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Yamane continues to describe the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He talks about guarding Hawaii after the attack. He explains how the 100th Infantry Battalion was formed. He discusses his travels through Europe. He describe the journey to…

Yamane describe his journey to Europe. He lists the injuries and casualties in his unit. He talks about medals and awards. He discusses the recognition of Japanese American soldier's accomplishments. He describes his location in Europe and his…

He continues to talks about the rescue of the Lost Battalion. He discusses the rescuers who survived the rescue of the Lost Battalion. He briefly describes a rest period. He talks about the Champagne Campaign. He explains how he was injured for the…

Yamane continues to talk about the end of World War Two. He describes his journey home. He discusses his friend's injuries and his friendships. He explains the extent to which he has shared his war stories with the public. He talks about the ways in…

Yamane continues to reflect on his war service. He talks about his son's service. He discusses his wife's first marriage. He describes his children and grandchildren. He shares his best experiences while in the military. He talks about training new…

Oishi begins the interview with his family background and moving to Hawaii from Hiroshima. He would grow up in Kona, Hawaii working at the family farm and then for his aunt at her grocery store, all while attending school and Japanese language…

Oishi continues his recollection of his time arriving in Japan during the military occupation. He would arrive in Yokosuka and head to Camp Zama, where he would see the devastation of Tokyo and the conditions for the Japanese civilians. Next, he…

Photo of a soldier holding a stake that's about to be hit with a hammer

Hand drawn reference map of Italy. Includes major cities, the Swiss territory and bodies of water. Black ink on white paper.

Photo of Walter Oka posing in front of Hario Detachment 34th Infantry sign

Fujimoto discusses his experiences growing up in rural Colorado as a youth. He talks about how his father immigrated to Mexico before settling in the U.S. He talks about how his mother arrived in the U.S. too. He shares anecdotes regarding: his…

H. Fujimoto talks about his recollections of the Pearl Harbor attack and the aftermath which prevented him from going off to college, and how Colorado's governor Ralph Carr offered refuge for evacuated Japanese Americans. He also discusses his…

H. Fujimoto talks about how his MISLS training emphasized patience and accuracy in interpreting for the military. He also discusses his post-war life: marriage, family, and career; and the racial discrimination he faced post-war while looking for…

Fukunaga discusses his parents, including their occupations and his father’s death when he was a child. He then talks about growing up on Oahu including discussing attending Japanese language school, religion, attending high school on a work…

Fukunaga discusses traveling from Hawaii to the mainland to go to Camp Shelby for basic training. He then talks about some of his duties during basic training, and his interactions with other soldiers. Next, Fukunaga retells stories he heard…

Fukunaga discusses combat experiences after Bruyeres, going to the hospital for trench foot, and his experiences in France and Italy after rejoining the 442nd including exchanging enemy fire with German soldiers. He then talks about getting wounded,…

Fukunaga discusses receiving the Bronze Star, his post-military employment working for the Department of Navy and State of Hawaii, and getting married and having children. He then talks about his involvement in the 442nd Go for Broke Foundation and…

Harold Mamoru Horiuchi is born on August 29, 1920, in Seattle, WA. His parents are both from Chiba-Ken, Japan, and have two siblings.

In Seattle, WA, his father opens a grocery store. Harold's father enjoys fishing and tennis. Harold's memorable…

In high school, Harold Horiuchi enjoys playing basketball. In Seattle, Harold plays basketball for the Fieldhouse Team as a Center. Harold plays basketball in the Japanese American Community too.

In 1938, Harold graduates high school and goes to…

Harold Horiuchi goes to Camp Shelby for his basic training. Basic training is for 13 weeks before he goes overseas as a replacement for the 442nd.

Harold discusses his first combat and artillery fire. He says being on the frontline is scary.…

Kishaba discusses growing up on a farm in Hawaii and learning how to cut hair. He also discusses his family and childhood. Kishaba discusses embracing his Japanese identity and values.

Kishaba discusses about life after high school, going to vocational school, and working on the railroad until volunteering for the military. He talks about his experiences going to the Mainland leaving Hawaii for the first time. Kishaba also…

Kishaba discusses going overseas. He details about assignment and experiences in Italy. Kishaba also describes combat, patrolling, and casualties.

Kishaba discusses, patrols, war stories, and bath time. He discusses about leaving Italy and going to France. Kishaba discusses about his best friend getting injured in combat and passes away.

Kishaba discuss about post-traumatic stress disorder and being wounded. He also talks about the Champagne Campaign, Po Valley, and the ending of the war. Kishaba details about his post-war life and shares advice for the future generation.

Nakasone discusses about his childhood experiences and his family. He details about Pearl Harbor and the aftermath from it. Nakasone also discusses about volunteering for the Army and his early experiences in the Army.

Nakasone discusses about being in the Cannon Company of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He details about his experiences in both Italy and France. Nakasone also discusses in me detail about the Champagne Campaign and the living conditions in the…

Nakasone discusses his squad mates in the Cannon Company and being busted down a rank. He details witnessing discrimination and experiences in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Nakasone also discusses about life after retirement, his family, and gives a…

Nakasone discusses about volunteering for the Army. He details about his friends. Nalasone also describes various photographs.

Okumura discusses how Kahului and Waikulu change from pre and post war, community activites and community organizations. Okumura also shares a few words for the future generations and the contribution the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) made in…

Okumura begins the interview talking about his whereabouts when the war ended and Japan surrendered and his thoughts on the atomic bomb. At the time, he was already in the Army and had gone through his training, so he was sent overseas to begin his…

Okumura talks about his marriage that began before the war, and some of his experiences while in Okinawa. Next, he talks more about reconstruction of Japan, including improving housing systems. He discusses being sansei and how he considers himself…

Tokashiki talks about his parents immigration to America. He discusses his parents launch into farming. He explains why his family moved to Honolulu. He describes his father's other careers. He briefly talks about high school and his involvement in…

Tokashiki describes one of his military furloughs. He describes his Anti-Tank unit and his commanding officers. He talks about the Concentration Camps that Japanese Americans were forced to move into. He discusses his journey to Camp Shelby. He goes…

Tokashiki explains how his unit rescued the Lost Battalion. He describes how he guarded a hillside. He talks about his journey to Italy from France. He discusses the Gothic Line and Po Valley. He talks about the end of World War Two and his final…

Tokashiki talks about the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He discusses his employment opportunities after World War Two. He talks about his final working years and his retirement. He reveals he participates in a veterans club. He describes the values his…

Tokashiki plays several songs on his harmonica. He describes a trip to Europe that he took with a veterans club. He talks about deaths in his family. He discusses friendships with his squad members. Tokashiki shares his advice for future…

Abe talks about his early life, parents, and family. He goes on to discuss his experiences while growing up as a Japanese American in the Pacific Northwest. Abe explains what happened in the aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbor. He briefly…

Abe gets candid about the discrimination that Japanese Americans faced after the attack on Pearl Harbor. He also talks about his military and medical training . Abe discusses the formation of the 442nd. He explains the conflicts between Hawaiian…

Abe talks about the 442nd Regimental Combat Team's involvement in rescuing the Lost Battalion. Abe discusses the types of medical procedures he performed on the battlefield. He also explains the importance of medics. He describes the trips that he…

Abe describes his regiment's role in penetrating The Gothic Line. He briefly talks about the end of World War Two. Abe goes on to talk about his experiences while in medical school. He discusses his medical practice in Long Island. He talks about…


Harry Akune describes his childhood, living and going to school in Japan after his mother died. He talks about learning discipline after living with his Grand-Uncle. He describes his experience during the Occupation of Japan, in which he helped…

Akune describes the life-changing death of his mother, resulting in his move to Japan.He describes how difficult it was to adjust to his new life, but he focused all of his time on his studies in school. His father allowed him to move back to…

Harry Akune continues to describe the Women Prisoner of War camp that he helped liberate in Japan. During the Occupation of Japan, he was reassigned to the Ration and Price Control Division. He talks about the difficulties of interpretation and…

Akune recalls tensions between Japan and the United States while living in Japan and was therefore, not surprised at the Attack on Pearl Harbor.

As a result of President Roosevelt signing the Declaration of War against Japan, Harry and his…

Harry Akune recalls meeting his wife in Chicago after the war. He describes his Japanese language training at the Military Intelligence Service Language School at Camp Savage, where they studied Japanese military language. Half-way through his…

Akune continues with his experiences with Japanese prisoners of war. He describes how he preferred to be on the front lines rather than at General Headquarters, and how different interrogation techniques were when preformed on the front lines. He…

Harry Akune continues to talk about his experience with the parachute landing on Corregidor Island -- he had been separated from his team, but was luckily not identified as "the enemy." After Corregidor Island, he was sent to Luzon, where he was…

Harry Akune talks about his friendship with a solider of the Philippine Army. He describes his military service during the Occupation of Japan. During this time, he was reunited with his father and brothers. He was also promoted to a Second…

Harry Akune describes how "victim mentality" affected his search for accounting positions after college. He describes what being American means to him and suggests all Japanese Americans need to embrace the rights of American citizenship. He…

At this point in the interview, Kubo is joined by his wife, Misao Kubo. They talk about their marriage and family background, Misao's career work as a designer and living in Boyle Heights. Next, they talk about the importance of passing on the…
Scan 56.jpg

Harry Fujii with woman in dress on bench. "Harry Fujii, again" written on back.

Fukasawa talks about his memories of growing up in Los Angeles. He discusses his family and how his father maintained a nursery. Fukasawa describes the Japanese community and Japanese celebrations. He attempts to describe the Los Angeles landscape.…

Fukasawa describes his experiences while at Santa Anita Temporary Detention Facility. He talks about life in the Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp. He reveals what happened to his father after he was released from a Prison camp. Fukasawa discusses…

Fukasawa discusses his life in Davenport, being followed by the FBI, and receiving his draft notice. He also talks about his basic training experiences at Camp Blanding. He explains how frequent illnesses delayed his deployment. Fukasawa talks about…

Fukasawa talks about what V-E day was like in Italy and New York . He explains what he did in Europe after the war and describes his journey home. He talks about memories of his mother. Fukasawa discusses his jewelry making education. He then goes…


In this video clip, Harry Fukuhara talks about his military experience during the Occupation of Japan. He describes the important role that he and other Nisei linguists played during the occupation. He also offers input about what the American…

Harry Fukuhara describes his childhood growing up in Washington during the Great Depression. He and his family moved to Japan after his father passed away, where he attended high school. He describes the emerging wartime atmosphere in Japan during…

During the Korean War, Harry Fukuhara worked in Counterintelligence Operations while in Japan. He talks about his 40 year military career in Military Intelligence. At the end of the video clip, he offers his advice to future generations.

In this video clip, Harry Fukuhara talks about what it was like living in Japan during the Sino-Japanese War -- his family was required to house Japanese soldiers. He explains the situation of the Nisei during this time. He returned to the United…

Harry Fukuhara describes the anti-American and anti-Japanese feelings that emerged prior to the outbreak of war between the United States and Japan. He talks about the day of the Pearl Harbor attack and the confusion he felt when he heard the news.…

Harry Fukuhara was evacuated to Tulare Assembly Center in California. In this video clip, he talks about his experience living there. He and many other Japanese American internees were relocated to the Gila River concentration camp. From there, he…

Harry Fukuhara discusses his recruitment into the Military Intelligence Service, and the difficulty most Nisei and Kibei had with the decision to volunteer for military service while being interned. He talks about being sent to Minnesota (Fort…

Harry Fukuhara talks about being stationed on Angel Island on the way to the Pacific Theater. He describes his first experience with interrogating a Japanese prisoner of war, which was during a demonstration for government officials at 6th Army…

In this video clip, Harry Fukuhara describes some of his experiences in the New Guinea Campaign: crossing the Bismarck Sea, the beach landing of Finch Island, PT Boat excursions (in search of Japanese POWs), interpreting New Guinea natives, and the…

During the New Guinea Campaign, Harry Fukuhara was assigned to interrogate a Japanese POW -- who reportedly was giving everyone a hard time. Upon meeting the Japanese officer for interrogation, Harry realized that the prisoner was his childhood…

In this video clip, Harry Fukuhara describes driving through Japan to reach Hiroshima, where he returned to his old house to find his Mother and Aunt. After helping his relatives in Hiroshima, he was discharged from service, but was able to return to…

Huberth discusses his family, childhood, and love for horses. He details about going to church and college. Huberth also discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

Huberth discusses about volunteering for the Army and his experiences in the Cavalry before being transferred. He details about the journey overseas. Huberth also discusses about jointing the 141st Infantry Regiment and his experiences with them.

Huberth discusses 141st Infantry Regiment. He details about the Lost Battalion rescue. Huberth also discusses about the living conditions during combat.

Huberth discusses about the Lost Battalion. He details about the events after the Lost Battalion. Huberth also discusses about experiences with the 141st Infantry Regiment.

Huberth discusses and reflects about the Lost Battalion. He details about Nisei soldiers and his other experiences in the 141st Infantry Regiment. Huberth also discusses about his post-war military experiences and his post-war life.

Huberth discusses about his post-war life. He details about his love for horses. Huberth also discusses about attending a reef ceremony and gives a message to future generations.

Kanada talks about his parents immigrating to Hawaii, childhood activities in Honolulu, values growing up, and attending English and Japanese language school. He then talks about recreational activities such as sports, swimming, and ballroom dancing;…

Kanada talks about traveling to the Mainland, his brothers' military service; and discusses experiences during basic training such as his daily routine, food, friendships, going into town, Earl Finch, and becoming a squad leader. He also discusses…

Kanada talks about his experiences during the Lost Battalion rescue, getting injured, and staying in a hospital. He then talks about getting reassigned, getting discharged, a friendship that started while he was in the hospital, and his Army uniform…

Kanada talks about receiving the Purple Heart and a unit citation; returning home; marriage; teaching dance; and provides a message to future generations.

Kiyabu describes his early life in growing up in Hana (Maui), Hawaii. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Kiyabu also volunteering for the Army and traveling to the Mainland.

Kiyabu discusses about basic training, being assigned to the 100th Infantry Battalion, and his furlough experiences. He details about going overseas. Kiyabu also discusses about his combat experiences in Italy and France.

Kiyabu discusses more about his experiences in Italy and the Rescue of the Lost Battalion. He details about his experiences with trench foot and R&R. Kiyabu also discusses about getting married, his family, and life after the service.


Kubo begins the interview talking about his family background, starting with his grandparents and then talking about his parents who met in the United States as his mother was a picture bride. At the age of four, he would move to Japan, to go to…

Kubo talks about his whereabouts during the attacks on Pearl Harbor, coming home from work and soon after, reporting to the draft board for induction. He would join the Army, and begin learning the general orders, heading to Camp Robinson in Arkansas…

After his language training, Kubo would be shipped overseas, first going to Angel Island near San Francisco, where they would prepare for the long journey ahead. They would head out on a 50-day boat ride to Brisbane, Australia, getting sick and…

Kubo continues talking about his experiences in the Pacific Theater, including making sukiyaki in Luzon using meat and K rations. Shortly after, the end of the war would occur and his team would be moved to Fukuoka in Japan. There, he would be able…

Kubo narrates as the camera pans through all of his medals and awards that were received throughout his military life, including a Bronze Star and a combat infantryman badge. After this, he looks through various pictures, including one with his old…

Harry Kuga begins the interview speaking about his family background and living in Wyoming and Colorado. His mother would run a popular Japanese restaurant, while he and his siblings attended school, Japanese language school and played sports. During…

Kuga speaks about how he was drafted into the Army and began his basic training at Camp Shelby in Mississippi. While there, he made friends with many Hawaiian soldiers, visited Rohwer concentration camp, and boxed. Next, he discusses various Japanese…

Kuga continues his interview speaking about the medals and awards that were given throughout the war. Next, he speaks about his marriage and career backgrounds, including working for the NRA. After this he speaks about the impact that the niseis have…
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