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Theodore "Ted" Yenari discusses meeting his wife, children and grandchildren. He shares his hopes and dreams for his grandchildren for the future. After his military career, Yenari is active in community organizations and competes in pole vault,…

Theodore "Ted" Yenari discusses the war ending when he is in Okinawa as a paratrooper. He explains the warfare and the use of the war weapons. During the occupation in Japan, Yenari recalls his assignments with the bomb disposal group and traveling…

Theodore "Ted" Yenari discusses his experience at Fort McClellan, Camp Snelling and Turkey tent. He shares funny moments from basic training and Colonel John Aiso who is an influential figure during his training.

When Yenari goes overseas to…

Yenari discusses his dreams of leaving the Pacific Coast. Although these dreams of leaving happens due to evacuation, he still remain optimistic about the outcome of camp. At Santa Anita Temporary Dentition Center, Yenari helps with the production of…

Theodore "Ted" Yenari discusses graduating high school in 1938 and being aware about world events. He recalls asking his parents to go watch a play about antiwar and writing a school paper on Manchuria.

On December 7, 1941, Yenari is working…

Yenari discusses his influential teacher is Mr. Hayashi from Japanese School. Yenari defines what is means to be a good citizen, an American, and to have moral and ethics.

Growing up Yenari plays baseball, golf, and pole vaulting. In high…

Yenari discusses his Issei Father immigrating to the United States and working in the saw mill. Yenari recalls his Father as a quiet man and enjoys raising flowers. Yenari' s Mother is religious and he would help her in the kitchen and with house…

R. Honbo talks about his experiences and thoughts regarding race relations in American society. He shares his observations and feelings regarding African Americans and Caucasians. He also talks about his children's' interracial marriages, and the…

R. Honbo discusses his feelings and thoughts regarding Japan's involvement in World War Two; and what it was like being a Japanese American in the United States military. In addition, he shares his observations and experiences regarding race…

R. Honbo discusses his experiences in the European Theater during World War Two. He relays his experiences exposed to the battlefield in role as a switchboard operator. He also talks about how a foot injury sent him home to Hawaii in the middle of…

R. Honbo discusses his military experiences. He talks about his basic training and war participation in Europe. He describes his military work assignment and close calls he had while performing his duties.

R. Honbo discusses his early years growing up in Hawaii. He talks about his homelife; describes his parents; and talks about his early education. He also talks about his army experiences after being drafted.

Tsubota discusses his best and worst experiences during the war. He also discusses his children and grandchildren. Tsubota gives some words of wisdom for future generations.

Tsubota discusses more about his time spent in Burma and being with the Merrill's Marauders. He also details about his life after the war. Tsubota discusses receiving the Bronze Star.

Tsubota discusses what his initial experiences were in India, including interacting with the people and jungle training. He also details about his time in Burma and being with the Merrill's Marauders. Tsubota discusses about being injured and…

Tsubota discusses his family and how he obtained his nickname. He also details his educational experiences in both The United States and Japan. Tsubota discusses what it was like being drafted in the Army and his early military experiences.

Lawrence Yatsu gives advice to veterans who are contemplating sitting for a oral history interview. He also gives more advice to the next generation. Yatsu explains the affect of his war time injury on his psyche. He contrast his intellectual nature…

Yatsu talks about his sense of humor. He talks about his humorous life experiences. He discusses enrolling in college. Yatsu describes the work he did while in college. He also talks about his post-graduate studies and work experiences. He describes…

Yatsu talks about what happened on the Gothic Line. He also describes what happened during the Champagne Campaign. He explains what "living for the day" means. Yatsu discusses interactions with locals and the European countryside. He explains how he…

Yatsu describes how he would leave Poston to go to the Colorado River. He continues to talk about being drafted. Then he describes basic training and life at Camp Blanding. He explains what he knew about the 442nd Regimental Combat Team before he…

Yatsu continues to talk about the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He also describes a friendship that he made in the military. He explores his forced removal experiences. Yatsu talks about the time that he spent at Poston Concentration Camp. He discuss…

Yatsu describes his parents and his experiences in school. He talks about the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He discuss the role of religion in his upbringing. He describes what Upland and Pasadena were like when he was young. He briefly…

Foote discusses various aspects of his life after World War 2. After discharge he went to Cornell University as a graduate student and became a professor in Animal Science and Molecular Biology. In addition he talks about his family life: marriages,…

Foote discusses his experiences after the Gothic Line surrender: taking in German troops as prisoners of war (POWs); duties after European surrender. He gives particular detail on the various minefields he and his troop encountered. He also mentions…

Foote starts the discussion recounting two Nisei Veteran reunions honoring Yuri Kochiyama and Ted Tanouye. Later he gives some details about his experiences on The Gothic Line: what German tactics were used, help from Partisans, and American tactics.…

Foote discusses about his interactions with the soldiers and being wounded. He details about arriving and experiences in France. Foote also discusses about the recovery process, rejoining the unit, The Gothic Line, and his career.

Foote discusses about Pearl Harbor and his early military experiences. He details about going overseas, being assigned to the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and his experiences in them. Foote also discusses about the realities of war, communication,…

Foote discusses his family and childhood. He details about his schooling. Foote also discusses about his social awareness while growing up.

Ota discusses his wife and her occupation; and their children. He then talks about the units he was assigned to while in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and 100th Infantry Battalion, and concludes by providing a message to his children and future…

Ota talks about his friendship with a mainland Japanese American while at Jerome Concentration Camp, interactions with German POWs, a story regarding finding Italian money while overseas; and experiences at Camp Shelby and in Mississippi including…

Ota discusses his thoughts about Pearl Harbor and experiences after including talking about discrimination and restrictions he experienced, and life at Jerome incarceration camp. He then talks about volunteering for the Army, basic training at Camp…

Ota discusses his parents and their occupations, and talks about growing up in Hawaii including childhood chores, discussing his siblings, and going to Japanese language school. He also talks about the Japanese community in Hawaii, going to church,…

Barney Hajiro recalls the locals of Bruyeres and Biffontaine were friendly and nice. However, they were confused to see Japanese Americans in an American Army uniform. Barney was in M Company then transferred to I Company. The guys in I Company were…

Barney Hajiro was born on September 16, 1916. He was the second oldest of his siblings. He grew up on a plantation in Maui, Hawaii, during the Great Depression.

During Barney's school years, he attended first through eighth grade. He did not have…

Akamine talks about trying to find work after he was discharged. He describes his experiences with discrimination after the war. He discusses his hopes for the future. He gives advice to future generations. Akamine talks about his marriage and…

Akamine continues to describes his end of war duties. He talks about his wartime injury. He describes an encounter he had with two Italian women. He explains the relationship between Hawaiian soldiers and reading. Akamine talks about weapons…

Akamine revisits the topic of basic training. He describes racial divisions within B company. He elaborates on the first assignments that he had while overseas. He describes how B company eventually bonded. Akamine talks about how he communicated…

Akamine reveals the effects of the Attack on Pearl Harbor. He discusses the Big Five companies in Hawaii, his electric work, and the draft. Akamine talks about his basic training experiences and the journey to Europe. He elaborates on his struggles…

Akamine talks about his parent's immigration to the United States. He also explains the hierarchy among his fathers siblings. He discusses Japanese cultural values and his experiences while working in a hotel. Akamine talks about learning a trade and…

Akamine describes his family structure and history. He describes what life was like on a plantation. He talks about his primary school education and Japanese language school. Akamine briefly talks about what he did in his leisure time as a child. He…

In this brief final portion, Mr. Hajiro talks about how he met and married his wife. He goes on to talk about visiting his parents after the war and reflects on some of the aspirations he held prior to the start of the war. Mr. Hajiro reflects of his…

Mr. Hajiro discusses life after the war, including his return trip home, receiving the Distinguished Service Cross and later the Medal of Honor, and his career after the war. Mr. Hajiro reflects on what helped him survive during the war and gives his…

Mr. Hajiro discusses his first court martial, which in turn led to his transfer to I Company and his training with the BAR machine gun. He continues on to talk about combat he saw in Bruyeres and Biffontaine, where he captured several German POWs.…

Mr. Hajiro describes his early childhood growing up during the Depression on the island of Maui. As his parents were poor, Mr. Hajiro was forced to drop out of school to work in the plantations to help support his family. He eventually traveled to…

Hiaoka gives some closing remarks and gives a message to future generations.

Hiraoka discusses about his experiences with 442nd Regimental Combat Team in Italy and France. Including experiences during the Lost Battalion and Carrara. He details his homecoming experiences. Hiraoka also discusses about his post-war life,…

Hiraoka discusses about his wife, volunteering, and constitutional rights. He details about arriving at an experiences at Camp Shelby. Hiraoka also briefly discusses about his experiences in Italy France.

Hiraoka discusses about his early experiences at Gila River Concentration Camp and trying to farm. He details about working in a law office inside camp and details about the projects he worked. Hiraoka also discusses about meeting his wife and social…

Hiraoka discusses about a hate crime that occurred while at law school. He details peoples fear of the Japanese and he discusses an acquaintance. Hiraoka also discusses about his experiences at Gila River Concentration Camp.

Hiraoka discusses about his childhood and his plans for the future. He details about is life after high school, experiences during the Great Depression, and experiences at law school. Hiraoka also discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

Hiraoka discusses about his childhood, his encounter with discrimination, and the teachers that made an impact in his life. He details about his high school athletics career. Hiraoka also discusses about his experiences in his high school's rotary…

Hiraoka discusses about his family and their history. He discusses about farming and his education. Hiraoka also discusses about different aspects of his childhood, including friends, playing sports, neighbors.

Saiki relays some of the hardships he faced while in battle. He also talks about his life after the war ended up in Europe. Shares details about domestic life post-war.

Saiki discusses how he got assigned to the Cannon Company of the 442 Regiment. He talks about the intricacies of operating a cannon. He also describes how German artillery and firearms were more sophisticated than America's in the beginning of the…

Saiki discusses his experiences being a Hawaii Territorial Guard after Pearl Harbor attack and how he enlisted in the 442 Regiment after he declined joining the Varsity Victory Volunteers. He talks about how his family reacted to his enlisted. He…

Saiki discusses his early childhood years growing up in Hawaii during the Depression Era; and how his father was as an artisan crafting bamboo fixtures. He often helped his father in crafting. In his early college years Saiki developed a passion for…

Nohara was transferred to a hospital in Chicago and talks about his experiences there including discussing the relationship between Hawaiian and mainland soldiers; and the relationship between civilians, and Nisei and African American soldiers.…

Nohara talks about his post-war employment; marriage and children; and events, duties, and fundraisers of Club 100- a club formed for 100th Infantry Battalion veterans. Lastly, Nohara talks about a housing subdivision he lived in, and books that were…

Nohara talks about his friendships, tells a story regarding a soldier killed in action; and talks about receiving Purple Heart and Bronze Star medals. He then talks about getting wounded, returning to the United States, and his experiences during his…

Nohara discusses visiting Rohwer and Jerome incarceration camps, his assignment guarding German POWs who were in Georgia harvesting peanut crops, volunteering to travel overseas to Europe; and his thoughts and reactions to landing in Italy and…

Nohara talks about family friends, his thoughts about the war in Europe prior to the United States' involvement, his duties while employed as a warden; and volunteering for the Army and being sent to Camp Shelby. He then talks about volunteering for…

Nohara discusses growing up on a farm in Hawaii, his parents, siblings, and attending Japanese school. He then talks about religion, Japanese values, experiences with discrimination during his childhood; and attending high school and his…

Muramaru talks about his friends he met during the war; and discusses his wife, children and grandchildren. He then talks about his wife’s experiences with work and discrimination, getting remarried, and his cooking hobby. Lastly, Muramaru provides…

Muramaru discusses some of his brother’s brushes with death, Army food; and experiences during European campaigns, such as the rescue of the Lost Battalion and encounters with a Brazilian combat team. He then talks about the end of the war, the Army…

Muramaru discusses his training and experiences as a telephone wireman, traveling overseas to Italy, and the relationship between Mainland and Hawaiian soldiers. He then talks about corresponding with his family while overseas, discusses going to…

Muramaru describes a rice soup dish called “chagai”; and discusses playing football and his family’s store growing up. He then talks about his uncle in Japan, his whereabouts during the attack on Pearl Harbor, neighbors who were sent to Honoluliuli…

Muramaru discusses his parents and their occupations; and what it was like growing up in Hawaii and living on a coffee plantation. He then talks about his siblings, childhood activities, what his house was like growing up; and discusses elementary…

Saiki continues to describe the post-war living conditions in Japan. He talks about his wife. He discusses his work for a market in Hawaii. He explains how his military background helped him in other aspects of his life. He discusses his journey back…

Saiki talks about Japanese prisoners of war. He describes the clerical work that he did for the MIS. He discusses being discharged. He talks about his return to the market business in Hawaii. He describes his miscellaneous travels through Japan. He…
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