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Mukai discusses about various photographs.

Mukai discusses about coming, medal received, and his post-war life. He details bout his family and gives a message to future generations. Mukai also discusses about his on President Roosevelt and souvenirs picked up.

Mukai discusses about being assigned to a company, first combat experiences, and his experiences towards the end of the war. He details his relationship with other soldiers. Mukai also discusses about Lecco, Italy, good luck charms, and a friend.

Mukai discusses about experiencing discrimination, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. He details about working outside of camp, being drafted, and basic training. Mukai also discusses about the journey to and arriving Italy.

Mukai discusses about his family and childhood. He details about a typical day and the communities he grew up in. Mukai also discusses about his educational experiences.

Takata revisits the death of his sergeant. He talks about returning home to California. He discusses using veterans benefits to adjust to normal life. Takata talks about his produce stand. He also explains how he met his wife. He reveals what he has…

Takata talks about the military supplies he needed on the front lines. He describes his time in Bruyères and the army reserves. He discusses the Champagne Campaign and his military decorations. Takata talks about the time he spent in Nice. He briefly…

Takata discusses his military duties while he was on base. He describes Tule Lake and Amache Concentration Camps. He talks about joining the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He reflects on the Senninbari that his family gave to him before he went…

Takata talks about high school and his youth basketball team. He describes a teacher that had a big influence on his life. He reflects on his experiences with discrimination while living in Sacramento. He talks about his move to Los Angeles and…

Takata talks about his early life in Sacramento. He also describes his parent's personalities. He discusses his siblings and his family's businesses. Takata describes what life was like in Sacramento. He describes his friendships and religious…

Iwasaki discusses the end of his military service and his post-war life. He also talks about spouse and children. He shares anecdotes regarding: time in Europe, courtship with spouse, and Nisei veterans' legacy.

Iwasaki talks about some of his experiences in Hawaii before the Pearl Harbor attack. He shares his memories of the Pearl Harbor attack and it's aftermath. He also talks about his early military experiences after getting drafted.

Iwasaki discusses his youth growing up in Manoa Valley. He talks about his father's arrival in Hawaii from Japan; and his parent's devotion to him and his siblings. He also shares anecdotes regarding: family leisure trips; working on family farm; and…

A brief section where Mr. Yabu shows off a few photographs and describes them. Photographs include his uncle's 442nd photo, San Francisco's Boy Scout Troop 12, himself carrying the 1984 Olympics torch, and a photograph of his grandfather.

Mr. Yabu speaks about his wife's background and discusses attending college and working various odd jobs in San Diego after his discharge from the Navy. Introduced to the Boys' Club by his brother-in-law, Shigeru would go on to work for the Boys'…

Mr. Yabu discusses his enlisting into the United States Navy and traveling to San Diego to the naval recruit training center. He worked for a time in the San Diego Naval Hospital before befriending and eventually working for Robert Stewart MacDonald.…

Mr. Yabu spends the first portion of the interview discussing memories of his time at Heart Mountain. He discusses the magpie, which became his family's pet, he rescued on a trip to the Shoshone River and the swimming hole he frequented while in the…

Mr. Yabu discusses his memories prior to the outbreak of the war, specifically focusing cultural differences he experienced growing up in a Japanese-American family. He also discusses learning judo from a family member and how his knowledge of judo…

Mr. Yabu discusses his parents' backgrounds and talks about his real father leaving the family when Shigeru was an infant. Mr. Yabu grew up in San Francisco and surrounding communities, moving often as a child. He discuses various topics of his…

Tsubota discusses a wide variety of personal topics, including his Catholic faith, memories traveling through Europe with his children (and their background), and meeting his first wife and his second wife. Lastly, he reflects on his experiences in…

Tsubota mainly discusses topics and experiences as a member of the Counterintelligence Corps during the Korean War. He talks about conducting investigations with the office of Clandestine Operations in the Army. He also discusses a wide range of…

Tsubota discusses his first days of combat during World War II. He proceeds to speak about a gruesome injury he suffered that ended up taking the life of a fellow officer. He then discusses his recovery and his role as a counterintelligence agent…

Tsubota discusses a wide variety of topics, mainly his experiences as a member of the military. He talks about his travels and the conditions at many of the places he was based. Lastly, he begins discussing his first combat experience during World…

Tsubota discusses his experiences and responsibilities in ROTC as a student at the University of Hawaii. Later, he talks about being placed on active duty and going through basic training at the time of Pearl Harbor attack. Last, Tsubota discusses…

Tsubota discusses his time at the University of Hawaii as a member of the College of Agriculture and ROTC. Along with his experiences at college, Tsubota also talks about finishing college and deciding to become a teacher.

Tsubota discusses his childhood and childhood activities before moving on to his high school experiences and eventually enrolling at the University of Hawaii.

Tsubota discusses his family background broadly in great detail, including his parents and all of his siblings. He later speaks about his education and the lessons that he took away from Japanese language school.

Nakamura describes his assignments towards the end of World War Two. He talks about his journey home. He briefly discusses how he reconnected with his family. He talks about his employment after the war. He describes his children and grandchildren.…

Shigeru Nakamura and the interviewers introduce themselves. He talks about his nickname. He discusses his parents immigration to the United States. He describes his father's career. He talks about a trip that he took to Japan when he was a child. He…


Matsukawa finishes up the interview talking about the history of the 442nd and keeping that education alive with the younger generations, as there are still a lot of people that don't realize there were American concentration camps. Finally, he talks…

After his war experiences in Europe, Matsukawa would head back to the United States, stopping first in New York, where he and a friend were determined to see the Statue of Liberty. He would head back to Utah and there, would decide to take advantage…

Matsukawa talks about the history of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, stemming all the way back to Pearl Harbor, when the prejudice first began. He also talks about the accomplishments and strides they made by fighting for their country. Next, he…

Matsukawa gives a few anecdotes of his time in basic training at Camp Blanding, including boxing, furloughs, and visiting cities in Florida. He would be shipped out to Europe shortly after, going on the HMS Aquitania and landing in Southampton before…

Matsukawa talks about his parent's reaction to joining the Army and his brother getting killed in action while in the war. He talks about the unfortunate casualties of young men during war time and his brother's path. Soon after his brother passed…

Matsukawa talks about his family background, including his mother and father coming over from Niigata prefecture in Japan. As the terrain of Utah was very similar to Niigata, the family would end up settling there. Next, he talks about the…

Matsukawa begins the interview with an introduction of what it was like to grow up in Salt Lake City, Utah. While living there, he would go to school and enjoy the playing sports. As it was the Great Depression years, his family would only have one…

When Shigeru Inouye is at McCormick General Hospital in Pasadena, CA, he meets another wounded Lieutenant who encourages him to go to school in Kentucky.

On August 25, 1947, Shigeru received an acceptance letter to Centre College. Shigeru shares…

Shigeru Inouye recollects the events that lead to his injury in the battle at Cassino, Italy. He goes to the 36th General Hospital in Italy and is in the hospital for two weeks. Later, he is transferred to an Evacuation Hospital and returns to the…

Shigeru Inouye discusses his medic training and being an aid man. In late September 1943, Shigeru recalls his first battle in Salerno, Italy. After each combat, he is placed in another company to go to the front lines. He experiences his first…

Shigeru Inouye outlines the aftermath of December 7. After Pearl Habor, Shigeru's sister is in California and goes to Rohwer, AK. Shigeru visits his sister at Rohwer and describes the living conditions. He reunites with his sister again at Camp…

Shigeru Inouye is born February 3, 1919, in Honolulu, HI. He is the youngest of seven children.

Shigeru recalls his school years at McKinley High School and the University of Hawaii. On November 14, 1941, Shigeru receives his draft notice. He…

In 1948, Toshi Beverly Iba returns to the United States. She reunites with her older brother and helps him with his nursery business. Toshi also attends a Los Angeles Costume Design School and later graduates.

In November 1948, Toshi marries…

Post-war, Shigeru Iba he meets his wife, Toshi Beverly Iba. They have been married for 54 years and have three children, Gary, Glenn, and Alan. Glenn has two sons, and Alan has two sons.

In 1946, Shigeru and his brother buys a nursery together…

Shigeru Iba discusses Australia and POWS. In Australia, he is in the hospital for a year. During this time in the hospital, he hears about the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, and the war ends.

Shigeru's family is in Amache, CO, while he is in the Army.…

After graduating from Manual Arts High School, Shigeru Iba helps with his Father's nursery business. In March of 1941, Shigeru is drafted into the Army. Springtime is the busiest time for the nursery business. Therefore, he requests a deferment for…

Shigeru Iba is born on April 1, 1917, in Los Angeles, CA. His parents are from Wakayama-ken, Japan, and he has two brothers. During Shigeru's childhood, he helps his father in the nursery business. Besides attending primary school, he goes to a…

Sameshima and Hayashi are joined by George Hayakawa as they remember Joe Hayashi, who served with the 442nd Regiment and earned a Medal of Honor while in Italy. They talk about various memories of him, including a time during kendo practice, where…

Sameshima and Hayashi discuss their nicknames and their lives after Pearl Harbor, including the Executive Order 9066. Their families would face hard times as they readied to evacuate their homes, as they had to sell property and furniture for pennies…

Hitoshi Sameshima and Shigeru Hayashi begin the interview introducing themselves and talking about what it was like to grow up in California. They also talk about their family background and how their parents came to California, one ending up in…

Goto discusses getting injured in Carrara, Italy and talks about his friendships with other soldiers, including those that were killed in action, and what it was like seeing his war buddies postwar. He then talks about going back to Hawaii at the end…

Goto provides an overview of a headquarters company and all the various platoons that it is made up of. He describes his duties within the headquarters platoon, including following the battalion's executive officer. He also talks about what he…

Goto begins by talking about working as a medical supply clerk and veteran service counselor; and then discusses volunteering for the Army and going to Camp Shelby for basic training. Goto talks about the differences between Mainland and Hawaiian…

Goto describes growing up on a planation in Ewa, Hawaii and taking the train into Honolulu to go to school. After graduating from high school, Goto worked at a 7UP bottling company as a soda salesman and delivery man. He also talks about being a…

Momoda discusses being wounded and the aftermath. He details about his final war experiences, awards he received, and his homecoming experience. Momoda also discusses a little more about his upbringing and discusses a message for future generations.

Momoda discusses about his family and growing up in Seattle, Washington. He details about his education, the business he ran and working in Alaska. Momoda also discusses about being drafted, basic training and his experiences in France.

Yokote continues talking about his experiences in the 206th band, including raising morale for the unit as a whole and helping soldiers deal with the harsh conditions of war. After the war, he would return home and be discharged at Beale Air Force…

Yokote talks about a photograph that shows members of the band he was involved in. After this he talks about the advantages of being in the band as opposed to an infantryman. As he wasn't involved in much front line duty, he was stunted in his…

Yokote talks about his induction into the Army, getting his draft notice and heading to Presidio Monterey. He talks about the activities they did during their first basic training at Camp Grant, including inspections and KP duty. After this, he would…

Yokote talks about his musical background, getting a trombone at a young age and learning the importance and discipline of instruments. He then begins to talk about his time at basic training at Camp Blanding and the unit that he was a part of. While…

Yokote has an in depth discussion on his family's time in the American concentration camps. As he was angry about the way Japanese Americans were being treated, he at first refused to visit his family while at the Tule Lake concentration camp. His…

Yokote begins the interview discussing what it was like to grow up in Placer County in California, which is a more rural area. His parents would come from Wakayama prefecture in Japan and settle there, having a small farm. After this, he discusses…

Takayama describes and shows various articles and photographs from his scrapbook.

Takayama shows and describes various articles and photographs from his scrapbook.

Takayama discusses about his experiences at Fort Beivoir, visiting the Hoover Dam, and the Golden Gate Bridge. He details about going overseas and arriving in France. Takayama discusses in Germany, coming home, and post-war life.

Takayama discusses about family, growing up in Pasadena, and plying baseball with Jackie Robinson. He details about being drafted, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. Takayama also discusses about being reassigned and helping others learning how to…

In the final part of his interview, Shigeo "Doc" Kawamoto shares more photos of friends and family as well as his time spent in France.

Kawamoto continues his interview by talking about looking for housing in Tokyo, going out with friends in Battle Creek, and the occupations of his family members and children. He imparts his message to future generations and states again the…

Kawamoto recounts his life post-war in which he was studying to become an optometrist. He talks about working as an optometrist in Tokyo for the US military hospital and for Kaiser Permanente in Japan. He also shares how he met his wife through…

Kawamoto tells us of the mission to cross the Arno and his experience at the Lost Battalion battle. He also discusses a deadly mine demonstration and his passes in Europe. Finally, he recounts how he got his injury, the war's end, and his homecoming…

Kawamoto discusses his basic training and engineer training, the sea voyage to Europe, and his impressions of Italy. He also recalls his first battle, the Lost Battalion, and getting injured.

Kawamoto discusses leaving Hawaii and his journey to Camp Shelby. He also talks about the training he received and briefly about being wounded by a mine. Finally, Kawamoto recalls his furloughs to New York City and Camp Rohwer incarceration center.

Kawamoto talks about growing up in Hawaii and his life before the war. He also recalls seeing the bombing of Pearl Harbor and his reasons for enlisting in the army.


In May 1984, Shigeo retires from Northrop Grumman and returns to Hawaii to live with his sister. Shigeo is grateful for those who have shown him gratitude for his service, especially his doctors. He shares his experience of appreciation with the…

In Berlin, Shigeo Iwamasa is assigned to be a driver. He describes the experience driving through the bombed cities in Germany. In Koblenz, there is a distinctive smell due to the dead bodies under the building rubbles. The bombed cities in Germany…

Shigeo Iwamasa is born November 12, 1923, in Waihee-Waiehu, Maui. Shigeo's father is an Issei from Yamaguchi Prefecture Japan, and his mother is from Hilo, Hawaii. Shigeo has five brothers and a sister.

Growing up, Shigeo has an active childhood.…

Shigenobu Tanaka shares his recollections of his parents, his life growing up on the sugar plantations of Hawaii, school, and his job working as the inventory manager at the Pahala Sugar plantation. He recalls being drafted and going through basic…

Kizuka discusses about his experiences in Italy, coming back home, and the "no-no-boys". He details about his post-life. Kizuka also discusses about his family and shows photographs.

Kizuka discusses about the Champagne Campaign. He details about the Gothic Line and being wounded. Kizuka also discusses about his post-war assignment in Europe and coming home.

Kizuka discusses about his experiences at Poston Concentration Camp, his family, and leaving camp. He details about volunteering for service, experiences at Camp Shelby, and Earl Finch. Kizuka also discusses about going to and arriving in Europe.

Hinatsu discusses his career and health issues. He reflects about the time he spent in the service and details about the legacy of Nisei veterans. Hinatsu also discusses receiving the Presidential Unit Citation and losing close friends.

Hinatsu discusses what it was like growing up in Portland, Oregon. He details about his experiences Minidoka Concentration Camp. Hinatsu also discusses his experiences during basic training. He also details about the mindset during combat

Hinatsu discusses the Champagne Campaign and the Gothic Line. He details about about the end of the war in Europe. Hinatsu also discusses coming home and starting a career.

Hinatsu discusses the role he played in the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion as a Forward Observer for rifle companies . He details about his experiences at Bruyeres. Hinatsu also discusses the Champagne Campaign and the Rescue of the Lost Battalion.

Kishi discusses about going to college and then working on the farm. He details about his community involvement, family, childrearing, and gives a message to future generations. Kishi also gives his opinion about redress and discusses more about his…

Kishi discusses about his impressions of Hawaiian soldiers. He details about his duties and experiences Japan. Kishi also discusses about coming home and his experiences with discrimination.

Kishi discusses about his experiences at Merced Temporary Detention Center. He details about his experiences at Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp. Kishi also discusses about joining the Army, going to the Military Intelligence Service Language…

Kishi discusses about his family. He details about what it was like growing up inLivingston, California. Kishi also discusses about Pearl Harbor and his experiences with forced removal.

Photo of Sgt. Kami in front of a jeep

Sgt. [Seargent] Robert Masao Baba standing in front of a building at Mt. [Mount] Vernon, Virginia. Other 442nd Regimental Combat Team members sitting in wooden chairs against the building in the background.

Sgt.[Seargent] Robert Masao Baba holding puppy mascot "Buddhahead."

Sgt. [Seargent] Robert Masao Baba in Livorno (Leghorn), Italy. He is posing, right leg perched on the military truck, with cap in hand.

Sgt. [Seargent] Robert Masao Baba, in uniform, kneeling and in conversation with the photographer.
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