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Kawaguchi discusses his childhood growing up in San Francisco, California, including talking about going to school, his hobbies, religion and his involvement with the church, and going to Japanese school. He also recalls a story regarding the…

Kawaguchi discusses his experiences at Topaz Incarceration Camp in terms of signing a statement to pledge his allegiance against Japan; and provides an explanation of the term "concentration camps" in regards to Japanese incarceration. He also…

Kawaguchi discusses his duties running a military training school, writing to his family while he was living in Japan, and recalls stories regarding resettlement after World War Two. He then goes on to talk about returning to the United States and…

Kawaguchi discusses training at Fort Snelling for an anticipated invasion of Japan and having to learn Japanese language as part of his training. He also provides his thoughts about the future of Japanese Americans and Japanese culture, and the…

Kawaguchi discusses about learning of Japan's surrender, his journey to Japan, and his early experiences in Japan. He details about what Tokyo looked like, he experiences in Fukuoka, and his interactions with both Japanese and American citizens.…

Kawaguchi discusses the roles that censorship played. He details about the Americans trapped in Japan during the war, those kicked out of the America, and his thoughts towards the loyalty questionnaire. Kawaguchi also discusses his experiences as an…

Kawaguchi discusses more about censorship, education reform, and traveling throughout Japan. He details about his experiences in Niigata and his reasons for coming home. Kawaguchi also discusses about is involvement with veteran organizations,…

Kawakami discusses his family and childhood. He details meeting an uncle in Japan and his experiences during the Great Depression. Kawakami also discusses his experiences with prejudice.

Kawakami discusses Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. He details his experiences at Tanforan Temporary Detention Center and Topaz Concentration Camp. Kawakami also discusses being drafted, his experiences in post-war Japan, and the importance in Nisei…

Kawakami discusses his post-war life. He talks about Tokyo Rose. Kawakami also discusses a friend who fought in the rescue of the Lost Battalion and gives a message to future generations.

Kawamoto discusses his youth and early adulthood in Kaimuki, Hawaii. He talks about his family's living conditions and his recollections of the Pearl Harbor. He also talks about how his mother was widowed before his birth and how his older half…

Kawamoto discusses why his parents moved back to Japan before the Pearl Harbor attack. He also talks about his experience being drafted in the army. He shares anecdotes regarding: basic training, battle experiences, and his post-war life.

Kawamoto discusses his post-war life: family life and employment. He talks about the lives of his children. He also discusses his longevity. He concludes with a message to future generations.

Keegan discusses his youth growing up in New York and Ohio. He talks about his parents' family backgrounds, and social conditions he observed growing up. He also discusses how growing up in the Great Depression impacted his adolescence; and his early…

Keegan discusses his trajectory becoming a commissioned officer assigned to the 442nd. He shares his recollections of the Pearl Harbor attack. He also talks about some of the hardships Nisei soldiers faced.

Keegan provides background details of how he was assigned to train the 442nd at Camp Shelby. He talks about his impressions of the facilities at Camp Shelby and working with Japanese Americans. He also provides anecdotal information of his First…

Keegan describes the temperaments of some of the commanding officers of the 442nd. He also describes the temperament of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team as a unit. He discusses traveling overseas with the 442nd and his first combat experiences with…

Keegan talks about combat experiences and related anecdotes regarding fellow soldiers and situations. He provides details regarding the Pink House operation, and shares recollections about the Lost Battalion. He also talks about the aid station on…

Keegan discusses the special bond he formed with all members of the 442nd. He describes how the bonds became developed from training through the end of the war and beyond. He also talks about his participation in Japanese American community…

Kikuchi discusses his father including talking about his immigration to the United States, employment, and experiences in college. He then talks about attending Japanese language school, attending high school, growing up in Los Angeles, playing…

Kikuchi describes Manzanar Concentration Camp including discussing the living conditions, barracks, food, and his job as a lifeguard. He then talks about his parents' jobs at Manzanar; discusses the riots; tells a story in which he escaped but…

Kikuchi talks about getting drafted; his induction; and basic training at Camp Shelby. He then talks about his relationship with Hawaiian soldiers; discusses weapons he carried; and talks about traveling overseas. Next, Kikuchi discusses landing…

Kikuchi tells a story regarding the capture of German soldiers; discusses his guard duty assignment; and talks about receiving orders to go to Italy. He then talks about his experiences in Nice and Marseille; discusses arriving in Livorno; and…

Kikuchi discusses experiencing enemy fire; talks about the end of the war; and discusses his combat experiences at Po Valley. He then talks about the Army point system; getting a pass to travel in Italy and Switzerland post-war; and attending college…

Kikuchi shows and describes photographs taken during World War Two while he was overseas including images of a bivouac area, other Japanese American soldiers, his platoon, and Milano, Italy. Lastly, Kikuchi shows and describes some of his wooden…

Kim discusses growing up in California. He details about his experiences when joining the 100th Infantry Battalion. Kim also discusses the training he implemented with 100th Infantry Battalion.

Kim discusses having doubts. He details about his first combat experiences. Kim also discusses about the time his was wounded.

Kim discusses the recovery process and the time he spent in the hospital. He details about returning to the 100th Infantry Battalion. Kim also discusses the events before the Battle of Cassino.

Kim discusses his experiences with winter and combat in Italy. He details about the structure of Headquarters Company. Kim also discusses the Battle of Cassino.

Kim discusses the end of Cassino and receiving replacements. He details about his experiences at Anzio. Kim also discusses the events that led to him receiving the Distinguished Service Cross.

Kim finishes discussing the events that led to receiving the Distinguished Service Cross. He details about capturing the Lanuvio Pass. Kim also discusses the events after Rome.

Kim discusses gaining recognition and being placed on Honor Guard Duty. He details about his experiences in Leghorn (Livorno). Kim also discusses about his experiences in Vada, Italy.

Kim discusses the Battle for Hill A. He details about how the 100th Infantry Battalion relieved the 179th Infantry. Kim also discusses how he utilized tanks.

Kim finishes discussing the Battle of Hill A. He details about Chuck Feibleman the artillery liaison officer. Kim also discusses about the battle to take Hill C and the aftermath.

Kim discusses his experiences at Biffontaine. He details about the journey to the aide station and his recovery after being wounded a second time. Kim also discusses his 30-day leave and being reassigned after the European War had ended .

Kim discusses his experiences in the Korean War. He details about his military career and the unbreakable bonds he formed. Kim also discusses what makes a leader.

Kim finishes discussing what makes a leader, making colonel, and retiring from the military. He details about working with the community after retirement. Kim also discusses how the war monument in Los Angeles came to be.

Kim finishes discussing how the war monument came to be and the importance of the monument. He details about the process of being upgraded to the Medal Of Honor. Kim also reflects on his life and accomplishments. Kim finishes with discussing the…

Kinoshita discusses the reasons why his parents moved from Japan to Oregon and growing up in Oregon in a farming community. He also talks about attending Japanese language school, his sister's experience being sent to Japan to attend school, his…

Kinoshita discusses dances at Camp Shelby; and talks about Hawaiian soldiers speaking Pidgin English and the interactions between the Hawaiian and mainland soldiers. After Camp Shelby, Kinoshita traveled by train to Camp Henry, and recalls a story…

Kinoshita discusses his experiences being a litter-bearer, and picking up wounded soldiers. He then talks about his experience learning about the end of the war in Europe and recalls Italians civilians' reactions to this news. He also talks about his…

Kinoshita discusses being sent to mechanic school, and then losing his rank as sergeant when Japanese American soldiers were transferred out of the 92nd Reconnaissance. He then talks about going to Camp Shelby and his encounters with local…

Kirhiara discusses about his family and farming. He details about his childhood and educational experiences. Kirhiara also discusses about buying a farm, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath.

Kirihara discusses about the Alien land law and the racial problems he once encountered growing up. He details about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor and dealing with forced removal. Kirihara also discusses about his experiences at Merced Temporary…

Kirihara discusses about his experiences at Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp, joining the army, and basic training at Camp Blanding. He details about going overseas and arriving in France. Kirihara also discusses about his duties and experiences…

Kirihara discusses about the Champagne Campaign and the Gothic Line. He details about German weponary, the end of the war, and coming home. Kirihara also discusses about settling back into civilian life and meeting his wife.

Kirihira discusses about what he does in retirement. He also gives a message to future generations.

Kishiue discusses his early years in California's King County. He talks about his family background and their experiences evacuating their home during WW2. He also talks about being drafted in the military before the Pearl Harbor attack; and race…

Kishibue talks about his MISLS training at Camp Savage, and how he spent his free time in Minnesota. He talks about basic training experiences at Camp Robinson and his experiences at Makin Island. He also talks about race issues he faced in the…

Kishibue talks about his experiences in Saipan interrogating Japanese soldiers and civilians. He describes what the civilian camps were like; and military combat he had participated in.

Kishibue talks about his experiences in Saipan interrogating prisoners of war and cave flushing. He also discusses experiences in Okinawa and working for one week with CIC. In addition he shares a story regarding a Japanese military officer who…

Kishiue talks about medals and honors he received in the military; and his experiences regarding returning to the United States. He talks about his life after his military discharge, and his family.

Kishiue displays photographs of himself in military uniform while at Schofield Barracks and Makin Island. He also shows photographs of personnel from a civilian camp in Saipan. There is also a display of medals he earned from the Military.

Kitada discusses his infantry, rank, parents, growing up in the Los Angeles area, siblings, and working as a gardener. He then talks about school, the attack on Pearl Harbor, experiences with discrimination, and going to Manzanar Concentration Camp.…

Kitada talks about his experiences with weapons training, provides some thoughts regarding going overseas, and discusses his experiences during his furlough including staying with a former neighbor and visiting his family at Manzanar Concentration…

Kitada discusses a soldier who was killed in action, talks about his experiences in Pompeii, and discusses black market trading and selling. He then talks about German artillery, combat experiences in Italy, and recalls some good experiences during…

Kitada talks about getting discharged, his post-war employment as a gardener, and discusses his children and grandchildren. He then talks about the differences between pre-war and present day segregation, discusses his thoughts regarding the 442nd…

Kitajima discusses about his childhood and family. He details about living in Honolulu and moving to California. Kitajima also discusses about being drafted, Pearl Harbor, and the events that followed.

Kitajima discusses his family situation during the war. He details about being sent to the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) and his experiences at Camp Savage and Fort Snelling. Kitajima also discusses about his experiences in the Philippines.

Kitajima discusses more about his experiences in the Philippines. He details about his experiences in Korea and Russia post-war. Kitajima also discusses about Communism.

Kitajima discusses his journey back home and his life after the army. He details about meeting his wife and his involvement the community. Kitajima also discusses his family and gives a message to future generations.

Kitaoka discusses his birth date, birth place and his parents. His Issei Father immigrates from Japan to the United States and works on the Railroad. Eventually he returns back to Japan to marry Kitaoka's Mother who is a picture bride. Growing up…

Kitaoka discusses the Alien Land Laws and the reasons why Japanese immigrants are only able to lease land and not buy. Kitaoka recalls his Father transitioning form produce farming to a chicken ranch because farm the lease expires. At this time only…

Kitaoka discusses the family business and routine on the chicken ranch. Norwalk is primarily a Dutch community and Kitaoka describes the high school transition. He discusses identity and his heritage.

On December 7, 1941 Kitaoka is working on…

Kitaoka discusses going to school the day after the Pearl Harbor bombing. Although it is uncomfortable not knowing how his classmates feels, Kitaoka does his best in class. He recalls the climate on the school campus , the Unites States President's…

Kitaoka discusses experiences of Santa Anita Temporary Detention Center and Jerome Concentration Camp. At Santa Anita, the horse stables are converted into living conditions for Japanese Americans and Kitaoka relates to his farming background. At…

Kitaoka discusses going overseas and his occupation phase in Berlin. He recalls what Berlin look like after the devastation of the war. Many of the structural buildings are in rubles and the buildings that are still existing are being occupied by the…

Kitaoka discusses a bomb run experience. He releases a bomb and his radio does not work. The only available option for Kitaoka is to land and wait for his jet to be repair. Kitaoka is picked up and returns to his carrier to continue his fire pilot…

Mr. Kobashigawa introduces himself and talks about his family and childhood. He grew up on the Big Island of Hawaii, his father worked as a truck farmer, and Mr. Kobashigawa played baseball throughout his youth. Forced to drop out of school at a…

Mr. Kobashigawa describes his arrival in Italy and talks about the action he saw throughout the Anzio Campaign. Mr. Kobashigawa was wounded in battle several times and discusses how military hospitals functioned at the time. Near the end of the…

Mr. Kobashigawa describes a few battles he took part in including those in Belevedere and Cittavecchia. Throughout the video, Mr. Kobashigawa also mentions a few of the fellow soldiers he knew that were killed during battle. Other topics discussed…

In this brief concluding interview, Mr. Kobashigawa focuses on the actions that eventually led to him receiving the Medal of Honor and also gives his thoughts on his upgrade from the Distinguished Service Cross. He briefly discusses his family life…

Kobayashi talks about his childhood including discussing his parents and siblings, going to Japanese school, working on a farm; and playing baseball and being a part of an esquire club in high school. He then talks about learning about the attack on…

Kobayashi talks about his assignment censoring letters while at Camp Stoneman and then being sent overseas to Japan where he was assigned to translate documents. While in Japan Kobayashi also taught English, visited relatives, went on sightseeing…

Kobayashi talks about his assignment translating documents in Japan, and his involvement with city government including being a manager for city council member Ken Nakaoka; and working as a fish and game manager and as a treasurer. He then talks…

Kobayashi discusses his family's thoughts about his assignment with the Military Intelligence Service; and also talks about his translation work while in Japan, seeing General MacArthur, and his assignment teaching English to the Japanese prince and…

Kobayashi discusses his family and upbringing. He details Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and his experiences with forced removal. Kobayashi also discusses about his experiences at Tanforan Temporary Detention Center and Topaz Concentration Camp. He…

Kobayahsi discusses about joining the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) and about his post-war experiences in Japan. He details about his experiences with the war crimes tribunals. Kobayashi also discusses about the legacy of the Nisei and gives an…

James Jin Kobayashi is born on November 25, 1921, in San Bernardino, California. His parents are Ishhinosuke Kobayashi and Taka Ishikawa from Japan. James's father comes to San Bernardino because his brother owns a restaurant. His father, Ishii,…

Besides attending primary school, James Jin Kobayashi attends a Japanese Language School. At home, he speaks half English and Japanese to his Issei parents.

James recalls the day of the bombing of Pearl harbor. He says it is regular business at…

James Jin Kobayashi goes overseas and meets with the 442nd in Southern France. He is part of F Company. He recalls going up the Northern Apennine Mountains and being at the frontlines.

James is at the frontline for two weeks before the…

Post-war, James returns to the United States and goes to trade school on a G.I. Bill. James learns to bake and becomes a baker for five years. Eventually, he changes professions and goes into produce because the job is stable with union pay.…

Douglas Kodama begins the interview with an introduction of his family and what it was like growing up in Maui. During his freshmen year of high school, the attacks on Pearl Harbor occurred and though he didn't see much discrimination, he did feel…

Kodama continues his recollection of his time visiting family in Hiroshima and seeing the devastation of the city a year after the atomic bomb had been dropped. Shortly after this, he had the chance to re-enlist in the Army as a 2nd lieutenant but…

Kodama and the interviewers introduce themselves. Kodama talks about his wife and children. He briefly discusses the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He describes his early life in Imperial Valley, California. He talks about his parents and his family…

Kodama talks about his serial number. He describes embarking from New Jersey and his journey to Europe. He discusses landing in Marseilles, France. He talks about receiving his assignment at the replacement depot. He describes his interactions with…

Kodama talks about farming in Northren California and Southern California. He shares his experiences with discrimination. He describes the demographics of Lompoc, California. He shares the knowledge of his children concerning the contributions of…

Kodama discusses his family and having to work to the help them. He details about his educational experiences, playing sports, and martial arts training. Kodama also discusses being drafted, basic training, and Pearl Harbor.

Kodama discusses the aftermath from Pearl Harbor and formation of the 100th Infantry Battalion. He details about race relations while traveling and opinion towards American Concentration Camps. Kodama also discusses his experiences in North Africa,…

Kodama discusses his experiences during The battle of Monte Cassino and Anizo Beach. He details about the living conditions during the war and the events that took place after Cassino. Kodama also discusses his early experiences in France and…

Kodama discusses more about saving French civilians. He details about his experiences and opinions on the Recuse of The Lost Battalion. Kodama also discusses being sent back to Italy and The Gothic Line. He closes out by stating that he is thankful…

Kodama discusses his experiences during the Champagne Campaign and the medals he received. He details about returning back to Hawaii, finding employment, and meeting his wife. Kodama also discusses about what he learned from the war, revisiting…

Kodama begins the interview talking about his parents and how they came from Japan and settled down in Mountain View, California. They would become farmers, specializing in fruit, and help to run an on-sen as well. He also talks about his sisters and…
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