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Sakaji discusses his wife including her personality, how they met, corresponding with her while he was in Japan, and his favorite memories of her. Lastly, Sakaji provides a message to future generations regarding values and education.

Tony Koura is born on June 26, 1926. Before being drafted into the military, Tony is at Manzanar. Despite the discrimination after the Pearl Harbor attack, Tony wants to volunteer for the Army because of patriotism.

After the draft notice, he…

Tony Koura goes to Manchuria to observe the mission of the repatriates returning to Japan. Tony says the repatriates are older men, women, and children who are malnourished. However, they are happy to be going to Japan.

Tony arrives back in…

When Tony Koura goes back to Japan after the occupation, the locals have changed. The people have money, there is no food shortage, no one is starving, and every one is employed. There are thousands of linguists during the occupation. Tony says the…

Miyasako discusses about his family and growing up on a farm. He details about the community and the holidays celebrated. Miyasako also discusses about his experiences in high school.

Miyasako discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details about being drafted and basic training. Miyasako also discusses about the reason the Nisei soldiers trained so hard.

Miyasako discusses about his experiences in France. He details about his friends, his experiences Italy, and his duties as a company clerk. Miyasako also discusses about his life after returning home.

Asahina discusses her father, his family, his immigration to the United States, his employment as a farmer, his physical traits, and his personality. She then talks about her mother's physical traits, employment, hobbies, and personality; and…

Asahina talks about her experiences at Tulare temporary detention facility including the living conditions; and describing the guards and guard towers. She then talks about her father's thoughts regarding the war; her experiences at Gila River…

Asahina talks about her husband's participation in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and provides some of her thoughts regarding the importance of the 100th Infantry Battalion and 442nd. She then talks about her husband's friendships with other…

Uesato begins the interview speaking about his family background, including his mother and father. Next, he talks about keeping up with the wars overseas and how unexpected the attacks on Pearl Harbor were. Living in Hawaii at the time, they were…

Uesato discusses his assignment in Burma, where his team would be in charge of opening back up the Burma Road. Next, he would head to China where he would get the rare chance to be around elite military leaders, including Mao Zedong of China and many…

Uesato continues his discussion of his time in occupied Japan. During this time, he was an interpreter for political analysts who were trying to get as much information as they could regarding Japan's population in politics. In this way, Uesato was…

Uesato looks through various pictures and narrates them. The pictures include moments from the Taj Mahal, political leaders (including Mao Zedong and Ambassador Hurley), and a picture from a graduation.

Toshiko Hattori describes her childhood growing up in foster homes in New York City. She attended nursing school after high school, and joined the United States Army to work as a nurse. During World War II, she was sent overseas to Korea, but was…

In this video clip, Toshiko Hattori talks more about her childhood, and how she became interested in nursing. She describes her basic training experience upon joining the United States Army. At the time of the end of the war in Europe, she was still…

After moving to East Los Angeles, Toshiko Hattori took care of her mother-in-law, and later, her husband, who had developed lung cancer. Her husband passed away from his illness, leaving her a widow. She developed osteoarthritis which made it…

In this video clip, Toshiko Hattori talks about living a healthy lifestyle, sharing her life experiences with her family, and about her visits to Japan. She talks about how many people do not know about Japanese American women's contribution to the…

Toshio discusses about family and what it was like growing up in California. He details about athletic endeavors and identification. Toshio also discusses going to Japan and his experiences while there.

Toshio discusses about interactions with people of Japanese ancestry. He details more about going to Japan to study Japanese and what it was like being a Nikkei in Japan. Toshio also discusses about establishing American football in Japan, attending…

Toshio discusses his interactions with the Japanese people and the political and social climate in Japan. He details about returning to the United States, attending college, remembering December 7, 1941 and aftermath. Toshio also discusses about…

Toshio discusses the impact of Executive Order 9066. He details about his experiences at the Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS) and getting married. Toshio also discusses about his experiences in Minnesota.

Toshio discusses more about his experiences at Camp Savage. He details about enlisting into the service, basic training, and being assigned to Camp Ritchie. Toshio also discusses about visiting Heart Mountain Concentration Camp.

Toshio discusses his thoughts on forced removal and race relations. He details about being sent to Japan after the war ended and his experiences while there. Toshio also discusses about trying to get home after his father's death, being discharged,…

Toshio discusses trying to find a job after receiving his PHD and describing his wife and children. He details his career in the foreign service. Toshio also gives a message to future generations.

Toshio discusses various photographs.

Kubota discusses his family and growing up in Kailua. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Kubota also discusses enlisting into the service and his experiences Camp Shelby. Kubota gives insight about being wounded.

Kubota discusses about his time in Atlantic City after returning home. He details about using the G.I. Bill and the benefits he has received. Kubota also discusses the legacy of Nisei veterans.

Mano discusses his post-war life and working at the family's nursery.He details about meeting his wife and raising a family. At the nursery, Mano meets his wife, Tomi Yoshioka and they later have children . Yoshioka discusses her family origin and…

Mano discusses his prefecture of origin and familial description. He also recalls home life with his parents, school years leading up to forced removal. In Mano's adolescent years, his family visited relatives in Japan.

Mano discusses going to Pinedale Temporary Detention Canter, Tule Lake and Minidoka Concentration Camps. At Tule Lake, Mano shares that there was segregation and division between the Japanese Americans' feelings about the United States Government. He…

Nakahara discusses his family and different aspects of his childhood. He details about Pearl Harbor and volunteering for the service. Nakahara also discusses about his experiences at Camp Shelby, in Italy, and in France.

Nakahara discusses being discharged and his homecoming. He details about his career and family. Nakahara also gives a message to future generations.

Tokunaga begins the interview talking about his family background and his parents coming over from Japan and settling eventually in Washington. Growing up in Washington, he would enjoy playing sports with other kids, attend regular and Japanese…

After being forced removed and moved to Puyallup Temporary Detention Center, Tokunaga would head to Minidoka Concentration Camp early to help set up supplies. Soon after, he would be drafted into the Army and inducted at Fort Douglas to join the…

Tokunaga discusses the labor camps that he saw in Europe, taking souvenirs and the friendships he made through the Army. After V-E Day, he would remain in Frankfurt for another year and half until finally being discharged back in Fort Lewis,…

Hiraide describe his family settling in Southern California, his early life living in the Los Angeles area and Japan. Hiraide describes his youth living in West Los Angeles, attending Japanese School, high school, and helping with his father's…

Hiraide discusses arriving at the Manzanar Concentration Camp and describes camp conditions. Soon after arriving, he was assigned a job in the welfare office and soon befriended a woman who assisted him with a job working at the War Relocation…

Hiraide discusses travel to Tokyo and Manila shortly after the end of the war. He speaks of his duties as an interrogator of Japanese POWs in the Philippines, gathering any information he could for the upcoming war crimes trials. Hiraide concludes by…

Hiraide discusses his life after returning from his time in Asia and his reunion with his family. Initially, he joined a psychological warfare division unit so he would not be recalled back overseas during the Korean War, before graduating from USC…

A brief, two minute clip of Mr. Hiraide describing the reactions Japanese POWs had when faced with a Japanese interrogator, such as himself. Includes a conclusion and final words.

Toshiyuki Uchida and Kiyoshi Kinoshita begin the interview with an introduction and background on their nicknames and families. Both were born in Washington and would attend school and Japanese language school, enjoying the outdoors. Next, they both…

Uchida and Kinoshita continue their recollection of joining the Army. At the time, Uchida was working on the railroads in Montana and Kinoshita was at the Minidoka concentration camp. They talk about their individual basic training at Camp Shelby,…

Uchida and Kinoshita discuss their time in Japan and seeing the devastation of Hiroshima and the occupation of Japan. They talk about their experiences talking with civilians and seeing the black market. Next, they talk about their life after…

Town square in Rome. Townspeople, buildings and cars.

Photo of riverside traditional Japanese village

Photo of person directing traffic

Trainees building another bridge across the river. Two officers standing on the sand overseeing the work. Other completed bridge to the left of one being worked on.

Photo of a man at a train house

Photograph of parking lot with cars in the background. Text reads "Off to Travis AFB or S.F. from Stoneman."

Blurry photograph of an interior room at Travis Air Force Base

Photo of Suwong City on the troops' trip south

Top photograph: Go For Broke charter bus; Bottom photograph: WWII veterans in front of the Go For Broke Memorial.

Photo of a grey sky and the top of a truck (label says "Troop Rations"

Copy of three black and white photographs on page. Allied Forces in formation and marching at the Imperial Palace Grounds, Tokyo, Japan in March/April 1947 for inspection by General MacArthur as written on the page. Location of original photographs…

Lou Tsunekawa among the other troops lining up in front of their barracks at Camp Savage, Military Intelligence Service Language School

Photo of army trucks being cleaned in a lake

Murakami talks about his early life in rural Hamakua. He goes on to discuss his family and stepmother. Murakami reveals his experiences while in Japanese School. He ends this section of the interview by discussing what he did after high school.

Murakami describes his reaction to the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He also reveals the discrimination Japanese people faced after the Attack on Pearl Harbor. Murakami also describes his time at Camp Shelby. He reveals details about his time overseas with…

Murakami goes on to describe his involvement with the Champagne Campaign and the Lost Battalion. He also describes his journeys after World War Two. Murakami reveals his involvement with the development of shopping centers in Kauai. He ends the…

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada introduces himself and begins talking about his early life in Santa Maria, California. He describes his family and his time spent working on the family, which he eventually was charged with managing. In addition…

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada describes much of his life prior to the war. He first describes his awareness of the tensions between countries that eventually boiled over into total war. Next, Harada recalls his family moving to Japan prior…

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada describes many of his war experiences. First, Harada recalls meeting two Navajo code talkers in New Guinea. Next, he recalls being wounded during a Kamikaze attack at Leyte and having to be evacuated to treat…

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada discusses his work as a baseball promoter and adviser during his service in Allied-occupied Japan. Serving as an aide for General Marquat, Harada was given the freedom to re-introduce professional baseball to…

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada discusses his career working as a baseball promoter, executive, and entrepreneur. He recalls many memories from his career, including events, professional relationships, friendships, and changes he made to…

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada discusses some memories and highlights from his work as a part of the Allied occupation forces in Japan in addition to his career as a sports executive. Harada also shares a message meant for future generations…

In this segment, Tsuneo "Cappy" Harada displays some personal photographs from throughout his life and provides context and commentary on the photos.


Takemoto talks about his experience being recognized in the Hawaii Army Museum's Gallery of Heroes, as a result of being a recipient of the Distinguished Service Cross. He also shares some recollections from the front line of combat as a platoon…

In this segment, Takemoto describes his family background and life prior to the onset of the Second World War. His parents were Niseis who did not have a strong connection to Japan. While working for the Hilo Electric Light Company, Takemoto…

Takemoto discusses what his life like after his military service. He also reflects on the value of his military service and how that impacts future generations of the Japanese American, and broader American, communities at large. Takemoto also…

Takemoto describes induction into military after being prohibited from serving as a 4-F classification. Related, he describes the blacked out branches of the armed forces that were unavailable to Japanese American soldiers like the Air Force and…

Takemoto describes making friends and meeting mainland soldiers, as well as the fights that broke out between prejudicial soldiers. He guarded German prisoners of War in Dothan, Alabama, and describes their love of movies and ice cream, their…

In this segment, Takemoto recounts his training at Camp Shelby before being deployed for action in Italy. He explains that the soldiers were trained to know their rifles intimately, but were issued new weapons at Newport News without time to…

In this segment, Takemoto discusses his experiences in battle at Bruyères and in the Vosges forest. He recounts the many fellow soldiers who were casualties or killed in action, as well as the young and old German soldiers that were captured or…

Tsuneo spends some time recalling his wedding and family life as well as his professional life after the war. He was a bus coordinator in Hilo after returning to Helco (Hilo Electric Light Company). He recalls the 1946 tsunami in Hilo and the ensuing…

Nishibayashi begins the interview with an introduction of his family and how they came from Kumamoto to Hawaii. He would grow up in a plantation village, where he would attend Japanese language school as well as normal english school. He enjoyed…

Nishibayashi continues his recollection of his language training at Presidio and his thoughts about what to expect in an occupation. While shipping to Yokohama, he would enjoy a furlough in Hawaii before getting into Japan to begin his time there.…

Yamada discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan. He details about his post-war life. Yamada also discusses about his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS).

Photo of Tsutomu and another soldier in uniform posing in front of a building

Photo of Tsutomu and another soldier with his arm around him standing in front of CIC headquarters

Photo of Tsutomu and an unidentified soldier posing together in a Japanese garden with temple in background

Photo of Tsutomu and a woman, presumably his wife Mitsuko, posing together indoors

Photo of soldiers in uniform posing in front of a building

Three soldiers standing up and Tsutomu and another soldier sitting down

A photo of Tsutomu George Yukihiro and other soldiers.

Photo of Tsutomu and three other soldiers posing in front of building

Tsutomu using a switchboard

Photo of Tsutomu sitting on a couch in uniform

Yukihiro discusses his prefecture origin, family, and social activities. .He details about the climate pre and post forced removal and the type of treatment he feels in the community and with friends. Yukihiro also discusses why he learns Japanese…

Yukihiro discusses about learning the Japanese language and family correspondences with Japan. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. He discusses his experiences at Santa Anita Temporary Detention Center and Rohwer Concentration Camp.

Yukihiro discusses the trip to Arkansas and experiences at Rohwer Concentration Camp. He details about the changes at the camp over time and his family. Yukihiro describes his sentiment towards the government and recalls leaving camp.

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