Browse Items (262 total)

Omatsu his life after high school, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. He details about volunteering for the servicea and experiences at Camp Shelby. Omatsu also discusses about his experiences in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, describing Headquarters…

Omatsu discusses about growing up in Hawaii, his family, and their store. He details about his schooling and experiences with discrimination. Omatsu also discusses about his childhood and life after high school graduation.

Okabayashi discusses about his life and career after the war. He details about his hobbies and family. Okabayashi also gives a message to future generations.

Okabayashi discusses about his experiences in Italy. He details about capturing a PT Boat in France. Okabayashi also discusses about some general experiences in Europe and coming home.

Okabayashi discusses about volunteering for the Army and his experiences at Camp Shelby. He details about being his duties within Cannon Company of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Okabayashi also discusses about going overseas and his first combat…

Okabayashi discusses about his family and growing up in Texas. He details about the farm life, selling crops and his childhood. Okabayashi also discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

Oda talks about his career work after graduating from University of Hawaii with Pan-American Airlines. Next, he talks about the recreational activities he did as a child, including fishing and going to the movies. After getting married, he would…

Oda discusses his time in Europe and the experiences he had while there. He discusses the religions he grew up with and being a boy scout for a short time and how that taught him to give respect to elders. Next, he talks about the things that were…

Oda discusses his time in Mississippi, doing his basic training with the 442nd Regiment. There he would marvel at the amount of pine trees and the humidity of the South and would see the color segregation that was evident in the South. He would…

Oda continues his recollection of his time with the 3 Year Swimming Club, in which they would get to travel throughout Hawaii and the United States for tournaments, and would be known as some of the best swimmers. It was thanks to this, that he would…

Oda begins the interview talking about his childhood in Maui, as his father and mother would come from Kumamoto prefecture to work on the sugarcane fields. He would grow up on the plantation, playing with friends and attending regular and Japanese…

Following the end of the war, Nishimoto would return to Hawaii and join the 442nd reserves. He would then be called for active duty again for the Korean War, and would be on assignment in Japan. He would join the Military Intelligence Service with…

Nishimoto talks more about his war experiences, including learning some Italian and even seeing the Pope. After this, he talks about the rescue of the Lost Battalion, dealing with extreme darkness and heavy casualties. Next, he speaks about the…

Nishimoto talks more about his war experiences, including seeing German soldiers and the weapons that they used. He talks about his dislike for snipers and wanting to catch one so that he could take care of him himself. Another assignment included…

Nishimoto talks more about his time at Camp Shelby for his basic training, including the mental and physical challenges and the inner spirit that made the Nisei soldiers so balanced. He also talks about the responsibilities of being a sergeant and…

Nishimoto discusses facing discrimination when in the South, taking leave in Mississippi and seeing all the segregation between white and colored. Next, he talks about his decision to join the Army, volunteering with friends, not even telling his…

Nishimoto talks about meeting his wife during his junior year of high school and the activities they used to do for fun. He also talks about going to Japanese language school for a few years, where he would learn discipline and leadership. He would…

Arthur Nishimoto begins the interview talking about his childhood home and what it was like to grow up in Honolulu, Hawaii. He then talks about his family background, including his father, who was a top car salesman for Chevrolet and Ford. After…

Nakauchi discusses living as a civilian in Japan then moving back to Hawaii to help take care of his parents. He then talks about his children, and provides some advice for future generations. Nakauchi also talks about his platoon sergeant Iwamoto;…

Nakauchi discusses German Prisoners of War, German weapons, the end of the war, combat experiences, and returning back to the United States. He then discusses telling his parents about enlisting, his brother’s duties as part of Military Intelligence…

Nakauchi describes an accident that left casualties, and talks about his experiences in Bruyeres. He also talks about his duties in a machine gun squad, interactions with civilians while in Bruyeres, the Lost Battalion rescue, and getting wounded…

Nakauchi discusses what it was like meeting Mainland Nisei soldiers while at Camp Shelby, as well as what a typical day was like during basic training. He then talks about visiting Jerome Concentration Camp and describes the living conditions there.…

Nakauchi discusses his parents, siblings, and working on a plantation while growing up in Hawaii. He also talks about traveling to attend high school, going to Japanese language school, and having to work in sugar cane fields to earn his high school…

Nakamoto discusses various job experiences from working at Federal position level, MCI, and owning his own company. Nakamoto is part of the Japanese American Veterans Association (JAVA) and he describes their mission and contribution to the…

Nakamoto discusses prefecture origin and familial description. Nakamoto's Father is a Founder of the Second Buddhist Church and his Grandfather is a Founder of the First Buddhist Church. Nakamoto grows up on a farm and helps with the farming chores.…


Kiyoji "Jonah" Morimoto discusses the difficulties to transition civilian life and takes two years to find himself on the mainland. Morimoto decides to return home when his financials are running low after traveling to various cities such as Chicago,…

Kiyoji "Jonah" Morimoto discusses he would not do anything different in his battle field experiences. He got along well with the other officers and his rank during the war is Tech Sargent. In his company, the Platoon Sargent gets injured and…

Kiyoji "Jonah" Morimoto discusses the lessons learned from the Luciano campaign. His company learns how to attack in combat and the amount of fire power to use against the enemies to scare them. He recalls the supply line being well supplied because…

Kiyoji "Jonah" Morimoto discusses rank as Private FIrst Class (PFC), First Platoon, and Third Squad. At basic training, Morimoto describes the relationship between the Mainland boys and the Hawaiian boys. He recalls the nickname that the Hawaiians…

Kiyoji "Jonah" Morimoto discusses working at a meet market after graduating high school until he volunteers for the service. Morimoto does not feel discrimination prewar. He says during that time each ethnic group lives in their own perspective camp.…

Kiyoji "Jonah" Morimoto discusses his home life and childhood in Hawaii. His family is Buddhist and goes to church on the weekends. Coming from a fisherman family, his meals at home consist of fish. At an early age, he learns not to eat fishes with…

Kiyoji Morimoto discusses his birth date, birthplace and familial description. Morimoto's father is from Japan and becomes a commercial fisherman in Hilo, Hawaii. Morimoto's Father is a happy go lucky guy. His occupation requires him to work on the…

Matsuo discusses about becoming a Republican and a Ambassador of Good Will for Hawaii. He details about his wife and children. Matsuo also discusses about thoughts of giving up and persevering; he also gives his closing remarks.

Matsuo discusses about what he learned from being a Mess Sergeant. He details life after being discharged. Matsuo also discusses about starting and running his own business.

Matsuo discusses Sanseis and his upbringing. He details about his first job and the rest of his career path. Matsuo also discusses about Pearl Harbor, its' aftermath, and being drafted.

Matsuo discusses about growing up in Aala Park and his family. He details about Sansei and Yonsei, as well as his experiences growing up poor. Matsuo also discusses about his current state in life.

Masuoka talks about the other military decorations that he received. He briefly reflects on the interview process. He describes his siblings experiences while in the military. He discusses his life after World War Two ended, and his return to…

Masuoka continues to talk about his experiences while in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), including interrogation techniques. He explains what it was like in Japan amid the surrender of Japan. Masuoka describes how he received a Silver Star…

Masuoka describes his childhood role models and nicknames. He also briefly explains his religious background. He talks about the discrimination he faced at home and while in the military. He discusses the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath,…

Masuoka talks about growing up in and around apple farms in Sebastopol, CA. He gives an overview of the time he spent at Amache Concentration Camp and the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). He describes his mother and father's personalities. He…

Kudo discusses about his experiences in the European Theater and how he received the Bronze Star. He details about his life after discharge and his family. Kudo also gives a message to future generation and discusses about his political career.

Kudo discusses about his family and growing up in Hawaii. He details about Pearl Harbor and volunteering for the Army. Kudo also discusses about his experiences at Camp Shelby, heading overseas, and arriving in Italy.

Koyama talks about transporting prisoners. He talks about the types of injuries he saw, including million dollar wounds. He discusses the end of World War Two. He explains how he communicated with his family while he was overseas. He briefly talks…

Koyama talks about his teachers. He describes his basic training. He explains how Japanese American soldiers were grouped together. He discusses his journey to Europe and travels through Europe. He talks about the wild boars that he encountered. He…

Koyama continues to talk about his experiences in Japanese language school. He describes what he did in his leisure time, including hunting. He continues to discuss his work on his family farm. He talks about his childhood education. He briefly…

Koyama and the interviewers introduce themselves. He describes his hometown Nampa, Idaho. He talks about his father's immigration to the United States. He discusses his father's employment ventures. He describes his family home. He talks about his…

W. Kohashi discusses his life post-war in Hawaii. He talks about his employment history and family. He also talks about a 1946 tidal wave that demolished the Shinmachi neighborhood.

W. Kohashi talks about his last days in the European Theater and his return to Hawaii after the end of the war. He also discusses his brothers' military services. He shares anecdotes regarding: fellow soldiers he knew; travels in Europe; and spending…

W. Kohashi discusses his combat experiences in the European Theater. He talks injuries he, and fellow soldiers, sustained. He shares anecdotes regarding: battles; a trip to Paris; and recollections of slain friends.

W. Kohashi discusses his recollections of the Pearl Harbor attack aftermath and volunteering in the military. He talks about experiences and basic training at Camp Shelby; and shipping out overseas. He also discusses his early combat experience and…

W. Kohashi discusses his youth in the Shinmachi neighborhood of Hilo. He talks about his family, early education, and his father's fishcake business. He also talks about Martial Law in Hawaii after the start of World War Two.

Kanatani discusses his post-war career and his family fared after leaving camp. He details about his wife, children, and grandchildren. Kanatani gives a message to future generations and showing photographs.

Kanatani discusses about growing up in California, family, and, his childhood home. He details working as a child, schooling, and a typical meal at home. Kantani also discusses childhood activities and segregation.

Kanatani discusses his upbringing, remembering Pearl Harbor , and its aftermath. He details about his family's forced removal and visiting both Heart Mountain and Poston Concentration Camps. Kanatani also discusses basic training, being assigned to…

Kanatani discusses about his family, interactions with Hawaiian soldiers, combat experiences, and being wounded. He details about his religion, the Champagne Campaign, and the Lost Battalion. Kanatani also discusses about George T. "Joe" Sakato and…

Inada finishes the interview looking at a picture of a Zen Buddhist scholar named Dr. D. T. Suzuki.

Inada continues talking about his war experiences, including joining up with I Company, before getting wounded in action. He talks about being in combat and getting a hand injury, causing him to leave and head to a field hospital. There, he begged…

Inada discusses more about his unit detail, going from C Company to K Company as replacements were all moved. He also talks about replacements and his brother that passed away in Europe after the war had ended. Next, he talks about his first combat,…

Inada talks about his shipment to mainland America, seeing the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge on the way and then landing in Oakland. When arriving, all soldiers would have their diaries taken away and told they would not be able to get them back.…

Inada continues talking about his high school years, talking about associations with Daniel Inouye, who later became a Medal of Honor recipient and American senator. He also discusses the discrimination that was faced before the war, such as not…

Inada talks more about his family background, including his mother's interests and discipline as a housewife and the languages they spoke in their household. He would grow up in the Great Depression, but still enjoy going to the movies and joining…

Kenneth Inada begins the interview talking about his childhood home and what it was like to grow up in Honolulu. He would be immersed in Japanese culture and ethics, watching Japanese movies and attending Japanese language school after his normal…

Takeo Ikeda continues to talk about his first combat experience. He discusses a Medal of Honor recipient. He briefly talks about his rank. He describes his good luck charms. He explains how he got a concussion as a child. He talks about his religious…

Ikeda talks about his youth government job. He describes his life after high school including his carpentry work. He discusses the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He shares his experiences with discrimination. He talks about joining the…

Ikeda and the interviewers introduce themselves. He talks about his nickname. He describes his early life in Maui, Hawaii. He discusses his siblings. He talks about his childhood activities. He also talks about his parents immigration to the United…

Ida finishes the interview talking about how he met his wife and how they settled in Hawaii. After this he gives a message for future generations and some final notes.

Ida talks about his time after the war and returning to the United States from Italy. He would first go to New York before getting stranded in Marysville, waiting for a strike to end so he could boat back to Hawaii. He would get back to Hawaii on…

Ida continues to talk about the Champagne Campaign and the rest and relaxation they got, not needing to fight any real battles. He talks about going down to Leghorn and getting wounded a second time while in Carrara. He also talks about confiscating…

Ida talks more about his experiences at Camp Shelby, eating fried chicken and catfish at the local restaurants. Shortly after, they would be sent overseas in a convoy, first landing in Oran before arriving in Naples. They would head up to…

Ida talks more about volunteering for the Army, going into Schofield Barracks where he would be given the title acting sergeant. He would head to the mainland, landing first in San Francisco before taking the train down to Camp Shelby in Mississippi.…

Ida talks more about his high school education at Mid-Pacific Institute in Hawaii, where he would play tennis and baseball. After graduation, he would work for the St. Louis Club until the attacks on Pearl Harbor occurred. He talks about seeing…

Ida continues to talk about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii, including purchasing a home after high school. He also talks about living in a small town and knowing everybody, while he would attend both english and Japanese school. He talks about…

Ida begins the interview talking about his family background and his father and mother coming from Japan and settling in Hawaii. He would attend Mid-Pacific Institute while his father worked at the Japanese consulate and his mother did laundry. Next,…

Ichikawa discusses his life following his second discharge from the Army, which included working in Sakhalin, living in Washington Heights in Tokyo and starting a family. Next, he decided to learn Indonesian and begin interpreting in Surabaya, then…

Following the Turlock, Ichikawa and his family were moved to the Gila River Concentration Camp, where he saw posters showing that the Army needed military volunteers who could speak Japanese and work as interpreters. Once approved, Ichikawa was…

Ichikawa begins the interview giving background details of his family and their farm in the Suisun Valley in California. Next, he discusses various parts of his childhood including values, Japanese language school and working for the Mayfield family,…
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