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Inouye discusses his childhood and schooling. He details being a Christian. Inouye also discusses about the political scene of Hawaii and being drafted before Pearl Harbor.

Inouye discusses the events before and after Pearl Harbor. He details about The Battle of Midway. Inouye also discusses the journey to the Mainland and the differences between Mainland and Hawaiian soldiers. He details about the events before…

Inouye discusses receiving a promotion that he did not not want. He details about having an issue with a commanding officer. Inouye also discusses his combat experiences in Italy.

Inouye discusses learning the realities of war. He details about the landing of Salerno and he also reflects on combat decisions. Inouye also discusses how he got wounded.

Inouye discusses five days passes and details more about being wounded. He details about his stay in the hospital and trying to save a clubhouse. Inouye also discusses the recovery process after getting wounded.

Inouye discusses his post-war experiences and about his time spent at Fort Lawton. He details about an indecent during a Japanese orientation class and wanting to goto college. Inouye also discusses his experiences becoming and working as a Dental…

Inouye discusses his wife and attending college. He details about the reactions to the Atomic Bombings. He shows the bullet that wounded him and his entry wound. He also gives a message to future generations.

Sakoda discusses his family and life growing up in Waimea, (Kauai) Hawaii, including the time he spent living on a sugar cane plantation, and becoming a member of Future Farmers of America (FFA). He also talks about his whereabouts during the attack…

Sakoda recalls the time that he spent at Camp McCoy in Wisconsin, including describing training exercises, encounters with locals, and experiences with discrimination. He then goes on to discuss traveling to Camp Shelby, and his first experiences…

Sakoda discusses some of the differences between United States and German equipment, and describes machine guns and some unusual uses for helmets. He also recalls his experiences in battle in Cassino, Italy and the death of a friend. After getting…

Sakoda discusses the reason why he didn't go to Anzio with the 100th Infantry Battalion, his experiences in Vosges Forest among German soldiers, and the censorship that was required for correspondence with his family back in Hawaii. He also talks…

Sakoda recalls the moment he learned about the end of World War Two, and his long journey back to the United States. He also discusses returning to Kauai after receiving his discharge papers and seeing his family for the first time after the war…

Sakoda describes pictures in a photo album. Some of the photographs featured are of a friend seeing snow for the first time, images depicting events in Minnesota and Wisconsin, photographs taken during the "Champagne Campaign", and photographs taken…

Edward Kanaya and the interviewers introduce themselves. He talks about his parent's immigration. He describes his early life in Honolulu, Hawaii. He discusses his parent's employment. He shares his parent's backstories. He lists his siblings. He…

Edward Kanaya talks about his childhood friends who shoplifted. He continues to talk about his siblings. He describes his father's personality. He discusses volunteering for the military. He describes the food served in his childhood home. He…

Edward Kanaya talks about his contract work. He talks about joining the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He describes the gambling on the ship that took him to the Mainland. He discusses his time at Schofield Barracks. He talks about his interactions…

Edward Kanaya talks about his visits to an Italian opera and symphony. He describes being attached to the Service Company. He discusses playing at military dances. Kanaya explains his duties at the division headquarters. He describes the type of…

Edward Kanaya continues to talk about his journey home. He lists the memorable members of his unit. He describes his relationship with Mainland soldiers. He discusses his relationships with other musicians. He talks about his contract work. He…

Edward Kanaya shares the advice his father gave to him before he volunteered. He talks about his good luck charms. He discusses local musicians. He describes teaching in his retirement. He talks about working for the Honolulu Symphony. He describes…

Teraoka discusses growing up on a plantation on Hawaii and talks about the workers on the plantation as well as the plantation store. He then talks about his childhood including discussing recreational activities, his family's home, working, school,…

Teraoka talks about how his parents met, what it was like moving to Honolulu to attend high school, and discusses the boat trip from Hilo to Honolulu. Next, Teraoka talks about his participation in ROTC, attending the University of Hawaii, and his…

Teraoka talks about going to Camp Shelby for basic training, explains the meaning of "katonk", and discusses D Company members. He then talks about traveling overseas to Italy, communicating with his family, and describes Naples. Next, Teraoka talks…

Teraoka discusses the liberation of Pisa; landing in Marseille; and his combat experiences and living conditions in Bruyeres. He also talks about getting trench foot, his combat experiences in Biffontaine, describes the Lost Battalion rescue, and…

Teraoka discusses the rescue of the Lost Battalion and thoughts about the 100th; the good luck charm he carried while overseas; and the Champagne Campaign. He also talks about working as a dentist in Leghorn, returning to Hawaii after the war, and…

Shimabukuro discusses his childhood growing in a plantation camp on Kauai. He details about his high school experiences and briefly his family life. Shimabukuro also discusses being drafted, his experiences at Schofield Barracks, and the events Pearl…

Choichi discusses his journey to the Mainland and his experiences at Camp McCoy. He details about going to the World Series and his experiences in Mississippi and Camp Shelby . Choichi also discusses how he spent his free and his friends.

Choichi discusses the voyage overseas and landing in Italy. He details about his experiences in Africa, his first combat experience, and the realities of war. Choichi also discusses his duties as the 1st Sergeant and the Battle of Monte Cassino.

Choichi discusses about of his experiences in Italy. He details about passes, medals, and fishing. Choichi also discusses about his experiences in France and heading home.

Choichi discusses being discharged, his journey back to Hawaii and how he met his wife. He details about his admiration for Nisei veterans and gives a message to future generations. Choichi also discusses about his life and career after the army.

Tokashiki talks about his parents immigration to America. He discusses his parents launch into farming. He explains why his family moved to Honolulu. He describes his father's other careers. He briefly talks about high school and his involvement in…

Tokashiki describes one of his military furloughs. He describes his Anti-Tank unit and his commanding officers. He talks about the Concentration Camps that Japanese Americans were forced to move into. He discusses his journey to Camp Shelby. He goes…

Tokashiki explains how his unit rescued the Lost Battalion. He describes how he guarded a hillside. He talks about his journey to Italy from France. He discusses the Gothic Line and Po Valley. He talks about the end of World War Two and his final…

Tokashiki talks about the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He discusses his employment opportunities after World War Two. He talks about his final working years and his retirement. He reveals he participates in a veterans club. He describes the values his…

Tokashiki plays several songs on his harmonica. He describes a trip to Europe that he took with a veterans club. He talks about deaths in his family. He discusses friendships with his squad members. Tokashiki shares his advice for future…

Kagawa discusses growing up in Waimea, family, and his educational experiences. He details about why he volunteered for the army and what he remembers about December 7, 1941. Kagawa also discusses the events after Pearl Harbor.

Kagawa discusses his experiences at Camp McCoy and Camp Shelby. He details about heading overseas and when he realized "this is war". Kagawa also discusses the duties of Headquarters Company, paying respect to deceased German soldiers, and the Battle…

Kagawa discusses more about the Battle of Monte Cassino. He details about rest and relaxation, gaining replacements, and receiving a unit citation. Kagawa also discusses about the Arno Campaign and heading into France.

Kagawa discusses about his experiences in Bruyeres. He details about being wounded and the recovery process. Kagawa also discusses about his life after returning to Hawaii.

Kagawa reflects on the war and gives a message to future generations. He details about the legacy of Nisei soldiers. Kagawa also shows some newspaper articles that his saved.

Arakaki begins the interview speaking about how his father came from Okinawa to Hawaii to work on the sugar plantations. His mother was a picture bride and would join his father in Hawaii to begin their life, having five children. They would have a…

Arakaki talks about visiting Japan as a toddler and remembering how poor his family was while living there, often only having a slice of bread for lunch. The family would move back to Hawaii to escape that, and would have much more opportunity and…

Arakaki discusses Akira Sakima and various friends that he made in the Army from his platoon and squad. After this, he talks more about his basic training experiences and how he was assigned to the bazooka team. Once overseas, he would face his first…

Arakaki discusses more about being wounded in action five separate times and refusing the Purple Heart medal. He talks the various situations in which he was wounded and would end up in the hospital all five times. During his last wound, he would be…

Arakaki's time in Europe would come to an end after the surrender of both the German and Japanese Armies, he would be in Marseille at the time. From there, he would return to Hawaii, and marry a french woman once returned. He would work in a security…

Peterson discusses his father and his immigration to the United States from Sweden; talks about his mother; discusses speaking Swedish at home; and discusses his childhood including talking about religion, his community, classmates, and his…

Peterson discusses his experiences training new recruits and as a heavy weapons platoon leader; and describes the duties of H Company as well as the structure of the United States Army. He then talks about his participation in maneuvers; discusses…

Peterson discusses his experiences during the Champagne Campaign; talks about the reputation of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and 100th Infantry Division; and discusses returning to the United States because of his parents' car accident. He then…

Kiyonaga discusses about her family and upbringing. She details about Pearl Harbor and how it changed her life and America as a whole. Kiyonaga also discusses about her mindset during World War Two and European Concentration Camps.

Kiyonaga discusses about going to college and meeting her husband. She details her marriage, military service, and his work with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Kiyonaga also discusses about the greatest generations and gives a message to…

Sachio Takata was born on March 14, 1923, in Southern California. Sachio's father, Kizo, was from Kagoshima, Japan, and immigrated to the United States. He met Sachio’s mother, Hatsumi, from Hawaii, and they married. Sachio is the oldest of ten…

In 1940, Sachio Takata graduated high school and went to the Delta Islands to work in the celery field. Sachio wanted to save money to further his education and attend medical school.

After the signing of Executive Order 9066, Sachio and his…

Sachio Takata recollects his time at basic training at Camp Blanding training to be a replacement for the 442nd. He made a few friends in the Army. However, if you were not in the same company or platoon, it was harder to build a relationship. Sachio…

Takiguchi discusses his parents, siblings, and growing up in Kauai, Hawaii including talking about his friendships while living on a plantation, and recreational activities. He also talks about New Years Eve celebrations, discusses school, and…

Takiguchi discusses working in a sugar mill after high school, his desire to travel after the war, and his experiences after basic training in Honolulu including describing a close call with a Japanese submarine. He then talks about his experiences…

Takiguchi talks about crossing the Volturno River, his experiences in Cassino, discusses casualties of war, and his experiences in Anzio. He then talks about C-rations vs. K-rations, items he carried in his pack, and his experiences in Rome. Lastly,…

Takiguchi talks about his combat experiences in Civitavecchia and Belvedere, German POWs, his duties as squad leader, and receiving a Presidential Unit Citation. He then talks about his experiences at Leghorn, crossing the Arno River, describes the…

Takiguchi discusses the Army point system, returning home to Hawaii, and seeing his brother while in Europe. Next, Takiguchi talks about post-war life, going to Chicago for school, his wife and children, and his worst war experiences. Lastly,…

Copy of three black and white photographs on page. Military Intelligence Service (MIS) soldiers on a coffee break at the Nippon Yuzen Kaisha building (NYK) in Tokyo, Japan; aerial photograph of Military Intelligence Service soldiers marching to…

Copy of three black and white photographs on page. Allied Forces in formation and marching at the Imperial Palace Grounds, Tokyo, Japan in March/April 1947 for inspection by General MacArthur as written on the page. Location of original photographs…

In this segment, Takemoto describes his family background and life prior to the onset of the Second World War. His parents were Niseis who did not have a strong connection to Japan. While working for the Hilo Electric Light Company, Takemoto…

Takemoto describes induction into military after being prohibited from serving as a 4-F classification. Related, he describes the blacked out branches of the armed forces that were unavailable to Japanese American soldiers like the Air Force and…

Takemoto describes making friends and meeting mainland soldiers, as well as the fights that broke out between prejudicial soldiers. He guarded German prisoners of War in Dothan, Alabama, and describes their love of movies and ice cream, their…

In this segment, Takemoto recounts his training at Camp Shelby before being deployed for action in Italy. He explains that the soldiers were trained to know their rifles intimately, but were issued new weapons at Newport News without time to…

In this segment, Takemoto discusses his experiences in battle at Bruyères and in the Vosges forest. He recounts the many fellow soldiers who were casualties or killed in action, as well as the young and old German soldiers that were captured or…

Tsuneo spends some time recalling his wedding and family life as well as his professional life after the war. He was a bus coordinator in Hilo after returning to Helco (Hilo Electric Light Company). He recalls the 1946 tsunami in Hilo and the ensuing…

Mori begins the interview speaking of his parent's background, immigrating from Japan to Santa Barbara, California. While attending school, Mori took an interest in horticulture and would end up farming after his high school graduation and before the…

Mori continues his recollection of his basic training at Camp Shelby in Mississippi and the preparation for the war. After that, he was sent back to Fort Snelling before being shipped out, and at that time also got married. Next, he would be shipped…

Mori continues his discussion on cave experiences while serving overseas in Okinawa. Following Okinawa, he is moved back to the Philippines until the end of the war. After thinking they would be sent back home after the atomic bombs, they are instead…

Mori recalls a time when he was watching television with his children and saw himself on a Walter Cronkite special. Next, he gives a message for future generations, which includes enduring and persevering in everyday life. After this, he talks about…

Copy of four black and white photographs on page. Captions describe images as: Military Intelligence Service soldiers in front of Nippon Yusen Kaisha building; Japanese shoeshine children on building steps; 441st Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC),…

Copies of two black and white photographs on a single page, depicting General McArthur reviewing troops at the Imperial Palace grounds in Tokyo, Japan. Second photograph has typescript notation, "American Independence Day in Tokyo, July 1, 1947. …

Copies of three photographs on a page depicting a parade in Tokyo, including female military personnel.

Two photographs on page depicting Ralph Shigeto Iwamoto, 441st Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment soldier, on charge of quarters (CQ) duty and sitting next to a floor heater as described in photographic captions.

Copy of photograph depicting guests at "Major Dalton's birthday party." Individuals in photograph are identified as: Victor Kramalski, Dave Arseneaux, Yamasaki, "Doctor", Lieutenant Joseph Carson, Captain Kronkite, Ralph Iwamoto, Judge Halhatanaka,…

Seven men standing in kitchen. Caption identifies men, left to right as: cook, Bill, Paul, Tom, Harold, Carson and Dave. Image is a black and white photocopy; location of original image is unknown.

Black and white copy of memorandum from Captain George K. Anderson with orders from Lieutenant Colonel Hosterman for the 441st Counter Intelligence Corps. Soldiers are: John Gibo, Arthur Imamura, Kiyoshi Ito, Shozo Kajiwara, Shunichi Kitamura, Tooru…

Kazuma Taguchi and the interviewers introduce themselves. He talks about his early life in Hawaii. He discusses his education. He describes his work on a plantation. He talks about being drafted. He discusses his time at Schofield Barracks. He lists…

Kazuma Taguchi talks about his involvement in sports. He discusses fishing. He describes the foods that he likes and dislikes. He talks about his military training in Kauai, Hawaii. He discusses the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He…

He explains how the 100th Infantry Battalion was formed. He talks about his journey to the Mainland. He discusses Camp McCoy. He talks about being a part of F Company. He also talks about dating. He describes his rank. He discusses his captain's…

Kazuma Taguchi describes a battle in a ravine. He talks about doing guard duty with new recruits. He also continues to talk about the scuffles that the Hawaiian soldiers got into in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. He discusses his journey to Camp Kilmer.…

Kazuma Taguchi talks about his experiences in Anzio, Italy. He discusses having to march near corpses. He briefly discusses his time in Rome, Italy. He explains his carpe diem philosophy. He describes what it was like to climb a mountain. He lists…

Kazuma Taguchi talks about his military leaders. He continues to describe the events of the Champaign Campaign. He talks about his employment in the United States Navy. He discusses his activities as a union officer. He briefly talks about his…

Kazuma Taguchi continues to describe his visits with the families of fallen soldiers. He lists the advantages of being in the military. He talks about his medals and awards. He discusses his children and his marriage. He describes his sibling's…

Kodama and the interviewers introduce themselves. Kodama talks about his wife and children. He briefly discusses the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He describes his early life in Imperial Valley, California. He talks about his parents and his family…

Kodama talks about his serial number. He describes embarking from New Jersey and his journey to Europe. He discusses landing in Marseilles, France. He talks about receiving his assignment at the replacement depot. He describes his interactions with…

Kodama talks about farming in Northren California and Southern California. He shares his experiences with discrimination. He describes the demographics of Lompoc, California. He shares the knowledge of his children concerning the contributions of…

Meada discusses his childhood and religion. He details about being drafted into the Army and December 7, 1941. Meada also discusses working at the post exchange and his journey to California.

Maeda discusses his journey to Camp McCoy, his experiences at Camp McCoy, Camp Shelby, and in Louisiana. He details about the voyage to and experiences in North Africa and Italy. Maeda also discusses the events after Rome and what it was like being a…

Maeda discusses about his experiences during the Battle of Monte Cassino. He details about being wounded and the recovery process. Maeda also discusses about readjusting to civilian life and tells stories about Nisei veterans.

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