting and translating the Japanese…

Okubo discusses Guadalcanal, Marshall Islands and his duties of getting the Prisoners of War (POW) ready to ship back to Japan. Preliminary investigation of Unites States soldiers' casualty postpones Okubo from being discharge. Soon after, Okubo…

Okubo discusses his interpreter experience and interrogation tactics with the Prisoners of War at Palau. Okubo is at Palau for two to three weeks before moving to the next invasion.

The next assignment for Okubo is psychological warfare. He…

Okubo discusses basic training at Camp Savage, Fort Snelling and Camp Blanding. When Okubo receives a furlough, he goes to New York. In New York he goes sight seeing, and watches an ice skating show.

After his basic training, Okubo he is sent to…

Okubo discusses how Hawaii is fortunate that there is no interment camps like the Mainland after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. However, the Japanese Community Leaders and Buddhist Priests are rounded up. Okubo reflects why this…

Okubo recalls December 7, 1941 and his high school graduation. After high school, he works in the hotel business and the Big Five before joining the military in May of 1942. He contributes attending Japanese Language School for 12 years helped him…

Okubo discusses his birthplace and date of birth. His parents are Issei from Japan. Okubo is the oldest of his siblings and he makes toys to play with them. They would also go watch American and Japanese movies. Okubo learns about Japan and Japanese…

Hamada reflects on some of the experiences he had during the war. He also details about his career after leaving the service. Hamada discusses the medals that he received.

Hamada discusses Operation Magpie and the role he played in it. He also details of what some of the Doolittle Flyers went through as prisoners of war. Hamada discusses his family.

Hamada discusses what the role the OSS played in Burma. He details his experiences during his first assignment. Hamada also discusses a little more about the specialized OSS training that he received.

Hamada discusses more about basic training. Hamada details about volunteering for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Hamada discusses the specialized training he received from OSS.

Hamada discusses what it was like being a high school student. He also details what it was like being there and witnessing the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. Hamada also discusses volunteering and his experiences and Camp Shelby.

Hamada discusses what it was like growing up on a sugar plantation. He also details about the relationship he had with his parents and siblings. Hamada discusses about childhood activities.

Teraoka discusses the rescue of the Lost Battalion and thoughts about the 100th; the good luck charm he carried while overseas; and the Champagne Campaign. He also talks about working as a dentist in Leghorn, returning to Hawaii after the war, and…

Teraoka discusses the liberation of Pisa; landing in Marseille; and his combat experiences and living conditions in Bruyeres. He also talks about getting trench foot, his combat experiences in Biffontaine, describes the Lost Battalion rescue, and…

Teraoka talks about going to Camp Shelby for basic training, explains the meaning of "katonk", and discusses D Company members. He then talks about traveling overseas to Italy, communicating with his family, and describes Naples. Next, Teraoka talks…

Teraoka talks about how his parents met, what it was like moving to Honolulu to attend high school, and discusses the boat trip from Hilo to Honolulu. Next, Teraoka talks about his participation in ROTC, attending the University of Hawaii, and his…

Teraoka discusses growing up on a plantation on Hawaii and talks about the workers on the plantation as well as the plantation store. He then talks about his childhood including discussing recreational activities, his family's home, working, school,…
Scan 124.pdf

Letter of condolence to the parents of Sadamu Koito, soldier killed in action. Envelope attached

Takekawa discusses his assignment in Okinawa training police officers in the Provost Marshal’s office; and talks about his wife, life in Okinawa, getting discharged, and returning to Hawaii. He then talks about working as a sales manager in…

Takekawa talks about Earl Finch, discusses his participation in the 171st Training Battalion, going to Officer Candidate School (OCS) at Fort Benning; and his assignment at a training regiment in Fort McClellan. Next, Takekawa went to Military…

Takekawa discusses getting kicked out of the Hawaii Territorial Guard and the formation of the Varsity Victory Volunteers. He then talks about incarceration camps in Hawaii, volunteering for the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and traveling to the…
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