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After the forced removal from Los Angeles, Teragawa and family were rounded up and sent to the temporary detention center at the Santa Anita race tracks, where they would live in a horse stall with other families. After a couple of months, they were…

Teragawa discusses his time overseas in both Manila and Japan, working as an interpreter and translator. Spending over two years in Japan, he was able to do some exploring, including visiting his family, and seeing Mt. Fuji. After his discharge from…

Teramura begins the interview talking about growing up in Lents, Oregon. His family would come over from Shiga prefecture in Japan and start a farm, where Yasu would work from the age of 7 on. During the Great Depression they had to move from Lents…

Teramura continues his recollection of his school years in Oregon, his favorite subject being math. He discusses some of the impactful teachers he had and some of the discrimination that he faced during his childhood. After graduating from Oregon…

Teramura discusses seeing Ambassador Nomura while living near Portland and what it was like to work on the sugar beet farms. There, he would face some prejudice which gave him a little bit of a scare. Next, he talks about visiting his family at the…

Teramura discusses more about his time in Europe during the war. One of his assignments there would be processing German prisoners of war. He discusses the SS and the power that they had in the Nazi Army. After the war had ended, he would work as a…

Termaura continues to talk about his marriage and the wedding that they had. Next, he lists out his children and grandchildren. After this, he talks about his farming career and how he's kept up with agriculture even after he's retired. He also talks…

Teraoka discusses growing up on a plantation on Hawaii and talks about the workers on the plantation as well as the plantation store. He then talks about his childhood including discussing recreational activities, his family's home, working, school,…

Teraoka talks about how his parents met, what it was like moving to Honolulu to attend high school, and discusses the boat trip from Hilo to Honolulu. Next, Teraoka talks about his participation in ROTC, attending the University of Hawaii, and his…

Teraoka talks about going to Camp Shelby for basic training, explains the meaning of "katonk", and discusses D Company members. He then talks about traveling overseas to Italy, communicating with his family, and describes Naples. Next, Teraoka talks…

Teraoka discusses the liberation of Pisa; landing in Marseille; and his combat experiences and living conditions in Bruyeres. He also talks about getting trench foot, his combat experiences in Biffontaine, describes the Lost Battalion rescue, and…

Teraoka discusses the rescue of the Lost Battalion and thoughts about the 100th; the good luck charm he carried while overseas; and the Champagne Campaign. He also talks about working as a dentist in Leghorn, returning to Hawaii after the war, and…

Teraoka discusses his parents and siblings including talking about how his parents and two older siblings returned to Japan before he was born and the meaning of the term "kibei". He then talks about his relationship with his father, tells a story…

Teraoka talks about his mother and her cooking; and his family’s tradition making mochi around New Year’s. He then talks about being raised buddhist, going to Japanese school and attending a New Year’s celebration; and describes growing up on a…

Teraoka discusses his experiences transitioning from elementary to intermediate school and his classes in an English standard school. He then talks about The Attack on Pearl Harbor and aftermath, volunteering for the Army and his father’s reaction,…

Teraoka talks about his experiences with segregation in the south; and life at Camp Shelby including discussing his mentors, the barracks, the weather, and food. He then talks about how he got his nickname, provides an explanation of the word katonk,…

Teraoka discusses becoming a replacement for the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, his assignment in Italy, witnessing a soldier’s death, and discusses his experiences during the Po Valley campaign. He then talks about the war ending while he was in…

Terasaki discusses his name, his neighborhood growing up in Denver, Colorado, his parents, siblings, and his father's import/export business. He then talks about his childhood including discussing playing sports, friendships, neighbors, food, and…

Terasaki talks about getting drafted and his enemy alien classification; working as a soda jerk; and getting reclassified as 1-A. He then talks about his attempts to volunteer for the Navy after induction; his experiences traveling to Camp Shelby;…

Terasaki discusses his furlough, traveling overseas on the Queen Mary, landing in Scotland, and corresponding with his mother while he was overseas. He then talks about his parents' thoughts regarding his military service, discusses his…

Terasaki talks about his combat experiences, his experiences meeting up with a supply train, and discusses the end of the war. He then talks about a memorial service that was held for soldiers who were killed in action, his postwar experiences…

Terasaki talks about awards and medals he received including a good conduct medal, Combat Infantryman Badge, and Presidential Unit Citiation. He then talks about his friendships and camraderie within his unit; the importance of the 100th Infantry…

Terasaki discusses returning to the United States and landing in New York. He then talks about a welcome celebration for the 442nd Regimental Combat Team which included attending a baseball game and a dance. He also talks about Earl Finch, who was in…

Teshima discusses his family and Gallup New Mexico. He details about his childhood, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. Teshima also discusses about volunteering and basic training.

Teshima discusses about photographs. He details about experiences at Camp Shelby. Teshima also discusses about his experiences in Europe.

Teshima discusses about his experiences in Europe, France, and friends in the military. He details about being wounded and the awards received. Teshima also discusses about coming home and photographs.

Teshima discusses about his life after discharge. He details about Gallup, New Mexico. Teshima also discusses about his family, hobbies, and gives a message to future generation

Teshima discusses his prefecture origin and familial description. He shares his childhood memories and visiting Japan prewar. Teshima is drafted and goes to Camp McCoy and Camp Shelby. He goes overseas to Europe with the 100th Infantry Battalion.

Teshima discusses his military experiences and duties. During occupation in Japan, General Douglas MacArthur enforces censorship and Teshima talks about Civil Censorship Detachment (CCD). Teshima also recalls post-war and describes photographs from…

William Yoshito Thompson is a World War Two veteran who volunteered for the 442nd (Head Quarters 2nd Battalion). He is born March 15, 1924, in Hilo, Hawaii. His father is from Scotland, Ireland, and moved to Hawaii. He remains a British subject and…

William Yoshito Thompson discusses going to Schofield and going overseas to the Mainland to Camp Shelby. At Camp Shelby, William is assigned to the 2nd Battalion Head Quarters and later to the Antitank Company.

There are approximately 10,000 Nisei…

William Yoshito Thompson arrives in France and lands in Marseille. William's unit is the 2nd Battalion Head Quarters, which services the Rifle Company. In the Rifle Company, there is E Company, F Company, and G Company (the heavy weapons company).…


Tochihara begins the interview talking about his family and how they came from Kumamoto prefecture in Japan to Seattle, Washington. He would work as a school boy for a family near his school and would be sent to Japan for a short time to learn…

Tochihara discusses his whereabouts when first hearing of the attacks on Pearl Harbor. As he had dropped out of high school, he was working and he would continue working until the very last second when he would be forced to leave to Puyallup assembly…

Following the American concentration camps in Idaho, Tochihara would volunteer for the Army, wanting to fight for the country he was born and raised in. After a 30 day furlough, he would begin his basic training at Camp Shelby as a replacement for…

Tochihara discusses a couple of soldiers that he knew and talks about the various medals he received for his time overseas, including a Purple Heart. Next, he talks a little bit more about his war experiences, including going AWOL, but not getting…

Same as part 4

Toda discusses growing up in Los Angeles, California. He details about volunteering for the service and his early impressions of in the Army. Toda also discusses about his experiences his experiences in Illinois and heading overseas.

Toda discusses about his experiencs in the Champagne Campaign. He details about his experiences in Italy. Toda also discusses about his role as a Mess Sergeant.

Toda discusses coming home, how he met his wife, and moving back to California. He gives details about his career and family. Toda also gives a message to future generations.

Togami begins the interview with a brief introduction and talking about his family background. His father came over from Japan and went to Colorado to farm, and after having an arranged marriage, would settle down in New Mexico. Togami talks about…

Togami continues his recollection of his basic training at Camp Shelby, including scoring high on his tests and playing cribbage. He would then be shipped overseas, taking a convoy to North Africa, before finally being dropped in Naples. There, he…

Togami talks about being wounded in France from shrapnel and being shipped back to the United States for recovery. While at the hospital in New Mexico, he would hear of the end of the war and when fully recovered, be discharged from the Army. He…

John Togashi starts the interview by talking about his childhood in Modesto, California, and discusses his parents occupations. Next he talks about the tensions between Japan and the US before Pearl Harbor, and then the attack on Pearl Harbor. Lastly…

John Togashi starts with a discussion on reactions at school to Pearl Harbor and the FBI interviewing his father. Next he describes the evacuation notice posters and his family selling its possessions prior to moving to the Merced Temporary Assembly…

John Togashi begins this interview part with recounting jobs he had with the Santa Fe Railroad and working in warehouses in Detroit. Next he describes getting his draft notice and talks about the "Loyalty Questionnaire". Lastly he recounts his…

John Togashi talks about his basic training experiences and shipping out of the United States. Next he describes his military travel to Europe and joining the 442nd in northern France. Lastly he talks about his experiences with the 442nd while they…

John Togashi describes witnessing combat for the first time and experiencing enemy artillery fire. Next he recounts the 442nd move into Italy and fighting along the Gothic Line. Lastly he describes assaulting a hill in which he gets wounded by mortar…

John Togashi discusses his ambulance ride to the field hospital with Daniel Inouye. Next he describes the end of the war in Europe and the feelings he had about the atomic bombs being used on Japan. Lastly he describes his discharge and return to…

John Togashi concludes the interview by giving advice to future generations about his and the Japanese American experience during WWII, as well as his general feeling of satisfaction in overcoming all the challenges he was confronted with during that…

In this segment, Martin Tohara talks about living in Hawaii and what his father did to secure a safe upbringing. He explains how English school and Japanese school were different and what was taught in Japanese school. He also explained how growing…

In this segment, Tohara recalls his time with a good friend, Ray, and the advice he was given by another teacher that helped him in the army. We learn about the after school activities he was involved in and his summer job at a machine shop. Tohara…

In this segment, Martin Tohara talks about Camp Shelby and his travels aboard a troop ship before finally ending up in combat in Europe. Traveling by troop ship, Tohara and his unit went across the United States and across the Atlantic Ocean to…

In this segment, Martin Tohara talks about the nickname he was given during basic training in relation to his rank as 1st Sergeant. Tohara also talks about some good and bad memories during the war, one of them being a funny story about a necklace a…

In this segment, Martin Tohara talks about the different types of heavy weaponry he encountered during the war. He also shares his memories of Spark Matsunaga. Tohara also speaks about how after being drafted he was asked to help with pronunciation…

Tojo discusses about his family and values taught. He details about his schooling. Tojo also discusses about childhood.

Tojo discusses about Hawaii, childhood, and the term Go For Broke. He details about mindset during combat and the pre-war atmosphere. Tojo also Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

Tojo discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. He details about a war experience. Tojo also discusses about volunteering for service.

Tojo discusses about his first day in the Army. He details traveling to the Mainland and Camp Shelby. Tojo also discusses about his experiences Camp Shelby and Fort Sill

Tojo discusses about going overseas and arriving in Italy. He details about his experiences inItaly and in combat. Tojo also discusses about the realities of war.

Tojo discusses about code talking and the O'Connor Task Force. He details about an interaction with a German soldiers. Tojo also discusses about his experiences in France.

Tojo discusses about his non-combat experiences in Europe. He details about his experiences in Germany. Tojo also discusses about a letter and his personal philosophy.

Tojo discusses about his experience in Germany and other parts of Europe. He details about his son. Tojo also discusses about his life.

Tokashiki talks about his parents immigration to America. He discusses his parents launch into farming. He explains why his family moved to Honolulu. He describes his father's other careers. He briefly talks about high school and his involvement in…

Tokashiki describes one of his military furloughs. He describes his Anti-Tank unit and his commanding officers. He talks about the Concentration Camps that Japanese Americans were forced to move into. He discusses his journey to Camp Shelby. He goes…

Tokashiki explains how his unit rescued the Lost Battalion. He describes how he guarded a hillside. He talks about his journey to Italy from France. He discusses the Gothic Line and Po Valley. He talks about the end of World War Two and his final…

Tokashiki talks about the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He discusses his employment opportunities after World War Two. He talks about his final working years and his retirement. He reveals he participates in a veterans club. He describes the values his…

Tokashiki plays several songs on his harmonica. He describes a trip to Europe that he took with a veterans club. He talks about deaths in his family. He discusses friendships with his squad members. Tokashiki shares his advice for future…

Toke Yonekawa describes his childhood growing up with his mother, stepfather, and siblings in a multiracial neighborhood in Guadalupe, California. He talks about what it was like growing up in the Depression and how everyone he knew were in a similar…

Tokita and the interviewers introduce themselves. He describes his grandparents immigration. He shares his father's backstory. He talks about his early life on the Wilcox Estate. He discusses J.N. Wilcox. He describes his experiences in primary…

He talks about his employment ventures after high school. He discusses his work for a church. He explains why a reverend was arrested. He describes volunteering for the military. He talks about being a part of the labor battalion. He discusses being…

Tokita talks about his rank. He continues to talk about being assigned to H Company. He describes Captain Keegan's leadership. He shares his impressions of Camp Shelby. He discusses his friendships with Mainland soldiers. He talks about USO shows.…

Tokita explains how he survived on the front line. He talks about a soldiers injury and that soldiers life after World War Two. He describes an attempt to save a soldiers life. He discusses the Gothic Line. He describes a deadly ambush. He shares…

He describes what combat was like in Bruyères, France. He briefly talks about replacement soldiers. He discusses the food that was available on the front line. He describes maintaining hygiene on the front line. He explains how he stole food. He…
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