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Doi discusses his experiences Fort Snelling, Camp Savage, and discussing Military Intelligence Service (MIS) personnel. He details his assignment in Headquarters Company. Doi also discusses about picnics and banking at Camp Savage.

Doi discusses about why he joined and his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He details about the role of Special Services and his interactions with Hawaiian soldiers. Doi also discusses about his family and experiences at…

Doi reads a description about special services. He details about his post-war career. He details about his family. Doi discusses about his antiwar protest and retirement.

Nishime discusses his family history, his family's farm and working in a pineapple field, as well as attending Japanese language school. In addition, he goes on to talk briefly about the differences between being Japanese and Okinawan, as well as…

Nishime recalls reading adventure stories, events of his life after high school and his first job. This includes brief discussions about his attending vocational school, learning about Europe and Japan in 1940, and recounting the events of the…

Nishime recalls rumors after the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the ramifications after the attack. Next, he focused on going back to Kauai, his changing duties, leaving to join the 100th Infantry Battalion, and traveling across the country by train.…

Nishime describes the numerous Captains he has served under, as well as their replacements, and discusses memories of Camp McCoy and Camp Shelby. In addition, he recounts the training for combat, his interactions with the 442nd Regimental Combat…

Nishime describes arriving in Italy and facing combat, being wounded by shrapnel, receiving the Purple Heart Medal at a hospital, as well as rejoining the 100th Infantry Battalion. This part of the interview focuses on stories of combat and various…

Nishime describes the Anzio Beachhead and preparing for battle, as well as numerous combat stories and joining the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He describes his travels to Bruyeres, becoming a Jeep driver, joining the 1st Platoon, and helping to…

Nishime concludes his interview recalling his return to Italy, the end of the war, and the long journey home. After being discharged,Nishime describes getting married, his two children, his four grandchildren, as well as his hopes for the future…


Mr. Watanabe first discusses where he was born and raised, and talks about his passion for music, which included a career as a musician. Leading a unique military career, Mr. Watanabe served in the 442nd and the MIS, before he was finally assigned to…

Mr. Watanabe discusses the importance of Nisei storytelling and committing these stories to tape through oral histories. He next describes what it was like coming back to Hawaii after the war and talks about the important event of Hawaiian statehood.…

Sachio Takata was born on March 14, 1923, in Southern California. Sachio's father, Kizo, was from Kagoshima, Japan, and immigrated to the United States. He met Sachio’s mother, Hatsumi, from Hawaii, and they married. Sachio is the oldest of ten…

In 1940, Sachio Takata graduated high school and went to the Delta Islands to work in the celery field. Sachio wanted to save money to further his education and attend medical school.

After the signing of Executive Order 9066, Sachio and his…

Sachio Takata recollects his time at basic training at Camp Blanding training to be a replacement for the 442nd. He made a few friends in the Army. However, if you were not in the same company or platoon, it was harder to build a relationship. Sachio…

Kubota discusses his Father immigration from Hiroshima, Japan. His Father is able to come to the United States in 1903 through sponsorship of his own Father. He works on the plantation before returning to Japan to marry his Mother. His parents…

Kubota discusses his decision to enlist. At the beginning of the war, non-citizens are barred from enlisting due to the enemy alien law. Kubota first learns about the Nisei Regiment Formation assembly from Japanese Community Leaders and decides to…

Kubota discusses meeting Sus Oshabata at basic training. The two becomes friends when Sus takes care of Kubota when he is sick. In mid-training Sus is selected as jeep driver and goes to a different company. After the war, they remain friends even…

Kubota discusses about digging a trenches for sleeping during wartime and how he suffers from a back injury. In the Vosges Mountain, soldiers are afraid of tree burst from shrapnel. So the trenches are covered to protect them from danger. In the…

Kubota discusses about that during the Lost Battalion Rescue mission, he is in hospital for his leg injury.

After the Lost Battalion rescue, Kubota rejoins I Company on November 3 when he hears the company is getting ready to head south for…

Kubota discuss sharing war experiences as a Scout Master at camp with children. He would tell the kids the funny experiences from the war.

Another way that Kubota shares his war experiences is in the I Company book. In 1943, Kubota goes to have…

Kubota discusses his war memorabilia: invasion money printed by US military; war patches; tissue from ration; infantry badges; and war photographs.

In this segment, Sadami "James" Okada joins his wife Tsugie in discussing her background and their life together. The couple talk about how they met, their wedding, and starting a family together. Lastly, they talk about their long marriage and how…

In this segment, Sadami "James" Okada gives an introduction and a glimpse into his childhood in Hawaii. He discusses his parents and their background while describing their hard work at the plantation and the tough conditions of his upbringing. Okada…

In this segment, Sadami "James" Okada begins by speaking about the pumping stations that he previously worked while growing up in Hawaii. After that, he recalls seeing a friend from Hawaii while serving overseas in New Guinea. For the remainder of…

In this segment, Sadami "James" Okada describes his time in Hawaii and his memories of the events leading to Pearl Harbor and war breaking out. He recalls seeing Hawaii change greatly after Pearl Harbor before talking about his own decision to…

In this segment, Sadami "James" Okada describes his training to become a linguist with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). First, Okada attended MIS Language School at Camp Savage in Minnesota before receiving a two-week furlough. During that…

In this segment, Sadami "James" Okada discusses more of his training before eventually shipping out to go overseas. Okada recounts his group going through basic training under a strict colonel at Fort Blanding and persevering until there was a mutual…

In this segment, Sadami "James" Okada describes his experiences as a member of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) serving in the Pacific Theater. Specifically, Okada served in New Guinea and the Philippines. Okada also talks about meeting his…

In this segment, Sadami "James" Okada begins a new day of interviews by reintroducing himself and providing some background information. Okada then recalls his time on a troop ship headed to New Guinea and how men would pass the time during travel.…

In this segment, Sadami "James" Okada shares memories from his time serving in the Philippines with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). After moving on from the Philippines, Okada volunteered to serve in Japan with the Allied Occupied forces as…

In this segment, Sadami "James" Okada discusses his experiences serving in Japan post-war with the Allied Occupation Forces. Specifically, he recalls meeting different people in Japan and noticing different socioeconomic factors in post-war Japan.…

In this segment, Sadami "James" Okada discusses a variety of topics. Initially, he talks about the latter portion of his military service and reflects upon some of the locals that he met during his time in the Pacific Islands. Okada moves on to…
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Dog tag for Sadamu Koito.
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Soldier Sadumu Koito posing with hands behind his back in front of barracks.
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Funeral marker and floral arrangements for soldier killed in action, Sadamu Koito, Company K, 442nd Regimental Combat Team, killed in France on October 28, 1944.


Photo of a young boy


Photo of Sakamoto washing clothes in the river

Photo of Sakamoto and Nam in a snowstorm

Photo of Sakamoto washing clothes in a river

Photo of Sakamoto crouching on rocks in a riverbed

Photo of a soldier (Sakamoto) shaving his face over a fountain

Photo of a soldier labelled as Sakamoto writing a letter

Sakaye Aratani begins the interview by giving background information about her parents, and her childhood years growing up in Gardena and Los Angeles, California. Next, she describes life in Poston Concentration Camp and meeting, dating, marriage,…

Photo of Sakomoto holding his coat in the snow

Sam Furukawa describes his parents relationship. He recalls the death of his sibling. He talks about his family's farming activities. Furukawa describes his family home and Japanese language school. He discusses his friendships and his experiences…

Furukawa describes his childhood extracurricular activities. He talks about spending time with an Italian family. He discusses the entertainment that he enjoyed as a child. He describes his family's relationship with Japan and his Japanese American…

Furukawa talks about his work in the car repair industry. He also discusses college and being drafted. He describes preparing for deployment and his time at Camp Shelby. He explains the different types of military training that he received. Furukawa…

Furukawa discusses the Champagne Campaign. He describes his leaves in France and Switzerland. He talks about the end of World War Two. He explains how he got back to California. Furukawa reflects on his time in work camps. He talks about joining the…

Furukawa reveals his hopes for the future, including racial tolerance. He explains several pictures and documents that are shown on camera.

Matsuura talks about his parents, going to school in Spokane, being sent to Japan as a child; and returning to the United States and working on a farm. He then talks about attending high school, the Attack on Pearl Harbor, volunteering for the Army,…

Matsuura discusses the reasons why he volunteered for the Army; talks about going to Bruyeres and his assignment as a messenger; and describes his trench foot condition. Next, Matsuura talks about Senator Daniel Inouye who was his platoon leader and…

Matsuura talks about his trench foot condition, his experiences after rejoining the 442nd in Italy, getting discharged; and reenlisting and going to Japan. He then talks about his assignment in Japan in technical intelligence, and discusses his…

Matsuura shows and describes photographs of the ceremony where he received his Purple Heart; and Senator Inouye and his family. He then discusses the legacy of the 442nd; and provides some thoughts regarding his military service and being a veteran.

Mr. Mitsui introduces himself, discusses his family's background, and describes his childhood growing up in the small mountain town of Skykomish, Washington. Mr. Mitsui describes his connection to the Japanese culture and the role that isolation…

Mr. Mitsui describes the living conditions and facilities at Tule Lake and discusses the "no-no boys" who were moved into the camp. He talks about joining the Army and the hurt of losing a close family friend who served in the 442nd in Italy. Just as…

Mr. Mitsui describes his time serving in occupied Japan, talking about the living conditions in Japan after the war, traveling through the country, and some of the duties the Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) were assigned in Japan. Mr. Mitsui also…

Mr. Mitsui discusses his family's knowledge about his military and incarceration experiences and talks about how Japanese-Americans were forced to prove their loyalty during World War II. Mr. Mitsui also discusses his family, including what happened…

S. Ozaki discusses his youth growing up in the South Bay area of Los Angeles. He talks about his parents and family life; and school experiences. He also discusses his recollections of Pearl Harbor and the aftermath of being evacuated and the FBI…

S. Ozaki discusses his experiences, and the impact on his family, being evacuated from his home and moving to an internment camp in Arkansas. He also talks about some of his combat experiences in Europe. In addition he talks about: race relations in…

S. Ozaki talks about his life post war. He shares his thoughts regarding Japanese Americans who declined to serve in the military for World War 2, and his social activism work regarding reparations and redress. He also talks about his career and…

S. Ozaki discusses his thoughts and experiences Japanese American activism and American democracy. He also talks about the historical impact the events surrounding Executive Order 9066 left on the Japanese American community. He shares anecdotes…

Sakamoto describes his early life and memories on Vashon Island, Washington. He talks about fishing on the island. He describes his mother and father. He discusses his father's agricultural career and his family home. Sakamoto continues to describe…

Sakamoto describes the residents, social activities, and weather on Vashon Island, Washington. He talks about his religious upbringing and excursions to the Mainland. He discusses being left handed and school. Sakamoto shares his childhood…

Sakamoto describes his journey to the Pinedale Temporary Detention Center. He goes on to describe what the Pinedale Temporary Detention Center looked like. He also describes the Tule Lake Concentration Camp. Sakamoto talks about his social life at…

Sam Sakamoto describes his journey to Europe and landing in Naples, Italy. He talks about the 442nd Combat Regimental Team. He explains his relationship with Hawaiian soldiers. Sakamoto discusses the end of the World War Two and his journey back to…

Sakamoto talks about the horrors of war. He gives his perspective on the Concentration Camps built for Japanese Americans. He explains why he thinks people are fascinated with his generation. He talks about his children and grandchildren. He…

Terasaki discusses his name, his neighborhood growing up in Denver, Colorado, his parents, siblings, and his father's import/export business. He then talks about his childhood including discussing playing sports, friendships, neighbors, food, and…

Terasaki talks about getting drafted and his enemy alien classification; working as a soda jerk; and getting reclassified as 1-A. He then talks about his attempts to volunteer for the Navy after induction; his experiences traveling to Camp Shelby;…

Terasaki discusses his furlough, traveling overseas on the Queen Mary, landing in Scotland, and corresponding with his mother while he was overseas. He then talks about his parents' thoughts regarding his military service, discusses his…

Terasaki talks about his combat experiences, his experiences meeting up with a supply train, and discusses the end of the war. He then talks about a memorial service that was held for soldiers who were killed in action, his postwar experiences…

Terasaki talks about awards and medals he received including a good conduct medal, Combat Infantryman Badge, and Presidential Unit Citiation. He then talks about his friendships and camraderie within his unit; the importance of the 100th Infantry…
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