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Joe Saito discusses conditions at Camp Shelby and shares experiences. At basic training he describes the relationship between Mainland boys and Hawaiian boys. Saito parts ways with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team when he arrives at Camp Meade…

Joe Saito discusses Japanese traditions and Japanese being able to receive citizenship in 1952. Post-war he meets his wife at a YMCA dance and marries her in 1947. They have three children and grandchildren. Saito gets involve in civic work after his…

Murakami describes his childhood in Sherwood, Oregon. He talks about his siblings. He discusses his father's immigration to the United States and his father's career. He talks about his mother's immigration to the United States. He describes the…

Murakami talks about courting his future wife, his wedding, and his marriage. He discusses volunteering for military service. He talks about the forced removal of Japanese Americans. He briefly talks about his experiences at Camp Robinson. Murakami…

Murakami describes his experiences with discrimination in the military. He talks about his military training. He discusses the dangers of being in combat. He talks about his time in Bruyeres, France. He explains how he was injured. He discusses the…

Murakami continues to talk about his injury. He explains how he felt about serving in the military while Japanese Americans were being mistreated. He briefly explains the legacy of the Nisei. He describes his first combat experience. He continues to…

Murakami gives a summary of his injuries. He talks about his friends who were killed in combat. He describes the other units within the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He reflects on his military service. He discusses his return to the United States.…

Murakami talks about building a home for his family. He talks about his children. He shares his experiences with discrimination before and after World War Two. He shares his hopes for future generations. He explains why he doesn't share war stories…

Murakami talks about his relationships with his grandchildren. He also discusses his relationships with Hawaiian soldiers during World War Two. He shares his thoughts on wars after World War Two.

Sakamoto discusses his family and his childhood experiences. He details the aftermath from Pearl Harbor and the affects it had on his family. Sakamoto also discusses he time in the military before being shipped overseas.

Sakamoto discusses more about his time in the military before heading to Italy. He details about his voyage to Italy and being transferred to the regimental band. Sakamoto also discusses experiencing prejudices and hobbies.

Sakamoto discusses his experiences while being in the regimental band. He details about his life after being discharged. Sakamoto also discusses the plane crash at Camp Beale and seeing the unveiling of the Civil Liberties Monument.

John Akira Takekawa was born on August 27, 1923, in Seattle, WA. John's parents immigrated from Japan to the United States. John lost his father when he was ten years old. John's mother raised three boys by herself. John recalls his mother was a…

Post-war, John Akira Takekawa sat in on the war crime trial of General Tomoyuki Yamashita. The General Yamashita trial was daily and took approximately 30 to 60 days for the hearing. John also attended General Masaharu Homma's trial in Manila.

John Togashi starts the interview by talking about his childhood in Modesto, California, and discusses his parents occupations. Next he talks about the tensions between Japan and the US before Pearl Harbor, and then the attack on Pearl Harbor. Lastly…

John Togashi starts with a discussion on reactions at school to Pearl Harbor and the FBI interviewing his father. Next he describes the evacuation notice posters and his family selling its possessions prior to moving to the Merced Temporary Assembly…

John Togashi begins this interview part with recounting jobs he had with the Santa Fe Railroad and working in warehouses in Detroit. Next he describes getting his draft notice and talks about the "Loyalty Questionnaire". Lastly he recounts his…

John Togashi talks about his basic training experiences and shipping out of the United States. Next he describes his military travel to Europe and joining the 442nd in northern France. Lastly he talks about his experiences with the 442nd while they…

John Togashi describes witnessing combat for the first time and experiencing enemy artillery fire. Next he recounts the 442nd move into Italy and fighting along the Gothic Line. Lastly he describes assaulting a hill in which he gets wounded by mortar…

John Togashi discusses his ambulance ride to the field hospital with Daniel Inouye. Next he describes the end of the war in Europe and the feelings he had about the atomic bombs being used on Japan. Lastly he describes his discharge and return to…

John Togashi concludes the interview by giving advice to future generations about his and the Japanese American experience during WWII, as well as his general feeling of satisfaction in overcoming all the challenges he was confronted with during that…

Miyagawa discusses what it was like growing up in Spreckelsville. He gives details about being drafted and the affects of Pearl Harbor. Miyagawa also discusses his experiences at Camp McCoy and Camp Shelby.

Miyagawa discusses he first combat experiences in Italy. He details about his time at Cassino. Miyagawa also discusses the times he was wounded and his life after the army.

Kurata discusses his whereabouts during Japan's surrender; his father's immigration to the United States and employment at a sugar cane plantation; and discusses some of his thoughts regarding Japanese civilians prior to his assignment in Japan. He…

Kurata discusses his parents and his other family members. He also details what it was like growing up in Lodi, California. Kurata discusses his educational experiences.

Kurata discusses his experiences while on headquarters assignment duty; talks about seeing confiscated Japanese swords; and discusses his transfer to Sendai to set up a new Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) headquarters. He then talks about his CIC…

Kurata discusses the difference between Rural Nisei and Urban Nisei. He details trying to volunteer for the army. Kurata discusses being forced removed and his journey to Rohwer.

Kurata discusses life in the Rohwer Concentration Camp. He details he draft experience and his thoughts on the 442nd. Kurata also discusses how he ended up in the Counter Intelligence Corps.

Kurata continues to explain the training for the Counter Intelligence Corps. He details being assigned and what his arrival in Japan was like. Kurata discusses his duties while stationed in Japan.

Kurata continues to explain working in Chiba. He discusses more about the time spent in Japan, including the problem with communism. Kurata details about making a career within the military.

Kurata discusses his family. He also list the community organizations that he is a member of. Kurata discusses the message he wants to leave for future generations.

Oshiro discusses his childhood and family. He details his employment and remembering December 7, 1941. Oshiro also details about volunteering for service.

Oshiro discusses about his early experiences in the army, traveling to the Mainland, and Mississippi. He details about his experiences at Camp Shelby and visiting Jerome Concentration Camp. Oshiro also discusses about his voyage overseas, arriving…

Oshiro discusses about being wounded, coming home and his homecoming experience. He details about his post military life and his life during retirement. Oshiro also discusses The Lost Battalion, tree burst, and gives a message to future generations.

Hamanaka discusses his parents orign and growing up as an only child. During his adolescent years he helps with his Father's business after school and is active in journalism at school. Hamanaka recalls learning how to cook in Puyallup and making…

Hamanaka discusses his experiences in Puyallup Temporary Detention Center and Minidoka Concentration Camp. During his time in camp he sees how the family dynamic changes. Hamanaka leaves camp when he goes to basic training. After graduation he goes…

Hamanaka discusses his time of occupation in Japan and his length of Military Service. He also mentions Japan's civilians thoughts on Military Intelligence Service in Japan. When Hamanaka is discharged, he goes back to school and receives two…

Jumpei "Jumpy" Mine is born on August 4, 1920, in Montebello, CA. Jumpei's father is a hard-working man. Jumpei's mother, Jen Mine, passes away early.
Jumpei grows up in Montebello and helps his father with farming. Jumpei's favorite sport is…

Jumpei Mine narrates photographs from his wartime.

Overseas, Jumpei encounters some close calls. He shares his stories about a hand grenade, a three-story building, and a fence. Besides his close calls, he says the scariest thing is the German…

Fukushima talks about his experiences as a youth briefly living in Japan circa 1930; he had lived, and traveled, between Wakayama, Osaka, and Tokyo. He describes cultural differences and similarities between the Japanese and Japanese Americans. He…

Fukushima discusses his birth and foster parents; talks about the reasons why he was adopted; discussing his brothers; and talks about his foster father's employment. He then talks about his step-siblings; his foster parents' personalities; attending…

Fukushima discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan. He details his interactions with the Japanese civilians. Fukushima also discusses about the importance of Nisei linguist

Fukushima discusses his experiences working on a farm; talks about his gymnastics hobby; discusses his childhood friendships; and talks about some of his childhood recreational activities such as his participation in Young Buddhist Association (YBA),…

Fukushima discusses his relationship with a sergeant; talks about Nisei soldiers who were transferred to I Company and sent to Chicago; and discusses his thoughts regarding Japan after Pearl Harbor. He then discusses his family's forced removal to…

Fukushima discusses his participation in Military Intelligence Service Language School (MIS) at Camp Savage; discusses the differences between interpreting and translating assignments; and talks about the tensions between Caucasian and Nisei…

Fukushima discusses tactics that were used when interrogating POWs; talks about his duties as a replacement soldier; and discusses his experiences in Leyte. Fukushima also talks about his experiences in Luzon; the surrender of Japan; duties in Kyoto…

Fukushima provides some thoughts regarding Military Intelligence Service (MIS) soldiers; discusses his sister who was living in Japan during World War Two; and talks about getting discharged and seeing his family again. Next, Fukushima talks about…

Fukushima discusses V-J Day; talks about his worst war experiences; and discusses the lessons he learned from World War Two. He then talks about the importance of Nisei soldiers; provides a message to future generations; and discusses the importance…

Shiosaki begins the interview giving an introduction of himself and his family and how they came from Japan and ended up in Idaho. His father would work on the railroads and the family would live in railroad housing in Fort Hall and in Blackfoot. He…

Shiosaki continues his recollection of being drafted into the Army and arriving in Le Havre, France as a replacement soldier for the 100th/442nd Regiment. Next, he talks about his various experiences in Europe, including the Gothic Line push and…

Toyota discusses his parents immigration to the United States, his childhood and his military service. Toyota's Father is a trained as a carpenter in Japan and when he migrates to America, he becomes a barber and a farmer. During the Great…

Toyota discusses family religion, secondary school, and going overseas for the European Theater. In Japan Toyota's Issei parents are Buddhist. However, when migrating to the United States, Toyota's parents believe their children should follow the…

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Toyota discusses before going to Camp Shelby, the kibei are pulled out and sent to Cat Island as decoys.

Overseas at the European Theater, Toyota recalls being pulled off the line for ten days of rest. After Toyota showers, he receives the news…

Toyota discusses General Dahlquist's leadership and his Second Lieutenant getting killed during the rescue of the Lost Battalion. In the course of wartime, Toyota's regret is that he did not correspond with his family as much as he…

Masuda talks about his early life in Pleasanton, California. He talks about his father and mother. He discusses his father's immigration to the United States. He describes his visits to Japan. He talks about his siblings. Masuda explains why his…

Masuda talks about his experiences while in high school. He discusses Japanese language school. He explains what he did in his childhood leisure time. He shares his aspirations after high school. Masuda talks about being drafted and inducted. He…

Masuda talks about the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He describes his journey to Arkansas. He explains a negative experience he had while on guard duty. He briefly discusses a protest march that his unit conducted. He describes his…

Masuda talks about being stationed in Salina, Kansas. He discusses his family's forced removal. He describes his visits with his family while they were living in Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp. He talks about his experiences at Fort McClellan.…

Masuda continues to talk about his first combat experience during the Bruyeres-Biffontaine campaign. He also discusses his work as a Assistant BAR. he describe his unit's efforts to rescue the Lost Battalion. He talks about replacement soldiers. He…

Masuda talks about the end of World War Two. He discusses searching German Soldiers at the Getty Airport. He briefly talks about returning to the United States. He talks about the first time he met his wife. He describes their courtship and marriage.…

Hayakawa discusses his childhood and recalls his parents' boarding house and renters who boarded there; his neighborhood community in Utah; friendships; and experiences with discrimination. He then continues to talk about his childhood and discusses…

Hayakawa talks about his father’s reasons for going to Japan and Manchuria; discusses his childhood trip to Japan; talks about his post-high school employment working at a coal mine; and talks about his life after Executive Order 9066. Next, Hayakawa…

Hayakawa discusses preparing to go overseas, getting passes to visit his mother, arriving in Europe, and joining up with the 100th Infantry Battalion. He then discusses his Company A assignment, the Champagne Campaign, soldiers who were killed in…

Hayakawa describes getting assistance from a Kibei when writing letters home due to his lack of knowledge regarding the Japanese language; discusses combat experiences at Po Valley; and talks about getting sick and his hospital stay near Livorno. He…

Hayakawa shows and describes 442nd Regimental Combat Team patches; campaign ribbons; his dog tags; induction papers; an issue of Stars and Stripes newspaper; and a letter from his mother. He also shows and describes photographs from Camp Shelby and…

Kazuo Fujii begins the interview with background information on his family, and his early childhood being influenced by his primary school teachers. Next, he describes having to work hard on the family farm, and then taking it over after graduating…

Kazuo Fujii discusses his personal experiences after Pearl Harbor, seeing his family before their evacuation, and visiting American Concentration Camps. Next, he talks about the basic training for combat engineers, and the altercations between…

Kazuo Fujii talks about the different tasks combat engineers perform and the conditions that they have to do it under. Next, he discusses the 232nd Combat Engineer Company's arrival in Italy, their first combat action, and the tasks they were…

Kazuo Fujii recounts his unit going to southern France, and shipping out back to Italy to participate in the attacks on the Gothic Line. Next, he talks about his platoon sergeant and how everyone followed his orders, and then the Nisei soldiers…

Kazuo Fujii discusses returning home, and encountering some instances of racism around his hometown. Next, he talks about how he met his wife, and her background. Lastly, he gives a message for future generations, and provides some information on his…

Kazuo Hinatsu begins the interview talking about growing up in Oswego, Oregon, where there were very few Japanese Americans and his family would have a farm. Next, he talks about how his parents came from Japan and settled in Oregon, becoming…

Hinatsu discusses being on the farm when first hearing about the attacks on Pearl Harbor. Shortly after, his family would be evacuated and sent to Portland assembly center followed by Minidoka concentration camp in Idaho. While visiting on a…

Hinatsu discusses the regimental structure of the Headquarters company and communications platoon. While at Camp Shelby, he would begin his work in the cadre, teaching discipline to the new Army recruits. He talks about the Hawaiian soldiers and…

Hinatsu would arrive in Naples after a long journey across the ocean. He talks about his war experiences and route that the unit took while in combat. First, he talks about going through Civitavecchia and Sasseta, stopping at Hill 140, where the…

Hinatsu talks more about the rescue of the Lost Battalion, including a parade that followed the rescue. Following this they would get some rest and relaxation during the Champagne Campaign, going through the South of France. Shortly after they war…

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Kazuo Komoto begins the interview with detailing his father's reasons for leaving Japan and then returning to Japan to find a bride before starting a family in the United States. Next, he discusses his mother's wishes for her children to get a…

Kazuo Komoto discusses his high school life in Japan and witnessing the increasing militarism of the Japanese society during the conflict in Manchuria. Next, he talks about not feeling attached to the Japanese society and wanting to return to the…

Kazuo Komoto talks about performing guard duty over an aircraft plant in California, and how a newspaper picture of Nisei's guarding the plant created some issues with the local community. Next, he discusses his transfer to Camp Savage and the…
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