Browse Items (39 total)

William Yoshito Thompson arrives in France and lands in Marseille. William's unit is the 2nd Battalion Head Quarters, which services the Rifle Company. In the Rifle Company, there is E Company, F Company, and G Company (the heavy weapons company).…

Tanaka discusses about his interactions with Japanese soldiers and interrogations. He tells a story a about friend. Tanaka also about the contribution of Nisei linguist.

Ted Tsukiyama talks about his transition from the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion to the Military Intelligence Service. After graduating from the Military Intelligence Service Language School, he was assigned to a team that was sent to Florida for…

Mr. Watanabe first discusses where he was born and raised, and talks about his passion for music, which included a career as a musician. Leading a unique military career, Mr. Watanabe served in the 442nd and the MIS, before he was finally assigned to…

Kimura talks about his experiences as an interrogator throughout the war, speaking with Japanese prisoners of war and trying to get as much information as possible. He talks about finding a piece of paper which showed the date and location of an…

Tanaka discusses his military experiences in Occupied Japan. He talks about cave flushing, working in Saipan, and sightseeing in Japan during his off time. He also talks about his return to Hawaii and his military discharge.

Furukawa discusses his experiences and assignments in Manila, Philippines and post-war Japan. While in the Philippines he met General Yamashita; while in Japan he visited with relatives. Furukawa also talks about how he met his wife and their…

When Paul Takao Bannai hears the news of Pearl Harbor on December 7, his reaction is to help and defend the United States. Paul's parents support him and encourage him to defend America. By joining the 442nd and serving with the Military…

During Paul Takao Bannai's school years in Utah, and Colorado there are no Japanese American students. Paul's friends are mainly white. When he moves to Los Angeles, CA, his friends are more diverse, and he meets other Japanese Americans. Paul…

Fujikawa narrates as he looks through various pictures, including some of the HMS Glory, where they would hold the surrender ceremony.

Takimoto discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan as a member of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS).

Kubota discusses going to Asia and wartime experiences in India, China, and Burma. In Burma he encounters funny situations with civilians. While in China, he gets word that Japan surrenders. Towards the end of the war, he is protected by Japanese…

Kubota discusses changing from 442nd Regimental Combat Team to Military Intelligence Service. Arriving at Camp Savage, the camp is surrounded by riflemen and explains the reason of racism. Kubota discusses language school, Language Officers and going…

Hayashi begins the interview speaking about his family background, being born in Denver and what it was like to grow up there. As a child, he would have the chance to live in Japan and would do so for two years, learning all about the Japanese…

Inoshita talks about several objects that are shown on camera. He talks about some letters that he found with a Prisoner of War. He explains how he communicated with his family while overseas. He discusses the conflict between the Communist party and…

Saiki talks about Japanese prisoners of war. He describes the clerical work that he did for the MIS. He discusses being discharged. He talks about his return to the market business in Hawaii. He describes his miscellaneous travels through Japan. He…

Sasano discusses his brother's duties during World War Two as an officer in the Army and recalls seeing him in Tokyo while visiting his mother. After the end of World War Two, Sasano lived in Japan and worked as a public health officer while also…

Sasano discusses his experiences living in Nebraska with his sister after his incarceration at Poston, followed by traveling to Camp Savage for basic training after enlisting in the army. He then talks about his interactions with Hawaiian soldiers at…

Nakao discusses his relationship with his assigned bodyguard, Harold Peterson. He also talks exploring underground caves while on Kiska Island, living in Alaska as a translator, and recalls how he met his wife and got married in Salt Lake City. …

Nakao discusses his family's forced removal to Tule Lake Incarceration Center, and what it was like visiting them at Tule Lake and at Heart Mountain Incarceration Camp, where they were later sent. He then talks about his time traveling throughout…

Akune describes his basic training at Camp Shelby, Mississippi and his life on a liberty ship before landing in Perth, Australia, his assignment working on a propaganda project and his duties as a part of a propaganda project and interrogating…

Yamada continues his recollection of being shipped out from San Francisco and taking a month long ship ride to New Zealand, followed by Australia. There, he would get his first assignment, and join the 24th Division, where they would translate and…

Furumoto recalls joining Merrill's Marauders on a secret mission to Burma. He discusses his task of interpreting Japanese soldiers for information, and describes the Battle of Napunga Hill.

Hiro Nishimura further speaks about his connections to Harry Fukuhara and John Aiso. As a soldier he ships out and serves in the China-Burma-India theater as a translator in the MIS.

In this video clip, Harry Fukuhara describes some of his experiences in the New Guinea Campaign: crossing the Bismarck Sea, the beach landing of Finch Island, PT Boat excursions (in search of Japanese POWs), interpreting New Guinea natives, and the…

In this video clip, Harry Fukuhara talks about what it was like living in Japan during the Sino-Japanese War -- his family was required to house Japanese soldiers. He explains the situation of the Nisei during this time. He returned to the United…

Harry Akune continues to talk about his experience with the parachute landing on Corregidor Island -- he had been separated from his team, but was luckily not identified as "the enemy." After Corregidor Island, he was sent to Luzon, where he was…

Okumura begins the interview talking about his whereabouts when the war ended and Japan surrendered and his thoughts on the atomic bomb. At the time, he was already in the Army and had gone through his training, so he was sent overseas to begin his…

Takabayashi talks about his assignments while he was in the G-2 unit. He describes his first combat experience. He discusses his first interrogation of a prisoner of war. He shares his other memories of his interrogation work. Takabayashi talks about…

George Mitsuru Matsunaga completed training at Camp Ritchie CIC School. In 1945, he went overseas for occupation and was part of the 187th paratroopers. Briefly, George had guard duty at Camp Kuwae. Later he went to Morioka and worked for the CIC.…

George Matsui discusses his reaction to December 7 and the aftermath. His feeling was shikata ga nai. George evacuated to Santa Anita and Tule Lake.

At Tule Lake, George remembered the barbed wires around the parameter, barracks, and guards in…

George Matsui grew up in Long Beach, CA, and his parents are farmers. George's father decided to go back to Japan when George was in junior high school. In Japan, George attended Japanese Grade School and learned the Japanese language. When George…

Mukai talks about his courtship and marriage to Eugenia Sumiye Okoshi. Eugenia Sumiye Okoshi joins the interview. She talks about her birthplace. She describes her father's early life. She describes her family's bicoastal life. She discusses her…

Fujimoto begins the interview with the surrender of the Japanese Army and the end of the war. As he was already in the Philippines, they would begin the military occupation in Japan shortly after. He would get over to Tokyo by ship and begin his…

F. Masuoka discusses his experiences working as a linguist for the U.S. military in Tokyo and Korea. He talks about details of his job and traveling he did in Japan. He also shares anecdotes about: cultural identity issues as a Nisei working with…

F. Masuoka discusses his experiences working with Japanese soldiers and civilians in Japan and Korea after Japan's surrender in World War 2. He talks about his role as a military linguist. He also discusses his how he volunteered for U.S. military…

Fukuhara begins the interview speaking about his family background and his father coming over from Japan. At a young age, his mother would pass away, and his father would later re-marry. Growing up in Washington, he had a very diverse upbringing,…

Matsuda describes his military duties. He talks about Bruyeres-Biffontaine. He discusses his military decorations. He talks about E company, 4th platoon. He reveals which family members served in the military. Matsuda talks about the end of World War…

Kozono talks about his deployment to the Philippines after the war ended as part of the "Luzon POW Processing Team". As a staff sergeant, and due to his limited ability to speak Japanese, he often had his team conduct interviews while managed the…
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