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In this video clip, Harry Fukuhara describes some of his experiences in the New Guinea Campaign: crossing the Bismarck Sea, the beach landing of Finch Island, PT Boat excursions (in search of Japanese POWs), interpreting New Guinea natives, and the…

During the New Guinea Campaign, Harry Fukuhara was assigned to interrogate a Japanese POW -- who reportedly was giving everyone a hard time. Upon meeting the Japanese officer for interrogation, Harry realized that the prisoner was his childhood…

In this video clip, Harry Fukuhara describes driving through Japan to reach Hiroshima, where he returned to his old house to find his Mother and Aunt. After helping his relatives in Hiroshima, he was discharged from service, but was able to return to…

During the Korean War, Harry Fukuhara worked in Counterintelligence Operations while in Japan. He talks about his 40 year military career in Military Intelligence. At the end of the video clip, he offers his advice to future generations.


Fukunaga discusses his parents, including their occupations and his father’s death when he was a child. He then talks about growing up on Oahu including discussing attending Japanese language school, religion, attending high school on a work…

Fukunaga discusses traveling from Hawaii to the mainland to go to Camp Shelby for basic training. He then talks about some of his duties during basic training, and his interactions with other soldiers. Next, Fukunaga retells stories he heard…

Fukunaga discusses combat experiences after Bruyeres, going to the hospital for trench foot, and his experiences in France and Italy after rejoining the 442nd including exchanging enemy fire with German soldiers. He then talks about getting wounded,…

Fukunaga discusses receiving the Bronze Star, his post-military employment working for the Department of Navy and State of Hawaii, and getting married and having children. He then talks about his involvement in the 442nd Go for Broke Foundation and…

Fukushima discusses his birth and foster parents; talks about the reasons why he was adopted; discussing his brothers; and talks about his foster father's employment. He then talks about his step-siblings; his foster parents' personalities; attending…

Fukushima discusses his experiences working on a farm; talks about his gymnastics hobby; discusses his childhood friendships; and talks about some of his childhood recreational activities such as his participation in Young Buddhist Association (YBA),…

Fukushima discusses his relationship with a sergeant; talks about Nisei soldiers who were transferred to I Company and sent to Chicago; and discusses his thoughts regarding Japan after Pearl Harbor. He then discusses his family's forced removal to…

Fukushima discusses his participation in Military Intelligence Service Language School (MIS) at Camp Savage; discusses the differences between interpreting and translating assignments; and talks about the tensions between Caucasian and Nisei…

Fukushima discusses tactics that were used when interrogating POWs; talks about his duties as a replacement soldier; and discusses his experiences in Leyte. Fukushima also talks about his experiences in Luzon; the surrender of Japan; duties in Kyoto…

Fukushima provides some thoughts regarding Military Intelligence Service (MIS) soldiers; discusses his sister who was living in Japan during World War Two; and talks about getting discharged and seeing his family again. Next, Fukushima talks about…

Fukushima discusses V-J Day; talks about his worst war experiences; and discusses the lessons he learned from World War Two. He then talks about the importance of Nisei soldiers; provides a message to future generations; and discusses the importance…

Fukushima talks about his experiences as a youth briefly living in Japan circa 1930; he had lived, and traveled, between Wakayama, Osaka, and Tokyo. He describes cultural differences and similarities between the Japanese and Japanese Americans. He…

Fukushima discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan. He details his interactions with the Japanese civilians. Fukushima also discusses about the importance of Nisei linguist

Taira Fukushima was born on February 8, 1926, in Los Angeles, CA. Taira describes how he gets his name and how his name is confused as a female name.

Taira's father is Buntaro Fukushima, and he was born on August 2, 1881. Taira's father comes from…

Taira Fukushima discusses the importance of family. For example, when he is a student, he gets a paper route job, and with the money earned, he shares it with the family. In the 1930s, there was a notion that tuberculosis was hereditary. By getting…

Taira Fukushima and his brother Jim are together for 442nd and replacements. On the mainland, Taira is a medic aide, and Jim is a litter bearer. Taira has limited training as a medic, but Tech Sergeant Hirata and Sergeant Matsuda give him support…

Fukuzawa discusses about his childhood and parents. He details about Pearl Harbor and it aftermath. Fukuzawa also discusses about his families personal experiences with forced removal.

Fukuzawa discusses about life outside of camp including working and college. He details more about forced removal and being drafted. Fukuzawa also discusses about his send off, induction, and experiences at Camp Blanding.

Fukuzawa discusses about a friend and his experiences at Camp Blanding. He details about his family affection and his voyage overseas. Fukuzawa discusses about traveling to and experiences in France.

Fukuzawa discusses about his experiences in Italy both during and post-war. He details about his experiences in France, including the Champagne Campaign and his interactions with French citizens. Fukuzawa also discusses about the casualties of war.

Fukuzawa discusses about his fondest memory and the people he looked up to. He details about the Gothic Line, the end of the war, and his homecoming. Fukuzawa also discusses about his post-war life, going to college and becoming a teacher.

Fukuzawa discusses about his experiences with the Memorial Foundation. He details about the term Go For Broke and lessons learned from service. Fukuzawa ends the interview by giving some closing remarks and discussing a few photographs.

Fukuzawa discusses about Ms. Moss who had an impact on his life. He reads a letter out loud. Fukuzawa also shows and describes some photographs.

Funai discusses his familial description and his Issei Father decision to come to America. His Father marries a picture bride and has seven children. Funai grows up during the Depression Era and World War Two (WWII). He describes how the factors of…

Funai discusses University of Hawaii and joining the National Guards. He works all the way through college, Due to his participation in Reserved Officer Training Corp (ROTC), he becomes a Commission Second Lieutenant and becomes part of the Military…

Furukawa talks about his childhood growing up in Missouri and California, and differences in race relations between the two states. He describes his parents backgrounds, and shares how his older brother did not move to America with his parents and…

Furukawa talks about his experiences and recollections regarding his draft into military service, race relations between Caucasians and Japanese Americans before and after the attack on Pearl Harbor, and his recruitment and training in MISLS. He also…

Furukawa discusses his experiences and assignments in Manila, Philippines and post-war Japan. While in the Philippines he met General Yamashita; while in Japan he visited with relatives. Furukawa also talks about how he met his wife and their…

Sam Furukawa describes his parents relationship. He recalls the death of his sibling. He talks about his family's farming activities. Furukawa describes his family home and Japanese language school. He discusses his friendships and his experiences…

Furukawa describes his childhood extracurricular activities. He talks about spending time with an Italian family. He discusses the entertainment that he enjoyed as a child. He describes his family's relationship with Japan and his Japanese American…

Furukawa talks about his work in the car repair industry. He also discusses college and being drafted. He describes preparing for deployment and his time at Camp Shelby. He explains the different types of military training that he received. Furukawa…

Furukawa discusses the Champagne Campaign. He describes his leaves in France and Switzerland. He talks about the end of World War Two. He explains how he got back to California. Furukawa reflects on his time in work camps. He talks about joining the…

Furukawa reveals his hopes for the future, including racial tolerance. He explains several pictures and documents that are shown on camera.

Furumoto discusses growing up in Hawaii including sugar plantation experiences, childhood and high school activities, Japanese language school, his parents and cultural disciplinary standards, community leaders and educators and his decision to…

Furumoto discusses his decision to attend veterinary school at Kansas State University. He recounts his feelings during the Bombing of Pearl Harbor. He also discusses his decision to join the army.

Furumoto discusses his efforts to enlist and his experience in Military Intelligence Service Language School. He goes on to talk about his experiences in basic training at Camp Shelby.

Furumoto recalls joining Merrill's Marauders on a secret mission to Burma. He discusses his task of interpreting Japanese soldiers for information, and describes the Battle of Napunga Hill.

Furumoto discusses Roy Matsumoto and the Battle of Napunga Hill. He goes on to describe the diseases he contracted while overseas. He also discusses his participation in creating Black Propaganda.

Furumoto recalls the announcement of the end of the war and shares his thoughts about the moral issues of the United States' dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He reflects on his journey home to Kansas, his long-distance romance with…

Furumoto shows the samurai sword he received as a gift from a Japanese officer he met overseas. He goes on to share his opinion of the importance of the Nisei veterans' stories

Furuto discusses his childhood through early adulthood. He talks about his family moving from northern California to southern California before they settled in the Los Angeles. He also talks about his family going to Manzanar after the Pearl Harbor…

M. Furuto talks about his recollections of Pearl Harbor and events he and his family went through in the aftermath. He discusses being evacuated and moving to Manzanar, and some activities he did while incarcerated. He also talks about his receipt of…

M. Furuto discusses his military service. He talks about his basic training as racially integrated and how in Europe he was assigned to the 442nd CRT. He talks about his battle experiences and mentions some childhood friends who were KIA. He also…

M. Furuto talks about the end of the war and his life after the military. He talks about waiting in Europe to ship home after V-E Day. He also talks about his experiences traveling to the U.S. and his military discharge. He shares anecdotes regarding…

Furuya talks about his early life in Honolulu. He describes the baseball junior league that he was a part of as a child. He briefly discusses the Great Depression. Furuya describes his father and mother's personalities He talks about his siblings. He…

Furuya reveals that some members of his junior league went on to play professional baseball. He talks about Japanese language school and high school. Furuya describes his experiences with Kendo. He talks about his first job. He discusses what he did…

Furuya continues to talk about his experiences in high school. He explains how he quit his job after enlisting. He talks about his work for the MIS during the Korean War. Furuya discusses being a second lieutenant in the 3rd division. He explains his…

Furuya continues to talk about his interpretation work during the Korean War. He talks about the 24th division. He explains how he met up with professional baseball players, he played with in the junior league, while stationed in Japan. Furuya…

Furuya continues to talks about the Army Reserves and retirement. He talks about his insurance career. He discusses his wife and children. He reveals that he had a high school football career. Furuya revisits the story behind his military…

Fuyuume begins the interview speaking about growing up in Pasadena, being neighbors with Jackie Robinson, and his family background. Next, he talks about the activities he grew up doing, including playing baseball, piano lessons and helping out in…

Fuyuume tours around the Seabrook Farms museum and explains the artifacts which includes many historical items, paintings and a model of Seabrook Farms.

Military Intelligence Service (MIS) veteran Ralph Kaneshiro, who was interviewed, is seated in the foreground. Volunteers who conducted Ralph's interview (R-L), Richard Hawkins, interviewer; Nick Odani, cataloger; Michelle Sugihara, camera operator,…

Goodall discusses moving from Oklahoma to California as a child; talks about his father and his military service; discusses the Seminole tribe and the treatment of Native Americans; and talks about the history of slavery in the United States. Next,…

Goodall discusses the Tuskegee Flight School; his employment in Detroit; rationing after the start of World War Two; and getting drafted and volunteering for Tuskegee. He then talks about the aviation test he was required to take prior to going to…

Goodall discusses Daniel "Chappie" James; provides some thoughts regarding segregation and the Tuskegee Airmen; discusses a book "Chappie" wrote and their friendship; and talks about his post-military work. He then talks about meeting his first and…

Gotanda discusses his experiences as an interpreter, aiding the effort to deport to Japanese nationals back to Japan, during World War 2 in China and Taiwan. He also discusses his formative years growing up in Waimea. He shares anecdotes regarding:…

Gotanda discusses his experiences working as an interpreter in the effort to repatriate Japanese citizens, in China and Taiwan, to Japan after Japan's surrender in World War 2. He shares anecdotes regarding: Taiwan, Shanghai, and being a Japanese…

Goto describes growing up on a planation in Ewa, Hawaii and taking the train into Honolulu to go to school. After graduating from high school, Goto worked at a 7UP bottling company as a soda salesman and delivery man. He also talks about being a…

Goto begins by talking about working as a medical supply clerk and veteran service counselor; and then discusses volunteering for the Army and going to Camp Shelby for basic training. Goto talks about the differences between Mainland and Hawaiian…

Goto provides an overview of a headquarters company and all the various platoons that it is made up of. He describes his duties within the headquarters platoon, including following the battalion's executive officer. He also talks about what he…

Goto discusses getting injured in Carrara, Italy and talks about his friendships with other soldiers, including those that were killed in action, and what it was like seeing his war buddies postwar. He then talks about going back to Hawaii at the end…

Gustafson discusses growing in Illinois in a farming community. His father is well known surgeon. Gustafson shares who are his favorite teachers in school and playing golf. He continues his education after high school by joining the Reserve Officer…

Gustafson discusses military school and graduating from Reserve Officer Training Corps and going to Camp Shelby to be with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He details about discrimination in the military by sharing Lieutenant Yanamura's experiences…

Gustafson discusses Anzio Beach, first combat and casualties. He also recalls the Gothic Line, Bruyeres, and the Lost Battalion. Gustafson also discusses about getting injured and trench feet.

Gustafson discusses losing men and the restructure of the division. He details about close combat with German soldiers and when the German soldiers surrender. Gustafson discusses a story about crabs and other wartime shares, and his promotion.

Gustafson discusses joining the American Graves Registration Committee looking for missing in action soldiers. He details about his experiences during the Vietnam War. Gastafson discusses about his post-military life and employment.

Guy begins the interview talking about his family background, and his father coming from Liverpool and settling on the east coast. He would grow up in uptown New York, playing a lot of football and basketball and attending a variety of different…

Guy discusses his time in basic training at Camp Croft in South Carolina. He would learn how to use heavy machine guns and then be shipped overseas, first landing in Casablanca, playing card games and reading throughout the shipment. Once arrived in…

Guy talks more about his combat experiences, including taking heavy casualties at the Battle of Rapido River. There he would receive a wound and be hospitalized, requiring surgery in Naples. While there, he would meet members of the 100th Infantry…

Guy discusses the German weapons that were used in the war, including the screaming mimi's which is what ended up wounding him during combat. Next, he talks about the Alamo Regiment from San Antonio, combat throughout Southern France, which earned…

Guy discusses more about his war experiences, and how he came to befriend Marty Higgins. He talks about about his combat towards the end of the war, and getting liberated. After this, he would return to the United States, where he would settle back…

Hada discusses growing up in Hawaii, living on a sugar plantation, and his hobbies. He also talks about his parents, and discusses having to take care of his siblings and help out with household chores after his mother passed away. After high school,…
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