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Toyoda discusses his parents, educational experiences, and friends. He describes San Gabriel Valley and details about being an athlete. Toyoda also discusses about being a member the Scholarship Society, relation with his brother, religion, and the…

Konno talks about his experiences in England; eating rice growing up and while overseas; and post-war employment. He also talks about meeting his wife while at Heart Mountain incarceration camp, discusses his children, and provides some thoughts…

Konno talks about combat experiences in France including his military assignment, digging foxholes, friendships with soldiers, and firing a rifle. He then talks about the differences between a machine gun and rifle; discusses German weapons; and…

Konno discusses the living conditions, food, and weather at Heart Mountain, as well as his daily activities and work. He then talks about volunteering for the Army and traveling from Heart Mountain to Mississippi. Lastly, Konno talks about basic…

Konno discusses his brother, talks about his experiences growing up on a ranch, and discusses going on vacation with his family. He then talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor and aftermath, including his family's forced removal first to Pomona…

Konno talks about growing up on a citrus ranch in San Dimas, California; and discusses his parents, childhood activities, friendships, and speaking Japanese at home. He also talks about attending high school and Japanese language school; playing…

Oda discusses his experience going back to Japan and seeing his brother for the first time since childhood, as well as his memories of post-war Japan. He also talks about his marriage and children, being a stay at home father, experiencing…

Oda discusses encounters with civilians while at Camp Savage, what a typical day was like as an instructor at Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS), student populations that included both Nisei and Caucasians, and grading papers. He…

Oda recalls an incident while at Manzanar Incarceration Camp involving a physical altercation with a man over an article written in the Manzanar Free Press. He then talks about meeting his wife, and going to Camp Savage where he was assigned to be an…

Oda talks about moving back to the United States, learning English again, and employment opportunities including working at a produce market and becoming an organizer for a union for markets. He also discusses his thoughts regarding the attack on…

Oda discusses growing up in Stockton, California on a farm before moving to Japan with his mother and brother at his mother's behest. While in Japan, Oda recalls experiences in grammar school with bullies for being American; and attending Koto Gakko…

Umeda finishes the interview talking about passing on his personal history to future generations. Next, he talks about the legacy of the Nisei and what they've done. After this, he discusses his thoughts of what freedom is, and what makes freedom of…

Umeda talks a little bit more about his time in Seoul, translating newspapers during the occupation. He would return to Japan, where they gave him the option of staying in the military or heading home and a friend convinced him to go home and…

Umeda continues to talk about his language training at Fort Snelling with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), talking about the living conditions of the barracks and being classified as a translator. After this, he would be sent overseas, first…

Umeda talks more about the Gila River Concentration Camp and the living conditions in Arizona, surrounded by barbed wire but being able to go outside of the camp occasionally. He would end up leaving the camp and working at a cannery and living in a…

Umeda talks more about the aftereffects of Pearl Harbor, as the Army no longer accepted Nisei soldiers, they would be reclassified as enemy aliens. Shortly after, they would be forced to evacuate their home, taking their only what they could carry…

Umeda gives more background on his siblings, and what it was like to grow up on a farm, picking grapes and saving money to go to junior college. He talks about the other recreational activities he did with his siblings, including skating and swimming…

Ben Umeda begins the interview talking about his family, his father and mother being from Hiroshima and their journey to get to Selma in California. Next, he talks about growing up in California, picking grapes to make raisins for work and doing…

Nakao discusses living in Minneapolis after receiving his discharge papers. He also talks about moving back to California and his experiences building a Japanese American community center in Pacoima, and his relationship with his children and…

Nakao discusses his relationship with his assigned bodyguard, Harold Peterson. He also talks exploring underground caves while on Kiska Island, living in Alaska as a translator, and recalls how he met his wife and got married in Salt Lake City. …

Nakao discusses his family's forced removal to Tule Lake Incarceration Center, and what it was like visiting them at Tule Lake and at Heart Mountain Incarceration Camp, where they were later sent. He then talks about his time traveling throughout…

Nakao discusses growing up in Sacramento, California, where he attended Japanese language school, learned martial arts, and was a liquor salesman for Japanese liquor. He also talks about encountering racism during his time in the Quartermaster Corps…

Aizawa discusses in the Korea. He details about his experiences in the military. Aizawa also discusses about his family.

Aizawa discusses being drafted and his experiences in Korea as a part of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He details about his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service. Aizawa also discusses about the legacy of Nisei soldiers, goals,…

Aizawa discusses about his experiences at Tanforan Temporary Detention Facility. He details about his experiences at Topaz Concentration Camp. Aizawa also discusses about his experiences with prejudices, D-Day, V-E Day, and his schooling.

Aizawa discusses his childhood. He details about the aftermath Pearl Harbor and forced removal. Aizama also discusses about his experiences in the Tanforan Temporary Detention Facility.

Aizawa discusses about his family and the community he grew up in. He details about his childhood and home life. Aizawa also discusses about being American, schooling, and the Great Depression.

In this short segment, Oka is asked to provide a few details about stories told earlier in the interview. He also recounts the death of his younger brother in an air raid on Christmas Eve, 1944. The final minutes of the interview ask Oka to speak…

In this interview, Oka describes begins by describing his experience as a school-aged Japanese-American boy growing up in Okayama Japan. When he was a teenager, he longed to return to the United States as his brothers had, and was opposed to the idea…

Steidl discusses his ideas of the negativity of Fascism and the challenges of preventing Fascist regimes from gaining power. He also discusses the atrocities of war and gives some specific examples from WWII through the Iraq war. He discusses his…

Steidl talks about the legacy of the Nisei soldiers experience and it applies to general American history. He talks about how writing his book changed him. He also discusses the impact education can have in spreading the legacy of the Nisei veterans.

Steidl discusses about his experiences in the Vietnam War and his life after military service. He details about being acquainted with Japanese culture and writing his book. Steidl also discusses about his interactions with Nisei veterans.

Steidl discusses how his family, of Czech/German heritage, had to evacuate Czechoslovakia due to World War 2. He talks about his German father political prisoner during the war and his family background pre-World War 2. He also discusses how he…

Sakamoto talks about the horrors of war. He gives his perspective on the Concentration Camps built for Japanese Americans. He explains why he thinks people are fascinated with his generation. He talks about his children and grandchildren. He…

Sam Sakamoto describes his journey to Europe and landing in Naples, Italy. He talks about the 442nd Combat Regimental Team. He explains his relationship with Hawaiian soldiers. Sakamoto discusses the end of the World War Two and his journey back to…

Sakamoto describes his journey to the Pinedale Temporary Detention Center. He goes on to describe what the Pinedale Temporary Detention Center looked like. He also describes the Tule Lake Concentration Camp. Sakamoto talks about his social life at…

Sakamoto describes the residents, social activities, and weather on Vashon Island, Washington. He talks about his religious upbringing and excursions to the Mainland. He discusses being left handed and school. Sakamoto shares his childhood…

Sakamoto describes his early life and memories on Vashon Island, Washington. He talks about fishing on the island. He describes his mother and father. He discusses his father's agricultural career and his family home. Sakamoto continues to describe…

Yokoyama discusses about his teaching career. He details about his family. Yokoyama also discusses about future generations and showing awards.

Yokoyama discusses about the war crime trials and his other experiences in Japan. He details about his experiences in the Korean War. Yokoyama also discusses about his life after the military.

Yokoyama discusses about his experiences in the Philippines. He details about his experiences in post-war Japan. Yokoyama also discusses about his experiences in Manchuria.

Yokoyama discusses about his experiences New Guinea and getting Malaria. He details about the Yagi antenna. Yokoyama also discusses about his experiences in the Philippines.

Yokoyama discusses about fields commissions, rank, and war crime trials. He details about his experiences in the Philippines as a part of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). Yokoyama also discusses about New Guinea and airplanes.

Yokoyama discusses about being bugler and music. He details about joining and his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). Yokoyama discusses about the atomic bombings.

Yokoyama discusses about living in Japan, schooling, and the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details about his home life and experiences at Camp Shelby. Yokoyama also discusses about his experiences in the military, at camp Savage, and his family.

Yokoyama discusses about his family. He details about his childhood. Yokoyama also discusses about Japanese language school.

Yokoyama discusses his family and home life. He details about volunteering for the Army and his farewell parade. Yokoyama also discusses about traveling, music, and his assignment in the military.

Matsuura shows and describes photographs of the ceremony where he received his Purple Heart; and Senator Inouye and his family. He then discusses the legacy of the 442nd; and provides some thoughts regarding his military service and being a veteran.

Matsuura talks about his trench foot condition, his experiences after rejoining the 442nd in Italy, getting discharged; and reenlisting and going to Japan. He then talks about his assignment in Japan in technical intelligence, and discusses his…

Matsuura discusses the reasons why he volunteered for the Army; talks about going to Bruyeres and his assignment as a messenger; and describes his trench foot condition. Next, Matsuura talks about Senator Daniel Inouye who was his platoon leader and…

Matsuura talks about his parents, going to school in Spokane, being sent to Japan as a child; and returning to the United States and working on a farm. He then talks about attending high school, the Attack on Pearl Harbor, volunteering for the Army,…

Nishimura describes F Company reunions. He briefly talks about the F Company motto. He discusses his friendships. Nishimura tells a joke. He explains how he met his wife. He describes what it is like to live with his adult children. He talks about…

Nishimura describes his recovery time in a hospital. He explains what happened as he awaited transport to the hospital. He talks about the fruits and vegetables in Italy. He discusses his time in a field hospital. He briefly describes the 100th…

Nishimura talks about the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He describes his journey overseas and landing in North Africa. He talks about being stationed in North Africa. He discusses his first time in combat. He describes the weather in Italy.…

Nishimura describes shipping out the Big Island. He talks about his journey to Wisconsin. He discusses Camp McCoy. He describes his life in Wisconsin. He talks about his interactions with civilians. He shares his experiences with discrimination. He…

Nishimura and the interviewers introduce themselves. He describes his early life in Hawaii. He talks about his parents and siblings. He describes his involvement in sports. He describes his religious background. He talks about the social activities…

Kodama continues talking about the end of the war, helping with the interrogation process of German prisoners of war. He would miss the first pool of soldiers to head home on the points system but be granted a 30-day leave, in which he would travel…

Kodama talks about his shipment overseas following his basic training at Camp Blanding. He would get on a liberty ship and head for Southampton, thinking they would meet up with the 442nd in Belgium, but instead they would join up at Sospel, France.…

After the evacuation, Kodama and his family would head to Santa Anita race track where they would spend some time in a temporary detention center, where they would have almost no privacy. It was there, that he would meet his first wife, who taught…

Kodama discusses the feeling he had that Japanese Americans were limited in their activities during his childhood, including dances and sports. He had hopes of attending UC Berkeley and was originally accepted but was later rejected and would end up…

Kodama continues to discuss growing up as a Seventh-Day Adventist, having many restrictions such as not being able to go to football games or movies. After this, he talks about the holidays he grew up celebrating, including New Years and Christmas,…

Kodama begins the interview talking about his parents and how they came from Japan and settled down in Mountain View, California. They would become farmers, specializing in fruit, and help to run an on-sen as well. He also talks about his sisters and…

Kishaba discuss about post-traumatic stress disorder and being wounded. He also talks about the Champagne Campaign, Po Valley, and the ending of the war. Kishaba details about his post-war life and shares advice for the future generation.

Kishaba discusses, patrols, war stories, and bath time. He discusses about leaving Italy and going to France. Kishaba discusses about his best friend getting injured in combat and passes away.

Kishaba discusses going overseas. He details about assignment and experiences in Italy. Kishaba also describes combat, patrolling, and casualties.

Kishaba discusses about life after high school, going to vocational school, and working on the railroad until volunteering for the military. He talks about his experiences going to the Mainland leaving Hawaii for the first time. Kishaba also…

Kishaba discusses growing up on a farm in Hawaii and learning how to cut hair. He also discusses his family and childhood. Kishaba discusses embracing his Japanese identity and values.

Sumida discusses the experiences of a Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) soldier in the 187th Infantry Battalion in Korea; talks about the loyalty questionnaire he took in Rohwer incarceration camp and getting drafted; and discusses working as a…

Sumida discusses the repatriation of Japanese citizens from Manchuria and his assignment monitoring Japanese repatriates; and talks about receiving a Bronze Star. He then talks about his assignment in Korea, his translation assignment after Korea,…

Sumida discusses his experiences as part of Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) including discussing his training and his cases. He then talks about the Japanese mafia (Yakuza); and discusses his assignment monitoring Japanese POWs who were captured by…

Sumida discusses attending high school; talks about Japanese values he learned from his parents; and describes the term, "Yamato-damashii". He then talks about how Japanese values helped him while in combat; and discusses the experiences of soldiers…

Sumida discusses values he learned from his parents; talks about attending church and Sunday school; and discusses learning Kendo. He then provides some thoughts regarding race and citizenship; talks about volunteering for Military Intelligence…

Sumida discusses his parents including how they met; their immigration from Japan; and his mother's schooling. He then talks about his childhood growing up in the Boyle Heights area of Los Angeles; discusses his father's immigration and employment;…

Watada discusses how the legacy of 442nd Regimental Combat Team proves that the Japanese Americans are Americans. After the contribution of the Nisei soldiers there is better treatment of Japanese Americans for the future. Watada can see the…

Watada discusses how the aerial tactics is helpful in clearing the grounds for the United States soldiers to advance forward in combat. Whereas the German soldiers did not have planes to assist them.

Watada notice progress is happening on the…

Watada discusses events after basic training, he gets to go on furlough before going overseas. He returns to Granada (Amache) to see his family.

Watada goes overseas on the Queen Mary and lands in France. After the rescue of the Los Battalion,…

Watada discusses life at camp consist of working during the day, meals in the mess hall, and socializing in the recreation hall. Watada works in the warehouse and working in the silk screen shop printing silk screen posters with slogans. Watada's…

Watada discusses his Father's personality. Synonymous with Japanese identity and values, there are responsibilities; however, Watada's Father different. As an Issei he speaks English and associates with younger people. This is culturally…

Watada discusses his prefecture origin and familial description. Watada is born on December 21, 1923 in Los Angeles, CA. Watada's Father, Jay Watada is from Japan and immigrates to the United States with his Father. They both come in hopes to make…

Takahashi discusses the state of the Japanese American community. He details about not getting married and the Korean War. Takahashi also discusses about Civil Rights being violated during World War Two and details about his hope for future…

Takahashi discusses about his best and worst experiences during the war. He details about his interactions, experiences in France, and in Italy. Takahashi also discusses about how he was treated upon returning home, family, and reentering civilian…

Takahashi discusses about joining up with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team in Italy and heading to France. He details about his experiences in France. Takahashi also discusses about the final push in Italy and the end of the war.

Takahashi discusses about growing up in Washington. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Takahashi also discusses volunteering for the Army, experiences during basic training, and going overseas. Takahashi details about his families…
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