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Foote discusses his experiences after the Gothic Line surrender: taking in German troops as prisoners of war (POWs); duties after European surrender. He gives particular detail on the various minefields he and his troop encountered. He also mentions…

Foote discusses about Pearl Harbor and his early military experiences. He details about going overseas, being assigned to the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and his experiences in them. Foote also discusses about the realities of war, communication,…

Foote starts the discussion recounting two Nisei Veteran reunions honoring Yuri Kochiyama and Ted Tanouye. Later he gives some details about his experiences on The Gothic Line: what German tactics were used, help from Partisans, and American tactics.…

Foote discusses his family and childhood. He details about his schooling. Foote also discusses about his social awareness while growing up.

Endo shows and describes photographs in a scrapbook during his time in Europe as a medic. Photographs depict fellow soldiers, a first aid station, medical supply truck, the 232nd Combat Engineer Company, experiences during the Gothic Line, and other…

Endo discusses his experiences while applying to work at UCLA; talks about visiting California prior to moving back there and seeing his mentors again; and talks about working at UCLA and getting transferred to work at University of California,…

Endo discusses his experiences at University of Florence learning about Italian culture; talks about returning to the United States; and discusses marching in a parade in Washington D.C. He then talks about getting discharged and going back to…

Endo discusses his thoughts about serving in the Army and with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team; and talks about being stationed with the 92nd Infantry Division. He then discusses a fellow medic; talks about his relationship with fellow soldiers; and…

Endo discusses his truck driving assignment in basic training; shows and describes photographs of his family; and discusses his experiences at Camp Blanding during basic training. He then talks about reporting to Camp Shelby and his duties there as…

Endo discusses working for a family in Philadelphia; talks about a scholarship he received to attend a Quaker high school; discusses the childhood car accident he was in; and talks about the attack on Pearl Harbor and aftermath which included…

Endo discusses the reasons why he changed his last name to his mother's maiden name; and talks about his parents and grandparents including disucssing his grandparents immigration and his parents employment. He then talks about a fatal car accident…


Arakaki discusses being five points short of being able to go home at the end of the war, so he stayed in Europe and visited Switzerland, Venice, and Rome. He then talks about going to the Mainland and his experiences in New York before going back to…

Arakaki discusses his experiences at Camp Hood and what it was like being a replacement for the 100th Infantry Battalion. He then talks about his assignment on KP (kitchen patrol) duty, going to Chicago while on a furlough, and what it was like…

Arakaki discusses discrimination faced by Japanese Americans in Hawaii in regards to employment before World War Two, and his employment as a hoist operator at a trucking company. He then talks about his experiences during the attack on Pearl Harbor…

Arakaki provides an explanation of the meaning of Nisei and Issei, and discusses his parents immigrating from Okinawa to Hawaii, where they worked on a plantation. He then talks about his upbringing-discussing discipline and household chores,…

Aoki gives a message to future generations. He also plays his harmonica.

Aoki discusses working with prisoners of war (POW) and his employment once the war was over. He details about his family and children. Aoki also discusses how he met his wife.

Aoki discusses his experiences in Mississippi. He details about his combat experiences. Aoki also discusses about getting demoted, injured, and his experiences in Cleveland.

Aoki discusses his family and childhood growing up in Hawaii, He details about moving to California and being drafted. Aoki also discusses about Pearl Harbor, its aftermath, and his experiences in Wisconsin.

Tanna discusses about visiting American Concentration Camps. He details about his post-war life and his family. Tanna also discusses about Bill Oda.

Tanna discusses about the lighter sides of war and the Lost Battalion. He details about the Champagne Campaign. Tanna also discusses about his experiences with an Italian family, his squad mates, brother, and returning home.

Tanna discusses about his experiences in Naples and Europe. He details about the relationship between soldiers and role as a machine gunner.

Tanna discusses about the aftermath from Pearl Harbor. He details joining the Army and experiences in Mississippi. Tanna also discusses about basic training, the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and his journey to Europe.

Tanna discusses about his life after high school and baseball. He details about discrimination and geopolitics. Tanna also discusses about his family, Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath.

Tanna discusses about his family and career aspirations. He describes Honolulu growing up. Tanna also discusses about his schooling and best childhood memories.

Tanna discusses about his family. He details about his childhood. Tanna also discusses about baseball.


Photo of two soldiers walking on a dusty road to Seoul

Photo of a road with a car and bike in the distance

Photo of a road leading to Kapyong from Seoul

Photo of a rocky riverbed

Photograph of a river and a bridge.

Blurry photo of a river with a bridge in the background

Tanaka discusses his military experiences in Occupied Japan. He talks about cave flushing, working in Saipan, and sightseeing in Japan during his off time. He also talks about his return to Hawaii and his military discharge.

R. Tanaka discusses his experiences in Occupied Japan. He talks about interpreting assignments he had and interactions with Japanese citizens. He also talks about visits with relatives in Fukuoka both as a child and during his furlough in Occupied…

Tsuda talks about the Po Valley campaign and where he was when he hard that the war was over. During this time, he would get hepatitis and be forced to spend a month in the hospital before being able to leave and come back to the United States. Once…

After the campaigns in Italy, Tsuda's unit would move into Southern France, where they would be involved in more combat, including a mortar barrage that wounded him with shrapnel into his hip. He would head to the hospital and stay there for a short…

Tsuda talks about his campaign experiences, starting with Anzio, where he would experience his first combat, and was involved in a very difficult barrage in a wheat field. The unit would move up from Anzio to Civitavecchia, and then to Belvedere.…

Tsuda discusses meeting up with the 100th Infantry Battalion once arrived in Italy. He would be assigned to a rifle company, even though he was trained as a heavy weapons expert. After this, they would march to Anzio. While there, he would get his…

Tsuda discusses his family religion and the untimely death of his father while he was away in Kahuku. He also talks about his brother that was already in the 100th infantry and his progressions to get there. After this, he talks about his journey to…

Tsuda begins the interview with a brief introduction of himself and his parents. After this, he talks about what it was like to grow up in Honolulu, living in Haleiwa on a pineapple cannery. He would enjoy attending Japanese language school and would…

Watada discusses how the legacy of 442nd Regimental Combat Team proves that the Japanese Americans are Americans. After the contribution of the Nisei soldiers there is better treatment of Japanese Americans for the future. Watada can see the…

Watada discusses how the aerial tactics is helpful in clearing the grounds for the United States soldiers to advance forward in combat. Whereas the German soldiers did not have planes to assist them.

Watada notice progress is happening on the…

Watada discusses events after basic training, he gets to go on furlough before going overseas. He returns to Granada (Amache) to see his family.

Watada goes overseas on the Queen Mary and lands in France. After the rescue of the Los Battalion,…

Watada discusses life at camp consist of working during the day, meals in the mess hall, and socializing in the recreation hall. Watada works in the warehouse and working in the silk screen shop printing silk screen posters with slogans. Watada's…

Watada discusses his Father's personality. Synonymous with Japanese identity and values, there are responsibilities; however, Watada's Father different. As an Issei he speaks English and associates with younger people. This is culturally…

Watada discusses his prefecture origin and familial description. Watada is born on December 21, 1923 in Los Angeles, CA. Watada's Father, Jay Watada is from Japan and immigrates to the United States with his Father. They both come in hopes to make…

Same as part 4

Tochihara discusses a couple of soldiers that he knew and talks about the various medals he received for his time overseas, including a Purple Heart. Next, he talks a little bit more about his war experiences, including going AWOL, but not getting…

Following the American concentration camps in Idaho, Tochihara would volunteer for the Army, wanting to fight for the country he was born and raised in. After a 30 day furlough, he would begin his basic training at Camp Shelby as a replacement for…

Tochihara discusses his whereabouts when first hearing of the attacks on Pearl Harbor. As he had dropped out of high school, he was working and he would continue working until the very last second when he would be forced to leave to Puyallup assembly…

Tochihara begins the interview talking about his family and how they came from Kumamoto prefecture in Japan to Seattle, Washington. He would work as a school boy for a family near his school and would be sent to Japan for a short time to learn…


Saito talks about the food supply that the Japanese civilians had access to. He continues to explain how he helped civilians. He explains the United States Military's reliance on Nisei soldiers. He describes how he interpreted Japanese. He discusses…

Saito and the interviewers introduce themselves. Saito talks about his parent's immigration. He discusses his father's values. He talks about the languages spoken in his home. He describes volunteering for military service. He discusses his cultural…


Nakamura gives a message to his family. He gives his closing remarks and relatives that served in the military. Nakamura also discusses photographs.

Nakamura discusses about his family in Japan, visiting Hiroshima, and his experiences in Japan. He details about coming home, going to college, and his career. Nakamura also discusses about his wife, baseball, and gives a message to future…

Nakamura discusses about his experiences at Fort Snelling and traveling. He details about his assignment and experiences in post-war Japan. Nakamura also discusses about his family in Japan.

Nakamura discusses about sports, religion, career aspirations, and attending college. He details about Peal Harbor, its aftermath, and details about the events before military service. Nakamura also discusses about getting drafted, going to Camp…

Nakamura discusses about his family and childhood. He details about food and his family home. Nakamura also discusses about friends, his neighborhood, and schooling.

Richard Miyashiro leaning against a building, illegible sign behind him.

Richard Miyashiro in Vada. Buildings and hills in far background.

Richard Miyashiro and Hiro [Hiroshi] Mizuki.

Kosaki continues his discussion on his time in occupied Japan. He speaks about how he was able to travel through different areas of Japan, such Hiroshima and Kochi, where he had family. Next, he talks about his other assignments and duties which were…

Kosaki begins the interview speaking about his childhood and schooling in Hawaii, attending Japanese language school in Waikiki. Next, he jumps into his whereabouts during the attacks on Pearl Harbor. After spending some time at the University of…

Furukawa discusses his experiences and assignments in Manila, Philippines and post-war Japan. While in the Philippines he met General Yamashita; while in Japan he visited with relatives. Furukawa also talks about how he met his wife and their…

Furukawa talks about his experiences and recollections regarding his draft into military service, race relations between Caucasians and Japanese Americans before and after the attack on Pearl Harbor, and his recruitment and training in MISLS. He also…

Furukawa talks about his childhood growing up in Missouri and California, and differences in race relations between the two states. He describes his parents backgrounds, and shares how his older brother did not move to America with his parents and…

In the final part of his interview, Richard Narasaki shares his message to future generations on the importance of education and perseverance. He also implores youths to remember the impact that the 442 had and to take advantage of the opportunities…

Narasaki continues his interview by sharing the first time he used his rifle in combat, and the conditions the soldiers endured. He also recounts hearing about the end of the war and earning enough points to return home. Finally, Narasaki tells us…

Narasaki describes his embarkation and the journey across Europe to meet up with the 442nd Infantry Regiment. He recounts moments from combat including his first time using his rifle and the realization that German and US soldiers were similar.…

Narasaki recalls his time at Tanforan Detention Center and tells us about his job washing dishes and the music and recreational activities. He recounts the journey to Topaz Internment Camp and the living conditions. He also describes the rift the…

In this interview, Richard "Dick" Narasaki shares his childhood battle with tuberculosis and the loss of several members of his family to the disease, living with his grandparents in Santa Clara, and attending high school. He also recounts hearing…

Naito shares his experience of being denied membership in the VFW organization due to his Japanese descent. He also discusses the benefits of being in a segregated unit. He further shares recollections of his travels to Asia post-war and how Asian…

Naito shares recollections of cultural tensions between Hawaiian and mainland soldiers during basic training; and overall race relations during the era. He also discusses his battle experience and what it was like to get wounded in combat. He also…

Naito discusses his experiences living in Kent, Washington before and up to the attack on Pearl Harbor. He grew up on a farm and married a German-American woman, these events made an impact on his internment experiences. He also discusses his…

Photo of rice paddies

Photo of a rice dealer in Kapyong

Photo of soldiers returning to Chuncheon with their bags
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