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During this portion of the interview, Edward Ichiyama recalls his duties within his military unit. Specifically, he gives detail s on regards to being a fuseman and forward observer. In addition, Ichiyama recollects his experiences marching with the…

This interview picks up mid-story with Edward Ichiyama discussing details about his friend, Tsaneshi Naruo, as well as the eulogy of his friend, [Shimizu]. Next, Ichiyama moves on to recall his first time entering Germany and chasing the German Army…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls leaving Baltimore for Hawaii, living in a Jewish community, and the discrimination he faced while living there. In addition, Ichiyama discusses The Champagne Campaign, as well as significant…

During this part of the interview Edward Ichiyama recalls attending The Medal of Honor ceremony, as well as being the chief researcher for the AJA Veteran's Council. In addition, he gives details in regard to his friend, Thomas Shiratsuki, and being…

Ida begins the interview talking about his family background and his father and mother coming from Japan and settling in Hawaii. He would attend Mid-Pacific Institute while his father worked at the Japanese consulate and his mother did laundry. Next,…

Ida continues to talk about what it was like to grow up in Hawaii, including purchasing a home after high school. He also talks about living in a small town and knowing everybody, while he would attend both english and Japanese school. He talks about…

Ida talks more about his high school education at Mid-Pacific Institute in Hawaii, where he would play tennis and baseball. After graduation, he would work for the St. Louis Club until the attacks on Pearl Harbor occurred. He talks about seeing…

Ida talks more about volunteering for the Army, going into Schofield Barracks where he would be given the title acting sergeant. He would head to the mainland, landing first in San Francisco before taking the train down to Camp Shelby in Mississippi.…

Ida talks more about his experiences at Camp Shelby, eating fried chicken and catfish at the local restaurants. Shortly after, they would be sent overseas in a convoy, first landing in Oran before arriving in Naples. They would head up to…

Ida continues to talk about the Champagne Campaign and the rest and relaxation they got, not needing to fight any real battles. He talks about going down to Leghorn and getting wounded a second time while in Carrara. He also talks about confiscating…

Ida talks about his time after the war and returning to the United States from Italy. He would first go to New York before getting stranded in Marysville, waiting for a strike to end so he could boat back to Hawaii. He would get back to Hawaii on…

Ida finishes the interview talking about how he met his wife and how they settled in Hawaii. After this he gives a message for future generations and some final notes.

Iguchi discusses about his family and growing San Fernando Valley. He details how he identified himself and home life. Iguchi also discusses about school activities and religion.

Iguchi discusses about his father sending Honeydew Mel ons and life after after high school graduation. He details about being drafted and receiving training to be a medic. Iguchi also discusses about Pearl Harbor, Its aftermath, and joining the…

Iguchi discusses about the journey overseas, training to be a medic, and arriving in France. He details about his experiences during the Champagne Campaign and life as a medic. Iguchi also discusses about The Gothic Line.

Iguchi discusses about his experiences as a medic and being wounded. He details about the events after The Gothic Line. Iguchi also discusses about his best and worst experiences in the war and reflects on his military service.

Iguchi discusses about life after the war. He details about his community involvement. Iguchi also gives a message to future generations.

Norman Ikari begins the interview talking about growing up in Seattle, Washington where he would fish often, and go to a baseball games with his father. Due to the Great Depression, his family would move down to Los Angeles, facing his first bout of…

Ikari continues to talk about his work life before the war, getting his start in chick sexing and discussing the technique to learning whether a baby chick was a male or female at the hatchery. Next, he talks about being at Los Angeles City College…

Ikari discusses where his family ended up after Executive Order 9066 was signed, sent to a mixture of Rohwer, Poston and Manzanar Concentration Camps. While visiting on leave, he would see the barbed wire in certain sections of the camp and the…

Ikari continues talking about his basic training at Camp Shelby, joining E Company and preparing for their shipment overseas. They would ship out from Newport News aboard a liberty ship, gambling, playing cards and listening to music throughout the…

Ikari talks more about being wounded during combat, getting shot in the legs and nearly losing consciousness before getting saved by the medics. He talks about his mentality when being shot in the line of fire and being taken to the aid station. Once…

Before getting discharged from the Army, Ikari was asked to participate in an objective Army program, in which they wanted Nisei soldiers to dress in Japanese uniforms and act as one would in the Japanese Army in order to help train new recruits.…

Ikari discusses the bonds of the Nisei veterans and how combat brought those bonds much closer. After this, he shows off some of his artifacts from the war, including an M1 rifle tool, a travel order and his discharge papers.

Ikeda discusses how he got his nickname; and talks about his parents and growing up on a farm in Clovis, California. He then talks about playing softball, high school, attending Japanese language school, and religion. Lastly, Ikeda recalls being at…

Ikeda discusses his family’s forced removal, the story behind how he was transferred to Military Intelligence Service (MIS), and talks about his MIS training and the classes he attended. He then talks about receiving a furlough to visit his family at…

Ikeda talks about his Military Intelligence Service (MIS) assignments in China translating captured documents, discusses the differences between interrogation, interpretation, and translation, and talks about kibei involvement in MIS. He then talks…

Ikeda discusses meeting his wife, provides some marriage advice, and discusses his children. He then talks about purchasing and working on a farm, discusses the importance of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) to the war effort and MIS receiving…

Ikeda and the interviewers introduce themselves. He talks about his nickname. He describes his early life in Maui, Hawaii. He discusses his siblings. He talks about his childhood activities. He also talks about his parents immigration to the United…

Ikeda talks about his youth government job. He describes his life after high school including his carpentry work. He discusses the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath. He shares his experiences with discrimination. He talks about joining the…

Takeo Ikeda continues to talk about his first combat experience. He discusses a Medal of Honor recipient. He briefly talks about his rank. He describes his good luck charms. He explains how he got a concussion as a child. He talks about his religious…

Ikeda discusses his family and his childhood in Hawaii. He details about Pearl Harbor and the aftermath from it. Ikeda also discusses about enlisting into the service.

Ikeda discusses his journey to Camp Shelby and his experiences while there. He details about the voyage overseas and about the short time he spent in Africa. Ikeda also discusses about his experiences in the European Theatre.

Ikeda discusses his journey back home. He details about his career after being discharged from the army. Ikeda also discusses about his life after retirement and the legacy of Nisei veterans.

Ikeguchi discusses his parents and their employment; and talks about growing up in a farming community in California. He then talks about his parents' physical traits and personalities; discusses values he learned from his parents; talks about family…

Ikeguchi discusses his experiences with prejudice; talks about his childhood friendships and recreational activities; and discusses school including his favorite subjects, involvement in clubs, and playing sports. He then talks about his goals for…

Ikeguchi talks about his experiences at Camp Robinson, his Signal Corps assignment, and his assignment at Camp Carson as a shipping clerk in Quartermaster Corps. He then talks about his promotion in rank; discusses going to Military Intelligence…

Ikeguchi discusses the treatment of Japanese POWs; describes the term "comfort women"; and talks about his experiences during his interrogation assignment. He then talks about his interactions with Japanese POWs; discusses casualties of war; and…

Ikeguchi discusses his experiences during his tour in China; talks about weapons he carried; and discusses the end of the war and returning home to California. He then talks about going back to college to finish his degree; discusses his brother's…

Ikeguchi discusses how he located his father who was living in Japan; talks about visiting his relatives in Japan; and discusses his duties while assisting the Osaka police with the black market. He then talks about his assignment in Yokohama;…

Ikeguchi discusses the work done by the Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) and double agents; talks about his assignment during the Vietnam War; and discusses attending Counter-insurgency school and Vietnamese language school. He then talks about…

Ikeguchi provides a message to future generations regarding prejudice; and discusses religion and politicians. He then talks about the importance of Nisei veterans legacy; and discusses the 9/11 attack and how it relates to the experiences of…

Ikemori talks about his early life in Hawaii. He describes his family's move to Japan. He briefly discusses his education in Japan. He talks about teaching Japanese language school in Hawaii. He discusses the languages spoken in his childhood home.…

Jiro Ikemori explains what his assignment was during the military occupation of Japan. He describes the living conditions in Kobe, Japan. His discusses his return to America. He talks about his work as a custodian. He reflects on his military…

Ikemoto discusses his whereabouts during the end of the war; talks about volunteering to go to Japan post V-J Day; and discusses his experiences at Military Intelligence Language School (MISLS). He then talks about traveling to Japan via a troop…

Ikemoto discusses the military service of a Japanese colonel; talks about his interrogations and discussions with Japanese officers; and tells a story regarding a Japanese officer who visited the United States. He then talks about his interactions…


Ikuta talks about growing up in Colorado including discussing his father's Model T car; going to church; his childhood home and friendships; school; and his father's death. He then talks about moving to Japan with his family as a child, returning to…

Ikuta talks about some of his Army experiences including his serial number, money he made, encounters with Italian civilians, and his assignment delivering rations. He also talks about Army food, his knowledge of Italian phrases, discusses his T/4…

Ikuta talks about his funniest wartime experience at Camp Savage, as well as his worst wartime memory of being taken into protective custody. He then talks about Army friendships; his experiences at the end of the war; returning to the United States…

Ikuta talks about his experiences running marathons, playing sports in high school, and his enthusiasm for wine. He then talks about values he learned growing up, working on a farm during high school, and provides a message to future generations.…

Imada discusses about his family and upbringing. He details about his neighborhood and schooling. Imada also discusses about his childhood home.

Imada discusses about his family and schooling. He details about his childhood and career aspirations. Imada also discusses about the Japanese community, photography, Pearl harbor and its aftermath.

Imada discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details about his experiences at Santa Anita Temporary Detention Center. Imada also discusses about his experiences at Gila River Concentration Camp, leaving camp, and getting drafted.

Imada discusses about his experiences in Ohio and getting drafted. He details about his experiences in basic training and at Fort Snelling. Imada also discusses about his experiences in the Philippines and post-war Japan.

Imada discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan. He details about his post-war life. Imada also discusses about his family and gives a message to future generations

Brian Imada (son) discusses about the Nisei and they where. He details about about his father's history. Imada also reflects on his father's service and gives a message to future generations.

Imoto talks about his early years growing up in Lindsay (CA) on a farm owned by his family; and shared with his uncle and his family. He discusses the community they lived in and his primary and secondary education. He also provides background…

Imoto discusses his adolescence in his rural hometown of Lindsay (CA). He talks about the local ethnic communities and his experiences in high school. He also discusses how he got drafted in the army and began artillery training.

Imoto talks about his military service. He discusses the various military bases he was stationed at during basic training, and his experiences in combat in Europe. He also talks about his father's experience in custody with the FBI.

Imoto shares details about his war injuries, how he got wounded and where his wounds are. He talks how he recuperated. He also discusses his life after the war ended.

Goro discusses his family and what it was like growing up in Holualoa, Hawaii. He details about the family's hotel volunteering for the Army. Goro also discusses about hos experiences at Camp Shelby and his experiences in Europe.

Goro discusses about the end of the war and coming home. He details how business and the community has changed overtime. Goro also discusses about his family, future plans for The Kono Hotel, and gives a message for future generations. Goro's wife is…

Inaba discusses about his family and growing up. He details about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and volunteering for the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). Inaba also discusses about his experiences while in the Military Intelligence Service. He…

Inaba discusses about what it was like growing up on a coffee farm. He details about his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). Inaba also discusses about his career with the credit union.

Kenneth Inada begins the interview talking about his childhood home and what it was like to grow up in Honolulu. He would be immersed in Japanese culture and ethics, watching Japanese movies and attending Japanese language school after his normal…

Inada talks more about his family background, including his mother's interests and discipline as a housewife and the languages they spoke in their household. He would grow up in the Great Depression, but still enjoy going to the movies and joining…

Inada continues talking about his high school years, talking about associations with Daniel Inouye, who later became a Medal of Honor recipient and American senator. He also discusses the discrimination that was faced before the war, such as not…

Inada talks about his shipment to mainland America, seeing the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge on the way and then landing in Oakland. When arriving, all soldiers would have their diaries taken away and told they would not be able to get them back.…

Inada discusses more about his unit detail, going from C Company to K Company as replacements were all moved. He also talks about replacements and his brother that passed away in Europe after the war had ended. Next, he talks about his first combat,…

Inada continues talking about his war experiences, including joining up with I Company, before getting wounded in action. He talks about being in combat and getting a hand injury, causing him to leave and head to a field hospital. There, he begged…

Inada finishes the interview looking at a picture of a Zen Buddhist scholar named Dr. D. T. Suzuki.

Inami discusses his parents immigrating from Japan to Madera, California, and talks about his father's work as a farmer. He then talks about his childhood and discusses his siblings, chores, helping out on the farm, going to school, and the values he…

Inami talks about what he learned in Japanese language school including Japanese ethics (shushin) and values,. He then talks about school and the community he grew up in; childhood experiences with discrimination; and discusses the reasons why he…

Inami talks about his freshman orientation at UC Berkeley and his experiences with discrimination, and discusses how his military service as well as the existence of the 442nd helped him with his career. He then talks about his family's forced…

Inami talks about his reasons for volunteering for Military Intelligence Service (MIS), discusses joining ROTC in college, and talks about the reasons why he wanted to be in the military. He then talks about induction and basic trianing before going…

Inami talks about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, getting discharged, and going back to college post-war. He then talks about receiving a commission for signal corps and getting recalled into the Korean War, as well as his duties during the Korean…

Inami shows and describes photographs of his wedding, in uniform, and a picture taken while he was in Korea. He also discusses his rank in the military,

Inami discusses about his time living in Japan and childhood. He details cultural differences and Japan's surrender. Imani also discusses about his experiences at Fort Snelling, the Nisei mindset, Japanese culture, and Japanese Americans.

Inami discusses about the effectiveness of Japanese Americans during the Occupation of Japan, loyalty, and visiting Japan post-occupation. He details about the Occupation of Japan. Inami also discusses about his family and the "Zebra platoon".

Inami discusses his name, date of birth, and parents' prefecture origin. Inami's Father comes to the Untied States for more financial opportunities. He works on a farm and then opens a store. Growing up Inami sends his time helping his parents'…

Inami discusses Japanese Language School and holidays celebrated by his family. When Inami is an adolescent, he goes to Japan with his family to look for a bride for his Uncle. He recalls how his Father purchases the Grocery Store and owning a…

Inami discusses forced removal. The Inami family receives support from their Chinese friend to help watch over their Grocery Store while they are interned. Inami recalls the military regulation of what is allowed to be carried into camp. On the day…

Inami discusses Jerome Concentration Camp and the living arrangements. Due to the conditions of camp, Inamai compares it welfare and how welfare is shameful to the Japanese culture. In camp, jobs are available. Inami recalls the jobs his family…

Inami discusses basic training and being replacements for 442nd Regimental Combat. The European Theater ends and Inami volunteers for the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). Later Inami is inducted into the Counter Intelligence Corps. He describes…

Inami discusses the aftermath of Hiroshima from the atomic bomb and the Japanese Nationals. Inami is discharge in 1946 and goes home to help his parents with the grocery store. While in service, Inami's family is relocated from Jerome to Rohwer and…

Mr. Inashima discusses his early life growing up in Seattle, Washington, describing the Japanese neighborhood he grew up in and the culture he was surrounded with. During childhood, Mr. Inashima attended Japanese language school and following his…

Mr. Inashima describes his arrival in the Philippines with the MIS and later his assignment to Japan with an industrial survey team. Mr. Inashima describes his typical day in the MIS and talks about the Japanese culture, food, and entertainment he…

Inoshita explains how his parents immigrated. He talks about his grandfather. He describes his fathers personality and skill sets. He shares his fathers experiences with discrimination. He explains how moving to the coast of California affected his…

Masaji Inoshita describes his Japanese identity. He shares his experiences with discrimination while in high school. He explains how the concept of Shikata ga nai helped him deal with discrimination. He talks about his acting experience in more…

Inoshita talks about his Caucasian friends who offered support during the forced removal process. He describes the living conditions at Tulare Temporary Detention Center. He describes the propaganda surrounding the forced removal of Japanese…

Masaji Inoshita explains the possible economic motivations of the forced removal of Japanese Americans. He talks about Fort Snelling. He discusses his time in Military Intelligence Service Language School. He describes his journey to the Pacific,…
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