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Hisatomi continues to talks about his involvement in sports tournaments. He explains how he helped his father mechanize their family farm. He talks about a farmers association and a non-profit association that he helped create. He continues to talk…

Hisatomi describes the Champagne Campaign. He explains how he communicated with his family while overseas. He continues to talk about how he interacted with European locals. He discusses the last push in Italy. He briefly talks about the Gothic Line.…

Shiosaki discusses familial description and home life. He recalls life in Hawaii during his adolescent years and discrimination. Shiosaki signs up for the military and completes basic training at Camp Shelby. After graduating from basic training,…

Miho discusses about his family. He details about his childhood. Miho also discusses about his high school experiences and loyalty.

Kawagoye begins the interview talking about his family and how they immigrated from Kagoshima to Los Angeles. It was in Santa Monica that his father would first open a restaurant, followed by becoming a gardener in the West LA area. Mitsunori would…

Doi begins the interview talking about the sugar plantation that he grew up on in Hawaii. He would attend Japanese language school while also attending Honokaʻa School. Next, he talks about his parents, coming over from Yamaguchi prefecture and…

Yokoyama discusses about his family and childhood. He details about his schooling. Yokoyama also discusses about the values taught to him and living in his hometown.

Tamagawa discusses prefecture origin and family. He shares stories of influential teachers and taking Judo at Japanese Language school. Tamagawa also discusses about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, joining the army, and basic training.

Tamagawa discusses his post-war education and education. He details about getting married and has two children. He shares an experience with Japanese Prisoners of War. Tamagawa leaves a message for future generations and what was the hardest part…

Tojo discusses about his family and values taught. He details about his schooling. Tojo also discusses about childhood.

To begin the interview, Matsunaga speaks about his family background, which included his father, mother and eight siblings. Growing up in Hawaii, he would go to school until 9th grade, at which time, the family purchased the dairy farm they were…

Hagino discusses his parents and their employment; his siblings; and describes his childhood homes. He then talks about his family's farm; provides definitions for the terms "Issei" and "Nisei"; and discusses his childhood including talking about…

Fukunaga discusses his parents, including their occupations and his father’s death when he was a child. He then talks about growing up on Oahu including discussing attending Japanese language school, religion, attending high school on a work…

T. Ono discusses growing up in Hawaii. He talks about his family, childhood, and describes his neighborhood. He also talks about his school experiences from elementary school into high school.

T. Ono talks about the locals he, and other Nisei soldiers, befriended while stationed at Camp McCoy. He also discusses a confidential military project, Camp Island Project, that he and other Nisei soldiers participated in. In addition he shares…

T. Ono talks about his combat experiences: awards he received, and injuries he suffered. He also talks about his wife and children; and his personal values. In addition, he shares his thoughts about his military service and the legacy he, and his…

Ida begins the interview talking about his family background and his father and mother coming from Japan and settling in Hawaii. He would attend Mid-Pacific Institute while his father worked at the Japanese consulate and his mother did laundry. Next,…

Ida finishes the interview talking about how he met his wife and how they settled in Hawaii. After this he gives a message for future generations and some final notes.

Okubo discusses his birthplace and date of birth. His parents are Issei from Japan. Okubo is the oldest of his siblings and he makes toys to play with them. They would also go watch American and Japanese movies. Okubo learns about Japan and Japanese…

Hishinuma talks about his birthplace in Oahu, Hawaii. He explains how he got his name. He describes his family's poverty. He discusses his life on a plantation. He talks about his father's early life. He describes the Concentration Camps built for…

Hishinuma continues to talk about his work for the Atomic Printing Company. He describes how he and his future wife applied for a marriage license. He discusses his wife application for citizenship. He talks about the female companions that his job…

Miyake discusses his youth and adolescence in Hawaii, and how his mother's widowhood impacted the family. He also describes living in Hawaii before it gained statehood. In addition he talks about getting drafted in the U.S. military.

Miyake talks about how the 100th met with the 442nd. He also discusses his life after the war; he declined participation in Occupied Japan in order to return to Hawaii. He shares his experiences attending college at Northwestern.

Yokoi discusses his family and childhood. He details about being drafted and his life after high school. Yokoi also discusses about Pearl Harbor, his reaction, and the aftermath.

Yokoi discusses meeting wife. He details about post-war and the medals he received. Yokoi also gives a message to future generations and his opinion about the atomic bombing.

Nishibayashi begins the interview with an introduction of his family and how they came from Kumamoto to Hawaii. He would grow up in a plantation village, where he would attend Japanese language school as well as normal english school. He enjoyed…

Kashiwagi talks about his early life in Hayward, California. He describes his parents, siblings, and family farm. He discusses his community of Knights Landing, California. He talks about what he did in his childhood leisure time. Kashiwagi also…

Kashiwagi shares his lasting impressions of World War Two. He describes his journey home and his return to civilian life. He talks about his engineering career after the war. He discusses his marriage and children. He talks about sharing his war…

Shibuya discusses his family, life on a plantation, and his education. He details about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, being drafted, and basic training. Shibuya also discusses about his experiences in Europe and his life after the service.

Shibuya discusses about Medal of Honor recipient Barney F. Hajiro. He also details more about his brother who went to Japan and got drafted into the Japanese Navy.

Kawakami begins the interview speaking about how he got the nickname "Joe" and his family background as his father was from Kumamoto and his mother was born in Hilo. He would attend school and grow up playing a lot of sports until the Pearl Harbor…

Satow talks about his post-war life experiences: marriage, career, descendants.He shares recollections of visiting his parents and siblings after his military discharge. He also talks about his activities in the Veterans of Foreign War and other…

Saito and the interviewers introduce themselves. Saito talks about his parent's immigration. He discusses his father's values. He talks about the languages spoken in his home. He describes volunteering for military service. He discusses his cultural…

Kozono discusses his experiences growing up in rural farming community outside of Sacramento. He talks about his home life and how he and his 6 sisters worked on the family farm. He also discusses how his parents dealt with obstacles to land…

Kozono mostly talks about his life after he was discharged from the army and returned home to his parents in Sacramento area. Later he married and established his own family. However, he also discusses the different kinds of POWs he encountered and…

Uchimiya beings the interview with a brief introduction of his family and how they came to El Centro, California. There, he would begin his schooling, while working on the farm. His family would enjoy camping and taking month-long trips to San Diego.…

Hara discusses about his childhood, household, and growing up during the Great Depression. He details about his family, schooling, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. Hara also discusses about volunteering for the Army, joining the Military Intelligence…

Hara discusses about his family and their history. He details about his experiences in Hiroshima and Japanese women. Hara also discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan.

Sugamura provides some thoughts regarding the treatment of Japanese Americans; discussing her parents and her father’s employment as a doctor; and talks about speaking Japanese at home. She then talks about attending Japanese language school and…

Watanabe discusses his father's immigration from Japan to the United States and his work at a plantation in Hawaii. He then talks about his mother; discusses attending Japanese language school; discusses Japanese dialects; talks about attending…

Shimizu discusses his father's immigration to the United States and his personality. He then talks about his childhood experiences in Japan; his mother's physical traits and personality; returning to the United States at the age of 14; his…

Shimizu discusses the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Japan's surrender; getting discharged; and meeting his wife. He then talks about his post-war employment working at a ranch and grocery store; moving to Gardena, California; and…

Fukushima discusses his birth and foster parents; talks about the reasons why he was adopted; discussing his brothers; and talks about his foster father's employment. He then talks about his step-siblings; his foster parents' personalities; attending…

Aki begins the interview talking about his family, both of his parents were Nisei and had decided to settle in Kauai, his father being a politician, while his mother was a schoolteacher. As a child, he would grow up liking geography, while his…

Okumura talks about his marriage that began before the war, and some of his experiences while in Okinawa. Next, he talks more about reconstruction of Japan, including improving housing systems. He discusses being sansei and how he considers himself…

Ishizaki discusses about her family and education. She details about experiences during the war and her decision to go to occupied Japan. Ishizaki also discusses about her experiences in post-war Japan.

Ishizaki discusses about her family. She details about her experiences in post-war Japan. Ishizaki also discusses about her work duties and her life after returning from Japan.

R. Tanaka discusses his experiences in Occupied Japan. He talks about interpreting assignments he had and interactions with Japanese citizens. He also talks about visits with relatives in Fukuoka both as a child and during his furlough in Occupied…

Hamada discusses his grandfather's immigration to the United States and his work on the transcontinental railroad; discusses his grandmother; and talks about his parents. He then talks about both his maternal and paternal grandparents; discusses his…

Miya discusses his prefecture origin and changing his last name from Miyagishima to Miya. He feels that Miya would be easier for his friends to pronounce. Growing up, his family are Christians. The Miya family does not tend church regularly due to…

T. Yoshihashi talks about his youth growing up in Pasadena, CA. He talks about his childhood home life with his parents and siblings. He shares anecdotes regarding: growing up in the Great Depression, school days, and racial segregation in Pasadena…

T. Yoshihashi discusses the political climate before the outbreak of WW2. He also shares his recollections of the Pearl Harbor attack, and the aftermath events that affected him and his family. He shares anecdotes regarding: President Roosevelt's…

T. Yoshihashi talks about his final military experiences and his discharge. He discusses his affairs when he returned to the United States. He also talks about his wife and children.

Minamide discusses his name, birth place, and birth date. His Father and Mother are Issei and have four children. In 1927, he goes to Japan with his family. Essential, the Minamide losses two children over in Japan. The oldest daughter passes away…

Minamide discusses his favorite baseball player. Another sport Minamide is involved in is Judo. He practice Judo for six years and is part of a Judo Team. He recalls going to Judo Tournaments and matches in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles.

Since being…

Minamide discusses evacuating at 17 years-old to Colorado and seeing snow on the way there. Minamide would correspond with friends to join them to work on the sugar beet plantation in Colorado. Minamide would also correspond with his Father. When…

Kitagawa begins the interview with an introduction on growing up in Northern California. As his family was in the farming business, he would help there, and enjoy his off-time by playing baseball and picnicking. Next, he talks about his family, which…

Kitagawa finishes the interview telling the story of how he received his Bronze Star, including the battle and the ceremony afterwards. Next, he talks about his first and second marriages and his family. He also gives a message to future generations…

Nakauchi discusses his parents, siblings, and working on a plantation while growing up in Hawaii. He also talks about traveling to attend high school, going to Japanese language school, and having to work in sugar cane fields to earn his high school…

Nakauchi discusses German Prisoners of War, German weapons, the end of the war, combat experiences, and returning back to the United States. He then discusses telling his parents about enlisting, his brother’s duties as part of Military Intelligence…

Kiyoji Morimoto discusses his birth date, birthplace and familial description. Morimoto's father is from Japan and becomes a commercial fisherman in Hilo, Hawaii. Morimoto's Father is a happy go lucky guy. His occupation requires him to work on the…

Taketa discusses about his family and growing up on Kailua-Kona. He details about his schooling and childhood. Taketa also discusses about religion and vales taught.

Miyamoto discusses growing up in Hawaii; talks about his father and his occupation on a plantation; discusses his mother; and talks about attending Japanese language school. He then talks about attending high school and his participation in the…

Kondo discusses growing up in Hawaii with a Nisei mother and Issei Father. He talks about his parents' jobs and how as a youth he worked with them; and started procuring his own jobs. He also shares his recollections of the Pearl Harbor attack and…

Kondo talks about how he adjusted to civilian life after the military. He talks about the family he established and the family values he learned from his parents. He also talks about his feelings regarding the legacy of the 442nd Combat Regiment and…

Kunihiro discusses his post-war life. He talks about returning home to his wife, raising his children, and his career. He also talks about his participation in veteran organizations.

Doiwchi discusses his parents immigrating from Japan and his father’s job working at Rafu Shimpo. He talks about his family’s ownership of property, attending Japanese language school and church, and discusses his interest in automobiles. He also…

Togami begins the interview with a brief introduction and talking about his family background. His father came over from Japan and went to Colorado to farm, and after having an arranged marriage, would settle down in New Mexico. Togami talks about…

Togami talks about being wounded in France from shrapnel and being shipped back to the United States for recovery. While at the hospital in New Mexico, he would hear of the end of the war and when fully recovered, be discharged from the Army. He…

Mr. Tasaki's daughter, Susan, is present during the interview, and at times provides supplemental details to her father's answers. Mr. Tasaki discusses his experiences in the military working in the MIS. He describes his training at Camp Savage; and…

Taba begins the interview talking about his family background and his parents coming over to Hawaii from Okinawa. Growing up in Hawaii, he was able to attend Japanese language school and have a close family relationship, including a handful of…

Taba continues talking about his time in combat throughout Europe with the 100th Infantry Regiment. He talks about various battles that he was involved with, including the Gothic Line and the Lost Battalion. Shortly after this, the war came to an end…

Horino discusses about his family and childhood. He details about his schooling and upbringing. Horino also discusses about Gardena, California.

Kaji discusses about his name and family. He details about childhood and Boyle Heights. Kaji also discusses about the Great Depression and his home life.

Kaji discusses about the National Japanese American Museum and reflects on his life. He details about how he met his wife and honeymoon. Kaji also discusses about his family, post-war life, and a friend.

Yoshihara discusses growing up in Washington state in a saw mill community and talks about the Japanese population there, as well as the living conditions. He then continues to talk about his childhood and discusses attending Japanese language…

Yoshihara talks about his post-war life including attending school and getting degrees in microbiology; and his employment as a researcher and laboratory technician. He then talks about learning Japanese and how it affected his experiences in Japan,…

Masuda talks about how life was different when he returned to Livingston after the war. He talks about other changes after the war and his children. Masuda discusses his marriage and grandchildren. He briefly describes his post war career and his…

Miyamoto describes his childhood in Merced County, California. His recollections include playing with neighbors and busing to school, and helping out with family farming and participating in the Cortez Growers' Association. In high school he took an…

Miyamoto describes learning about the War's end while in Italy when a military aircraft dropped leaflets on his Jeep convoy. He then recounts searching and dispossessing the many German Prisoners of War and waiting for a long time to leave Europe for…

Masuda talks about his early life in Pleasanton, California. He talks about his father and mother. He discusses his father's immigration to the United States. He describes his visits to Japan. He talks about his siblings. Masuda explains why his…

Uratsu discusses about his parents, their personalities, and his childhood farm. He details about farming and some of his childhood activities. Uratsu also discusses about baseball.

Uratsu discusses about his upbringing, the values instilled in him, and religion. He details about his siblings, morality, and his high school experiences. Uratsu also discusses about December 7, 1941.

Wallace Nunotani talks about his family and siblings. He discusses his childhood hobbies. Nunotani describes secondary school and Japanese language school. He talks about his time at University of Hawaii. He discusses his religious background and…

Wallace Nunotani talks about his children and grandchildren. He also reflects on the meaning of his experiences.

Yoshioka discusses the time he spent stationed in Australia including a furlough in Sydney, his whereabouts at the end of the war, and going back to the United States where he was discharged at Camp McCoy. He then talks about attending college in…

Kurata discusses his parents and his other family members. He also details what it was like growing up in Lodi, California. Kurata discusses his educational experiences.

Kurata discusses his family. He also list the community organizations that he is a member of. Kurata discusses the message he wants to leave for future generations.

Masuoka talks about growing up in and around apple farms in Sebastopol, CA. He gives an overview of the time he spent at Amache Concentration Camp and the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He describes his mother and father's personalities. He…

Tanabe discusses about his life after getting discharged. He details about his nickname, children, and career. Tanabe also gives a message to future generations.

Masunaga discusses his family, the family farm, and growing up in Colorado. He details growing up during The Great Depression, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. Mansunaga also discusses about joining the service, becoming a medic, and basic training.

Kaihara discusses his parents origins. He talks about his community and primary school experiences. He also explains what he did with his leisure time as a child. Thomas Kaihara talks about his relationships with family members. He describes his…

Yoshimoto discusses his childhood and what it was like growing up in Seattle, Washington. He discusses he experience being drafted into the Army. Yoshimoto also discusses his family.

Ishida discusses his parents and his father's employment; his siblings; and attending Japanese language school. He then talks about his mother; discusses the loyalty questionnaire he was given while incarcerated; getting drafted; his childhood home;…

Ishida discusses his hospital stay for an ingrown toenail which caused him to miss combat duty during the Gothic Line. He then talks about his experiences at Leghorn; his guard duty assignment; visiting Switzerland while on leave; getting discharged;…

Westdale discusses his family and upbringing. He details about joining the Army Air Corps and his experiences in the Corps. Westdale also discusses about December 7, 1941 and the sentiment towards the Japanese in America.

Tamashiro discusses about his family and childhood.
He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Tamahiro also discusses about photography, joining the Army, going to the Mainland, and experiences at Camp Shelby.

Shiozaki discusses what it was like growing up in Westport, Oregon and his family. He details about his home life . Shiozaki also discusses about his schooling and father's job.

Kawamoto discusses his post-war life: family life and employment. He talks about the lives of his children. He also discusses his longevity. He concludes with a message to future generations.

Miyamoto begins the interview speaking about his background and his life growing up in Hilo, Hawaii. He would help his grandfather run a bathhouse and spend his free time going down to the beach to catch crabs. Next, he talks about his family…
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