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Foote discusses various aspects of his life after World War 2. After discharge he went to Cornell University as a graduate student and became a professor in Animal Science and Molecular Biology. In addition he talks about his family life: marriages,…

Foote discusses his experiences after the Gothic Line surrender: taking in German troops as prisoners of war (POWs); duties after European surrender. He gives particular detail on the various minefields he and his troop encountered. He also mentions…

Foote starts the discussion recounting two Nisei Veteran reunions honoring Yuri Kochiyama and Ted Tanouye. Later he gives some details about his experiences on The Gothic Line: what German tactics were used, help from Partisans, and American tactics.…

Foote discusses about his interactions with the soldiers and being wounded. He details about arriving and experiences in France. Foote also discusses about the recovery process, rejoining the unit, The Gothic Line, and his career.

Foote discusses about Pearl Harbor and his early military experiences. He details about going overseas, being assigned to the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and his experiences in them. Foote also discusses about the realities of war, communication,…

Foote discusses his family and childhood. He details about his schooling. Foote also discusses about his social awareness while growing up.

Barney Hajiro recalls the locals of Bruyeres and Biffontaine were friendly and nice. However, they were confused to see Japanese Americans in an American Army uniform. Barney was in M Company then transferred to I Company. The guys in I Company were…

Barney Hajiro was born on September 16, 1916. He was the second oldest of his siblings. He grew up on a plantation in Maui, Hawaii, during the Great Depression.

During Barney's school years, he attended first through eighth grade. He did not have…

In this brief final portion, Mr. Hajiro talks about how he met and married his wife. He goes on to talk about visiting his parents after the war and reflects on some of the aspirations he held prior to the start of the war. Mr. Hajiro reflects of his…

Mr. Hajiro discusses life after the war, including his return trip home, receiving the Distinguished Service Cross and later the Medal of Honor, and his career after the war. Mr. Hajiro reflects on what helped him survive during the war and gives his…

Mr. Hajiro discusses his first court martial, which in turn led to his transfer to I Company and his training with the BAR machine gun. He continues on to talk about combat he saw in Bruyeres and Biffontaine, where he captured several German POWs.…

Mr. Hajiro describes his early childhood growing up during the Depression on the island of Maui. As his parents were poor, Mr. Hajiro was forced to drop out of school to work in the plantations to help support his family. He eventually traveled to…

Hiaoka gives some closing remarks and gives a message to future generations.

Hiraoka discusses about his experiences with 442nd Regimental Combat Team in Italy and France. Including experiences during the Lost Battalion and Carrara. He details his homecoming experiences. Hiraoka also discusses about his post-war life,…

Hiraoka discusses about his wife, volunteering, and constitutional rights. He details about arriving at an experiences at Camp Shelby. Hiraoka also briefly discusses about his experiences in Italy France.

Hiraoka discusses about his early experiences at Gila River Concentration Camp and trying to farm. He details about working in a law office inside camp and details about the projects he worked. Hiraoka also discusses about meeting his wife and social…

Hiraoka discusses about a hate crime that occurred while at law school. He details peoples fear of the Japanese and he discusses an acquaintance. Hiraoka also discusses about his experiences at Gila River Concentration Camp.

Hiraoka discusses about his childhood and his plans for the future. He details about is life after high school, experiences during the Great Depression, and experiences at law school. Hiraoka also discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

Hiraoka discusses about his childhood, his encounter with discrimination, and the teachers that made an impact in his life. He details about his high school athletics career. Hiraoka also discusses about his experiences in his high school's rotary…

Hiraoka discusses about his family and their history. He discusses about farming and his education. Hiraoka also discusses about different aspects of his childhood, including friends, playing sports, neighbors.

Saiki relays some of the hardships he faced while in battle. He also talks about his life after the war ended up in Europe. Shares details about domestic life post-war.

Saiki discusses how he got assigned to the Cannon Company of the 442 Regiment. He talks about the intricacies of operating a cannon. He also describes how German artillery and firearms were more sophisticated than America's in the beginning of the…

Saiki discusses his experiences being a Hawaii Territorial Guard after Pearl Harbor attack and how he enlisted in the 442 Regiment after he declined joining the Varsity Victory Volunteers. He talks about how his family reacted to his enlisted. He…

Saiki discusses his early childhood years growing up in Hawaii during the Depression Era; and how his father was as an artisan crafting bamboo fixtures. He often helped his father in crafting. In his early college years Saiki developed a passion for…

Muramaru talks about his friends he met during the war; and discusses his wife, children and grandchildren. He then talks about his wife’s experiences with work and discrimination, getting remarried, and his cooking hobby. Lastly, Muramaru provides…

Muramaru discusses some of his brother’s brushes with death, Army food; and experiences during European campaigns, such as the rescue of the Lost Battalion and encounters with a Brazilian combat team. He then talks about the end of the war, the Army…

Muramaru discusses his training and experiences as a telephone wireman, traveling overseas to Italy, and the relationship between Mainland and Hawaiian soldiers. He then talks about corresponding with his family while overseas, discusses going to…

Muramaru describes a rice soup dish called “chagai”; and discusses playing football and his family’s store growing up. He then talks about his uncle in Japan, his whereabouts during the attack on Pearl Harbor, neighbors who were sent to Honoluliuli…

Muramaru discusses his parents and their occupations; and what it was like growing up in Hawaii and living on a coffee plantation. He then talks about his siblings, childhood activities, what his house was like growing up; and discusses elementary…

Ken Tamura discusses his watch store and sharing his war experience with his customers who will listen. Ken recollects one customer who will not acknowledge the contribution of the Nisei during World War Two.

Ken shares a message for future…

Ken Tamura discusses his friendship with other translators. In Japan, there is a shortage of food, and the locals did not have money to buy anything. The locals sometimes will befriend the GIs to get supplies to survive.

Ken returns to Chicago in…

Ken Tamura discusses his war experiences in Italy. He says it is scary times, but he is thankful to be alive. Ken believes the Nisei contribution in World War Two will help future generations against discrimination. Ken says he is an American, he has…

Ken Tamura discusses the effects of war on the soldiers, civilians, and the country. When Ken first arrives in France, many of the 442nd are either killed in action or wounded in action from the Lost Battalion rescue. In Europe during this time,…

Ken Tamura discusses camp life and waiting to leave. His first opportunity to leave Heart Mountain is to work on a sugar beet farm. Another time Ken receives a sponsor to go to Chicago. In Chicago, Ken gets a job at the Chicago Bar Association.…

Ken Tamura discusses his childhood friend Woody and their friendship. The Tamura family sells their farm in Oklahoma and moves to Japan. Before arriving in Japan, the Tamura family visits California and Hawaii.

In Japan, Ken and his family live…

Ken Tamura severes in the 442nd Regiment, 3rd Battalion, Company L.
He is born in Okmulgee, OK on March 27, 1923. His parents are from Japan, and he has three sisters and a brother. Ken grows up in an isolated area on a farm.

At home, Ken speaks…

Ozaki discusses his travels and experiences in Europe immediately following the war. He talks about getting married and his children. Ozaki explains his career choices and how he tries to promote Japanese American history. He also discusses how he…

Ozaki talks about his experiences on the Gothic Line. He goes on to talk about his V-E Day experiences in Genoa. Ozaki also talks about the legacy of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team.

Yoji Ozaki describes what life was like in the Jerome Concentration Camp. Ozaki explains what happened after he was drafted into the Army and he talks about his voyage to France. He describes what life was like oversees when he was serving with the…

Ozaki talks about his experiences while attending college. Ozaki explains how the Attack on Pearl Harbor affected his family. He goes on to discuss his time living and working in Manzanar Concentration Camp. Ozaki reveals that he worked in Conrad,…

Ozaki discusses his upbringing in Long Beach. Ozaki also talks about his friendships with people of other ethnicities and his siblings. He also talks about trips to Little Tokyo and his encounter with a samurai. Ozaki discusses his religious…

Tsukazaki describes post-war Japan including talking about visiting Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He then talks about the head of the Varsity Victory Volunteers(VVV) who helped raise scholarship money in Hawaii, his thoughts regarding the attack on Pearl…

Tsukazaki talks about going to Japanese school, classes he took while at Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS), and his assignments while in Orlando for more intelligence school. He then talks about getting married while at Camp…

Tsukazaki discusses Hawaiian fish ponds including his family’s fish pond, friendships growing up, his involvement with the Varsity Victory Volunteers(VVV), and his friendship with the YMCA director at University of Hawaii. He then talks about a…

Tsukazaki talks about his parents and siblings including discussing their education and employment. He then talks about his childhood and discusses playing baseball and fishing; and talks about his father’s writing hobby and learning Kendo. Next,…

Kurahara discusses a close encounter overseas. He witnesses how the US soldiers gets out of the foxhole at the right time when the German bomb goes into their foxhole. He explain how fate plays a factor.

During the war, Kurahara is a radio man…

Arthur Kurahara discusses leaving Camp Shelby and goes overseas. When he lands in Naples, Kurahara is a replacement for 442nd Regimental Combat Team . After landing in Naples, he goes to Anzio on a boat. In Anzio, Kurahara is now a replacement for…

Arthur Kurahara discusses working in the sugar mill as a mechanic in 1939 until the war. After being discharge from the war, he goes back to the sugar mill and gets promoted as supervisor.

Kurahara learns about the Pearl Harbor attack through…

Kurahara discusses his Mother Kisa being born in Hawaii and works in the sugar mill and as a maid. His Father Mitsuo is born in Japan and immigrates to the United States. Kurahara's Father works as a truck driver and cement worker.

Kurahara has…

In the final section, izui speaks about his discharge from the Korean War and going back to Chicago to open up his dentistry practice. He then discusses the redress and reparations that were given and the legacy within his family. Finally, the…

Izui discusses the end of World War II and the reaction to the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Next, he talks about the starting of his post-war life in Chicago and getting his degree out of the University of Illinois. He then speaks…

Izui recollects his experiences during the war including France and Italy. In one portion, he remembers saving a lost battalion with various divisions, sending in 800 men to save 200. He also discusses the trek his division took to make the Gothic…

Izui begins his recollection of the 28 day shipment to get to Naples, Italy via the Atlantic Ocean and the initial reactions to arriving in Europe. He talks about the first time he heard gunshots in the distance, and his first day in combat, treating…

Izui begins by continuing his recollection of being separated from his father and the strength of his mother during these hard times. He then speaks about loyalty to the United States, including the loyalty questionnaires, no-no boys and reporting…

Izui speaks about growing up in Seattle, Washington and it's Japanese community. He discusses his education from elementary to high school, experiencing subtle discrimination. After this, he talks about what it was like leading up to the war and…

S. Takahashi discusses his participation in the rescue of the Lost Battalion; he also reflects on his experiences. He talks about his opinion of the commanding officers, and what the morale of his unit was in the face of all the losses they endured…

S. Takahashi talks about his combat experiences in the European Theater. He describes his feelings and actions as he was in the midst of artillery fire. He also discusses how he felt about Pearl Harbor being attacked by Japan.

S. Takahashi talks about life his right before the war breakout and his early military experiences. He discusses his job, motivation for joining the military, and his cultural identity. He also shares anecdotes regarding participating in a Judo…

S. Takahashi discusses growing up poor in a village on Maui. He talks about his parents, and how they got married. He also explains how his mother had a son in the Japanese military in addition to his service in the U.S. military during World War 2.

Clarence "Matt' Matsumoto discusses a time when he encounters German soldier during battle that is non-combative. Matsumoto recalls raising their hands to each other and walking away. During the war, Matsumoto serves in the K Company mortar squad as…

Clarence "Matt" Matsumoto discusses basic training and learning about relocation camps. Training with K Company is rough because it is day and night training. He recalls going overseas takes over a month and lands in Italy. On the journey overseas,…

Clarence "Matt" Matsumoto discusses growing up, he isnot close with parents because out playing with friends. Matsumoto says his values and morals are learned by going to church every Sunday. In 1940, he graduates high school and goes to Community…

Clarence Matsumoto discusses his birth date and birth place, He recalls his childhood in Paia on plantation camp and used by products of sugar cane to build his house. Matsumoto is given the nickname Matt.

Matsumoto's Father is born 1898 in…

Wada talks more about his war experiences, including a sad memory of a friend in the Army that died of a wound. After this, he talks about the Po Valley campaign and the famous trek up the mountain to break the Gothic Line. After this, he would…

Wada discusses hearing about the death of his father after battling with leukemia, and then going from basic training to overseas. They would go from Camp Patrick Henry on a 30 day trek to Naples, where he would begin his combat. He talks about his…

Wada talks about volunteering for the Army, getting married before getting his notice to report to basic training. He would be inducted at Salt Lake City, feeling proud and more American in the process. He would head to Camp Shelby in Mississippi,…

Wada continues talking about the evacuation orders, forcing them to leave their homes in San Diego and head to Santa Anita racetracks. They would take their personal belongings and live in unclean horse stables, with makeshift barracks and poor…

Wada begins the interview talking about his family coming from Japan and settling in Redlands. He talks about growing up in the Redlands, having picnics, and only being allowed to go swimming after it had been cleaned. He grew up as a Christian and…

Samuel Yamaguchi discusses his military discharge and return home. He talks about his life after the war, and reflects on what his military service means to him. He talks about his opinion on the 9/11 conflict. He also diplays a photograph and talks…

Samuel Yamaguchi discusses his combat experiences and getting seriously injured. He talks about his injury and medical recovery. He also discusses how he was transferred out of the 442nd unit due to his injuries.

Samuel Yamaguchi discusses his experiences in the military. He talks about enlisting, and waiting in Utah to get inducted. He also discusses visiting his family in Poston before shipping out for basic training.

Samuel Yamaguchi talks about his family moving in the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attack. He discusses moving to central California to join his uncle. He also describes moving to the Poston camp after Executive Order 9066.

Samuel Yamaguchi discusses growing up San Diego. He talks about his high school experiences and home life. He talks about his reaction to the Pearl Harbor attack and gives a summary of his military service.

Asahina describes the Russian army and discusses the best and worst experiences during the war. He details about returning home and settling in Toledo, Ohio. Asahina also discusses his family and his son also gets interviewed.

Asahina discusses his experiences in Holland, receiving the Silver Star, and treating wounded soldiers. He details about the Battle of the Bulge. Asahina also discusses about the events after the Battle of the Bulge and the end of the war.

Asahina discusses applying for medical school, finding an internship, and knowledge of what was happening to the West Coast Japanese Americans. He details more about medical officers training, experiences with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and…

Asahina discusses working in a produce market and his experiences in Los Angeles. He details about going to medical school and meeting his wife. Asahina also discusses about Pearl Harbor, how the war affected his life, trying to enlist, and finally…

Asahina discusses his parents background and his home life while growing up. He details about his early educational experiences. Asahina also discusses about high school and going to college.

Morimoto shows photographs from an album, which includes images from American Hot Rod Magazine and images taken at Muroc dry lake during a racing competition. Photographs in the album also include images taken at Cal-Aero Technical Institute; and…

Morimoto describes memories from World War Two, including recalling his brother-in-law's death in Bruyeres, and the harsh weather and combat conditions in Bruyeres. He then talks about not being able to attend his mother's funeral after she passed…

Morimoto describes the time that he tripped on a booby trap and was injured, and his comrades' experiences gambling in Monte Carlo. He also talks about going to the hospital due to his trench foot condition which caused him to get reclassified as…
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