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Taketomo talks about mementos and an assault on the Italian coast. He describes the Italian city of Carrara and the horrors of war. Taketomo explains how he got injured. He also discusses his time in recovery. He talks about the difficulties he and…

Taketomo talks about his wartime experiences. He reflects on how his children opinions differ from those of his generation. He gives his final thoughts and he describes photographs that are captured on video.

Takeuchi discusses about his family and his childhood. He details about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, being drafted, and basic training. Takeuchi also discusses about his experiences at Fort Snelling, his experiences in occupied Japan, and his…

Takiguchi discusses his parents, siblings, and growing up in Kauai, Hawaii including talking about his friendships while living on a plantation, and recreational activities. He also talks about New Years Eve celebrations, discusses school, and…

Takiguchi discusses working in a sugar mill after high school, his desire to travel after the war, and his experiences after basic training in Honolulu including describing a close call with a Japanese submarine. He then talks about his experiences…

Takiguchi talks about crossing the Volturno River, his experiences in Cassino, discusses casualties of war, and his experiences in Anzio. He then talks about C-rations vs. K-rations, items he carried in his pack, and his experiences in Rome. Lastly,…

Takiguchi talks about his combat experiences in Civitavecchia and Belvedere, German POWs, his duties as squad leader, and receiving a Presidential Unit Citation. He then talks about his experiences at Leghorn, crossing the Arno River, describes the…

Takiguchi discusses the Army point system, returning home to Hawaii, and seeing his brother while in Europe. Next, Takiguchi talks about post-war life, going to Chicago for school, his wife and children, and his worst war experiences. Lastly,…

Takimoto discusses about his family and childhood. He details bout Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Takimto also discusses about his experiences at Manzanar Concentration Camp.

Takimoto discusses about the loyalty questionnaire and his experiences at Manzanar Concentration Camp. He details about leaving camp and going to school. Takimoto also discusses about being drafted and joining the Military Intelligence Service (MIS).

Takimoto discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan as a member of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS).

Takimoto discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan. He details about his experiences during the Korean War. Takimoto also discusses about his experiences post Korean War.

Takimoto discusses his experiences during the Vietnam War. He details about his his family and experiences in Okinawa. Takimoto also discusses about his employment, current events, and the role Nisei women played.

Takisaki talks about his birthplace. He describes his mother and father's early lives. He explains why his father immigrated to the United States. He discusses his parents marriage. He talks about the Japanese cultural concept of a Mukoyoshi.…

Takisaki talks about separating from his girlfriend. He explains how he met his first wife. He describes his marriage with his first wife. He talks about his children and grandchildren from his first marriage. He briefly discusses his dry cleaning…

Kashino describes her family's second grocery store business. She talks about her New Years Eve celebrations with family. She discusses her birthplace. She explains what happened to her family's grocery business after they were forced to leave the…

Louise Kashino talks about Shiro's medals and awards. She discusses the children that she had with Shiro. Raymond Jiro Takisaki returns to the interview. She explains how she met Takisaki. Takisaki also talks about how they met. He talks about their…

Takusagawa begins the interview discussing his family background, starting with his father, then mother and their values and business. Growing up in Santa Barbara, he was raised to be an American outside of the house and only speak Japanese inside…

Takusagawa continues his discussion on growing up in Santa Barbara, including the impactful people that he grew up with, helping him to become a more rounded person. Eventually, this guided him to joining the school band, playing the snare drum,…

Takusagawa and his family ended up at the Gila River Concentration Camp after a stint at the Tulare Temporary Detention Center. There, he saw a sign to recruit men into the 442nd Regiment, so he joined right away. Takusagawa was sent to Camp Shelby…

After being discharged from the Army, Takusagawa moves to Los Angeles and begins a family, which now includes grandchildren. After that, he began getting involved with various nonprofit organizations to help spread the word of what the Nisei did.…

Seiki Tamae gives a broad introduction from being drafted in 1945, the Occupation of Japan and time in South Korea, to his post war life to retirement. Seiki then discusses his family and time in Hawaii, their decision to return to Okinawa in 1940,…

Seiki Tamae describes the attack on Pearl Harbor, his return to high school in Hawaii, and his feelings about his family back in Okinawa. Next Seiki talks about the 442nd and the feelings Hawaiians and Nisei felt about the unit and their battles in…

Seiki Tamae discusses his time at Fort Snelling's Japanese Language School. Next he talks about the Invasion of Okinawa and the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan. Seiki then relates his deployment experiences to Japan and South Korea as an…

Seiki Tamae talks about General Douglas MacArthur and his firing by President Truman. Next he talks about President Roosevelt's Death. Lastly, he discusses his relatives military service in WWII, the affects of marrying Japanese women to a military…

Seiki Tamae describes a number of pictures taken during his time in military service.

Tamagawa discusses prefecture origin and family. He shares stories of influential teachers and taking Judo at Japanese Language school. Tamagawa also discusses about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, joining the army, and basic training.

Tamagawa discusses going overseas, gambling on the convoy, and volunteering for kitchen duty. He recalls landing in Italy and the first battle is on the front line. He describes the battle experiences and strategic withdrawal. He also recalls…

Tamagawa discusses his post-war education and education. He details about getting married and has two children. He shares an experience with Japanese Prisoners of War. Tamagawa leaves a message for future generations and what was the hardest part…

Tamanaha discusses his family and growing up on a pineapple plantation in Hawaii. He describes the community on the plantation and his school. He talks about the summers that he worked on the planation. Tamanaha discusses his family's property in…

Tamanaha continues to talk about the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. He discusses why he enlisted and his journey to the Mainland. He describes discrimination at Camp Shelby and Hattiesburg, including racial discrimination against African Americans.…

Tamanaha explains his relationships with Mainland soldiers. He talks about American Concentration Camps. He describes his journey to Europe. Tamanaha describes his first combat experiences. He discusses Hill 140/Operation Totalize and his injury.

Tamanaha talks about how he got updates on the status of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team while awaiting medical discharge. He describes his journey home. He discusses the discrimination he faced in Marysville. CA. Tamanaha talks about when he…

Tamanaha briefly talks about being discharged. He discusses his wife and children. He describes his relationships with other veterans. He reflects on his military experiences. Tamanaha reveals how he talks to his family about his time in the service.…

Tamaru discusses about a Military Police (MP) Officer and his assignments in Japan. He details about his family. Tamaru also discusses about growing Brawley, California.

Tamaru discusses about Pearl Harbor, Its aftermath, and experiences forced removal. He details about high school. Tamaru also discusses about his experiences at Poston Concentration Camp.

Tamaru discusses about experiences at Poston Concentration Camp. He details about working outside of camp, being drafted, and basic training. Tamaru also discusses about joining the Military Police (MP), experiences occupied Japan, and working Sugamo…

Tamaru discusses about his interactions with Japanese prisoners. He details about his experiences in Japan, and the war crime trials. Tamaru also discusses about working as Military Police, the progress of Japan, and life after the Army.

Tamaru discusses about Los Angeles post-World War Two and his family. He details about politics, technology, and compares the Nisei and Issei to other generations. Tamaru also discusses about his life after retirement.

Tamaru discusses and describes photographs.

Tamashiro discusses about his family and childhood.
He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Tamahiro also discusses about photography, joining the Army, going to the Mainland, and experiences at Camp Shelby.

Tamashiro discusses his experiences at Camp Shelby, visiting Jerome Concentration Camp, and traveling on the Mainland. He details about food and some of his early experiences in the war. Tamashiro also discusses his combat experiences.

Tamashiro discusses the medals and awards he received and his experiences during post-war guard duty of German Soldiers. He details about his discharge, homecoming, and his brother's military service. Tamashiro also discusses his post-war life.

The interview with Clarence Yayoi Tamayori is combined with Robert Tokuo Nagata.

Clarence Yayoi Tamayori is a Nisei veteran of K Company, 3rd Battalion 442nd, is born June 18, 1921, in Lahaina, Maui County, Hawaii. His parents are Matsuki…

The interview with Clarence Yayoi Tamayori is combined with Robert Tokuo Nagata.

Clarence and Robert discuss their employment after graduating high school. Clarence works at a lumber mill and Robert is employed at the Hawaiian cannery. Later,…

The interview with Clarence Yayoi Tamayori is combined with Robert Tokuo Nagata.

Clarence and Robert discuss their experience leaving Hawaii and going to the Mainland. They arrive in Oakland, CA, and go to Mississippi. On the train ride to…

The interview with Clarence Yayoi Tamayori is combined with Robert Tokuo Nagata.

Clarence and Robert discuss being in basic training for almost a year before deployment overseas. Both men go to France and share their first time seeing action and…

The interview with Clarence Yayoi Tamayori is combined with Robert Tokuo Nagata.

Clarence and Robert discuss their duties during the Champagne Campaign. After the Champagne Campaign, Clarence is in Germany and works at a train station with the…

Tamayose discusses about his family, growing up on plantations, his life after high school. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Tamayose also discusses about volunteering for the service, basic training, his experiences in Europe, and…

Ken Tamura severes in the 442nd Regiment, 3rd Battalion, Company L.
He is born in Okmulgee, OK on March 27, 1923. His parents are from Japan, and he has three sisters and a brother. Ken grows up in an isolated area on a farm.

At home, Ken speaks…

Ken Tamura discusses his childhood friend Woody and their friendship. The Tamura family sells their farm in Oklahoma and moves to Japan. Before arriving in Japan, the Tamura family visits California and Hawaii.

In Japan, Ken and his family live…

Ken Tamura discusses camp life and waiting to leave. His first opportunity to leave Heart Mountain is to work on a sugar beet farm. Another time Ken receives a sponsor to go to Chicago. In Chicago, Ken gets a job at the Chicago Bar Association.…

Ken Tamura discusses the effects of war on the soldiers, civilians, and the country. When Ken first arrives in France, many of the 442nd are either killed in action or wounded in action from the Lost Battalion rescue. In Europe during this time,…

Ken Tamura discusses his war experiences in Italy. He says it is scary times, but he is thankful to be alive. Ken believes the Nisei contribution in World War Two will help future generations against discrimination. Ken says he is an American, he has…

Ken Tamura discusses his friendship with other translators. In Japan, there is a shortage of food, and the locals did not have money to buy anything. The locals sometimes will befriend the GIs to get supplies to survive.

Ken returns to Chicago in…

Ken Tamura discusses his watch store and sharing his war experience with his customers who will listen. Ken recollects one customer who will not acknowledge the contribution of the Nisei during World War Two.

Ken shares a message for future…

Tamura discusses his parents' separate backgrounds coming from Hiroshima to the United States and the lives they established in Idaho. He and his older siblings assisted in the family's truck gardening business which was very demanding. Other topics…

The segment begins with Tamura discussing the Christian church that he and other Nikkei attended during wartime in Idaho, playing football, and life in his agricultural community. He discusses the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) and…

Tamura recounts the arrival in Menton France and eventual combat experience in Livorno, Italy at the German Army's Winter Line. He provides a detailed description of the heavy weaponry he operated and the features of the assault against the Germans…

Tamura describes post-War life in the United States, both moving to different military installations and his return to civilian life. He describes his attempt to revive the family truck farming business, but it proved unprofitable so he farmed…

Frank S. Tanabe was born on August 10, 1919 as Shinichiro Okamoto. His parents immigrated to the United States from Japan and later divorced when Frank was a child. Frank's mother married Mr. Tanabe in 1924. Frank and his sister grew up in the Tanabe…

In May, Frank S. Tanabe and four other Nisei were the advance crew to set up Tule Lake. Before the war, Frank has writing experience. He continued his passion for writing at Tule Lake by starting Tulean Dispatch newspaper. In September, he went to…

In 1959, Frank S. Tanabe joined the United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands with Headquarters (USCAR). Frank was part of the Public Affairs department as an Information Supervisor/News Writer. Besides his work, Frank proactively…

Tanabe discusses growing up in Marysville, California. He details about his educational experiences. Tanabe also discusses Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. The effects of Executive Order 9066 and his experiences at Tule Lake Concentration Camp were…

Tanabe discusses more about his experiences at Tule Lake Concentration Camp and being sent to Topaz Concentration Camp. He details about volunteering for the Army and his first encounter with racism. Tanabe also discusses his experiences at Camp Lee…

Tanabe discusses about the interrogation process. He details about how he was wounded in Okinawa. Tanabe also discusses about his time in Niigata and Occupied Japan.

Tanabe discusses about his life after getting discharged. He details about his nickname, children, and career. Tanabe also gives a message to future generations.

Tanaigawa discusses how the war affected his family. He details about his time in Chicago, knowing Jack Yasutake and the Tiki Terrance. Tanaigawa also describes a number photographs.

Tanaka discusses about his family and childhood. He details his boxing experiences. Tanaka also discusses his experiences working onboard a ship and the Mainland.

Tanaka discusses the way his was treated on the Mainland. He details basic training. He details Pearl Harbor and the aftermath from it.

Tanaka discusses a submarine washing ashore and the formation of the 100th Infantry Battalion. He details about his experiences at Camp McCoy and Camp Shelby. Tanaka also tasks about heading overseas and his experiences in North Africa.

Tanaka discusses more about his time in North Africa and landing in Italy. He details about his first day in Italy and other combat experiences. Tanaka also discusses about the mindset during combat and crossing the Volturno. River

Tanaka discusses the 3rd crossing of the Volturno River,close calls and his good luck charm. He details about getting diagnosed with stomach ulcers. Tanaka also discusses coming home, how others treated him once he was back, and meeting his wife.

Tanaka discusses about his career and how it found it. He details about his life in Los Angeles and gives a message to future generations. The interview ends by showing bracelet.

Tanaka discusses growing up in Maui on a planation. He details about his educational experiences. Tanaka also discusses his life after high school.

Tanaka discusses Pearl Harbor and the aftermath from it. He details about enlisting into the service and his experiences in Mississippi and Camp Shelby. Tanaka also discusses his experiences traveling and his arriving overseas.

Tanaka discusses about the role and his experiences with the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion. He details about his experiences in France. Tanaka also discusses about his experiences in Germany.

Tanaka discusses some of the photographs he took and his experiences in post-war Germany. He details his family and working for Maui News. Tanaka also discusses about the legacy and impact Nisei Veterans had.

Tanaka discusses his family and growing up in St. Louis.

Tanaka discusses joining the Army, induction and basic training. He details his experiences in Europe. Tanaka also recalls his experiences in Germany and coming home.

Tanaka talks about his wife, children and grandchildren. He details his career and life after retirement. Tanaka also discusses food, the influential people in his life, and gives a message to future generations.

Harry Tanaka discusses being born in Honolulu, Hawaii and being the second son of four children. At a young age he learns how to care for himself since his Mother passes away when he is very young. As a child he would spend time at the pier or the…

Tanaka discusses his Nisei Father being born in Hawaii, His father is drafted in 1918 for World War One and when he finishes his basic training, the war has ended. Post-war, his Father works for Sunrise Soda company as a truck driver until his…

Harry Tanaka discusses working in a Libby cannery during the summer time and at the University of Hawaii work for a professor. During High school, Tanaka thought he would pursue a career in engineering but he ends up receiving his degree in history…

Tanaka discusses learning about the American Concentration Camps on the Mainland. When he is at Camp Shelby, he visits Jerome Concentration Camp. Tanaka is shocked at the living conditions.

Going from Camp Shelby to Camp Savage, Tanaka recalls the…

Tanaka discusses taking a furlough to Sydney before going to the Philippines. Tanaka is diagnosis with tuberculosis. He then is sent back to the mainland to Denver for treatment and then back to Hawaii for discharge.

During Tanaka's time of…

Tanaka discusses his post-war employment. His work is mainly in corporate and property law. In 1982 , he is appointed to Intermediate Member of Court of Appeals. Tanaka recalls the highlight of his career is being appointed a judge,


Tanaka begins the interview with an introduction, being born in southern California. He also talks about how his parents came from Wakayama prefecture in Japan to California, his father actually going through Mexico and making his way across the…

Tanaka would grow up in southern California, helping his family work on the vegetable farm and playing with friends. During this time, the Great Depression occurred and he talks briefly about that. Next, he talks about his whereabouts during the…

Tanaka discusses his time at Poston concentration camp in Arizona. He would work outside of the camp, but when the loyalty questions came about, he would end up answering no, yes and getting drafted into the Army. He was attending art school in…

Tanaka talks about his cousins that were living in Japan during the war and the communications he had with them. Next, he talks about the route to joining the 442nd in Nice. After this, they would march forward to begin a surprise attack on the…

Tanaka talks about the surrender of both the German and the Japanese Armies and how he had to stay in Italy for a little bit longer, guarding prisoners of war. Next, he talks about the medals and awards that were received for his time with the 442nd…
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