Browse Items (553 total)

Yokoyama discusses about being bugler and music. He details about joining and his experiences in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). Yokoyama discusses about the atomic bombings.

Yokoyama discusses about living in Japan, schooling, and the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details about his home life and experiences at Camp Shelby. Yokoyama also discusses about his experiences in the military, at camp Savage, and his family.

Yokoyama discusses his family and home life. He details about volunteering for the Army and his farewell parade. Yokoyama also discusses about traveling, music, and his assignment in the military.

Matsuura shows and describes photographs of the ceremony where he received his Purple Heart; and Senator Inouye and his family. He then discusses the legacy of the 442nd; and provides some thoughts regarding his military service and being a veteran.

Matsuura talks about his trench foot condition, his experiences after rejoining the 442nd in Italy, getting discharged; and reenlisting and going to Japan. He then talks about his assignment in Japan in technical intelligence, and discusses his…

Matsuura discusses the reasons why he volunteered for the Army; talks about going to Bruyeres and his assignment as a messenger; and describes his trench foot condition. Next, Matsuura talks about Senator Daniel Inouye who was his platoon leader and…

Matsuura talks about his parents, going to school in Spokane, being sent to Japan as a child; and returning to the United States and working on a farm. He then talks about attending high school, the Attack on Pearl Harbor, volunteering for the Army,…

Kanada talks about receiving the Purple Heart and a unit citation; returning home; marriage; teaching dance; and provides a message to future generations.

Kanada talks about his experiences during the Lost Battalion rescue, getting injured, and staying in a hospital. He then talks about getting reassigned, getting discharged, a friendship that started while he was in the hospital, and his Army uniform…

Kanada talks about traveling to the Mainland, his brothers' military service; and discusses experiences during basic training such as his daily routine, food, friendships, going into town, Earl Finch, and becoming a squad leader. He also discusses…

Kanada talks about his parents immigrating to Hawaii, childhood activities in Honolulu, values growing up, and attending English and Japanese language school. He then talks about recreational activities such as sports, swimming, and ballroom dancing;…

After arriving in Germany, Sakamoto would begin his time with occupational forces, where he would end up going to clerical school, being a typist in Heidelberg. After this, he talks about meeting his wife, while working as a typist. They would court…

Following the end of the war, Sakamoto would get out of the camp and head back to Los Angeles, where he would get a place with his brother in Bunker Hill and start working at Columbia Records, manning the hydraulic press to make the plastic records.…

Sakamoto continues to talk about his time at Heart Mountain concentration camp in Wyoming. He would work there as a swamper, sneaking out of the camp sometimes to hike the nearby mountains or play in the ravines. He would later be presented with the…

Sakamoto continues talking about his time in High School, growing up with very few Japanese Americans and taking an interest in astronomy and gymnastics. Next, he talks about his whereabouts during the attacks on Pearl Harbor, not believing it at…

Nakagawa reflects on life and changes over time. He details about the action that led to receiving an accommodation and the realities of war. Nakagawa also discusses about loyalty and his views towards war.

Nakagawa discusses about his relationship with Hawaiian soldiers and being drafted. He details about his experiences with prejudices and the Lost Battalion. Nakagawa also discusses about his post-war experiences, wife, family, and how the war…

Nakagawa discusses about his family and growing up in California. He details about being drafted into the Army and his early military experiences. Nakagawa also discusses the action that led to him receiving an accommodation.

Endo discusses his family. He details about different aspects of his childhood.

Giovanna discusses her husband's family's reaction to their intercultural marriage. She talks about cultural differences between Italy and Japan. She also shares concluding thoughts on maintaining a successful marriage.

Giovanna shares thoughts and experiences regarding her marriage, child rearing, and her own values. She talks about cultural differences between Italy, America, and Japan. She also reflects on: her childrens' lives, widowhood, and intercultural…

Giovanna discusses some of the cultural differences she experienced with husband: food, language, social customs, and child rearing. She talks about her, and her husband lives pre-world war 2. She also shares anecdotes regarding: her adult children,…

Giovanna discusses the pros and cons of her interracial marriage. She talks about how she met her husband in post war Italy. She also talks about opposition she and her spouse faced from her family and the U.S. military. She also relays anecdotes…

Kimura discusses how both the Japanese citizenry and Nisei soldiers worked to make Occupied Japan successful. He talks about the value of Nisei and Kibei being participants. He also talks about the cultural resilience of Japan.

Kimura discusses his experiences working in Occupied Japan as both a military lieutenant and later a civilian. He talks about his time in Yokohama and Tokyo, working on translation services. He also shares anecdotes regarding: the Japanese citizenry,…

Brian Imada (son) discusses about the Nisei and they where. He details about about his father's history. Imada also reflects on his father's service and gives a message to future generations.

Imada discusses about his experiences in post-war Japan. He details about his post-war life. Imada also discusses about his family and gives a message to future generations

Imada discusses about his experiences in Ohio and getting drafted. He details about his experiences in basic training and at Fort Snelling. Imada also discusses about his experiences in the Philippines and post-war Japan.

Imada discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details about his experiences at Santa Anita Temporary Detention Center. Imada also discusses about his experiences at Gila River Concentration Camp, leaving camp, and getting drafted.

Imada discusses about his family and schooling. He details about his childhood and career aspirations. Imada also discusses about the Japanese community, photography, Pearl harbor and its aftermath.

Imada discusses about his family and upbringing. He details about his neighborhood and schooling. Imada also discusses about his childhood home.

Ogawa discusses about his post-war life and gives a message to future generations. Yuri discusses about she and James met. She also discusses about the importance of Nisei, Manzanar Concentration Camp, and reflects on life experiences.

Ogawa discusses about combat and experiences in Europe. He reflects on The Lost Battalion and coming home. Ogawa also discusses about his post-war life.

Ogawa discusses his experiences at Camp Shelby and visiting Jerome Concentration Camp. He details his combat experiences, helping others, the Lost Battalion, and coming home. Ogawa also discusses about medals and a close calls.

Ogawa discusses about joining the Army and the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details about traveling to Arkansas and basic training. Ogawa also discusses about the Nisei units and first assignment stateside.

Ogawa discusses about his foster family. he details about his childhood, geopolitics, and being an American. Ogawa also discusses about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and joining the Army.

Ogawa discusses about his childhood. He details about his family and foster family. Ogawa also discusses about his schooling.

Ikuta talks about his experiences running marathons, playing sports in high school, and his enthusiasm for wine. He then talks about values he learned growing up, working on a farm during high school, and provides a message to future generations.…

Ikuta talks about his funniest wartime experience at Camp Savage, as well as his worst wartime memory of being taken into protective custody. He then talks about Army friendships; his experiences at the end of the war; returning to the United States…

Ikuta talks about some of his Army experiences including his serial number, money he made, encounters with Italian civilians, and his assignment delivering rations. He also talks about Army food, his knowledge of Italian phrases, discusses his T/4…

Ikuta talks about growing up in Colorado including discussing his father's Model T car; going to church; his childhood home and friendships; school; and his father's death. He then talks about moving to Japan with his family as a child, returning to…

Higgins discusses his family and employment. He gives a message to future generations.

Higgins discusses about the 141st Infantry Regiment. He details about his experiences in Europe. Higgins also discusses about General Dahlquist.

Higgins discusses about his experiences in the military. He details about his experiences in the European Theater. Higgins also discusses about the time he was a prisoner of war.

Higgins discusses about his childhood. He details about what values he was taught and schooling. Higgins also discusses about volunteering and post-war life.

Higgins discusses about growing up in New Jersey and his military service. He details about his family and childhood. Higgins also discusses about his social life and reaction to Pearl Harbor.

Ikeguchi provides a message to future generations regarding prejudice; and discusses religion and politicians. He then talks about the importance of Nisei veterans legacy; and discusses the 9/11 attack and how it relates to the experiences of…

Ikeguchi discusses the work done by the Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) and double agents; talks about his assignment during the Vietnam War; and discusses attending Counter-insurgency school and Vietnamese language school. He then talks about…

Ikeguchi discusses how he located his father who was living in Japan; talks about visiting his relatives in Japan; and discusses his duties while assisting the Osaka police with the black market. He then talks about his assignment in Yokohama;…

Ikeguchi discusses his experiences during his tour in China; talks about weapons he carried; and discusses the end of the war and returning home to California. He then talks about going back to college to finish his degree; discusses his brother's…

Ikeguchi discusses the treatment of Japanese POWs; describes the term "comfort women"; and talks about his experiences during his interrogation assignment. He then talks about his interactions with Japanese POWs; discusses casualties of war; and…

Ikeguchi talks about his experiences at Camp Robinson, his Signal Corps assignment, and his assignment at Camp Carson as a shipping clerk in Quartermaster Corps. He then talks about his promotion in rank; discusses going to Military Intelligence…

Ikeguchi discusses his experiences with prejudice; talks about his childhood friendships and recreational activities; and discusses school including his favorite subjects, involvement in clubs, and playing sports. He then talks about his goals for…

Ikeguchi discusses his parents and their employment; and talks about growing up in a farming community in California. He then talks about his parents' physical traits and personalities; discusses values he learned from his parents; talks about family…

A, Takahashi displays his medals and a military portrait of himself. He talks about the medals, and what they were bestowed for. He also shares a newsclipping of himself.

A. Takahashi discusses where he was when the war in Europe ended. He talks about his military discharge and his post-war life. He shares anecdotes regarding: his family; meeting his wife; and his career trajectory.

A. Takahashi discusses his experiences in the European Theater. He talks about the Champagne Campaign and other assignments. He shares anecdotes regarding: his brother's military service; cooking chicken and rabbitts; and close calls on the…

A. Takahashi discusses his military experience. He talks about training new recruits in rifle training; and how Nisei soldiers were sent to Camp Leonard to perform menial work. He also discusses getting assigned to the 100th Battalion and his first…

A. Takahashi discusses his youth growing up in the Central Valley of California. He talks about his parents' backgrounds, their immigration and characters. He also discusses his interest in aviation and how he enlisted in the military.

Frank Mizufuka describes Colonel Young Oak Kim's escape from being captured by German soldiers. He also talks about his experience working at a retail business in San Francisco. After working there for some time, he left to start his own sandwich…

In this video clip, Frank Mizufuka talks about life after being discharged from the Army. He relocated to Chicago, where he met and married his wife. They soon moved to Los Angeles to be closer to his family. He describes his participation in the Van…

Frank Mizufuka talks about his experience with the bazooka team in F Company for the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He also describes his encounters with German soldiers, and German prisoners of war. Frank was wounded on the front lines when a German…

Frank Mizufuka was assigned to F Company within the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. F Company, along with L Company, were a part of the O'Connor Task Force, which carried out secret missions during the Battle of Bruyeres. He describes the journey…

Frank Mizufuka describes his visit to the Amache concentration camp, where he visited his girlfriend at the time. He also visited his family at the Rohwer Relocation Center, and describes the living conditions there. He talks about Yuri Kochiyama,…

On the day of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Frank Mizufuka was on weekend furlough at his family's home. Once the news of the bombing was publicized, he had to report back to training camp. Instead of being sent overseas with the Caucasian units, he…

Frank Mizufuka was a troublemaker in high school -- he dyed his hair red to fit in with his Caucasian classmates. He took judo lessons and wrestling, and also played football for Whittier High School. In high school, he was a part of student…

Frank Mizufuka was born in Compton, California. His parents were from the Kumamoto prefecture on the island of Kyushu. They became sharecroppers and worked on a vegetable farm in Montebello, then moved to Whittier to become flower farmers. Frank…

In this video clip, Toshiko Hattori talks about living a healthy lifestyle, sharing her life experiences with her family, and about her visits to Japan. She talks about how many people do not know about Japanese American women's contribution to the…

After moving to East Los Angeles, Toshiko Hattori took care of her mother-in-law, and later, her husband, who had developed lung cancer. Her husband passed away from his illness, leaving her a widow. She developed osteoarthritis which made it…

In this video clip, Toshiko Hattori talks more about her childhood, and how she became interested in nursing. She describes her basic training experience upon joining the United States Army. At the time of the end of the war in Europe, she was still…

Toshiko Hattori describes her childhood growing up in foster homes in New York City. She attended nursing school after high school, and joined the United States Army to work as a nurse. During World War II, she was sent overseas to Korea, but was…

In this video clip, Mas Takahasha talks about his childhood growing up in a Salvation Army Orphanage Home in San Francisco after his mother died. He describes his travels around Europe while on pass during the war. He talks about meeting his wife,…

After basic training, Mas Takahashi was shipped overseas to join the 100th Infantry Battalion at the Champagne Campaign, where he was assigned as a rifleman. He was then sent to fight on the Gothic Line. When the war ended, Mas helped process German…

Mas Takahashi was the youngest of five children. He grew up in San Francisco, and later, Stockton, California, where he attended high school. After the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941, he and his family were forcibly removed to the…

In this segment, Wally Yonamine recalls many experiences from his lifetime, including his time playing sports at Schofield Barracks, his coaching career in Japan, and seeing his daughter battle and beat leukemia. He also discusses his foundation and…

In this segment, Wally Yonamine begins by speaking a little more on Japanese professional baseball before moving on to the pearl shop that he opened with his wife. He later speaks about his family and remembering his modest upbringing in Hawaii when…

In this segment, Wally Yonamine continues to share his perspective and considerable experience in the world of professional sports. He initially speaks about the impact of the mass influx of money into professional sports before moving on to talking…

In this segment, Wally Yonamine shares memories from his days of playing professional football and baseball. He specifically recalls his excitement at the opportunity to play pro football for the San Francisco 49ers before the disappointment…

In this segment, Wally Yonamine covers a wide variety of topics. He begins by speaking about his childhood and the different activities he participated in during his youth. He talks about playing many sports as a kid and eventually quitting Japanese…

In this segment, Wally Yonamine introduces the audience to his family's background. He discusses remembering his roots and his modest upbringing when he was making a name for himself in Japan as a successful professional baseball player. He also…

Surh begins by expressing her appreciation for army medics, since she served as an Army Nurse. She also briefly talks about her and her husband (at that time), Young Kim, deciding to not share their war experiences with one another. Surh moves on to…

Surh begins the interview by discussing her visit to Jerome to see her best friend Nish and her family. She expresses confusion and disappointment at the fact that the U.S. government would incarcerate its own citizens. Surh also talks about the…

Surh begins by recalling the capacity of her contact with her husband, Young Kim, while they were in different parts of Europe serving in the Army. She proceeds to talk about her work treating patients as an Army Nurse. Afterwards, she talks about…

Surh begins by describing her friend Nish, a Japanese American. She recalls going to Jerome in Arkansas to visit Nish and her family while they were imprisoned in camp. She also describes the poor conditions that Nish and her family lived in while at…

During this interview, Kim Ida Surh touches on some personal, emotional memories. She first discusses the pain of her Sunday school teacher excluding her brother and her from a party and the effect it had on her emotionally as she grew up. Later,…

Surh begins by discussing her childhood in Los Angeles by recounting different childhood activities and memories. She also talks about a painful moment at Sunday school where she and her brother were excluded from a party by adults. She later…

Surh begins the interview by recalling the story about how her parents met, married, and started a family. After that, Surh recalls her parents' work before reminiscing about different stories that reflected her personality and behavior as a child.…

Kim Ida Surh begins by discussing her background and her family's background, including her family's time in Mexico, California, and Arizona. She also recounts some memorable childhood stories of her antics with her Uncle Bob before proceeding to…

In this video clip, Tets Asato talks about the efforts of the 100th/442nd/MIS that benefited the Japanese Americans of today, as well as future generations. He presents important advice and values for future generations, and shares his thoughts about…

In this video clip, Tets Asato talks about his experience overseas. He describes his homecoming and what he did upon returning to the states. He talks about the insurance company that he and his friend started in J-Town, Los Angeles, and also, talks…

In this video clip, Tets Asato talks about the Loyalty Questionnaire that the Niseis had to answer while in camp (internment camp) and about the "No-No Boys". He talks about being drafted into the army and his experiences in basic training at Camp…

In this video clip, Tets Asato describes being transferred to the Heart Mountain interment camp and what the living conditions were like there. During his stay there, he helped work at the local farms topping sugar beets. He also worked for the Fire…

In this video clip, Tets Asato describes going to Japanese language school as a child. He also talks about the relationship with his siblings and family, and going to the movies with his father. He describes what his life was like when the war broke…

In this video clip, Tets Asato describes his Issei parents, growing up on a farm in El Monte, California, and growing up in a Japanese household. He talks about his childhood - friends, school, playing sports, etc. - and about his mother's passing.

Fujimori continues to talk about his experience as a carpenter. He discusses Go For Broke [National Education Center], and offers his thoughts about the events of September 11th (9/11). He ends with a message to future generations.

Fujimori talks about his homecoming from Japan. He goes on to talk about his work experience as a carpenter, including building furniture for Hugh Hefner and the Playboy Mansion.

Fujimori discusses his military experience in the Philippines. He describes what his job entailed as a Military Intelligence Service interrogator. At the end of this part he begins describing his participation in the occupation of Japan after the war…

Fujimori describes his experience of moving away from his home and into Manzanar Concentration Camp and his experiences living in the camp. He also describes volunteering for the army and his basic training at Fort Snelling.

Fujimori discusses meeting his wife. He talks more about practicing Judo, and what it meant to be Japanese American. At the end of this section, he talks of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Fujimori describes growing up in Boyle Heights, California. He also talks about playing sports, such as football and track, and his academic interests in high school. He recalls his siblings and childhood friends.
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