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While in Bruyeres, Tsuji would be wounded in action and talks about the intricacies of that. He also talks about his time in Marseille and being able to take a pass to explore the local shops and find that the black market was alive and well. He…

Tsuji discusses about his childhood in Honolulu, recalling the New Years celebrations, the population of his schools and the friends that he had. Next, he looks back at the segregation that he saw both in Hawaii and later in Mississippi while…

Tsuji talks about his experiences in combat, including the differences between what was learned in basic training and how things are actually handled on the front lines. He also talks about the various differences between the German and American…

Tsuji discusses his family and background. He gives in depth descriptions and memories of his mother, father and 8 siblings. Next, he speaks about attending Japanese language school and the end of his classes, punctuated by the Pearl Harbor…

Tsuji begins the interview discussing a big fight that occurred between the caucasian and Nisei soldiers while at Newport News and how the military police had to get involved in order to break up the fighting. Next, he talks about spending a week in…

After being discharged from the Army, Takusagawa moves to Los Angeles and begins a family, which now includes grandchildren. After that, he began getting involved with various nonprofit organizations to help spread the word of what the Nisei did.…

Takusagawa and his family ended up at the Gila River Concentration Camp after a stint at the Tulare Temporary Detention Center. There, he saw a sign to recruit men into the 442nd Regiment, so he joined right away. Takusagawa was sent to Camp Shelby…

Takusagawa continues his discussion on growing up in Santa Barbara, including the impactful people that he grew up with, helping him to become a more rounded person. Eventually, this guided him to joining the school band, playing the snare drum,…

Takusagawa begins the interview discussing his family background, starting with his father, then mother and their values and business. Growing up in Santa Barbara, he was raised to be an American outside of the house and only speak Japanese inside…

Isonaga discusses his wife and children; provides a message to future generations; and talks about values he learned from his parents.

Isonaga discusses the Varsity Victory Volunteers, joining the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, traveling to the mainland, and basic training at Camp Shelby. He then talks about the relationship between Hawaiian and mainland soldiers, discusses his…

Isonaga discusses his involvement with Varsity Victory Volunteers (VVV), his kitchen duty assignment, and friendships he formed while serving in VVV.

Isonaga discusses his parents, siblings, recreational activities while growing up in Kauai, and his family’s grocery store business. He also talks about learning Hawaiian culture in elementary school, attending Japanese language school, religion, and…

Yamane continues to reflect on his war service. He talks about his son's service. He discusses his wife's first marriage. He describes his children and grandchildren. He shares his best experiences while in the military. He talks about training new…

Yamane continues to talk about the end of World War Two. He describes his journey home. He discusses his friend's injuries and his friendships. He explains the extent to which he has shared his war stories with the public. He talks about the ways in…

He continues to talks about the rescue of the Lost Battalion. He discusses the rescuers who survived the rescue of the Lost Battalion. He briefly describes a rest period. He talks about the Champagne Campaign. He explains how he was injured for the…

Yamane describe his journey to Europe. He lists the injuries and casualties in his unit. He talks about medals and awards. He discusses the recognition of Japanese American soldier's accomplishments. He describes his location in Europe and his…

Yamane continues to describe the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He talks about guarding Hawaii after the attack. He explains how the 100th Infantry Battalion was formed. He discusses his travels through Europe. He describe the journey to…

Yamane and the interviewers introduce themselves. Yamane describes his early life in Hawaii. He talks about his father's work on a sugar plantation. He discusses how his mother's sake was a separate source of income for his family. He lists his…

Taketa discusses about the wars end, veterans, and reunions. He details about his family and living in Hilo, Hawaii. Taketa reflects on his military service and gives a message to future generations.

Taketa discusses about being a medic and the meals they ate. He details about getting wounded and recovery process. Taketa also discusses playing golf and his post-war life.

Taketa discusses about becoming a medic and his experiences as a medic. He details about his experiences at Camp Shelby and Camp McCoy. Taketa also discusses about Hawaii, family, and the treatment of Japanese Americans.

Taketa discusses about life after high school and living in Hilo, Hawaii. He details Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Taketa also discusses about his ship getting hit by a torpedo.

Taketa discusses about his family and growing up on Kailua-Kona. He details about his schooling and childhood. Taketa also discusses about religion and vales taught.

Before deployment to Italy with the 100th Combat Battalion, Uchida was trained at Camp McCoy and recalls fondly the friendliness of the local residents. He then details about his experiences in Europe and his wounding by a German artillery shell. He…

Uchida describes walking to and from school through the mountainous terrain where he lived. An avid surfer, he describes building his own surfboard out of inferior materials for lack of balsa wood. Later, he describes his role in the popular…

Uchida recalls his childhood on Kawaii, first employments working in sugar cane fields, and eventual move to Honolulu at the age of 18 to live with his sister. There he found work at the Halekulani Hotel near Waikiki Beach where he remained an…

Uchida describes his return to work at the Halekulani Hotel after the War. He also describes his family including grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Uchida's daughter, Vicki Sakoda discusses on camera the importance of passing generational wisdom…

Ida finishes the interview talking about how he met his wife and how they settled in Hawaii. After this he gives a message for future generations and some final notes.

Ida talks about his time after the war and returning to the United States from Italy. He would first go to New York before getting stranded in Marysville, waiting for a strike to end so he could boat back to Hawaii. He would get back to Hawaii on…

Ida continues to talk about the Champagne Campaign and the rest and relaxation they got, not needing to fight any real battles. He talks about going down to Leghorn and getting wounded a second time while in Carrara. He also talks about confiscating…

Ida talks more about his experiences at Camp Shelby, eating fried chicken and catfish at the local restaurants. Shortly after, they would be sent overseas in a convoy, first landing in Oran before arriving in Naples. They would head up to…

Ida talks more about volunteering for the Army, going into Schofield Barracks where he would be given the title acting sergeant. He would head to the mainland, landing first in San Francisco before taking the train down to Camp Shelby in Mississippi.…

Ida talks more about his high school education at Mid-Pacific Institute in Hawaii, where he would play tennis and baseball. After graduation, he would work for the St. Louis Club until the attacks on Pearl Harbor occurred. He talks about seeing…

Ida continues to talk about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii, including purchasing a home after high school. He also talks about living in a small town and knowing everybody, while he would attend both english and Japanese school. He talks about…

Ida begins the interview talking about his family background and his father and mother coming from Japan and settling in Hawaii. He would attend Mid-Pacific Institute while his father worked at the Japanese consulate and his mother did laundry. Next,…

Tamanaha briefly talks about being discharged. He discusses his wife and children. He describes his relationships with other veterans. He reflects on his military experiences. Tamanaha reveals how he talks to his family about his time in the service.…

Tamanaha talks about how he got updates on the status of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team while awaiting medical discharge. He describes his journey home. He discusses the discrimination he faced in Marysville. CA. Tamanaha talks about when he…

Tamanaha explains his relationships with Mainland soldiers. He talks about American Concentration Camps. He describes his journey to Europe. Tamanaha describes his first combat experiences. He discusses Hill 140/Operation Totalize and his injury.

Tamanaha continues to talk about the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. He discusses why he enlisted and his journey to the Mainland. He describes discrimination at Camp Shelby and Hattiesburg, including racial discrimination against African Americans.…

Tamanaha discusses his family and growing up on a pineapple plantation in Hawaii. He describes the community on the plantation and his school. He talks about the summers that he worked on the planation. Tamanaha discusses his family's property in…

Nishihara discusses about his experiences during the Lost Battalion and his other war experiences. He details about coming home and his pos-war experiences. Nishihara discusses about various photographs.

Nishihara discusses about his family and growing on Hawaii. He details about his childhood , joining the Hawaiian National Guard, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. Nishiara also discusses about traveling to the Mainland, his experiences on the…

Nishihara discusses more about his time in Italy. He gives his opinions about the Rescue of the Lost Battalion. He also details about the end of the war and his life after the war. Nishihara talks about the legacy of 100th Infantry Battalion.

Nishihara discusses about his experiences at Camp McCoy and Camp Shelby. He details about furlough and leisure experiences. Nishihara also discusses his voyage overseas and his experiences in Italy.

Nishihara discusses what it was like growing up in Maui. He details about joining the Hawaiian National Guard and his experiences while in the National Guard. Nishihara also discusses the journey to becoming the 100th Infantry Battalion.

Guy discusses more about his war experiences, and how he came to befriend Marty Higgins. He talks about about his combat towards the end of the war, and getting liberated. After this, he would return to the United States, where he would settle back…

Guy discusses the German weapons that were used in the war, including the screaming mimi's which is what ended up wounding him during combat. Next, he talks about the Alamo Regiment from San Antonio, combat throughout Southern France, which earned…

Guy talks more about his combat experiences, including taking heavy casualties at the Battle of Rapido River. There he would receive a wound and be hospitalized, requiring surgery in Naples. While there, he would meet members of the 100th Infantry…

Guy discusses his time in basic training at Camp Croft in South Carolina. He would learn how to use heavy machine guns and then be shipped overseas, first landing in Casablanca, playing card games and reading throughout the shipment. Once arrived in…

Guy begins the interview talking about his family background, and his father coming from Liverpool and settling on the east coast. He would grow up in uptown New York, playing a lot of football and basketball and attending a variety of different…

Tanaka discusses about his career and how it found it. He details about his life in Los Angeles and gives a message to future generations. The interview ends by showing bracelet.

Tanaka discusses the 3rd crossing of the Volturno River,close calls and his good luck charm. He details about getting diagnosed with stomach ulcers. Tanaka also discusses coming home, how others treated him once he was back, and meeting his wife.

Tanaka discusses more about his time in North Africa and landing in Italy. He details about his first day in Italy and other combat experiences. Tanaka also discusses about the mindset during combat and crossing the Volturno. River

Tanaka discusses a submarine washing ashore and the formation of the 100th Infantry Battalion. He details about his experiences at Camp McCoy and Camp Shelby. Tanaka also tasks about heading overseas and his experiences in North Africa.

Tanaka discusses the way his was treated on the Mainland. He details basic training. He details Pearl Harbor and the aftermath from it.

Tanaka discusses about his family and childhood. He details his boxing experiences. Tanaka also discusses his experiences working onboard a ship and the Mainland.

Hada discusses his relationship with Spark Matsunaga, receiving the Silver Star medal, and what it was like being out on the ridge alone during his forward observer assignment. He then talks about getting trench foot and being sent to a hospital in…

Hada discusses going to Camp Shelby, and not traveling into town because he felt there was discrimination against Japanese Americans. After Camp Shelby, Hada went to Louisiana Maneuvers, where he had an assignment making dog tags. Hada then talks…

Hada discusses getting drafted into the Army and basic training at Schofield barracks. Hada was at Schofield Barracks during the attack on Pearl Harbor and describes seeing airplanes flying overhead. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hada had…

Hada discusses growing up in Hawaii, living on a sugar plantation, and his hobbies. He also talks about his parents, and discusses having to take care of his siblings and help out with household chores after his mother passed away. After high school,…

Following the end of the war, Nishimoto would return to Hawaii and join the 442nd reserves. He would then be called for active duty again for the Korean War, and would be on assignment in Japan. He would join the Military Intelligence Service with…

Nishimoto talks more about his war experiences, including learning some Italian and even seeing the Pope. After this, he talks about the rescue of the Lost Battalion, dealing with extreme darkness and heavy casualties. Next, he speaks about the…

Nishimoto talks more about his war experiences, including seeing German soldiers and the weapons that they used. He talks about his dislike for snipers and wanting to catch one so that he could take care of him himself. Another assignment included…
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