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Narasaki continues his interview by sharing the first time he used his rifle in combat, and the conditions the soldiers endured. He also recounts hearing about the end of the war and earning enough points to return home. Finally, Narasaki tells us…

Narasaki describes his embarkation and the journey across Europe to meet up with the 442nd Infantry Regiment. He recounts moments from combat including his first time using his rifle and the realization that German and US soldiers were similar.…

Narasaki recalls his time at Tanforan Detention Center and tells us about his job washing dishes and the music and recreational activities. He recounts the journey to Topaz Internment Camp and the living conditions. He also describes the rift the…

In this interview, Richard "Dick" Narasaki shares his childhood battle with tuberculosis and the loss of several members of his family to the disease, living with his grandparents in Santa Clara, and attending high school. He also recounts hearing…

Following 20 years of service in the US Army, Muranaka gets his retirement orders and begins college at the University of Puget Sound. After working with alcoholics working for the State of Washington, he received a call from the University of…

Muranaka finds himself at home in Honolulu when the Pearl Harbor attacks occurred, which he recalls hearing a loud noise and seeing a black smoke cloud in the distance. He hitchhikes back to Schofield Barracks and is given a uniform and gun and told…

Muranaka discusses both his father and mother's backgrounds and the influence that they had on his life even as young boy. Though living in poverty, his father was able to buy him an encyclopedia and type writer to instill in him the importance of…

Muranaka goes through his work in the Army after the end of World War Two, where he served in the Korean War. Next, he discusses the importance of Nisei soldiers during the occupation of Japan, and how big of an impact communication is in order to…

Muranaka begins the interview discussing his time in occupied Japan, working with Japanese officials to ease communications between the Japanese government and the United States government, which in the end netted him a gift from the Emperor of…

Louise Kashino talks about Shiro's medals and awards. She discusses the children that she had with Shiro. Raymond Jiro Takisaki returns to the interview. She explains how she met Takisaki. Takisaki also talks about how they met. He talks about their…

Kashino describes her family's second grocery store business. She talks about her New Years Eve celebrations with family. She discusses her birthplace. She explains what happened to her family's grocery business after they were forced to leave the…

Takisaki talks about separating from his girlfriend. He explains how he met his first wife. He describes his marriage with his first wife. He talks about his children and grandchildren from his first marriage. He briefly discusses his dry cleaning…

Takisaki talks about his birthplace. He describes his mother and father's early lives. He explains why his father immigrated to the United States. He discusses his parents marriage. He talks about the Japanese cultural concept of a Mukoyoshi.…

Ray Shiiki is inducted at Fort Douglas, UT then goes to Camp Hood. He is assigned to the Tank Destroyer Outfit. After Camp Hood, he goes to Fort Snelling and is assigned as Supply Sergeant, F Company.

When Fort Snelling disbanded, the soldiers…

Before the war, Ray Shiiki's parents buy land in Damascus, OR. However, due to the alien land law, the property is under Ray's sister's name. Later Ray's parents discover they have been taken advantage of by a cannery worker.

When evacuation…

Ray Gerald Shiiki is born January 7, 1927, in Gresham, Oregon. Ray's parents are from Koga, Japan, and immigrated to the United States. They settled in Oregon. He has three sisters and one brother.

Ray emphasizes the value of family and…

Peterson discusses his experiences during the Champagne Campaign; talks about the reputation of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and 100th Infantry Division; and discusses returning to the United States because of his parents' car accident. He then…

Peterson discusses his experiences training new recruits and as a heavy weapons platoon leader; and describes the duties of H Company as well as the structure of the United States Army. He then talks about his participation in maneuvers; discusses…

Peterson discusses his father and his immigration to the United States from Sweden; talks about his mother; discusses speaking Swedish at home; and discusses his childhood including talking about religion, his community, classmates, and his…

Fukasawa discusses moving to to Oelwein, Iowa because his wife has a teaching job there. He gets a job at John Deere and saves enough money to buy a house. Later he joins the National Guard in 1947 until 1952.

Fukasawa is sent to Korea and says…

Fukasawa discusses living off the land and surviving off the rations. In the rations there are meat, eggs, can vegetates, rice and bread. The Caucasian soldiers did not want the rice, therefore he is able to have a good amount of rice to eat. In…

Peter Fukasawa discusses his happiest moment at Camp Shelby. On September 3, 1943 gets married. Fukasawa previously knows his wife due to their parents' friendship.

On the ship going overseas, Fukasawa has KP duty. He recalls the soldiers are…

Peter Fukasawa discusses on the day of Peal Harbor's attack. He learns about the news when he returns back from fishing . After Pearl Harbor, Executive Order 9066 is announced for the evacuation of Japanese Americans. Fukasawa's parents are…

Fukasawa discusses his Father immigrating to the United States in 1905 and his Mother immigration in 1909. Fukasawa has two sisters and two brothers, The Fukasawa family lives in Fillmore, California on a ranch until a flod washes away their home.…

Shimizu discusses about his family. He details about the legacy of the Nisei. Shimizu also discusses about his hope for future generations and barbed wire.

Shimizu discusses about Nisei units and the war's end. He details about coming home, meeting his wife, and his life after the war. Shimizu also discusses about his family.

Shimizu discusses about the realities of war and experiences in France. He details about close calls. Shimizu also discusses about the 442nd Regimental Combat Team.

Shimizu discusses about having pride, trying to volunteer , and getting drafted. He details about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor and his experiences from Poston Concentration Camp. Shimizu also discusses about his experiences at Camp Shelby.

Shimizu discusses about his childhood. He details about his household, self identification, and school years. Shimizu also discusses his life after high school, geopolitics, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath.

Shimizu discusses about his family. He details about growing up in Clovis, California. Shimizu also discusses about his schooling.

Kaseguma discusses his experiences in post-war Japan. He details his family life and revisiting Japan. Kaseguma also discusses his post-war life and the legacy of the Nisei generation.

Kaseguma discusses the aftermath from Pearl Harbor and his experiences with forced removal. He details his experiences at Minidoka Concentration Camp. Kaseguma also discusses being drafted, basic training, joining the Military Intelligence Service…

Kaseguma discusses his family and childhood. He details his experiences attending Japanese language school and college. Kaseguma also discusses Pearl Harbor and the aftermath.

Ito talks about a bulletin for weary Caucasian soldiers. He discusses his military government unit. He describes his interpretation work. He talks about his work at the Presidio SF. He discusses his family's lives after the war. He describes his new…

Ito talks about his religious background. He discusses his church attendance. He shares his knowledge of World War Two overseas. He continues to describe the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He talks about his family's forced removal. He…

Ito discusses his experiences interacting with his extended family members while in Japan during the occupation. He also reflects on the legacy of the participation of Nisei soldiers in World War 2 and how Japanese nationals reacted to U.S.…

Ito talks about his birthplace, Fresno, California. He discusses his experiences in primary school. He describes how and why his parents immigrated to America. He talks about his father's work at a cannery. He discusses his father's launch into…

Ito briefly talks about his family history and childhood, then he talks about how he got drafted while at an internment camp. Ito recounts the assignments he carried out during the post-war U.S. occupation of Japan. He discusses some specifics of his…

During the occupation of Japan, Paul Ichiuji worked for the CIC to gather information. Paul got information from the butokai and couriers. Although Paul’s Japanese was not that proficient, he knew important words to communicate with the butokai.…

Terumoto "Paul" Ichiuji was born in Pacific Grove. He was very active in high school with sports and the student body and had many friends.

Before December 7, 1941, Paul's brother, Joe, and cousin were drafted into service. Paul recalls hearing…

Hagiwara discusses his whereabouts during the end of the war, and his route to get back home. He would get on a plane and take a long trip home, stopping along the way in Puerto Rico, then Miami, before taking a train to Chicago where his wife and…

Hagiwara talks more about his war experiences, starting with the Bruyeres-Biffontaine area, which included the Lost Battalion campaign. He also talks about the dense forest of the Vosges Mountains and getting into fights when other soldiers used…

Hagiwara discusses his shipment overseas, taking a U-boat through the Strait of Gibraltar and ending in Oran. There, they would train some more and prepare to join the rest of the men in Italy. He also talks a bit about various members of his unit…

Hagiwara talks more about seeing his parents and gives background on how he met his future wife. While at Fort Sheridan, he would often visit his wife but would get word that he would get transferred. After moving around to a couple of places, he…

Hagiwara continues talking about his experience in the National Guard and the times leading up to Pearl Harbor, as they worried more about Russia invading than Japan. Next, he talks about his whereabouts during the attacks on Pearl Harbor, hearing…

Hagiwara continues talking about his time growing up in Ketchikan, Alaska. He would take an interest in basketball, and even be able to travel to different areas for competitions. Next, he talks about the population of his neighborhood and the…

Hagiwara begins the interview talking about how his parents came from Nagano and Shiga in Japan and both settled down individually in Ketchikan, Alaska. He talks more about his family, such as his family learning how to cook and becoming a baker and…

After joining the Air Force, Aki would ask to be sent to occupied Japan, instead of having to serve in the Korean War. He talks about coming into Japan for the first time since his time as a prisoner of war, and comparing the destruction he saw when…

Aki continues to talk about his experiences as a prisoner of war while in Japan. Towards the end of the war, he noticed that a lot of weird things were happening with the Japanese Army guards and that the POWs were taken out of work. He overheard…

Aki continues to talk about his experience as a prisoner of war on Wake Island. There, he would be treated pretty normally, although there were some casualties and they were guarded by the Japanese Army. He also talks about one incident that was…

Aki talks about getting to Wake Island, going on a boat and arriving to a small island, where there was nothing but Marines, some Navy and Pan-American Airlines. He would end up working in the mess hall, while the construction workers would help to…

Aki begins the interview talking about his family, both of his parents were Nisei and had decided to settle in Kauai, his father being a politician, while his mother was a schoolteacher. As a child, he would grow up liking geography, while his…

Honda discusses about Seabrook Farms and working for 3M. He details about his wife, children, grandchildren, and the relationship with his brother. Honda also discusses about his involvement with Japanese Redress, his hopes for the future, and giving…

Honda continues to discuss the aftermath from Pearl Harbor and sheds some light on his high school sports career. He details about his experiences at the Fresno Temporary Detention Center, Jerome Concentration Camp, and in Cleveland, Ohio. Honda…

Honda discusses about his family and childhood upbringing. He details about his childhood friends, social activities, and his health as a child. Honda also discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

Ocean Miyake describes various documents and photographs shown on camera.

Miyake continues to discuss military reunions. He talks about his friends that died during combat. He continues to discuss his wife and their return to California. He describes his life in Denver, Colorado and how he adjusted to civilian life.…

Miyake continues to talk about the Champagne Campaign. He discusses Bansai Hill and his second battle. He describes his role in a special task force. Miyake talks about the end of World War Two. He describes his siblings experiences during the war.…

Miyake describes his journey to Europe and landing in Naples, Italy. He talks about joining the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He discusses marching through Europe. He talks about military conflicts in Bruyeres, France. Miyake discusses members of…

Miyake talks about his wife. He describes the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He briefly talks about his military service. He discusses the forced removal of Japanese Americans. Miyake explains how he corresponded with his family while he…

Miyake talks about his childhood in Venice, California. He shares his memories of World War One. He explains how he got his nickname. He describes his father, mother, and siblings. He talks about his father's profession. Miyake discusses high school.…

Miyake discusses the meaning behind medals. He details about a few Medal of Honor recipients. Miyake also discusses about a few of his experiences in the military.

Ikari discusses the bonds of the Nisei veterans and how combat brought those bonds much closer. After this, he shows off some of his artifacts from the war, including an M1 rifle tool, a travel order and his discharge papers.

Before getting discharged from the Army, Ikari was asked to participate in an objective Army program, in which they wanted Nisei soldiers to dress in Japanese uniforms and act as one would in the Japanese Army in order to help train new recruits.…

Ikari talks more about being wounded during combat, getting shot in the legs and nearly losing consciousness before getting saved by the medics. He talks about his mentality when being shot in the line of fire and being taken to the aid station. Once…

Ikari continues talking about his basic training at Camp Shelby, joining E Company and preparing for their shipment overseas. They would ship out from Newport News aboard a liberty ship, gambling, playing cards and listening to music throughout the…

Ikari discusses where his family ended up after Executive Order 9066 was signed, sent to a mixture of Rohwer, Poston and Manzanar Concentration Camps. While visiting on leave, he would see the barbed wire in certain sections of the camp and the…

Ikari continues to talk about his work life before the war, getting his start in chick sexing and discussing the technique to learning whether a baby chick was a male or female at the hatchery. Next, he talks about being at Los Angeles City College…

Norman Ikari begins the interview talking about growing up in Seattle, Washington where he would fish often, and go to a baseball games with his father. Due to the Great Depression, his family would move down to Los Angeles, facing his first bout of…

Masuda discusses about friends. He details about his time in Japan. Masuda also describes some photographs.

Masuda discusses about being drafted and basic training. He details about the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) and experiences in Japan. Masuda also discusses about his family and career.

Masuda also discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details about his experiences with forced removal. Masuda also discusses about Fresno Temporary Detention Center and Jerome Concentration Camp.

Masuda discusses about her family, schooling, and some of his early jobs. He details about religion, Japanese language school, and his home life. Masuda also discusses about discrimination, living in Fresno, California, Pearl Harbor, and its…

Tsuneishi speaks about the Christian church being an influence in his life and how the Evergreen Methodist church helped support him during his volunteering in Haiti. He also discusses a multitude of issues including anthrax in Haiti, terrorism, and…

After finishing his time in the Philippines, Tsuneishi arrived back in California until he was discharged at Camp Beale near Sacramento. Seeing that he already had over two years of college units, he decided to get his degree, attending UCLA with a…

Tsuneishi continues his recollection of his time working with the War Crimes Investigation Detachment in the Philippines. Next, he talks about members of the Army that ended up marrying local girls and trying to get leave to go to Japan to visit his…

When joining the US Army, Tsuneishi started with the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), taking Japanese language classes and becoming an interpreter. Once the training was complete, he was shipped out to the Philippines on a long journey across the…

Tsuneishi discusses his short stints at Pomona Temporary Detention Center and Heart Mountain Concentration Camp. He briefly is released from camp to attend the University of Wyoming before being drafted into the Army and heading to Camp Savage.…

Tsuneishi discusses more of his childhood including nicknames, Christianity and Sunday school. Next, he talks about facing discrimination, giving an anecdote of going to a barber shop and being asked to leave. After that, he speaks about Pearl Harbor…

The conversation continues on what it was like to grow up on a farm with nine siblings. Tsuneishi talks about the sleeping arrangements, spare time and chores. Next, he talks about the Japanese language school he attended, as well as his high school…

Tsuneishi begins his interview going through his family background, speaking about his father and mother and their journeys to Monrovia. Next, he talks about his responsibilities growing up on a farm and the recreational activities. After that, he…

Kishiue displays photographs of himself in military uniform while at Schofield Barracks and Makin Island. He also shows photographs of personnel from a civilian camp in Saipan. There is also a display of medals he earned from the Military.

Kishiue talks about medals and honors he received in the military; and his experiences regarding returning to the United States. He talks about his life after his military discharge, and his family.

Kishibue talks about his experiences in Saipan interrogating prisoners of war and cave flushing. He also discusses experiences in Okinawa and working for one week with CIC. In addition he shares a story regarding a Japanese military officer who…

Kishibue talks about his experiences in Saipan interrogating Japanese soldiers and civilians. He describes what the civilian camps were like; and military combat he had participated in.

Kishibue talks about his MISLS training at Camp Savage, and how he spent his free time in Minnesota. He talks about basic training experiences at Camp Robinson and his experiences at Makin Island. He also talks about race issues he faced in the…

Kishiue discusses his early years in California's King County. He talks about his family background and their experiences evacuating their home during WW2. He also talks about being drafted in the military before the Pearl Harbor attack; and race…

Iwamoto discusses his experiences as a commanding officer in Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC), as well as his experiences attending college and working after returning to the United States. He then talks about meeting his wife; getting recalled for…

Iwamoto discusses his nickname, his parents and the reasons why his father immigrated to the United States; his parents' employment; his parent's personalities; and working at his father's cafe. He then talks about going to church, attending school,…

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