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Kondo V-mail letter 004.pdf

Kondo writes about missing his family, and about his daily routine overseas in Italy, which include eating many fruits that are sold to them by the Italian natives, and venturing into town.
Kondo V-mail letter 005.pdf

Kondo writes to his sister about receiving her v-mail letter and expresses excitement about her trip to Salt Lake City. He hopes that the boys back home do not have to be enlisted into the war. He also writes about his experience surviving a raid of…
Kondo V-mail letter 006.pdf

Kondo writes to his brother-in-law, Hal Hoshino about his experience fighting on the front lines against German artillery forces. He hopes that Hal does not have to go to war and describes his own experience of war to be "pretty close to hell."
Kondo V-mail letter 007.pdf

Kondo writes to his sister, Misa, while on a break from the fighting on the front lines. He writes about being reviewed by King George and General Mark Clark, and enjoying the evening entertainment every night.
Kondo V-mail letter 008.pdf

Kondo writes to his sister about the memorial service that was held for those who were recently killed in action. He describes the meal he ate that day, which consisted of "roast turkey, fried rice, gravy, canned peaches, and lemonade," and expresses…
Kondo V-mail letter 009.pdf

Kondo writes to his sister about receiving a letter from her husband, Hal Hoshino, while she was away in Salt Lake City. He writes about his physical well-being and that of his friends who are overseas with him. He also writes about the 100th…
Kondo V-mail letter 010.pdf

Kondo writes to his sister thanking her for remembering his birthday and for sending a pack of cigarettes. He writes that he will send her gifts from Rome the next time he goes there on pass, about the birthday party that the boys threw him the night…
Kondo V-mail letter 011.pdf

Kondo writes to his sister from the front lines about the German artillery and mortal shells landing near his foxhole. He writes about the weather and about eating the local fruits and vegetables that are conveniently located near his foxhole.
Kondo V-mail letter 012.pdf

Kondo writes to his sister from his foxhole on the front lines. He writes about the constant shelling from the Germans, and about the tree bursts caused from the artillery explosions.

Konno talks about growing up on a citrus ranch in San Dimas, California; and discusses his parents, childhood activities, friendships, and speaking Japanese at home. He also talks about attending high school and Japanese language school; playing…

Konno discusses his brother, talks about his experiences growing up on a ranch, and discusses going on vacation with his family. He then talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor and aftermath, including his family's forced removal first to Pomona…

Konno discusses the living conditions, food, and weather at Heart Mountain, as well as his daily activities and work. He then talks about volunteering for the Army and traveling from Heart Mountain to Mississippi. Lastly, Konno talks about basic…

Konno talks about combat experiences in France including his military assignment, digging foxholes, friendships with soldiers, and firing a rifle. He then talks about the differences between a machine gun and rifle; discusses German weapons; and…

Konno talks about his experiences in England; eating rice growing up and while overseas; and post-war employment. He also talks about meeting his wife while at Heart Mountain incarceration camp, discusses his children, and provides some thoughts…

Konno discusses his parents and talks about his brother’s involvement with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. He then talks about growing up on an orange grove in Azusa, California, his experiences with prejudice in high school, going to Japanese…

Konno discusses receiving visitors while at Pomona temporary detention facility, then volunteering to go to Heart Mountain incarceration camp to build barracks, as well as his interactions with the armed guards. He then talks about his desire to…

Konno discusses his experiences with prejudice in the 1940s, provides some thoughts regarding the end of the war, and talks about his assignments writing speeches for the Regimental Headquarters Company in Italy. While in Italy, Konno also had…

Konno discusses meeting his wife while in graduate school; and tells stories regarding their interracial relationship, including experiences with prejudice. He then talks about his children and grandchildren, and passing on Japanese culture and…

Kono discusses his parents immigration from Japan; talks about growing up in a village where sugar cane is produced; and talks about attending school and Japanese language school. He then discusses the reasons why he was sent to Japanese language…

Kono discusses his employment after high school and during the war in the grocery department of Theo H. Davies Company and talks about witnessing discrimination there. He then talks about his high school friendships and classmates; attending high…

Kono reads a poem he wrote and sent to his niece while overseas; discusses his experiences going to New York during rest and relaxation (R&R); and talks about his Military Intelligence Service (MIS) assignment after training. He then talks about…

Kono discusses his experiences cave-flushing which involved talking Japanese civilians and soldiers out of caves. He then talks about his assignment in occupied Japan; getting discharged; and his experiences interrogating Japanese POWs. Next, Kono…

Kono discusses suicides of civilians on Saipan; and discusses his best wartime memories which included food, and recreational activities. He then talks about seeing his family again and his post-war life in Hawaii; discusses the end of the war; and…

Kono discusses his post-war career working for the Dole Company, the East-West Center, his work on a project regarding the centennial of Japanese immigration to Hawaii, and some of his other employment opportunities. He then talks about some of his…

Kono discusses his family life and childhood. He details about discrimination and his friend. Kono also discusses about Pearl Harbor, aftermath, and joining the Varsity Victory Volunteers (VVV). He also details about volunteering for the army.

Kono discusses he experiences at Camp Shelby and during basic training. He details the structure of the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion and about the duties if the wire section. Kono also discusses about going overseas and landing in Italy.

Kono discusses his early experiences in Italy, laying the wire, and the Arno-Rome Campaign. He details about heading and his experiences in France. Kono also discusses about his experiences in Germany and liberating Dachau Concentration Camp.

Kono discusses receiving passes, traveling, and communicating with his family during the war. He details about awards received and coming home. Kono also discusses his career and family (wife, children, grandchildren).

Konoshima begins the interview speaking about his family background. As his father came over to the United States, Akio was born in Japan and brought over to California as an infant. They would move to Mountain View in northern California and lease…

Konoshima discusses the reasons for attending University of Wisconsin after the camps and his sister also attending. Next, he speaks about the effects of being born in Japan and not having the same rights that even Japanese Americans had, such as…

Konoshima begins by speaking about his time in occupied Japan. After spending time in the American concentration camps, he would be shipped to Tokyo as part of the Headquarters team. When arriving in Tokyo, he would remember the destruction of…

Konoshima discusses how he ended up joining the Army, despite not being an American citizen. He would not become a citizen until the McCarron-Walter Act would allow him to do so. Next, he discusses the importance of becoming a U.S. citizen and what…

Kosaki begins the interview speaking about his childhood and schooling in Hawaii, attending Japanese language school in Waikiki. Next, he jumps into his whereabouts during the attacks on Pearl Harbor. After spending some time at the University of…

Kosaki continues his discussion on his time in occupied Japan. He speaks about how he was able to travel through different areas of Japan, such Hiroshima and Kochi, where he had family. Next, he talks about his other assignments and duties which were…

G. Koshi discusses his experiences through childhood to early adulthood. He talks about his adolescence in Colorado and his childhood in Japan. He also discusses his entrance into the military.

G. Koshi discusses his training and teaching experiences in the U.S. MISLS. He talks about the work he did for MISLS and how he eventually got transferred to work in the Pentagon. He also discusses his parents' immigration to, and early experiences…

G. Koshi discusses his experiences working in Occupied Japan and the Pentagon. He talks about Japanese military documents he translated and Japanese military leaders. He also discusses how he met his wife in Washington DC.

G. Koshi talks about his experiences and reflections working in Occupied Japan. He shares anecdotes regarding: General MacArthur; documentation regarding Japan's declaration of war; and working on Japanese government reformations. He also discusses…

G. Koshi discusses his participation in the war crime trials and gives general details regarding the trials. He talks about Japanese military leaders he defended, and describes American POW camps in Japan. In addition, he talks about social…

G. Koshi discusses awards he received from the Japanese government for his work during the American occupation. He also talks about his life after military service, and returning to America. In addition, he talks about his children and descendants.

Kosobayashi discusses about his family, schooling, and briefly moving to Japan as a child. Kosobayashi details about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and his experiences at Tule Lake Concentration Camp. He also discusses about his induction into the…

Kosobayashi discusses his experiences in Tokyo and the role that the Military Intelligence Service played. He details about his experiences about working with the 8th Army JAG and the trials he assisted on. Kosobayashi discusses about his life…

Roy Kouke describes his childhood in Hawaii, the bombing of Pearl Harbor during his high school years, and volunteering for the labor corps. He goes into his work for the USED motor pool, draft deferment, finally being drafted and receiving basic…

Tony Koura is born on June 26, 1926. Before being drafted into the military, Tony is at Manzanar. Despite the discrimination after the Pearl Harbor attack, Tony wants to volunteer for the Army because of patriotism.

After the draft notice, he…

Tony Koura goes to Manchuria to observe the mission of the repatriates returning to Japan. Tony says the repatriates are older men, women, and children who are malnourished. However, they are happy to be going to Japan.

Tony arrives back in…

When Tony Koura goes back to Japan after the occupation, the locals have changed. The people have money, there is no food shortage, no one is starving, and every one is employed. There are thousands of linguists during the occupation. Tony says the…

Koyama and the interviewers introduce themselves. He describes his hometown Nampa, Idaho. He talks about his father's immigration to the United States. He discusses his father's employment ventures. He describes his family home. He talks about his…

Koyama continues to talk about his experiences in Japanese language school. He describes what he did in his leisure time, including hunting. He continues to discuss his work on his family farm. He talks about his childhood education. He briefly…

Koyama talks about his teachers. He describes his basic training. He explains how Japanese American soldiers were grouped together. He discusses his journey to Europe and travels through Europe. He talks about the wild boars that he encountered. He…

Koyama talks about transporting prisoners. He talks about the types of injuries he saw, including million dollar wounds. He discusses the end of World War Two. He explains how he communicated with his family while he was overseas. He briefly talks…

Koyano talks about his parent's immigration to the United States. He describes his early life in Northern California and the dynamics in his family. He also describes his parents personalities. He discusses a trip he made to Japan when he was child.…

Koyano continues to discuss a trip he took to Japan when he was a child. He talks about being drafted and his duties shortly before his deployment. He describes Camp Shelby. He discusses concentration camps and racial discrimination. Koyano talks…

Koyano describes the state of Italy after World War Two ended. He talks about his guard duties in Italy. He describes the black markets and his guard tower. He discuses his relationships with other soldiers. He explains how he was discharged. Koyano…

Koyano talks about training soldiers in the 171st unit. He describes his wartime mementos and his attempts to readjust to his family life. He shares his feelings about being drafted. He discusses his marriage. He talks about moving to California and…

Koyano talks about the impact of his military experiences. He reflects on his Japanese American identity. He leaves a message to his family. He discusses the 442nd Memorial and his education. He describes his civic engagement activities.

Kozono discusses his experiences growing up in rural farming community outside of Sacramento. He talks about his home life and how he and his 6 sisters worked on the family farm. He also discusses how his parents dealt with obstacles to land…

Kozono discusses his experience getting drafted, and put in military reserves, before the Pearl Harbor attack. he also discusses how in the aftermath of the attack he and his family were classified at aliens and had to relocate to Tule Lake…

Kozono talks about his deployment to the Philippines after the war ended as part of the "Luzon POW Processing Team". As a staff sergeant, and due to his limited ability to speak Japanese, he often had his team conduct interviews while managed the…

Kozono mostly talks about his life after he was discharged from the army and returned home to his parents in Sacramento area. Later he married and established his own family. However, he also discusses the different kinds of POWs he encountered and…

Kubo begins the interview talking about his family background, starting with his grandparents and then talking about his parents who met in the United States as his mother was a picture bride. At the age of four, he would move to Japan, to go to…

Kubo talks about his whereabouts during the attacks on Pearl Harbor, coming home from work and soon after, reporting to the draft board for induction. He would join the Army, and begin learning the general orders, heading to Camp Robinson in Arkansas…

After his language training, Kubo would be shipped overseas, first going to Angel Island near San Francisco, where they would prepare for the long journey ahead. They would head out on a 50-day boat ride to Brisbane, Australia, getting sick and…

Kubo continues talking about his experiences in the Pacific Theater, including making sukiyaki in Luzon using meat and K rations. Shortly after, the end of the war would occur and his team would be moved to Fukuoka in Japan. There, he would be able…

Kubo narrates as the camera pans through all of his medals and awards that were received throughout his military life, including a Bronze Star and a combat infantryman badge. After this, he looks through various pictures, including one with his old…

At this point in the interview, Kubo is joined by his wife, Misao Kubo. They talk about their marriage and family background, Misao's career work as a designer and living in Boyle Heights. Next, they talk about the importance of passing on the…

Kubota discusses his prefecture origin and his Issei parents coming to Hawaii from Japan. Kubota's Father is contact to work in Hawaii for a few months but ends up staying longer to pay off his Brother's debt. Kubota recalls his childhood and his…

Kubota discusses harvesting pineapples and working at a bakery after high school graduation. On December 7, 1941 Kubota is teaching Sunday School when Pearl Harbor is bombed. He recalls the black armbands and combat troop recruitment. Kubota passes…

Kubota discusses changing from 442nd Regimental Combat Team to Military Intelligence Service. Arriving at Camp Savage, the camp is surrounded by riflemen and explains the reason of racism. Kubota discusses language school, Language Officers and going…

Kubota discusses going to Asia and wartime experiences in India, China, and Burma. In Burma he encounters funny situations with civilians. While in China, he gets word that Japan surrenders. Towards the end of the war, he is protected by Japanese…

Kubota discusses Major Stanley Uno and reuniting with his Brother. During the war, Kubota encounters a Chinese girl and shares his interactions of helping her. In 1946 Kubota is discharge and returns back to Hawaii. His family later finds out that he…

Kubota discusses meeting his wife and being married for 45 years. Post-war, Kubota and his wife move to California where he finds a job at the VA Hospital in West Los Angeles. He works for teh VA Hospital for 25 years before retiring. Kubota and his…

Kubota discusses his Father immigration from Hiroshima, Japan. His Father is able to come to the United States in 1903 through sponsorship of his own Father. He works on the plantation before returning to Japan to marry his Mother. His parents…

Kubota discusses his decision to enlist. At the beginning of the war, non-citizens are barred from enlisting due to the enemy alien law. Kubota first learns about the Nisei Regiment Formation assembly from Japanese Community Leaders and decides to…

Kubota discusses meeting Sus Oshabata at basic training. The two becomes friends when Sus takes care of Kubota when he is sick. In mid-training Sus is selected as jeep driver and goes to a different company. After the war, they remain friends even…

Kubota discusses about digging a trenches for sleeping during wartime and how he suffers from a back injury. In the Vosges Mountain, soldiers are afraid of tree burst from shrapnel. So the trenches are covered to protect them from danger. In the…

Kubota discusses about that during the Lost Battalion Rescue mission, he is in hospital for his leg injury.

After the Lost Battalion rescue, Kubota rejoins I Company on November 3 when he hears the company is getting ready to head south for…

Kubota discuss sharing war experiences as a Scout Master at camp with children. He would tell the kids the funny experiences from the war.

Another way that Kubota shares his war experiences is in the I Company book. In 1943, Kubota goes to have…

Kubota discusses his war memorabilia: invasion money printed by US military; war patches; tissue from ration; infantry badges; and war photographs.

Kubota discusses his family and growing up in Kailua. He details about Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. Kubota also discusses enlisting into the service and his experiences Camp Shelby. Kubota gives insight about being wounded.

Kubota discusses about his time in Atlantic City after returning home. He details about using the G.I. Bill and the benefits he has received. Kubota also discusses the legacy of Nisei veterans.

Kudo discusses about his family and growing up in Hawaii. He details about Pearl Harbor and volunteering for the Army. Kudo also discusses about his experiences at Camp Shelby, heading overseas, and arriving in Italy.

Kudo discusses about his experiences in the European Theater and how he received the Bronze Star. He details about his life after discharge and his family. Kudo also gives a message to future generation and discusses about his political career.

Harry Kuga begins the interview speaking about his family background and living in Wyoming and Colorado. His mother would run a popular Japanese restaurant, while he and his siblings attended school, Japanese language school and played sports. During…

Kuga speaks about how he was drafted into the Army and began his basic training at Camp Shelby in Mississippi. While there, he made friends with many Hawaiian soldiers, visited Rohwer concentration camp, and boxed. Next, he discusses various Japanese…

Kuga continues his interview speaking about the medals and awards that were given throughout the war. Next, he speaks about his marriage and career backgrounds, including working for the NRA. After this he speaks about the impact that the niseis have…

Kuida begins the interview by giving brief introduction into his family background and growing up in Gardena, including Japanese language school and household decor. Next, he begins his background on his mother and father, both of whom immigrated…

Kuida discusses his schooling and education while living in Gardena. While a junior in high school, the Pearl Harbor attacks occurred which changed things for his family. Hours after Pearl Harbor, his mother was picked up by the FBI as a detainee…
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