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Matsukawa begins the interview with an introduction of what it was like to grow up in Salt Lake City, Utah. While living there, he would go to school and enjoy the playing sports. As it was the Great Depression years, his family would only have one…

Matsui discusses about his experiences in Europe, coming home, and the reception they received. He details about serving meant and his post-war life. Matsui also discusses about his family, cap and gown, and gives a message to future generations.

Matsui discusses about his experiences surrounding forced removal, going back to Elko, Nevada, and being drafted. He details basic training and experiences before shipping off. Matsui also discusses about his combat experiences in Italy.

Matsui discusses about his home life, schooling, and neighbor. He details about going to college and living in a boarding house. Matsui also discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

Matsui discusses about growing up in Elko, Nevada and his family. He details about thew family business, neighborhood, and religion. Matsui also discusses about high school, friends, and holidays celebrated.

Matsui discusses a war hero that grew up in the same town as him, named Frank Hachiya. He also talks about facing discrimination after the war, including trying to buy a home in Seattle, but being denied because of prejudice. After this, he talks…

Matsui continues stories from occupied Japan, including talking with desperate civilians trying to sell things on the black market. He would also help with the war crimes trials as an investigator with the 8th Army Judge Advocate section. His…

While Matsui was at Camp Savage instructing classes, his uncle would be at Minidoka Concentration Camp, where the living conditions were very poor. He talks about how he met his wife and his outlook on the war while at Camp Savage. Shortly after, he…

Matsui talks about his whereabouts when he first head of the attacks on Pearl Harbor, hearing it on the radio and getting drafted into the Army at Fort Lewis. He would attend basic training at Camp Robinson, where he would immediately get friendly…

After returning from Japan, Matsui would settle in Seattle, noticing the differences between American and Japanese community and culture. He would work as a houseboy for a caucasian family, earning $15 a month and working at the salmon cannery in…

Takashi Matsui begins the interview talking about his family background and his parents coming from Japan and moving to the west coast of the United States. At the young age of three, he would actually move back to Japan, where he would attend school…

George Matsui was reassigned to MacArthur's Headquarters, Army Intelligence G2, Natural Resources Section after Japan surrendered. He recalls traveling to Fukuoka to see his family for the first time.

After being discharged, George returned to…

George Matsui discusses his reaction to December 7 and the aftermath. His feeling was shikata ga nai. George evacuated to Santa Anita and Tule Lake.

At Tule Lake, George remembered the barbed wires around the parameter, barracks, and guards in…

George Matsui grew up in Long Beach, CA, and his parents are farmers. George's father decided to go back to Japan when George was in junior high school. In Japan, George attended Japanese Grade School and learned the Japanese language. When George…

Matsuhara discusses about his land lords, friends, and family. He details about his relationship with other soldiers. Matsuhara also discusses about various photographs.

Matsuhara discusses values, playing basketball, friends, and Japanese language. He details about meeting his wife and experiences overseas. Matushara also discusses about his experiences in Japan and the legacy of the Military Intelligence Service…

Matsuhara discusses about his experiences in the Philippines. He details about his fear of flying and his experiences in Japan. Matsuhara also discusses about his experiences with discrimination, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath.

Matsuhara discusses about working for the California Youth Authority and his retirement. He details about his involvement with the Veteran of Foreign Wars (VFW) and coaching. Matsuhara also discusses about his family and friends.

Matsuhara discusses and gives an overview of his life. He details about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor and his experiences at Tule Lake Concentration Camp. Matsuhara also discusses about volunteering for service, experiences at Camp Savage,…

When Lillian Matsudaira moves to Philadelphia, she works at an insurance company as a clerk. Lillian stays in Philadelphia for nine months before going to Cleveland. In 1945 Seattle reopens, and Lillian goes back home at the end of July.…

Lillian Aiko Inouye Matsudaira is born June 8, 1925, in Seattle, Washington. Her parents are from Senkaku, Japan, and immigrated to the United States. Lillian's father goes to school to learn English and open a restaurant in 1925. The restaurant…

Lillian Matsudaira describes life before the war and remembers how her mother would make Udon. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, a curfew is in effect for Japanese Americans to return home early. Lillian also speaks about differentiating between…

Matsuda discusses his post-war life and employment in Denver, Colorado. He shares about his children and grandchildren. Lastly Matsuda discusses the importance of the Japanese American story.

Matsuda discusses his experiences at Poston Concentration Camp and leaving camp. He details his experiences in Colorado and being drafted. Matsuda also discusses his experiences with basic training, his time in Italy and his homecoming experience.

Matsuda discusses his father, childhood vacations and mushroom hunting. He details the aftermath of Pearl Harbor and his experiences with forced removal. Matsuda also shares his experiences at Salinas Temporary Detention Center and Poston…

Matsuda discusses his family, childhood neighborhood and home. He details different aspects of his childhood including schooling, social activities, education, and friends. Matsuda also discusses his life after high school and remembering December 7,…

Frank Matsuda talks about the Nisei legacy and how their service opens the door for many Asians. The 442nd receives 20 to 21 medals, and K Company received two of the medals. Frank feels many other soldiers deserve recognition for their service,…

Frank Matsuda hears the news the Army is accepting Japanese American volunteers. Frank signs up to volunteer and returns to camp to take his physical exam. He passes the physical exam and goes to Camp Shelby for basic training. Frank is a BAR man…

Frank Tadao Matsuda is born on January 9, 1922, in Seattle, Washington. His father, Saiki Frank Matsuda, and mother, Masae Miyoshi, are from Japan. Frank has an older sister Aiko and a younger sister Kathryn Sumiko. Frank is closest to Aiko because…

Matsuda continues to talk about his relationships with Hawaiian soldiers. He also continues to discuss Bruyeres-Biffontaine. He talks about returning to the United States. He describes his experiences with discrimination after World War Two. He…

Matsuda describes his military duties. He talks about Bruyeres-Biffontaine. He discusses his military decorations. He talks about E company, 4th platoon. He reveals which family members served in the military. Matsuda talks about the end of World War…

Matsuda talks about a truce during World War Two. He describes the horrors of war. He talks about his units first tactical push. He discusses his hospital stay. He briefly talks about his stay in a replacement depot. He discusses finding his unit and…

Matsuda talks about his high school graduation. He talks about his life while living in Heart Mountain Concentration Camp. He discusses his voluntary enlistment. He describes his journey to Fort Logan. He talks about Fort Logan and Camp Shelby.…

Matsuda talks about the racial conflicts that he had with White Americans. He briefly talks about his experiences while in Japanese language school. He describes his home life. He discusses his religious background. He explains why he enlisted in the…

Matsuda talks about his childhood in East Los Angeles. He describes his parents backstories. He discusses Boyle Heights, Los Angeles. He describes what he did in his childhood leisure time. He talks about his experiences in high school. He briefly…


F. Masuoka discusses his experiences working as a linguist for the U.S. military in Tokyo and Korea. He talks about details of his job and traveling he did in Japan. He also shares anecdotes about: cultural identity issues as a Nisei working with…

F. Masuoka discusses his experiences working with Japanese soldiers and civilians in Japan and Korea after Japan's surrender in World War 2. He talks about his role as a military linguist. He also discusses his how he volunteered for U.S. military…

Masuoka talks about the other military decorations that he received. He briefly reflects on the interview process. He describes his siblings experiences while in the military. He discusses his life after World War Two ended, and his return to…

Masuoka continues to talk about his experiences while in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), including interrogation techniques. He explains what it was like in Japan amid the surrender of Japan. Masuoka describes how he received a Silver Star…

Masuoka describes his childhood role models and nicknames. He also briefly explains his religious background. He talks about the discrimination he faced at home and while in the military. He discusses the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath,…

Masuoka talks about growing up in and around apple farms in Sebastopol, CA. He gives an overview of the time he spent at Amache Concentration Camp and the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He describes his mother and father's personalities. He…

Masuoka shows and describes a photograph taken in Manila of the Civil Censorship Detachment.

Masuoka talks about mentors he had in graduate school and while he was employed at a VA hospital. He then talks about his experiences traveling across the United States after he retired, and his brother's military service. Next, Masuoka introduces…

Masuoka discusses seeing General MacArthur in Tokyo, talks about rankings within the platoon, and discusses his experiences in San Francisco during his Civil Censorship Detachment (CCD) training. He then talks about traveling to Japan, his…

Masuoka talks about his participation in a Japanese American pharmacy fraternity at college; discusses his wedding ring; and talks about his wife's experiences living in Colorado after she left incarceration camp. He then talks about getting drafted,…

Masuoka talks about his experiences at Santa Anita temporary detention facility including reuniting with his girlfriend, living conditions, schools, and working at a hospital. He then talks about his wife's education; traveling to Santa Anita and…

Masuoka discusses his parents and their personalities and occupations; discusses his siblings; and talks about values he learned growing up. He then talks about his childhood including his neighborhood; participation in youth groups and Boy Scouts;…

Masunaga discusses about his combat experiences as a medic. He details being reassigned, being discharged, and the horrors of war. Masunaga also discusses about post-war discrimination, his career, and his family. The interview closes out with…

Masunaga discusses his family, the family farm, and growing up in Colorado. He details growing up during The Great Depression, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. Mansunaga also discusses about joining the service, becoming a medic, and basic training.

Masuda discusses about friends. He details about his time in Japan. Masuda also describes some photographs.

Masuda discusses about being drafted and basic training. He details about the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) and experiences in Japan. Masuda also discusses about his family and career.

Masuda also discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details about his experiences with forced removal. Masuda also discusses about Fresno Temporary Detention Center and Jerome Concentration Camp.

Masuda discusses about her family, schooling, and some of his early jobs. He details about religion, Japanese language school, and his home life. Masuda also discusses about discrimination, living in Fresno, California, Pearl Harbor, and its…

Masuda talks about how life was different when he returned to Livingston after the war. He talks about other changes after the war and his children. Masuda discusses his marriage and grandchildren. He briefly describes his post war career and his…

Masuda describes the trip to Europe. He talks about his assignments while in Italy. He discusses his combat experiences in Germany, including how the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion liberated the Dachau Concentration Camp. Masuda talks about the end…

Masuda discusses his college years and marriage. He talks about Camp Roberts and Japanese language school. Masuda explains why he was transferred to Fort Sill. He describes how he trained Japanese and Hawaiian soldiers at Camp Shelby. He also…

Masuda talks about his early life in Livingston. He describes his life as a Japanese farmer and social activities in his community. Masuda briefly talks about his Methodist background and primary school. He explains what happened to his family after…

Masuda talks about the end of World War Two. He discusses searching German Soldiers at the Getty Airport. He briefly talks about returning to the United States. He talks about the first time he met his wife. He describes their courtship and marriage.…

Masuda continues to talk about his first combat experience during the Bruyeres-Biffontaine campaign. He also discusses his work as a Assistant BAR. he describe his unit's efforts to rescue the Lost Battalion. He talks about replacement soldiers. He…

Masuda talks about being stationed in Salina, Kansas. He discusses his family's forced removal. He describes his visits with his family while they were living in Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp. He talks about his experiences at Fort McClellan.…

Masuda talks about the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He describes his journey to Arkansas. He explains a negative experience he had while on guard duty. He briefly discusses a protest march that his unit conducted. He describes his…

Masuda talks about his experiences while in high school. He discusses Japanese language school. He explains what he did in his childhood leisure time. He shares his aspirations after high school. Masuda talks about being drafted and inducted. He…

Masuda talks about his early life in Pleasanton, California. He talks about his father and mother. He discusses his father's immigration to the United States. He describes his visits to Japan. He talks about his siblings. Masuda explains why his…

Masuda describes what is happening in a set of photographs. Masuda discusses his medals.

Masuda discusses more about his time on Tinian. He also discusses about his knowledge and thoughts about the atomic bombings. Masuda details about his life after leaving the army.

Masuda discusses part of his time in Tinian. He discusses he arrival in Japan. He also details what it was like being stationed in post war Japan.

Masuda discusses breaking the news to friends and family about volunteering for the army. He also talks about his furlough experience. Masuda discusses how he became a company clerk a pharmacist for the army.

Masuda discusses what it was like visiting his family in Tule Lake and Topaz. Masuda also details about the relationship he had with his parents. He also gives some insight of what it was like growing up a Japanese American.

Masuda discusses the history of his family. He also relates his military experiences before being sent to the Pacific Theater . Masuda details his experience on the boxing team.

Kenneth Masamitsu describes more memories from his military service overseas, his duties at the end of the war, and becoming a farmer. He tells the story about how he met his wife, talks about his family, and about the importance of remembering the…

Kenneth Masamitsu recalls how he was wounded in Italy, and about returning to his platoon before they entered France. He describes his experiences in Bruyeres, and about the Rescue of the Lost Battalion. He also talks about receiving a Purple Heart…

Kenneth Masamitsu talks about how his brother was wounded in action, about becoming a commissioned officer, and his journey overseas. He also describes his experience fighting in the European Theater, and becoming assigned to the Anti-Tank Company.

Kenneth Masamitsu describes being drafted into the military, about his experience in basic training, and his recruitment into the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He also recalls hearing the news of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and visiting a few of the…
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