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Miyamoto continues speaking about his various experiences overseas, including interactions with German prisoners-of-war. He also talks about Ted Tanouye and the difference between American and German weapons. Next, he would be discharged from the…

Miyamoto continues his recollection of growing up on Hilo, where his pidgin English was heavy and his normal English was inconsistent. After graduation from high school, he and his family would move to Kalihi on Oahu. It was there that he would see…

Ota begins the interview talking about his family and how his parents came from Nagasaki to Washington. His father would work his way up from being a janitor to owning hotels and restaurants while Kenneth and his siblings went to school and played…

Ota talks more about his childhood in Washington and being able to travel around the state playing sports. He would enjoy playing basketball at the YMCA the most and would continue to help his dad working at the hotels they owned. During the summers,…

Ota continues his recollection of going to Camp Shelby for basic training. He talks about the rivalry between the Hawaiian soldiers and the mainland soldiers and seeing segregation in the South. He would spend a year at Camp Shelby before being…

After getting wounded during the Lost Battalion campaign, Ota would return to the United States to recover and rehabilitate for about a year and a half. He discusses the recognition he received from other members of the military after the war and the…

Sato discusses his familial origin and description. He grows up in a farm community and discusses the Alien land law. He recalls racism pre-war and going into an American Concentration Camp after Pearl Harbor. He soon joins the military and is…

Sato discusses the occupation in Japan and wartime experiences. Post-war, Sato gets married and has children. He also gets involved with the Hawaiian Holocaust Project .He discusses the involvement and contributions of the 552nd Field Artillery…

Hagiwara begins the interview talking about how his parents came from Nagano and Shiga in Japan and both settled down individually in Ketchikan, Alaska. He talks more about his family, such as his family learning how to cook and becoming a baker and…

Hagiwara continues talking about his time growing up in Ketchikan, Alaska. He would take an interest in basketball, and even be able to travel to different areas for competitions. Next, he talks about the population of his neighborhood and the…

Hagiwara continues talking about his experience in the National Guard and the times leading up to Pearl Harbor, as they worried more about Russia invading than Japan. Next, he talks about his whereabouts during the attacks on Pearl Harbor, hearing…

Hagiwara talks more about seeing his parents and gives background on how he met his future wife. While at Fort Sheridan, he would often visit his wife but would get word that he would get transferred. After moving around to a couple of places, he…

Hagiwara discusses his shipment overseas, taking a U-boat through the Strait of Gibraltar and ending in Oran. There, they would train some more and prepare to join the rest of the men in Italy. He also talks a bit about various members of his unit…

Hagiwara talks more about his war experiences, starting with the Bruyeres-Biffontaine area, which included the Lost Battalion campaign. He also talks about the dense forest of the Vosges Mountains and getting into fights when other soldiers used…

Hagiwara discusses his whereabouts during the end of the war, and his route to get back home. He would get on a plane and take a long trip home, stopping along the way in Puerto Rico, then Miami, before taking a train to Chicago where his wife and…

Yoroku Ito is born on January 31, 1922, in Puunene, an island of Maui. Yoroku and his family live in camp five on a sugar plantation. The house is comfortable for five children and two adults. Yoroku explains the camps are segregated and sectioned by…

Yoroku's family has feelings of loyalty and patriotism to America. For the nation and the country, Yoroku volunteers for the Army. Yoroku is stationed at Schofield Barracks for a short time before leaving for the mainland for basic training at Camp…

Yoroku Ito discusses the German soldiers surrendering and the end of the war. At the end of the war, he is the Company Mail Clerk. Yoroku discusses helping the Lieutenant mail German items back to the mainland. The Lieutenant also gives Yoroku a few…

































Mr. Tsubota introduces himself and discusses his parents background and what brought them to settle in Kent, Washington. There was a strong Japanese community in Kent, and Mr. Tsubota talks about the various cultural activities his family took part…

Mr. Tsubota discusses attending Japanese school and the role of religion in his household growing up. Forced to work after high school to help support his family, Mr. Tsubota was forced to forgo college immediately after graduation, instead working…

Mr. Tsubota discusses his memories of the day of the Pearl Harbor attack and describes his subsequent assignments with 160th Infantry Division. He was eventually transferred to Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas and talks about his experience serving as an…

Mr. Tsubota discusses his role as a supply officer in the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion. Mr. Tsubota was shipped out after his training at Camp Shelby where he served in Italy helping to procure supplies for the infantry. Mr. Tsubota discusses his…

Mr. Tsubota discusses some of his memories from his time in the European Theater, including liberating the Dachau concentration camp and being bombarded by German shells. Mr. Tsubota describes some of his duties and assignments, including working as…

Mr. Tsubota talks about returning home from the war where he was able to meet his young daughter again and was reunited with his wife and mother. He later began a career working in the insurance business. Mr. Tsubota discusses how he met his wife and…

In this brief section, Mr. Tsubota discusses the importance of having alien land laws repealed and gives his thoughts on the "Americanization" of young generations of Japanese Americans. This section also highlights ephemera and photographs from Mr.…




Robert Sato begins the interview talking about his family and how they came from Kagoshima prefecture in Japan and settled in Washington state. He gives more in depth background on his father and mother, telling of the discipline they had, the foods…

Sato first talks about how he came to get the name Robert and how he and his siblings chose their names during grade school. He also talks about how his parents were able to keep them involved in Japanese culture, including Japanese language school…

Sato and his family would be evacuated from their farm, and moved to a temporary detention center in Puyallup, called Camp Harmony. He talks about the lack of privacy and the barbed wire that surrounded the area. After this, they would be moved…

Sato talks about proving his loyalty to the United States, and the various ideals of the Japanese Americans. On his way to Camp Shelby, he would make a stop in Jackson, Mississippi and notice the segregation and prejudice that was prevalent…

After his arrival in Italy, Sato would join up with the 100th Infantry Battalion as a replacement. He talks about various war experiences, including the breakthrough of the Gothic Line, getting shelled and the Red Cross. Next, he talks about seeing…

Following the end of the war and guarding prisoners in Europe, Sato would get his chance to return to the United States. He would first stop at Fort Myer, where he would be asked to march to the White House, as President Truman gave his famous…















Sato begins the interview talking about how his parents came from Fukushima to Maui. His father would farm silk worms and work on the sugar plantation, also learning sumo and carpentry along the way. He talks quickly about his wife's parents route to…

Sato discusses more about his childhood in Hawaii, playing football and track for Baldwin High School. He also talks about impactful people throughout his high school days. Next, he talks about the attacks on Pearl Harbor and how they had to black…

Sato talks about his health and the surgery that he had and the emotions that he has had because of it, which is much different than the Japanese culture he grew up knowing. Next, he talks about being drafted into the Army and being sent to…

Sato continues his recollection of being an interpreter and interrogator in the Philippines. When arriving there, he would immediately notice the devastation and flatness that the war had caused. He talks about the children there seeing Japanese…

Sato talks more about his marriage background and what he did after business school at the University of Washington. He would begin his career with the Seattle School District, first becoming a high school teacher and then later becoming a vice…

Kaneshiro discusses his family, being raised by a single parent, and other aspects of his childhood. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Kaneshiro also discusses his employment and his life during World War Two.

Kaneshiro discusses his induction, language training, and basic training experiences. He details about his experiences in the Philippines and in post-war Japan. Kaneshiro also discusses his post war life.

Kaneshiro begins the interview talking about his whereabouts when Japan surrendered. As he was already on a ship heading to Manila with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), he would go to the Philippines first, then head to Tokyo. Once he…

Kaneshiro discusses the reforms that occurred throughout the occupation of Japan and the reconstruction was done throughout the country. Next, he talks about the value of the Nisei linguist throughout the occupation and how it was much easier to do…

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