Browse Items (780 total)

Nakamura discusses growing up on a sugar planation in Ewa, Hawaii and what it was like attending Japanese language school, and working on the planation, as well as recalling stories regarding values he learned and the discipline he received. He then…

Nakamura discusses his experiences at Camp McCoy, including making a skating rink, and then describes going to basic training at Camp Shelby; and what the weather and scenery was like, as well as his relationships with commanding officers and the…

Nakamura discusses some of the officers he encountered during World War Two, including Colonel Farrant L. Turner and Major James Lowell; and talks about correspondence with his girlfriend during the war. He then describes his trench foot condition…

Nakamura talks about his children and grandchildren, including discussing his children's schooling and occupations. He then talks about how his efforts as part of the 100th Infantry Battalion have helped future generations of Japanese Americans, and…

Izumigawa discusses his parents including talking about his relationship with them and their personalities and physical traits; and discusses prejudice against people from Okinawa in regards to the Japanese community. He then talks about his…

Izumigawa discusses his childhood values; New Years and Christmas celebrations; attending elementary school; and influential teachers. He then talks about childhood friendships; describes the duties of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC); and talks…

Izumigawa talks about playing sports; discusses his interest in watching and following sports; and talks about the aftermath of Pearl Harbor including experiences with blackouts. He then talks about his post high school employment; volunteering for…

Izumigawa talks about his first experiences as a replacement soldier in Europe; discusses his knowledge of the 100th Infantry Battalion prior to shipping out; and discusses the advice he received from fellow soldiers. He then talks about his…

Izumigawa describes a close call in combat and talks about getting wounded. He then discusses his hospital stay and talks about his assignment in Northern Italy after rejoining his unit. Next, he talks about his combat experiences at the Gothic Line.…

Izumigawa discusses combat experiences and describes mines; and talks about receiving a care package during the Champagne Campaign which included a Senninbari (Japanese good luck charm). He then talks about his brother's military service; the end of…

Izumigawa discusses Sadao Munemori. He then shows and describes photographs of his family; his wedding; an image taken in Florence during his military service; Camp Shelby; and others. He also discusses his brothers' military service.

Kimura discusses his parents; siblings; growing up in Honolulu, Hawaii; and talks about his father’s employment. He then talks about attending Japanese language school; discusses the languages he spoke at home; religion and attending church; learning…

Kimura discusses the attack on Pearl Harbor; describes Japan’s airplanes and the Japanese flag; and talks about how his father was picked up by the FBI. He then talks about volunteering for the Army; his brother’s employment at Hickam Air Force Base;…

Kimura talks about his first impressions of the 100th Infantry Battalion and his first day as part of Charlie Company; discusses his experiences crossing the Rapido and Arno rivers; discusses the Italian countryside; and talks about his combat…

Kimura discusses his combat experiences at Biffontaine which earned him the Bronze Star and Purple Heart; and discusses how he got wounded, as well as experiences with enemy fire during the battle at Biffontaine. He then continues to talk about his…

Kimura discusses his best and worst war experiences and talks about the camaraderie among soldiers. He then talks about his post-war life including going back to school for photography in Los Angeles and returning to Hawaii where he had a photography…

Suga discusses his family's business growing flowers, his father's childhood in Japan, and his mother. He then talks about his childhood including discussing the importance of education and working;attending Japanese language school; and the…

Suga discusses the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attack; and talks about the formation of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He also talks about Nisei soldiers; Jewish concentration camps; discusses some of the uncertainties Japanese American faced…

Suga talks about his first combat experiences in Italy including digging a foxhole; discussing the terrain; and witnessing soldiers wounded and killed in action. He also talks about studying different European languages while overseas; different…

Suga discusses his private practice when he was a lawyer, talks about working for the IRS while he was preparing to pass the bar exam, and discusses the letter he received from his boss when he retired from the Los Angeles district attorney's office.…

Takahashi discusses his family and what it was like growing up in Maui. He details about his educational experiences, Pearl Harbor and the its aftermath. Takahashi also discusses volunteering for the service and the events following.

S. Takahashi discusses growing up poor in a village on Maui. He talks about his parents, and how they got married. He also explains how his mother had a son in the Japanese military in addition to his service in the U.S. military during World War 2.

S. Takahashi talks about life his right before the war breakout and his early military experiences. He discusses his job, motivation for joining the military, and his cultural identity. He also shares anecdotes regarding participating in a Judo…

S. Takahashi talks about his combat experiences in the European Theater. He describes his feelings and actions as he was in the midst of artillery fire. He also discusses how he felt about Pearl Harbor being attacked by Japan.

S. Takahashi discusses his participation in the rescue of the Lost Battalion; he also reflects on his experiences. He talks about his opinion of the commanding officers, and what the morale of his unit was in the face of all the losses they endured…

Sumio Frank Shimada was born on April 21, 1918, in Vacaville, CA. Later his family moved to Cordelia and then San Jose. Frank revisited Vacaville last year for a reunion. He described the changes in the town since his childhood.

Frank discusses…

After Executive Order 9066, Sumio Frank Shimada was forcibly removed to Santa Anita Assembly Center. Frank describes the living conditions and life at the Assembly Center. He found a job in camp making camouflage nets.

In September 1942, Frank…

Sumio Frank Shimada shares his experience with the Hawaiian soldiers at Camp Shelby. Frank had a good experience with them and learned how to speak pidgin.

At Camp Shelby, the summer was hot, and the winter was cold. The winter was chiller,…

Sumio Frank Shimada recalls being under artillery fire from the German soldiers in Italy several times. Frank said the German 88 was a scary weapon. Besides the German 88, the Germans also used bouncing betty and minefields as their defensive assets.…

Sumio Frank Shimada was in the Regimental Reserves and carried the BAR. He recalls moving up to the combat zone, and on the side of the road, he saw blanket-covered bodies. Frank could not help but wonder who they were and who they left behind. Those…

Tojo discusses about his family and values taught. He details about his schooling. Tojo also discusses about childhood.

Tojo discusses about Hawaii, childhood, and the term Go For Broke. He details about mindset during combat and the pre-war atmosphere. Tojo also Pearl Harbor and its aftermath.

Tojo discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. He details about a war experience. Tojo also discusses about volunteering for service.

Tojo discusses about his first day in the Army. He details traveling to the Mainland and Camp Shelby. Tojo also discusses about his experiences Camp Shelby and Fort Sill

Tojo discusses about going overseas and arriving in Italy. He details about his experiences inItaly and in combat. Tojo also discusses about the realities of war.

Tojo discusses about code talking and the O'Connor Task Force. He details about an interaction with a German soldiers. Tojo also discusses about his experiences in France.

Tojo discusses about his non-combat experiences in Europe. He details about his experiences in Germany. Tojo also discusses about a letter and his personal philosophy.

Tojo discusses about his experience in Germany and other parts of Europe. He details about his son. Tojo also discusses about his life.

Sugihara discusses growing up during the Depression Era. He details about his family and their background. Sugihara also discusses about his education and social activities.

Sugihara discusses his ties with Japan and relatives. . Sugihara discusses about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. He details about basic training at Camp Shelby and the difference between Mainland and Hawaiian soldiers.

Sugihara discusses his experiences in France. He details about the trip overseas. Sugihara also discusses about his experiences in Italy.

Sugihara discusses most memorable moments during the war, Prisoners of War, and the war ending in the European Theater. Before going home to the United States, Sugihara receives an opportunity to attend the University of Florence. He recalls an…

Sugihara discusses the projects he works on for the Department of Agriculture. One of his successful project is the improvement of dry eggs. Sugihara meets his wife in college and they get married after she graduates. They have one daughter and their…

Ikeda discusses his family and his childhood in Hawaii. He details about Pearl Harbor and the aftermath from it. Ikeda also discusses about enlisting into the service.

Ikeda discusses his journey to Camp Shelby and his experiences while there. He details about the voyage overseas and about the short time he spent in Africa. Ikeda also discusses about his experiences in the European Theatre.

Ikeda and the interviewers introduce themselves. He talks about his nickname. He describes his early life in Maui, Hawaii. He discusses his siblings. He talks about his childhood activities. He also talks about his parents immigration to the United…

Ikeda talks about his youth government job. He describes his life after high school including his carpentry work. He discusses the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He shares his experiences with discrimination. He talks about joining the…

Takeo Ikeda continues to talk about his first combat experience. He discusses a Medal of Honor recipient. He briefly talks about his rank. He describes his good luck charms. He explains how he got a concussion as a child. He talks about his religious…

Mr. Fujimoto discusses about his family message to future generations, and photographs. Mrs. discusses about about her family. She also details about going to Japan and her experiences there.

Fujimoto discusses about his family and early life. He details about his life after high school, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath. Fujimoto also discusses about forced removal and his experiences at Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp.

Fujimoto discusses about his experiences in Granada (Amache) Concentration Camp and leaving camp. He details about getting drafted and training. Fujimoto also discusses about his experiences as a replacement in Italy.

Fujimoto discusses about his experiences in Switzerland and coming home. He details about his experiences in the Army and his family. Fujimoto also discusses about his post-war life, receiving the Bronze Star, and the values he were taught.

Tateishi begins the interview talking about how his family came from Hiroshima in Japan and settled in Hawaii. Growing up in Hawaii, he would attend McKinley High School and pick pineapples in his spare time, before joining the National Guard. He…

Tateishi talks more about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii, including playing marbles and working at a brewery. He also gives more background on his family, such as his six sisters and the family he had that was living in Hiroshima when the…

Tateishi talks about his shipment from Hawaii to the mainland, where he would land in San Francisco and head to Wisconsin, and then Camp Shelby for his basic training. Next, he talks about his shipment to Oran in Africa, passing the time with fellow…

Tateishi continues to talk about his whereabouts during the attacks on Pearl Harbor, including the weather during that day. He also talks about his various experiences in the war, starting with Anzio and moving up through Rome, where they would…

Tateishi discusses more about his war experiences, missing out on Cassino because of trench foot. He also talks about interacting with local Italian civilians, including delivering mail from Rome to Livorno for a family and eating rabbit. He would…

Tateishi finishes the interview talking about how he met his wife and his family. After this, he gives a message for future generations to study hard and to be proud to be American and proud of the 100th Infantry Battalion.

Yamate discusses his father including talking about his employment as a carpenter on a plantation on Kauai, and as the owner of a general store. He then talks about his own business which was a fishing and gardening store he opened post-war; and…

Yamate discusses joining ROTC while at the University of Hawaii; talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor; and discusses the formation of the Varsity Victory Volunteers (VVV). He then talks about his work as a carpenter and chauffeur for the Department…

Yamate talks about some of his fellow officers; discusses his assignment typing up articles; and talks about his experiences at basic training at Camp Shelby. He then talks about his experiences getting a pass to travel to New Orleans and…

Yamate discusses his overseas assignment writing reports; talks about his experiences at Bruyeres; and discusses soldiers who were killed in action. He then describes a few close calls he had in Italy; talks about civilians he met in Nice; and…

Yamate describes some methods for catching squid; shows and describes documents such as an Army morning report, news articles, and newspaper cartoon; and shows a portrait of himself in uniform.

Espineda talks about his family's move from Hawaii to California. He talks about his Filipino heritage. He discusses his experiences while in high school. He describes the farm work that he did after school. He talks about what he did in his leisure…

Espineda continues to talk about his induction into the army. He describes Camp Shelby. He discusses segregated units. He describes his basic training. He talks about Hawaiian soldiers in his unit and the cultural diversity in the present day.…

Espineda continues to talk about landing in Naples, Italy. He describes his first battle. He explains how he dealt with fears of dying. He discusses the rescue of the Lost Battalion. He describes what tree burst are. Espineda talks about his rest…

Espineda talks about the military decorations he received. He describes a trip to the Vatican. He continues to talk about his injury. He discusses his friends who were also wounded. Espineda describes his scariest moments during World War Two. He…

Espineda talks about his experiences in Po Valley. He briefly talks about the Gothic Line. He discusses being discharged and his return to civilian life. He describes how he reconnected with his family. He talks about the memories he has of his…

Espineda talks about his marriage. He talks about his children and grandchildren. He describes the changes that he has seen in Stockton, California over time. He discusses the legacy of the Nisei. Espineda shares his advice for veterans considering…

Kono discusses his family life and childhood. He details about discrimination and his friend. Kono also discusses about Pearl Harbor, aftermath, and joining the Varsity Victory Volunteers (VVV). He also details about volunteering for the army.

Kono discusses he experiences at Camp Shelby and during basic training. He details the structure of the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion and about the duties if the wire section. Kono also discusses about going overseas and landing in Italy.

Kono discusses his early experiences in Italy, laying the wire, and the Arno-Rome Campaign. He details about heading and his experiences in France. Kono also discusses about his experiences in Germany and liberating Dachau Concentration Camp.

Kono discusses receiving passes, traveling, and communicating with his family during the war. He details about awards received and coming home. Kono also discusses his career and family (wife, children, grandchildren).

Takano discusses his birthday and birth certificate; talks about getting a driver's license; and discusses growing up on the Big Island of Hawaii. He then talks about his father including his employment at a service station and as a baker; and…

Takano discusses his father's personality and physical traits; talks about his father's knowledge of the English language; and discusses values he learned form his parents. He then talks about fishing with his father; his favorite memories of his…

Takano talks about his parents reactions to the attack on Pearl Harbor; discusses his knowledge of pre-war tensions between the United States and Japan; and talks about his dual citizenship. He then talks about the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor…

Takano discusses his experiences at Camp Shelby including basic training and his field artillery assignments such as driving a truck and laying down lines as part of a communications section. He then describes weapons he used in training; going to…

Takano discusses Italian civilians; talks about getting a pass to visit Rome; discusses his experiences in Florence; and talks about the worst combat experiences. He then talks about combat experiences in France; discusses a soldier who stepped on a…

Takano discusses Germany's highway system; talks about traveling in Germany; and discusses the encounters he had with prisoners near Dacahu concentration camp. He then talks about the end of the war including his guard duty assignment while waiting…

Takano discusses meeting his wife; talks about his overseas assignment in Korea; discusses the Korean Army; and talks about his assignments in New Mexico and Vietnam. He then talks about being a teacher at Fort Lee; returning to Hawaii; and discusses…

Takano discusses his college degrees and the G.I. Bill; discusses his dogs; talks about Nisei veterans; and discusses the death of a friend.

Thomas Ukichi Wozumi is born July 24, 1918, in Honolulu, Hawaii. His father Utaro Wozumi, and mother, Otsuru Yamamoto Wozumi are Issei from Japan. He has two older siblings, Mildred and James.

Thomas and his family live at Castle Estate…
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